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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17513436 No.17513436 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/‘s opinion on eggs Benedict? I’ve been making it a lot at home recently and I really love it. Would you use bacon or ham? Store bought hollandaise or make your own? Delicious? Or overrated?

>> No.17513528

eggs benedict

>> No.17513538
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if you use store boughtpowdered hollandaise you are a cooklet and should immediately end your life. this is non negotiable

>> No.17513564

Yawn. I’m not a great cook which is why I’m planning to make my own next time. You sound very tough though.

>> No.17513603

I have a friend who refuses to eat it unless he can substitute bearnaise for the hollandaise

>> No.17513787

That seems like an odd choice. Once I only had bernaise and it wasn’t great. Just doesn’t have the same combination of flavours.

>> No.17514333

>Would you use bacon or ham?
back bacon which is basically ham. smoked salmon good. did it with a crab cake once, was great
>store bought hollandaise or make your own
make your own, it's easy

>> No.17514771

It's my favorite breakfast, but I never make it. Prefer to just get it if I go to a nice restaurant in the morning.

>> No.17515215
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Eggs Benedict is one of the great culinary inventions imo. I’d use gam but bacon could be good, I’ve never tried it with bacon. Also, melted American cheese instead of hollandaise sauce, and some ranch dipping sauce, omg so good

>> No.17515234
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>Also, melted American cheese instead of hollandaise sauce, and some ranch dipping sauce, omg so good

>> No.17515241

They are good but I prefer eggs royale (salmon instead of ham)

>> No.17515245

Everyone's talking about subbing out the meat, and that conversation should continue, but what about replacing the english muffin sith something else?

>> No.17515247

I like to braise the English muffin in fish oil

>> No.17515250

my breakfast of choice if im treating myself, but rarely make it seeing as it has enough calories to sink a battleship

>> No.17515263

God tier dish, I only bother making it for four+ people though. Are you making it for one?


>> No.17515291
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I’ve seen it on French bread instead of English muffins

>> No.17515296

This looks good, flatbreads in general seem like they woukd work well
Seems like it would be too hard

>> No.17515305
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> melted American cheese
Do you mean cheese whiz? With cheese whiz instead of hollandaise sauce is god tier

>> No.17515309

It's weird, everytime I've tried making hollandaise I get the consistency right, but it always ends up tasting like sour butter.

>> No.17515319

Smoked salmon benidict. Only time i'll go out for breakfast.

>> No.17515333

it’s probably top 3 breakfasts of all time. It’s fantastic but I’m scared to make my own hollandaise

>> No.17515345

>eggs Benedict
>huevos rancheros
>biscuits and gravy
This is the top 3

>> No.17515441
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Not to derail the thread too much but what other breakfast options do you faggots consider as contenders?

>> No.17515452

It's good but it's just redneck chow but with a name that makes people think it's sophisticated
if it were a thing at mcdonalds called the mctangsauce fat black women would buy it and /ck/ would fall all over each other calling it BPA seed oil poison

>> No.17515458


>> No.17515542

Hahaha that may be true but thankfully it has a wonderfully posh name and is slightly harder to make than your average breakfast so it has that positive reputation.

>> No.17515557
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I do make it for one yeah. I was mostly just learning to make it for fun because I was stuck at home and figured I may as well use my mum’s god tier kitchen.

Pic related. I the hollandaise is store bought and it’s not the most aesthetically pleasing I know. But it was bloody delicious so who cares.

>> No.17515617

how do i poach eggs bros?

>> No.17515620

I cheat and fry the eggs

>> No.17515642

Good times. My main issue is it's more processes than I can be fucked with in the morning and the minimum amount of hollandaise dictated by a single egg yolk is too much.

>> No.17515671

It took me a while to get it right but my chef friend taught me.

Get a decent sized pot and fill quite high with water you’ve boiled from the kettle. Turn the heat to full until it starts bubbling and steaming, then turn the heat down to medium so that you can see small bubbles coming up to the surface.

Now you want to add just a small dash of white wine vinegar. This step is optional but it helps to keep the eggs and the white together in the shape you want. Then what you want to do just before cracking the eggs in there is to create a swirl. Just swirl the water around to get a little vortex going, this step is also optional but I think it helps.

Now you just need to time it right. From my experience you want anything from 2-3.5 minutes. 2 minutes will produce a very runny egg and there’s more risk of it breaking, 3.5 and it’ll be quite a hard yolk. I usually try for around 2.5. Also get one of those spoons with the holes in it so you can pick up the eggs and drain the water more easily. I think it’s called a slotted spoon. I hope that helps. Other anons may not agree but the method works well for me.

>> No.17515676

Yeah I’m looking forward to trying out making my own hollandaise. I used store bought in the pic and it’s a rather expensive breakfast if you do it that way.

>> No.17515682
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thank you for the well thought out and detailed response my dude, I’ll try it out for breakfast tomorrow

>> No.17515719
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Benedict bros you're alright, have these phrases memorized by April

>> No.17515720
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No problem mate. My friends all joked at me so much for being too old to not know how to poach an egg, but fuck that, never too old to learn stuff.
I live a cafe that can make it well. Pic very much related. Had this in a lovely cafe this morning.

>> No.17516188

My favorite go-to fancy breakfast. I don't make it that often. I use back bacon, unless I can't find any good stuff then I might use side bacon. I use store powdered hollandaise because I've made it from scratch before and honestly didn't think it was any better. I probably couldn't tell the difference between store and home made in a blind test.

>> No.17516223

Probably because you're a tastelet. Well made hollandaise is superior in every way

>> No.17516316

Delicious, and I didn't even know you could buy hollandaise at a store. Seems a little odd to me.
I don't often make eggs benedict at home though. For me, it's the croque madame. It's very rich for breakfast food so I only ever make it for dinner.

>> No.17517209

Mine usually tastes too eggy

>> No.17517276

I was taught to make the hollandaise with a vinegar reduction and the flavour is so fucking strong. What's it like with lemon? I assume not lemony but more buttery.

>> No.17517509

Just to add, crack the egg into a bowl then gently slide it into the water. Also keep the water moving when you drop the egg for about a min or so, just enough to get the whites firmed up so they don't stick top the bottom