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File: 32 KB, 600x600, 36351-0w600h600_Toki_Japanese_Whisky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17515085 No.17515085 [Reply] [Original]

what is japanese whiskey like?

>> No.17515097

Decent quality. Suntory is cheap glenlivet tier

>> No.17515102

it ain't that color on the shelf

>> No.17515103

oh i just picked a random image, i have no clue about their whiskey, i've just heard japanese whiskey is a bit like bourbon in that its sweet and smooth, but it sounds appealing with the floral and fruity aspects
whats a good one if i like orange type flavors

>> No.17515108

Good but not worth the upcharge. I got a bottle of Suntory for around $30, was a very light and crisp whiskey. Don't think I'd buy it again though. Kind of reminded me of a lightwood while normally whiskey reminds me of something like oak

>> No.17515130

It's like what you'd get if you ordered "whiskey" from a star trek replicator.

>> No.17515139

very good quality but not what you're looking for if you're into rough, peaty or smoky flavours.
they like their whisky just like they like society in general; clean, neat, no impurities

>> No.17515141

it's decent but scottish and irish whiskey are good too and half the price

>> No.17515170

Pretty smooth. At least Tenjaku was.

>> No.17515213

It's just like scotch, a lot of Japanese whiskey also includes scotch because it got so popular they ran out of aged stocks, they also have no definition of Whiskey in Japan so they don't have to tell you if it was distilled in Japan or another country.

>> No.17515223

This has changed recently, 'Japanese whisky' needs to be distilled in Japan now.

>> No.17515251

but they dont really call it japanese whiskey, they just call it whiskey and put their fancy calligraphy on it, its not really a trademark
i've also heard much of their whiskies could be called bourbons anyways because they use a lot of corn to make it smooth

>> No.17515300

Never liked the damn synthohol..

>> No.17515370

From my understanding it's voluntary, it's not enforced by the government. They can still call Whiskey not completely produced in Japan Japanese whiskey, though there is now a list of products which voluntarily list online if it's completely produced in Japan or not but I don't think it's listed on the bottle.

>> No.17515375
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>> No.17515534

Rye > Scotch > irish whiskey > bourbon > japanese """whiskey"""

>> No.17516606
File: 1.48 MB, 997x5734, japanese-whisky-fakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many "Japanese" whiskies are rebranded imports, see pic.

>> No.17516755

toki is shit, it's incredibly lackluster

>> No.17516756

Paul John Nirvana

>> No.17516781

not as smoky as scotch.

>> No.17516842

That one is shit but >>17515097 is a fucking retard considering Suntory makes a retarded number of different whiskeys. Their low to medium tier are objectively garbage though.

>> No.17517208

Overpriced and full of shit, for those that think we owe the japs something for sneak attacking Pearl. They can fuck off and no rememberance of history.
I don't owe the japs jack shit for them attacking the USA.
They got what they deserved.

>> No.17517235

It has an oaky afterbirth

>> No.17517260

That might be a decent Hollywood movie:

>> No.17517278

It's not that great. A lot of it is blended whiskey. Cheap Japanese whiskey is better than cheap US whiskey, but expensive US whiskey is better than expensive Japanese whiskey.

>> No.17517554

the US literally ignored Japan's warnings of attack.

>> No.17517648

Nuke em again

>> No.17517662

I don’t know. I only buy American. Not giving those filthy nips my money

>> No.17517670

It's not like bourbon at all
Star Trek had the ability to capture the electrochemical state that constituted consciousness and reconstruct it perfectly thousands of miles away, the whole "synthehol" thing was a lame plot point invented to give scotty a reason to sound like a curmudgeon that didn't clash with the woke sensitivities of TNG. Luckily DS9 cleaned up and modernized these attitudes and we got Miles O'Brian who was arguably the best and most underappreciated character in the show

Most scotch whisky isn't "rough", it's just that zoomer tryhards usually start sperging over muh lafroog the first time they lay hands on it because they think it makes them sound like connoisseurs

>> No.17517673

kys autist

>> No.17517679
File: 2.86 MB, 1200x1080, nice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I kill myself when there's so many zoomer incels turning themselves into thots for the pleasure of older men? We live in times far more wonderful than Star Trek writers ever dreamed of.

Also food and cooking.

>> No.17517701

>Toki is shit
You’re probably drinking it wrong, dumbass.

>> No.17517791
File: 1.69 MB, 3088x2543, C3600951-4A1E-457A-9BDC-6B0F5BD4D828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've also heard much of their whiskies could be called bourbons
>because throwing in some corn is all it takes
Curious where you’ve “heard” any Japanese whiskies could be called bourbons.
Plus, bourbon is literally the last thing Japan has any need to produce. Suntory owns Jim Beam; it’s all over the place in stores and on menus.

>> No.17517800

>suntory owns jim beam and makers mark
huh thats news to me, interesting

>> No.17517812

Bullshit, they were trying to take over everything around them, and Australia would have been next on their target list if we hadn't embargoed those sneak attack insect bastards.

