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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 297 KB, 1440x1620, luv me a chicky sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17500331 No.17500331 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite thing to get at Chick-fil-A?

For me its the spicy chicken sandwich.

What do you dip your waffle fries in? For me its their honey mustard but I haven't tried all the other sauces out.

I really wish there was one closer to me

>> No.17500801

Gotta be the good ol spicy chik with bacon. Gotta dip in chik fil a sauce too.

>> No.17501440

Is the Cool Wrap any good? What's in it?

>> No.17501456

I dont like their food but i still go there to eat to help support their anti gay agenda.

>> No.17501609

OP, you are a faggot shill and I wish you would kill yourself.

>> No.17501634

>i still go there to eat to help support their anti gay agenda
no I just like chicken sandwiches

>> No.17501648
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the absolute anti-chud

>> No.17501813


>> No.17501827

One spicy deluxe meal dip fries in chick fil a sauce plus a normal chickem sandwhich for later

>> No.17501845

To me it tastes like chicken with the occasional pubic hair.

>> No.17501850

The mac and cheese is the best in the business

>> No.17501868
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cool wrap is awesome but haven’t eaten it in years cause it’s always been expensive, now it’s like 9$ bucks by itself no combo. So instead I normally get spicy chicken pour buffalo sauce on it and dip it in ranch
it’s much better than a generic supermarket deli wrap

>> No.17501875

God Tier Chicken
God Tier Service
Also, I don't know how they were able to pronounce my Albanian name perfectly when they greeted me at the register, smart people.

>> No.17501889

Previous thread >>17476309

>> No.17501896
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How do I go about getting a Chick-fil-A gf?

>> No.17501904

Get a job at chick-fil-a

>> No.17502111

>Get a job

>> No.17502135

Die cold and alone neet loser

>> No.17502403
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>> No.17502461

tfw no Chick-Fil-A near me.
Is it really as good as people say bros or is it just a meme?

>> No.17502736

I think it's pretty darn good

>> No.17502744

It's fucking fastfood man. It's not good.

>> No.17502772
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>> No.17502858

Original chicken sandwich, maximum pickles, medium fry and lemonade with light ice. Honey BBQ sauce.

If you normally get CFA sauce, I suggest you try the honey BBQ next time. It's very similar but uses honey as a sweetener instead of c*rn syrup, so it's just a little bit tastier. Shame it doesn't come in a dipping cup.

>> No.17502915

Spicy sandwich with pickles, add pepperjack, add 1 packet of mayo or classic sandwich with pickles, add tomato, add lettuce, add honey bbq sauce.

>> No.17502937

>t. contrarian

>> No.17502958

For me, it's 2 chicken sandwiches, order of fries and a sweet tea.
Get a bunch of Texas Pete, pour it on my burgers, dip my waffle fries in it as well.
Too bad the 3 near me always have crazy lines so I normally get Popeyes or PDQ instead.

>> No.17502968

>spending $10 for some shit "cooked" by zoomer retards instead of spending $12 at a local joint that's far better quality
No thanks retard

>> No.17502974

Racist chicken and you hate gays. Fuck off, your service isn't even good.

>> No.17503016

Solid 8/10

>> No.17503269
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>local joint

>> No.17503361
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Favorite has to be the spicy sandwich with bacon on a multigrain bun with Texas Pete and mac and cheese. The grilled sandwich is also good and so are the salads. It's the closest restaurant to me and I go there way too often.
It is.

>> No.17503376

why does this describe my experiences at lidl

>> No.17503391

But anon, I'm also a racist that doesn't like gays.
I mean, a place doesn't have to share my values or whatever. I'll eat at a place that has good food no matter how many rainbows they plaster on the walls or how many negroes they have in their advertisements, but it is nice to know that there's a place I wont have to be around annoying faggots like you.

>> No.17503403

Do local joints not employ zoomer retards?

>> No.17503467
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>chicken sandwich (NO PICKLES), waffle fries, lemonade
>homemade cane's sauce
I'm a gigafaggot but I still think it tastes good. It's very rare that I eat there though, since I'm not a fat retard and I know how to cook.

>> No.17503471

It's just fast food. It's not the greatest ever like people make it out to be. Certainty not worth waiting on line for.

>> No.17503683

This. Never ate there until all the rags started screeching

>> No.17503820

>What is your favorite thing to get at Chick-fil-A?
blowie from one of the young christian cuties behind the counter, her pleasure

>> No.17503922

>black swan events
extremely gay correction
also check for aids and or parasites dead weight

>> No.17504352

that's ok esl kun, you're doing your best

>> No.17504950

Multiple orders of grilled nuggets and a lemonade.

