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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 231 KB, 1500x1500, chicken kiev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17501315 No.17501315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I make the best Chicken Kyiv?

>> No.17501318

It legit pisses me off that people who've said Kiev for their whole lives are now saying Kyiv because the media told them to 2 weeks ago

>> No.17501351

did they say Kiev at all before?

>> No.17501353

that's such a tight hole...

>> No.17501359

Try this recipe


>> No.17501383

People who eat chicken kiev did and so did people who have been paying attention to news beyond the front page over the past eight years or so.

>> No.17501397

It pisses me off that everyone is deepthroating Ukrainian propaganda like both sides aren't sneaky lying Slavs trying to look good.
I've never been more convinced that the general populace are a bunch of retards who will believe anything their government and media feed them.

>> No.17501408
File: 153 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Boeing_777-200ER_Malaysia_AL_(MAS)_9M-MRO_-_MSN_28420_404_(9272090094).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, most of the dramatic shifts in public opinion in this conflict have been driven by internet memes and english-language social media controlled by actual ukrops, not le CNN boogyman.

Also, isn't it ironic how your resentful seething over le MSNBC brandon psyop also came from social media (most likely boomer facebook channels) driven by foreign influencers? Really makes you think.

Pic totally unrelated ha ha.

>> No.17501434

First, social media is media. It's in the name.
Second, I have no idea what you're going on about.
Third, if I want to bitch about people biting onto any feel-good propaganda story instead of actually using their brains, I will.

>> No.17501442 [DELETED] 

It's incredible to me that NEETs whose sole source for information and "world experience" is 4chan.org would mount this type of criticism - I have a PhD in Philosophy and did study Frankfurt School thinkers, I don't like them that much, but I know them. The mere fact that you think that there exists the "Reddit VS based/pol" epistemic dichotomy should alarm you to the fact that you are a mentally ill retard - you are so fucking ignorant and retarded that you don't even have a concept of what understanding would mean.

Your entire world-view is informed by tweet-sized posts on 4chan and .jpg infographics, that is literally all you know yet everyone who disagrees with you is the "brainwashed ZOGbot". It's incredible, stuff of ancient comedies really.

I will gas you American, don't worry, you and your family will be removed.

>> No.17501466

> I have a PhD in Philosophy

LMAO. What a fucking faggot

>> No.17501468
File: 85 KB, 1024x710, peterson-1024x710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this one before. I can only imagine how many (You)s it got

>> No.17501474

>Chicken Kyiv?
You mean Kiev.

>> No.17501477

yeah, I was wondering about this

>> No.17501484

Based trans sex enjoyer.

>> No.17501494
File: 223 KB, 1125x1792, bannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said "czechoslovakia" my whole life, until it became the czech republic, and then the cool kids started saying czechia and you know what? That didn't make me launch into an angry tirade either. I think you zoomers can adapt to saying "kyiv" and not "kiev" because most of the world never thought about ukraine as a distinct nation until about 2 weeks ago and learned the spelling through the soviet transliteration that was popularized 75 years ago

Why does it upset you so much? Is it because there are only two genders?

>> No.17501505
File: 39 KB, 400x400, angry-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and btw I just realized I forgot Slovakia existed. Ain't no transseexual glen or glenda gonna force ME to learn new words, gab dangit to heck. What ever happened to good old common horse sense?!?!?

>> No.17501509
File: 579 KB, 744x885, 1645730585017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17501512

>poultryghost of the kitchen responsible for dumping 20 orders of beuf stroganov into the trash

>> No.17501513

Typed while wearing sexy lingerie with my cage on and aneros in btw, if that matters.

>> No.17501516
File: 144 KB, 1206x716, 1645973750327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's meme time!

>> No.17501518

It's a matter of influence, retard. If you can let the media gaslight you this easily, you have zero personal agency.

Your example doesn't even make sense, because Czechoslovakia had a distinct geographical change.

This is just them renaming shit and letting people think they're somehow compassionate even though nothing changed.

Do you spell it Krakow or Cracau or whatever?

>> No.17501521
File: 66 KB, 737x416, images - 2022-02-17T091521.280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is this thread?

>> No.17501522

I find this method the most agreeable:

>> No.17501527

I don't spell polish cities at all because I literally never think about poland.

