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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17511263 No.17511263 [Reply] [Original]

*makes your sandwich soggy*

>> No.17511269

also ruins your sandwich

>> No.17511291

This. I love a good tomato, but get this shit off my sandwhich and just offer a wedge as a side or something. Never understand why people feel the need to ruin sandwhichs by packing veggies on them. Just have a separate salad or something ffs.

>> No.17511295

t. children

>> No.17511341

*spams* haha, good thing Ck has no mods amirite!?!?!?!!!!?!?!!??!??

>> No.17511343

I dislike it because it destabilizes the sandwich and makes things slip around.

>> No.17511344

I think it might be good on a sub but if you're talking about typical sliced sandwich bread, yeah i might go without the tomatoes

>> No.17511351

you klow what's funny? science shows that 99% of gay men have had a tomoato. really, really makes you hink

>> No.17511356
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*makes your sandwich doggy*

>> No.17511362

Meds, now

>> No.17511363
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*makes your sandwich dodgy*

>> No.17511367
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*makes your sandwich Milwaukee*

>> No.17511386

Tomatoes are only good on sandwiches when they're thinly sliced, otherwise yes they very easily overpower it with moisture

>> No.17511401

yeah but so do sauces/condiments

>> No.17511407

I enjoy slice tomatoes on my sandwiches and burgers.

>> No.17511410
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Makes your sandwich froggy

>> No.17511416

Probably just Americans this time, it's pretty hard to get tomatoes that aren't shit tier in the states without growing your own.

>> No.17511466

You don't spin-dry your tomato slices in a salad spinner?

>> No.17511468

Every tomato in Europe taste like water. Absolutely flavorless. Even the fucking tomato on a Wendy’s sandwich has more flavor than the bland produce in Europe

>> No.17511534
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for me? it's the cherokee purple tomato. so meaty and so flavorful. I grow them every year.

>> No.17511540
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Brandywines are also a good choice

>> No.17511642
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how much fucking sauce are you using?

>> No.17511645

you just have to take solid, decisive bites all the way through it in one clean go and it's fine, bet you're the same kind of guy that complains that hard tacos shatter and spill everywhere

>> No.17511646
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>> No.17511671

Broken buck

>> No.17511677
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Beefsteak tomato

>> No.17511698
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chocolate stripe

>> No.17511710

Dry them with a paper towel . It's not really that hard .

>> No.17511712
File: 183 KB, 1200x628, Despite All The Rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardywire black
I gotta be the first to do it, stiff and black joke. I assume this is to advertise that they can grow with little support.

>> No.17511717

it's brandywine black

>> No.17511733

That is some cursive between the level of diner waitress and general practitioner.

>> No.17511752


>> No.17511755
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>he doesn't eat tomato sandwiches
zoomers are a lost cause.

>> No.17511787
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Kellogs breakfast tomato

>> No.17511793

*italian voice* makea you sanguich sawgee

>> No.17511818
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Constoluto Genovese
>urban retards have never had a real tomato

>> No.17511843


>> No.17511847

This is now a tomato lovers thread.

>> No.17511865
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garden sandwich

>> No.17511873
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>> No.17511879

> Not eating your sandwich fast enough

Learn to eat, dumbass.

>> No.17511881

Sun dried tomatoes are even better.

>> No.17511887
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black russian tomato

>> No.17511895

This is objectively the best tomato cultivar.

>> No.17511896

You realize tomatoes are native to America right? Come summer, the tomatoes are out of this world

>> No.17511907

he means that they only sell shit tomatoes at grocery stores.

>> No.17511923
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Great White

>> No.17511953
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German Johnson

>> No.17511967
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>> No.17511976

I kinda miss room-temperature backpack sandwiches with soggy flattened bread

>> No.17511986
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San Marzano

>> No.17512026

my grandpa used to eat tomato sandwiches all of the time, I think it's because he grew up during the great depression.

>> No.17512030

Damn I never wanted a tomato so bad before

>> No.17512063

why don't they sell these at the grocery store?

>> No.17512072

I don’t see the problem. I enjoy tomatoes for the texture not the flavor.

>> No.17512108

Sauce goes on the bread and hold the lettuce to the bread, sauce is clue, tomato is lubricant
>Hard tacos
Get the fuck off my board

>> No.17512124


>> No.17512133

So did my mom

>> No.17512146

Not the same thing and they no more mess than a filo pastry

>> No.17512168

Only if you're adding mealy grocery store tomatoes. They're not good on most sandwiches but they have a place.
These are so good.

>> No.17512183

Stop having shit tomatoes
Use thinner slices of tomatoes
Do not use unripe, even slightly yellowish or light red tomatoes. Only very red tomatoes.

t. protipper

>> No.17512187
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>Brandywine Pink blocks your path

>> No.17512214

they shouldn't even be allowed to call what fast food and grocery stores sell tomatos.

>> No.17512252
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>> No.17512283

that looks gross

>> No.17512352

if you like tomatoes, the darker the mater the better that flavor.

>> No.17512385

Normoids can't handle "weird looking" produce.

>> No.17512411

lol what a bunch of useless queers

>> No.17512458

these are delicious but they don't grow well where I am, I got like 3 last year. But one of them was like 2 lbs.

>> No.17512478

need to prune and test the pH of your soil. epsom salt works wonders with bone meal.

>> No.17512502

I dry mine off with a paper towel before putting them in the sandwich but I always feel like I’m wasting paper towels doing this also I’m trans by the way in case you weee wondering

>> No.17512511

most of the mass produced ones aren't ripe when they are picked so you end up with a tomato that hasn't developed the 'meat' around seeds, so it's just a bunch of big gaps of water in the seed areas, and so you also get a flavorless tomato that they use hydrogen to make green tomatoes look red.