>> No.17505192

How do chick-fil-a's nuggets compare to other fast food places? I've only had burger king's spicy nuggets but the one near me closed down during covid

>> No.17505225

Why do chick fil a hate gays and pedophiles? How is this anti LGBTP bigotry still allowed in '2020? People are born that way... get with the fucking times, christcucks.

>> No.17505295

I'm gay and love Chick-fil-a. I will gladly give them my business because the LGBT movement doesn't represent me.

Also, their sandwiches are delicious

>> No.17505323

they’re freshly breaded and lightly fried. best fast food nuggets I’ve had

>> No.17505353

Spicy chicken sandwich is really good with the chick fill a sauce

>> No.17505356
File: 71 KB, 960x510, 2022_IWSC_PfaffMotorsports_1200x800_2-960x510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your favorite thing to get at Chick-fil-A?
either the classic chicken sandwich with honey mustard or the tenders with Polynesian sauce, or the tendies with honey mustard, desu.

>What do you dip your waffle fries in?
ketchup or honey mustard, desu.

>> No.17505840

Thats the only thing I get from there, but I'd like to try other items on their menu

>> No.17505883

I haven't lived anywhere with a chick-fil-a since 1997, I used to love their nuggets.

>> No.17505910
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>> No.17506005

For a few weeks they had a spicy grilled chicken that was way better than the regular grilled or spicy chicken sandwich.

>> No.17506228

Their food is medicore at best along with Canes. Both extremely overhyped chains not worth the price.

>> No.17506232

Their grilled nuggets are second to none. Better than the regular nuggets imo.

>> No.17506237
File: 961 KB, 1400x787, 2365469-transgender-restaurant-workers001_small_wide-d34b3aff73b28a152e9d008c371b0555964ac11e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, no way to know if your food's safe with these sex perverts working in the industry now.

We already knew blacks would throw your food on the ground or spit in it, but these freaks are another level.

>> No.17506706

What changed? Was it limited edition?

>> No.17506790

sucks to be you, i like their anti gay agenda and the food

>> No.17506796
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>> No.17506799

I like to get down on my knees are personally wash the feet of every black employee in there. Out of atonement for my crimes as a white person

>> No.17506809

Kek, I think you meant NIGGERS. They have ruined American fast food by getting paid to siton their phones and smoking weed

>> No.17506814

easily the toppest of top tier fast food, globohomo seethes at their ability to make quality food, provide the best service in the fast food game, and make truckloads of money on top of all that. i love how much chick fil a mogs other establishments just because chick fil a actually gives a shit about putting effort into every thing they sell. if i didn't know any better i would've said the company was run by japanese people.

>> No.17506819

If only they had all white staffs like they used to and the blacks had to eat their meal in their car. Then, it would be perfect

>> No.17506826 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 960x960, gaypregnant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won't let you have power over us

you don't get to bully us

we are fighting back and you are losing

>> No.17506843


>> No.17506854

Fuck off corporate shill

>> No.17506909

Kill yourself you fucking fairy. No one loves you for a reason.

>> No.17506913

Obvious b8. Neck yourself.

>> No.17506926

Is this this really how you people think of yourselves?

>> No.17507011

Their caesar wrap was the GOAT but they ditched it

The cool wraps are ok, it's got like salad mix and cheddar. I always thought the cheddar kinda overwhelmed the chicken a bit, but my fat ass just slopped it in sauce anyway.

>> No.17507014
File: 34 KB, 407x519, 1628506615811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we won't let you have power over us
Tell me how, please do
>parents pay for everything
Stunning. Absolutely stunning. Thank you for participating in my thread

I'm going to get Chick-fil-a tomorrow and you can't stop me, like you can't stop gravity and your own lack of ambition from holding you down

>> No.17507209

Spicy sandwich with CFA sauce. Mix ranch and buffalo do dip your fries in

>> No.17507275
File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he no longer bake the cake?

>> No.17507366 [DELETED] 

thanks for the bump and trolling outside of /b/

>> No.17508355

Some people just like the place...

>> No.17509394

____ and Cooking

>> No.17510320

I don't get paid, I just like chick-fil-a

>> No.17510469


>> No.17510474
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Every time you eat at Chick-fil-A you receive a plenary indulgence, reducing the time you spend in purgatory.

>> No.17511104

Maybe compared to other fast foods, but the secret is just pickle juice and powdered sugar, so you can do better at home pretty easily.

>> No.17511727

I don't want to cook at home though.

>> No.17512221

a working class retard is something to be

>> No.17512704

ew a maskcuck

>> No.17513520

Its an employee mandate, not his fault

>> No.17513529

spicy chicken sandwich with a slice of pepperjack cheese with large fries and a coke. ranch for sauce.

>> No.17513880

The breakfast chicken biscuit, with the grape jelly and honey.