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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17503968 No.17503968 [Reply] [Original]

I have a grappling tournament on saturday and once it's over I want to have the most indulgent meal and dessert possible.

it doesn't have to be something that I make, but i'd prefer homemade, especially the dessert

some of my favs are cereal (many types) oreos, and pizza, to name a few

what does /ck/ like to do food as drugs

>> No.17503975 [DELETED] 

eat a bannoffie pie out of a prostitutes asshole

>> No.17504035

Hmmm, pizza would definitely be a good food to stuff yourself on. You could get a whole pie for yourself. You could try ribs, get a whole rack or two. For dessert you could get a big milkshake.
So about the grappling stuff... are you like a sumo wrestler or something? Do you have to be gargantuanly fat?

>> No.17504039

I hope you win your grapples bro

>> No.17504054

big loaded-up pizza and oreo cheesecake

>> No.17504160


>> No.17505186
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no I do submission grappling, it's basically brazilian jiujitsu but w/o the gi (the kimono and pants people wear)

pic rel

>> No.17505213

at this point you might as well oil up and see who manages to sink his fist into the opponent's ass first

>> No.17505221

Ohh, submission grappling, of course of course, niiiiccce... can you do that to me? Use some of your moves on me?

>> No.17505450

do you get paid for said tournaments? and does the audience consist of mostly middle aged to older men? i might have some news for you.

>> No.17505491
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no I don't get paid for the tournaments, it's really just amateur/for fun. if I were to get good enough eventually there are professional tournaments (like adcc) where most athletes are sponsored, so in that sense they are paid to compete. but that's a ways away. most of the spectators at amateur tournaments are families and teammates of the competitors and other grappling athletes.

but ofc grappling and fighting have a streak of homo-eroticism, I like to say that they are "gay adjacent" . for instance in animals like rats and dogs there is a separate neural circuit in the brain for play mounting and dominance, and then there is a neural circuit for sexual mounting and mating. so it goes for humans alike

my hypothesis is that gay people probably have some cross-wiring between these two circuits, though I have never put my penis in a butthole (or had one put into mine) so I may be speaking out of turn

>> No.17505527

OP how badly do you wanna stuff yourself? Go get boxes of candy bars or little debbie cakes and eat all of the contents. I used to have these snack boxes of foreign foods and id binge eat the whole thing until I bloated. That's basically the equivalent of eating a whole box of candy bars or little debbies. Is that what you wanna do?

>> No.17507045

Is it like a catch wrestling type of thing or just no-gi jiu-jitsu? When I'd be done with my wrestling tournaments I'd get some fried chicken, biscuits, and potatoes then proceed to just go lay in bed lol. I guess if you're like me, just get something thats good and something that pretty much puts you to sleep.

>> No.17507666

How hard was cutting the belly fat? I wanna look like you
Right now I'm "skinny fat" at 5'9" ~164 lbs but basically what I'm asking is at what point can I stop cutting and start eating again? When I can barely pinch any stomach fat?

>> No.17507676

Sumo wrestlers are quite muscular, they just build it under the fat.
They have extreme training and basically have to dedicate their entire life to it, its so much effort and weight thst they always die Young

>> No.17507746

>5'9" and 164 lbs
Lmao, do Americans really?

>> No.17508064
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happy to answer your question satan. losing body fat isn't hard once you're accustomed to it. when I want to lose weight I eat carnivore-ish and intermittent fast. my typical day of this style routine is as follows:

-wake up at 10am
-caffeine + kratom
-work out (either kettlebell swings + dips or sprints) for 30-40 min
-more caffeine + kratom
-go to work
-eat at work between 3pm-4pm (generally a 1/2 cup to a cup of white rice w/ honey and eggs or sardines)
-train jitz 5:30pm-7:30pm
-kratom before dinner
- eat 1lb ground beef or steak (+/- 1/4 lb), and 4-6 eggs, possibly some white rice or honey if I trained really hard
-more kratom around bedtime

I was about 217lbs last week and now with this diet for about a week i'm around 212lbs. If it kept it up for weeks I could get pretty shredded but my mat performance goes down if I get too light

>> No.17508146

>I was about 217lbs last week and now with this diet for about a week i'm around 212lbs.
ehhh if you take weight fluctuation into account then i doubt you TRUELY lost 5 pounds but that seems like a good diet

>> No.17508179

>this is a legitimate technique in greco-roman wrestling

>> No.17508181
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I don't know about "most", but I find this combination the greatest:
Whatever good ice cream you like.
Flake chocolate (I assume you can figure out somewhere to get this), broken up and crumbled underneath & over the top of the ice cream. Or chop up some regular chocolate.
Chocolate topping.

>> No.17508298

It's called submission grappling, so being the one to get fisted is probably a win condition.

>> No.17508313

invert and go for heel hooks. It works for the aussies.

>> No.17509734

heel hooks are illegal in this tournament it's kinda stupid

>> No.17509882
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>He doesn't wear pants while wrestling
>He makes people submit while unclothed