I do say kolkata though, and not calcutta, and I say taiwan and not formosa, and I say bde maka ska and not lake calhoun and I say forcey fun time and not rape, because words have meanings. U mad brah?

>> No.17501528

Wasn't this "armor" complete garbo?

>> No.17501530

Post pics of your prolapsed canal pls, for posterity

>> No.17501534
File: 35 KB, 840x438, deseret.brightspotcdn.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17501538


>> No.17501546
File: 19 KB, 312x286, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said "czechoslovakia" my whole life, until it became the czech republic, and then the cool kids started saying czechia and you know what?
Czechia is just how its actually pronounced.
The same way "Moscow" is actually Moskva, the "Czech" Republic is actually Czechia.
These are just lost in translation type cases, while Kiev to Kiyv is a solely political move to distance from Russia.It is the equivalent of Latino to LatinX.
tldr Is always been Kiev, not just to russians, but to the entirety of Europe for the last 1500 years.

>> No.17501547

I have no idea, looks like paintball gear to me.

>> No.17501556

Ukranians dont have a propaganda its just the evil forces of the western world propaganda vs russia.
But indeed, this proves everyone is a retard. But covid had already proved that.

>> No.17501557

for all that propaganda of the russian military being so superior to the us military, they've already lost more tanks to ukraine than we did in two decades in iraq kek

>> No.17501560
File: 57 KB, 354x649, whine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of "next-gen" technology is literally just engineers trying to justify their massive salaries and gigantic grants by crapping out fancy looking display models to be paraded around and photographed for kudos. The tech industry is the biggest money-draining circlejerk on earth, and that doesn't change for military tech.

>tfw your taxpayer dollars pay for some MIT grad's new fursuit and PS5 while all he gives back to the nation is a papier-mache model

>> No.17501561
File: 1.40 MB, 1083x804, 50C2D92C-1DBE-4EA6-A1BB-A14FA68E75EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fear the Chicken Kiev

>> No.17501565

If people actually cared about such issues beyond the current libtard virtue signaling, they would start calling Germany "Deutschland", Japan "Nippon", etc.

>> No.17501586

>It is the equivalent of Latino to LatinX.
Ukrainian is only about 50% mutually intelligble with Russian, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say there. Are you saying that it makes idiots seethe and therefore we should keep doing it? Because in that case I agree.

Germans aren't asking English speakers to say "Deutschland" so that's a dumb argument. It's more like Indians asking English people to say "Kolkata", which, other than a few butthurt nostalgic rule br*tannia types, people mostly do.

>> No.17501590

And it isn't anymore if Ukrainian people don't want it to be. The end.

>> No.17501595

I would not believe the official stats, according to Ukraine they destroyed 500light armor and 300 tanks on Day1, stats like that are obvious bullcrap.
.Also Iraq didnt have the entire civilized world shipping them anti-tank weapons.

>> No.17501598

I don't think I've ever seen a Russian get up in arms over people saying Moscow instead of Moskva. Kiev has just always been the accepted English word for the city. The push to stop using "Kiev" just feels inorganic.
Compare with how you use three different words for Pommern/Pomerania/Pomorze depending on the language you're speaking. That's just how languages work.

>> No.17501602

so trannies are delusional about everything not just cutting their cocks off?

>> No.17501607

>I would not believe the official stats, according to Ukraine they destroyed 500light armor and 300 tanks on Day1, stats like that are obvious bullcrap.
i dont, but its very obvious from photos and videos that russia is having a very hard time making progress, much harder than im sure they expected. i wouldnt be surprised if the official stats are bullshit, but that theyve still lost more tanks than the us did in iraq.
>.Also Iraq didnt have the entire civilized world shipping them anti-tank weapons.
true, and we just delivered 200 stinger missiles, time for some ruskies to go dusties

>> No.17501610

half of my point is that foreigners will always mispronounce your names. It literally doesnt fucking matter, still saying Kiev.

>> No.17501611

>ukes should stop advocating for change because I like things that don't change
This is like the language version of "ukrainians should just stop resisting and there wouldn't be any more bloodshed"

The whole point of a campaign to change habitual behavior is that initially it feels "inorganic" as you say. And then you say it a few times the recommended way, and that's it, you get over it and move on with your life. If your view is that ukraine shouldn't have a say in how it's spelled in english, just say that instead.

