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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17504621 No.17504621 [Reply] [Original]

When I put ketchup in a little cup for dipping, there's two possible end results:

A) I put too little ketchup and run out of ketchup before my fries, then I have to eat the rest of my fries without ketchup.

B) I put too much ketchup and run out of fries first so I waste ketchup by throwing the extra away because it can't return to the bottle.

This has gone on too long, and needs to stop.

>> No.17504639
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Put the ketchup on your fries dipshit.

>> No.17504648
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That is the most disgusting practice ever. It makes the ketchup warm and the fries soggy. I want COLD ketchup on my CRISPY fries.

>> No.17504653

You're right. We need a communal ketchup pit. We all sit in the ketchup like a hot tub and dip our fries together.

>> No.17504673

Putting too much is never a problem for me because I ALWAYS use it up. If I feel that I will end up with too much ketchup, I start dipping my fries deeper and get more ketchup. Simple.

>> No.17504679
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How much ketchup are you drowning your fries in? Drizzle, don't drown.

As far as wanting cold ketchup that's an autistic disorder that therapy or suicide might help with.

>> No.17504684

any amount of ketchup on fries would make it soggy you idiot, that's how liquids work.

>> No.17504693

The only autism here is thinking that unequally spreading ketchup all over your fries instead of dipping them is a good idea. The fries get soggy, you get ketchup on tour hands, you will have to eat some of the fries dry (unless you take one fry from the bottom and dip it into the ketchup that's on top of another fry, but then that makes you a hypocrite), and you don't get the delicious combination of COLD ketchup and WARM french fry. YOU are the autist.

>> No.17504744

>you will have to eat some of the fries dry (unless you take one fry from the bottom and dip it into the ketchup that's on top of another fry, but then that makes you a hypocrite
Yes I'm definitely the autist here.

>> No.17504752

Do you put sauce on and then go watch a few mlp episodes? How fucking slow are you eating your fries? I've had fries in gravy that held their crisp long enough for me to eat them.

>> No.17504989

Just bring the ketchup bottle to the table and take more if you run out.

>> No.17504993

>I put too much ketchup and run out of fries first so I waste ketchup by throwing the extra away because it can't return to the bottle.
So? Ketchup is like $1 for an entire bottle

>> No.17505001

well I wouldn't give a hobo a dollar even though it's just a dollar. Imagine if I did that repeatedly?

>oh it's just a dollar, here have it
>oh it's just a dollar, here have it
>oh it's just a dollar, here have it
>oh it's just a dollar, here have it
>oh it's just a dollar, here have it

that's five dollars already. it adds up

>> No.17505026

Neither do I, but that's because hobos are lower than dirt and deserve to starve
I don't care about $1 worth of ketchup though, i make that in about 2 minutes at work

>> No.17505222
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i swear /ck/ is more autistic than /r9k/

>> No.17505234
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OP be like:

>> No.17505268

kys frogshit

>> No.17505876

you can put more ketchup in the cup if you run out. or get another cup.

>> No.17506956

'chup got too much sugar might as well eat a candybar

>> No.17507726

nice blog

>> No.17508096

ha i developed a dip ratio algorithm in my brain that ensures i always finish the dip with the last fry. I had it mastered by the age of 9yo, i am truly a dip savant.

>> No.17508109

no you're just slob that scarfs down whatever is put in front of you without even tasting it

>> No.17508790

That's nice I think I'm just going to get a tupperware container that I fill with ketchup that I just take in and out of the fridge everytime I eat fries.

>> No.17509025
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you need the little dip cups

>> No.17509104

Damn I forgot those existed, used to dip my Tostitos in those in like grade 3.

>> No.17509119

are tostitos minature toast or something?

I understand they minaturize everything in america and sell it for some reason.

>> No.17509291

Just a brand name for corn chips, or Nachos

>> No.17510889

>put your fries in a large mixing bowl
>drizzle in a liberal amount of ketchup
>toss your fries in the bowl
>end up with an even coating of ketchup completely covering each fry
simple as

>> No.17510961

and soggy fries plus get your hands covered in ketchup

>> No.17511063

screw the top off and dip in the bottle

>> No.17511593
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people who put ketchup in the fridge should be publicly hanged

>> No.17511696

What do you even do with ketchup besides dip fries in it?

>> No.17511761

That's it, it's the only thing I ever use it for.

>> No.17511784

I'm not an obese lardass that uses tomato sugar sauce everyday, the ketchup will go bad before I can finish the bottle if I don't refrigerate it

>> No.17511789

Sometimes I'll mix a little bit of it with some other sauces, like a little ketchup with some mayo and bbq sauce stirred up in a bowl to eat with my chicken.

>> No.17511963

No, that's faux-spanish.
We use faux-french for fancy things like small toasts.

>> No.17512568

it says refrigerate after opening. even restaurants put their bottles in the fridge overnight. Plus the sugar attracts bugs

>> No.17513049
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sounds like you don't have a family and disposable income either. enjoy your chilled fries, burgers, chicken, etc.