>> No.17512542

not hydrogen, but ethylene gas. FDA approved ;)

>> No.17512551

They do at the grocery stores I go to. Be prepared to pay, though. Also check your local farmers markets.

>> No.17512556

they are probably locally grown, and farmers markets only grow things that can be sold in demand. very few people know about certain types of tomato, they just see a tomato and think they are all the same.

>> No.17512594
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Yeah, it’s crazy how good ripe heirloom tomatoes are and how shit regular ones are. Although, I have to say the multi-colored cherry tomatoes (red, purple, green, orange, yellow all together) at some upscale but not high end grocers (some Whole Foods, depending on location, etc) are actually pretty decent.

Last year we had some kind of medium-sized, bright yellow beautiful tomato pass through the farmers market in late summer. Like pic related but the smaller ones near the back. Absolutely incredible. I think /ck/ should start a running /spg/ Spectacular Produce General so local wins can be shared.

>> No.17512607

My mother will proudly boast about her homegrown produce looking more natural with its normal defects, but she'll also spend twenty minutes picking out the three most photogenic limes at the grocery store even though she's just going to end up zesting them and throwing them in the freezer to use in drinks.

>> No.17512608

yeah, I live in a short growing season at a high elevation and arid climate, but I have learned over the years what work and what don't, and use a plot for experiments. Where I am we are getting the most generic shit possible, outside of community and farmers markets.

>> No.17512614
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(pic representative of type of cherry tomatoes I was referring to)

>> No.17512622

Based, tomatoes are peak disgusting, whenever I get a burger or sandwich and it comes with tomato I make a point to not say no tomato so I can immediately rip it out from the bun and throw it at the nearest wall just to waste it

>> No.17512624
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You growing at all? Just planted jalapeno, serrano, am trying to resuscitate a Thai chili that did spectacularly last year but fizzled out, along with parsley, oregano, lemon thyme, and dill. Odd mix but I’m married and don’t really give a shit what we’re growing as long as it’s something interesting. Pic of the lemon thyme pre-planting and a few guava tree seedlings (a fucking moon shot, but they like my windowsill a lot).

>> No.17512625

I'm gay btw if that matterss

>> No.17512629

>a plot for experiments
Fuck me, missed that. Outdoor grower confirmed.

>> No.17512630
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yeah, I grow all sorts of shit every year, can it or freeze it. Started my bell peppers, habaneros, jalapenos, tomatoes, broccoli from seed a few days ago to plant in may.

>> No.17512641
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Huh. Funny anecdote: a few years ago the company I worked for got a contract to help a local farmer build and wire up a bunch of really fancy greenhouses. Apparently they were looking at expanding their business into a huge year-round venture. A couple years later now, and I'm seeing their products on the shelves of every grocery store, not just the upscale yuppie one.
They're not bad. I usually grow my own, but it's nice to get tomatoes in the winter.

>> No.17512644
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These are the best kept secret in mass market produce. I like to use them in this poorfriend clam linguine recipe

>> No.17512666

looks like a tropical fruit, wonder how it tastes.

>> No.17512672
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Proposal: /gsfm/ Growing Shit & Farmer’s Market General. Post things you’ve grown and/or your local farmers market hauls. It would be a nice gathering place whenever anyone grows something great or finds nice local produce. The rule is: if you grew something or bought something delicious grown locally, scan for a /gsfm/ thread, and if not found, create one with your thing. Would be a much more positive thing than the what do you want from Taco Bell threads.

>> No.17512676

checked and saved for further analysis, thx fren

>> No.17512684

I agree with this, because there were like 10 McDonalds threads yesterday.

>> No.17512685

General threads are cancer and devolve into chatroom bullshit. Go look at the coffeefags. Just make a good quality thread about shit you grew/bought/ate.

>> No.17512691

The thing is that general threads imply you need to post in that thread instead of making your own. Faggots will get uppity about you not contributing to the dead general. The solution is just to make good threads.

>> No.17512694

Tomatoes are pointless they add no flavor to anything are they just for decoration basically?

>> No.17512696

>it's another cast iron thread
>it's an air fryer thread
>it's another shill thread
>it's another thread about people actually talking about cooking getting slid by one of the above shill threads.

>> No.17512702

That already exists on /out/ on the /HGM/ threads.

>> No.17512726
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This has now been seconded and thus is official /ck/ policy moving forward.

Overruled. Coffeefags are not people who grow things or buy local, beautifully grown things. Let the record show /gsfm/ will not tolerate any chatroom bullshit, except where provided by law.

I have no beef with /out/, perhaps we can collaborate (pic related), no homo

Conclusion: /gsfm/ Growing Shit & Farmer’s Market General is now operational. If you don’t see one and have things to share, make one.

>> No.17512733

/Growing and Cooking/ or /GC/

>> No.17512736

Holy shit, is your collarbone mated with your hips?

>> No.17512745

Seconded as superior phrasing, with the caveat /GC/ must always be capitalized. This resolution has been approved in full by the /ck/ politburo for immediate civilian implementation.

>> No.17512750

No, seriously, which section of your colon is your head located in?

>> No.17512752
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I vote nyet, people on this board can't cook and you expect them to put minimal energy to water and care for their plants when they can just go to mcdonalds?

>> No.17512757

I suppose the most remote part, since things I grow and cook enter my head first and exit my colon last in a unidirectional manner. Word on the street is that your colon is not unidirectional, though, and often rapidly oscillates directional flow, depending on the male immediately behind you.

>> No.17512758

No faggot, the people here that already do take the effort want to be able to find each other.

>> No.17512863