>> No.17501612

>f Ukrainian people don't want it to be
who cares what ukratards think about anything?

>> No.17501613

>it doesn't matter to me so it shouldn't matter to anyone else
Ok cool, the rest of the world has pretty much moved on though. Seethe more.

>> No.17501619

Guy I knew who immigrated from the region in the 80s literally spelled it Kiev when referring to his chicken recipe. Never saw Kyiv before just recently.

Personally I’m extra confused because I thought they had a different alphabet anyway. I don’t know how translations work, though.

>> No.17501620

I genuinely feel like your posts are being written by low quality chatbot.

>> No.17501624 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 500x380, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean reddit wishes russia getting btfo'd

>> No.17501625

And if russians started saying that you should say "moskva", would you have the same opinion? Or is it that ukies should do what russians do because ukraine is really part of russia?

>> No.17501627

>everyone I don't like is a bot
2018 called, they want their shitty comebacks back

>> No.17501629

"Chicken Kiev" is the name of the dish, just like how "Roumanian Steak" is also the name of another dish, even though nobody spells the country "Roumania" anymore

"Kyiv" is the name of a city, and "Romania" is the name of a country

>> No.17501630
File: 96 KB, 500x380, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit wishing russia getting btfo does not make it reality

>> No.17501633

>And if russians started saying that you should say "moskva", would you have the same opinion?
Either make more coherent arguments or stop spinning off into unrelated parroted talking points.

>> No.17501636

Yeah, that's one way to handle feeling like you're getting your ass handed to you. Just say the whole thing is irrelevant and I'm a bot.

What's next, "I don't have time for this shit"?

>> No.17501639

Your arguments are off topic. Post about making the dish or take your retarded ass back to r*ddit

>> No.17501642

Post about the fucking dish or get the fuck out

>> No.17501646

>It legit pisses me off that people who've said Kiev for their whole lives are now saying Kyiv because the media told them to 2 weeks ago
adaptation is based anon

>> No.17501647

Here’s a video that can clear things up:

>> No.17501649

Again Iraq was a very different situation. You should check out "Once upon a time in Iraq" mini-series tv doc. Its an excellent overview of how everything progressed from the invasian all the way to Isis

>> No.17501650

I've posted about the dish multiple times, sorry this isn't /pol/ and we don't have your special user ID thingies, tourist-kun. But regardless of that, why are you replying to me, a bot?

>> No.17501652

Kyev and Kiev are practically the same thing in English, they are just different ways of transliterating the same sound. It's retarded western media bullshit making a big deal out of it

>> No.17501659

/pol/ called, they want their incel back.

>> No.17501660

NAMBLA called, they want their pedo back

>> No.17501665

Mmmm, garlic butter.

>> No.17501673

russia getting btfo does make it reality tho, die rusky

>> No.17501679
File: 158 KB, 926x1632, crack sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Selection brand, Broccoli & processed cheese product uncooked breaded chicken cutlettes

>> No.17501684

>i have a phd in philosophy
you totally sound like it and not a bitter undergrad who took a few philosophy courses and tries to sound smarter than he is by name dropping and using vaguely appropriate terms like epistemic dichotomy.
where did you go? what was your thesis about? how long did your coursework take? how long did your comps take? what's your orcid id? are you tt faculty yet? how long were you funded? strictly research funding or did you teach?
imagine trying to impress internet strangers on 4chan by lying, kek

>> No.17501731

>”Ukranian refugee, I have to ask: exactly how is it that you would prefer I spell this fried chicken recipe?”
>”My family is being bombed! Send help!”

>> No.17501737

>russia getting btfo does make it reality tho, die rusky
choke on russian dick you hohol pederast

>> No.17501744

yes i teach ancient greek philosophy. as for the rest why would i reveal personally identifying details you fucking shrimpdick redditard

>> No.17501760

I’ve got big Reddit energy

>> No.17501775
File: 345 KB, 404x440, IT'S KIEV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17501801

you've got silly neckbeard shrimpdick redditard energy for sure

>> No.17502236
File: 189 KB, 1080x810, chicken kiev burnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one using Putin's recipe