>> No.17518225


>> No.17518238

The whisky in your picture is garbage, tastes like cheap scotch

>> No.17518244

Reading comprehension

>> No.17518250

It tastes exactly like scotch but you pay triple. They try to larp as scotch, simple as.

>> No.17518252

What's your point? Are you stating that the jap imperial forces were not going to target Australia and New Zealand? You must be fucking naive or something.

>> No.17518254

I have a bottle of Hibiki. Good, easy to drink, not worth the cost. At least it’s not like scotch where if you pay more you get more band aid flavor.

>> No.17518388

See >>17517701
don’t blame the whiskey for retarded user error.

>> No.17518418

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.17518488

For me, it's difficult understanding people such as you that blame the USA fpr all of your problems and getting involved with WW II.
Perhaps your conspiracy nuts but that's not been proven out. the japs and germans were out to carve out the world between the two of them, UN forces with a lot of allies put a stop to it. We really don't like people like you telling us what to do.
How about piss off?

>> No.17518513

Be thankful that you're not goosestepping like a moron right now, idiots such as you have no sence of history and are sad, totally sad.

>> No.17518583

If you like fruitier whiskeys the nikka yoichi unpeated single malt was absolutely delicious. Very unique taste and aroma.

>> No.17518690
File: 153 KB, 746x1080, 1637884248973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy Japanese whiskey
>drink Japanese whiskey
>"Hmm, now I know what Japanese whiskey tastes like!"

>> No.17518694

The jap stuff lacks soul like the insect people that make it. The japs will never be able to make a proper American rye or bourbon , they might buy some companies like suntory does but that doesn't make them a producer.

>> No.17518731

the way you drink it isnt magically going to make it taste good retard, it should taste good for it's price level without needing to come up with some bullshit
i think jim beam is more on your level

>> No.17518782

How do I get a zoomer sexpet

>> No.17518796
File: 536 KB, 900x573, sea_monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into some Sea Monkeys, you can watch them frolic and play.

>> No.17518823

Like whisky you got back in the 70s middle eastern speakeasy out of a teapot

>> No.17518840

No they are copy cats of non-peated scotch.

>> No.17518848

Tastes like diet No4. Still good.

>> No.17518855

>t. Doesn’t know jack shit about a whiskey, bought it anyway, did it wrong, and complains
>m-muh Jim Beam lol checkmate
Okay, keep insulting others for your own lack of knowing things. :)

>> No.17519015
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>> No.17519042

Avoid it like the plague. It became popular when Suntory started winning awards at scotch competitions, but the distilleries weren't big enough to handle the demand. Now they're rushing young age statements out the door and even the 12+ year variants are cutting corners. It will likely be another 10 years before anything gets uncorked worth a damn again.

>> No.17519081

Um, it’s Toki.
I think you’re confusing it with some other Suntory whiskies.

>> No.17519112

You couldn't be more wrong. American whisky dominates the bottom shelf price bracket and is shit above that. Japanese whisky is basically absent from the bottom shelf, so there's not even competition.

>> No.17519117

They took the Philippines, which was American territory. Imagine getting surprised 2 years into a world war.

>> No.17519133

Rough describes boozy trash, high abv, smoky, spicy, etc. Plenty of whisky is rough.

>> No.17519150

By American law it doesn't even require corn, it just needs to be intended for export. There actually have been a few instances of Bourbon being made outside of USA. They get pissy, but American law doesn't require it to, trade agreements do.

>> No.17519160

Why is the can in the foreground mirrored?

>> No.17519209

They're cutting corners with Toki, too

>> No.17519455

>For me, it's difficult understanding people such as you that blame the USA fpr all of your problems and getting involved with WW II.
Are you ok grandpa? Jane Fonda got you down?

t. not the guy you're arguing with

>> No.17519461

I’m not sure what you’re point is; law or not, bourbon is bourbon. It has a definition. If you don’t make it like bourbon, it won’t taste like bourbon.
Can you please give an example of a Japanese “bourbon”?

>> No.17519463

weebs are not good at art

>> No.17519529
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, E8FF05D4-95C5-4E6F-99D4-A93653C66AEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?
It’s the North American export equivalent of Suntory “Kakubin”.
It isn’t meant to be a “fine” whiskey of any sort. It’s meant to be consumed in the form of the Suntory Highball or “Kaku Highball”. Pic related, had it at a kushikatsu shop in Namba, Osaka.
Nobody in Japan drinks Kakubin as a stand-alone whiskey, except for maybe alcoholics.
But at the same time, other Japanese whiskeys don’t work for a “Kaku Highball”. It has a distinct flavor.
Kakubin isn’t available in NA. We get Toki instead.
But its place is still in a Suntory Highball. Not neat, or on the rocks.

>> No.17519666

It’s meant for highballs.

>> No.17519676

It's folded over 1000 times.

