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17505904 No.17505904 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17505926

looks a bit undercooked mate

>> No.17505940

too much pizza bone

>> No.17505952

Don't gender IT.

>> No.17505983
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x1504, 20220303_161105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just came out the oven
Thoughts? I feel like I burned my 'za bros...

>> No.17505994

Would eat/10

I might take some of that green stuff off, though. That's a little excessive.

>> No.17506002
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Less basil and less broiling time amirite?

>> No.17506004
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yours is fine, mine however is why you dont brush the crust with honey/water for 'extra caramelization'. tasted fine however

>> No.17506007

Would eat needs some garlic butter for that thicc crust

>> No.17506061
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Thanks for the encouraging words bros, I'll make sure I have some garlic butter ready next time.

>> No.17506073

Thats like 60% bone

>> No.17506079

it was airy and tasty, but yes, my crusts suck

>> No.17506095

nah i wouldnt say burned. If you had rotated it halfway through it would have cooked more evenly but it still looks pretty good

>> No.17506119
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>not pre-baking your dough for a few minutes to get the center less doughy.

NGMI senpai

>> No.17506134
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>pre-baking your dough for a few minutes to get the center less doughy.
I'm listening, keep going.

>> No.17506140

basically when you have it rolled out , just put in for 5 minutes and the center of pizza is more done, other wise the ingredients get all the heat. give us a cross section of your dough bro.

>> No.17506167
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Give me you honest thoughts chief, was it close to being right on point ?

>> No.17506200

Your crust looks like a breadstick because you didn't use a pizza stone. It's probably decent but you'll never get the right crust unless you get a pizza stone or steel. You also probably didn't let it cold ferment for long enough.

>> No.17506209
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in red is not finished dough, also you burn your ingredients a bit.

>> No.17506224

I left it out for approximately 20 hours, probably a little bit less desu but I would greatly appreciate if you could recommend me some good baking stones or steel.
It's because of not baking with a stone right? Or could it be that I baked it at 450?

>> No.17506231

its because you baked it all in on go, baked dough for five minute then slap on ingredients with a butter coating on the edged is you wish. 350 is good enough

>> No.17506233

Retarded advice. You want the oven as hot as it will go.

>> No.17506235
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>I left it out for approximately 20 hours
keep it in the fridge for 24 hours at least.

>I would greatly appreciate if you could recommend me some good baking stones or steel.
a steel is objectively better and all that is is a piece of metal, any one marketed for pizza is probably the same
sorry but your advice sucks. the entire point of baking pizza is to do it at as high of a temp as possible. his dough was undercooked in the middle because the tray he baked it on doesn't retain heat like a stone or steel does

>> No.17506278

Alright so no pre-baking nor baking below 450~500
>keep it in the fridge for 24 hours at least.
Should it be covered with some damp cloth or would it be a meme in the fridge?
>a steel is objectively better and all that is is a piece of metal, any one marketed for pizza is probably the same
I'll order one from Amazon because I'm too autistic to go look for one downtown

>> No.17506293
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>Alright so no pre-baking nor baking below 450~500
Yep crank your oven to as high as it can go and keep the steel in there for 30-60 minutes to preheat.
>Should it be covered with some damp cloth or would it be a meme in the fridge?
Some container with a lid is best. 24 hours is just the minimum by the way. Adam Ragusea has a vid on how pizza dough changes the longer you ferment it in the fridge.

1 more thing. Once you remove it from the fridge, let it come up to room temp before you attempt to shape it. This will take 2 or so hours. If you don't it's harder to shape and stretch. Also, the best way for a home cook to stretch dough is to do the initial stretching and then leave it for 10 minutes for the dough to relax so you can easily stretch it into its final form.

>> No.17506333

don't listen to stonelets, get a pizza steel. so much easier to deal with.

>> No.17506354

I have a dumb question but don't you dare laughing bros... say I put the baking steel in to preheat, how will I be able to place the 'za on top once scorching hot?

>> No.17506367

Get a cheap pizza peel, I have a wooden one. Alternatively you can slide it off of a flat baking tray that has no lip on it.

For beginners it's best that you put baking paper on your pizza peel, transfer the dough on to the peel, put the toppings on and then slide it onto the steel with the paper under it. The traditional way is to not use baking paper but put some semolina on the peel so the dough doesn't stick but I've done both and found that the baking paper method is easier and there is 0 difference in the end product.

Watch some youtube videos so you don't fuck it up cause cheese burning onto a scorching hot piece of metal doesn't smell great.

>> No.17506370

yes preheat, might as well pick up a cheap pizza peel. just keep the dough moving on the peel or it will stick and you'll end up making a calzone aka failed pizza

>> No.17506507

You boys freaking rock. I'll get then a cheap pizza peel and some baking paper as well, see how things go from there. 'Til next thread kings, thanks a bunch.

>> No.17506559

I dunno man this technique seems overly elaborate. Haven't done it that way so maybe it kicks ass but I always found rolling out the dough and forming it into the steel pan or stone, and then letting it rise at room temp or hotter for about 15 minutes gave me the results I wanted. My crusts are pinched over the lip of the pan, so sliding it off something else wouldn't work for me. All your advice about letting dough ferment in the fridge, warming up to room temp. etc was fucking spot on though. One thing to add, when I started making pizza I had a little Italian lady teaching me and she told me "dough balls are like people, the more you fuck with them the harder they are to work with". If your crust keeps pulling back/shrinking as you're trying to roll or stretch it, leave it alone for a while and try again

>> No.17506570

350 is way too low, 500 (max for a lot of home ovens) is a bit high but doable, the place I worked at ran their ovens at 450 and would crank them up to 475 if it got busy, and 500 if it was becoming retardedly busy

>> No.17506593

if you're assembling the pizza on the stone how tf is it getting hot enough to do what you want a stone to do?
you can assemble it on a peel but the stone or steel has to sit in the oven and soak up some degrees

>> No.17506620


>> No.17506687

Looks like a swedish girl's pubes.

>> No.17507314

Thanks bud.

>> No.17507587

Less basil and put on after you cook the pizza, you'll taste it more and it'll have better texture

>> No.17508097

Do americans really? Can you people really not enjoy a meal unless it is covered in sugary shit?
Enjoy you beetus, cletus.

>> No.17508320

When I use the stone I slide the pizza off and cook it directly on the rack for the last couple of minutes. It's basically done at that point and you're just browning the bottom of the crust. We did the same sort of thing when I worked in a pizza place but they were commercial pizza over with stone slabs so you cooked on steel pans, then slid the pizza right on the stone for a half minute to finish

>> No.17508947

>unless it is covered in sugary shit?
Stop being a dramaqueen you twink, it's probably half a teaspoon of sugar for 2-3 pounds of flour

>> No.17508990

Tfw no gay ck bf to cook me pizza

>> No.17509005

You will never get railed, incel

>> No.17509338

nice but you really shoudlve spread the sauce and toppings more

There's a pizza place around here where I always order the tomato soup to dip excess crust in, its godlike if you happen to have some around