>> No.17519858

>Most scotch whisky isn't "rough
i agree
but if you're comparing it to japanese whisky the difference is night and day.
japan is a culture that 99% drinks whisky with soda water and a squeeze of lemon while eating fried chicken with their coworkers.
they're 100% only interested in a smooth, clean and refreshing taste and arent interested in smoky/peaty flavours at all

>> No.17519860

man i miss paying $4.50 for a fucking 500mL or 1L jug of whisky highball.
you leave japan thinking you're done with the place and set up a new life back overseas and it's so depressing to see bars charge $12 for opening a bottle of fucking Heineken and a single glass of whisky costing almost as much as a full bottle

>> No.17519862

Most adults anywhere on earth aren't into smoke bombs once they get over the novelty. It's a gimmick that's fun for about 1 bottle and then you get over it.

>> No.17519868

jap laws prohibits blatantly showing brands or labels in anime etc, so they make minor adjustments to get away with it.
thats why anime is filled with so many shitty McDonalds knockoffs

>> No.17519959

Hanoi Jane and Ted Turner are jokes, ever watch CNN? See them at night when they specify "LIVE" as always when it's clearly a repeat from earlier or looking at the background the lighting isn't right. Nobody calls them out on their bullshit, if they get away with shit like that it makes me wonder what else aka bullshit is going on there.

>> No.17519962

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17519988

> See them at night when they specify "LIVE" as always when it's clearly a repeat from earlier or looking at the background the lighting isn't right. Nobody calls them out on their bullshit, if they get away with shit like that it makes me wonder what else aka bullshit is going on there.
So let me get this straight. You watch CNN over and over again, to the point where you notice if it's on loop, and you think OTHER people are NPCs?

LMAO @ your life

>> No.17520063

I really don't watch it but there are times when commercials are on other channels and I channel surf so to speak, it could be late at night when maybe I've already heard of something or they're clearly showing something that CNN claims to be live during daylight in another part of the world when that part of the world is in nighttime, darkness.

LMAO at you for believing everything that you're told by CNN you sucker.

>> No.17520166
File: 196 KB, 1165x720, 86434649-EFB6-4B0F-BA40-E4E92D395614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be a faggot retard.
Western shows do the same thing unless a brand pays for product placement.
And anime happily features brands who do the same.

>> No.17520213

Grandpa, nobody under 55 watches TV at all. Did you confuse 4chan for your sunday bingo group?

>> No.17520226

That's special, I'm sure under 55 and am not exposed to as many commercials as you suckers are.

>> No.17520243

I've had that one, it tasted like average single malt scotch. not bad, not great. appropriate for its price. but I also don't particularly care for scotch so I don't have a 'refined palette'

>> No.17520268

I cant drink suntory whiskey ever again. the last time I drank it was at a bar in Yokohama. I bought everyone at the bar a shot of jack daniels, then a random japanese dude bought me a shot of this in thanks. For some reason, it just didnt sit right and I walked outside and painted the fence with it. It's a very strange taste. Just buy Makers Mark.

>> No.17520276 [DELETED] 

>I'm sure under 55
You sure don't talk like you are. What's your excuse for watching hours and hours of CNN every day?
>am not exposed to as many commercials as you suckers are.
Grandpa doesn't know what an adblocker is, how quaint

>> No.17520283
File: 61 KB, 720x480, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__liquor__2017__03__22153225__the-amazing-art-of-the-japanese-highball-marguin-highball-720x480-inline-aef75cfac474441e8f9f7040994a7354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I miss Whiskey Highballs in Japan, so tasty

>> No.17520297

maybe the reason it didnt sit right was because you were doing shots

>> No.17520312

yeah. but that's the only time in my life i've ever puked after doing one. If someone can shoot any other liquor you arent really supposed to, and not shoot this, something is wrong. I can't explain it.

>> No.17520315

like poopypoopy poo

>> No.17520338

>35$ whiskey needs to be mixed with soda to be good
good meme

>> No.17520375

It’s literally for those who want that drink.
Don’t be upset because you didn’t know what it was for.
If you don’t want it, it’s not for you. And if you bought it, you’re a pants-shitting retard who probably posts those “I just bought X what do I do with it?” threads on this board.

>> No.17520469

i never bought it, i'm just the op, and why the fuck would i want to spend decent money for a mixer drink
i'll just get a nice bourbon instead

>> No.17520497

>why would I want to spend money on something when I can get a totally different something
Keep me posted

>> No.17520503

you're buying overpriced whiskey to make soda

>> No.17520822

Thanks. Saved.

>> No.17520992

American whiskey>irish whiskey>scotch>my own cum> asian whiskey

>> No.17521270

Scotch>>> all other whiskey

>> No.17521314


>> No.17521431


>> No.17521463

It’s whisky that larps as scotch.

>> No.17521711

i can't argue this

>> No.17521876

What's 'world' whisky?

>> No.17521883

Indian Scotch >>> all other whiskey.