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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 1000x667, Liquid-Death-Still-Sparkling-1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17495402 No.17495402 [Reply] [Original]

Is it any good? I'm tempted to try, but not sure if it's worth looking like an alcoholic with a cheap can. My favourite water currently is Saka, ss0hit is so good

>> No.17495404

Nigga it's fuckin water.

>> No.17495423

Its water.

>> No.17495427

What is the mineral profile?

>> No.17495433
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>> No.17495437
File: 74 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But isn't there like, rocks in it or some?

>> No.17495441
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>> No.17495443

Nah you're thinking of that Himalayan rock salt bruh.

>> No.17495444


Not all water is the same though

>> No.17495447
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Imagine being a /ck/ fag and not having taste in something as basic as water. Bet y'all don't use seasonings either

>> No.17495466


>> No.17495470

This is honestly the most plebian post I have ever read in my life.

>> No.17495478
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>He drinks from the tap

>> No.17495500

I get my water from a mountain spring.

>> No.17495524
File: 146 KB, 1080x1185, 1617438504627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He drinks from the tap
>has well water from an aquafir fed by a spring

>> No.17495566

Mental how Americans will not drink water unless you market it to them like this.

>> No.17495575

Its fucking water, you cumbrained idiot. If you don't like tap, buy filtered bottle water. But for god's sake don't buy 200% marked up garbage just because "le edgy" marketing. You idiots are fucking frustrating, you know that?

>> No.17496010
File: 37 KB, 640x480, rc_ms_92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sparkling/Mountain Water while advertised as Alcohol

>> No.17496031

Okay, that got me good.

>> No.17496060

Fucking retard, this is the only water worth buying because its not in a plastic bottle

>> No.17496280

This anon gets it. You BPA-swilling, CFC-releasing swine disgust me.

>> No.17496282

just buy the glass bottles

>> No.17496289

This. Water should be sold in infinitely recycleable aluminum cans. Arguing about mineral content is nice, but packaging is more important. Aluminum > Glass > Plastic

>> No.17496301

wonder how many alcoholics buy a can of this shit thinking it's beer and then go back and rage at the cashier for selling them water

>> No.17496307


>> No.17496356

aluminum cans have plastic liners

>> No.17496414

<li>Take an empty soda can and wash it out with some water</li>
<li>Using sandpaper, scratch off the paint from the middle of the can. This will allow the aluminium to dissolve more easily later on</li>
<li>Fill the can with water and find something – like a hook – to attach to the tab</li>
<li>Use this hook to submerge ¾ of the can in a 3 molar solution of sodium hydroxide (a strong base). Alternatively, 6M sodium hydroxide can also be used for faster results</li>
<li>Leave the can for 24 hours in 3M solution or 5-10 minutes in 6M solution</li>
<li>Over time, the strong base will dissolve the aluminium, revealing the plastic lining</li>

>> No.17496489


>> No.17496731

t. Patrick Bateman

>> No.17496767

let's see Paul Allen's water

>> No.17496799

>God damn it, Marie.

>> No.17496811

>the finest water sourced directly from the Austrian Alps
>placed into a can filled with a plastic lining that poisons the water
You're better off just drinking tap water at this point

>> No.17496832

Aluminum cans all have an interior lining that contains BPA. If they didn't it wouldn't be practical as the cans could 1) get easily corroded from carbonated drinks and 2) be susceptible to even the most minute of punctures. You're essentially paying a premium to avoid being poisoned by plastics while still getting poisoned by plastics.

>> No.17496850

Crazy that shit became so mainstream considering its original purpose was so straight edge dudes and recovering alcoholics could LARP like they were drinking beer at hardcore and metal shows.

>> No.17497940

fucking KEK thank you for that, golden <3

>> No.17498235
File: 21 KB, 550x550, Indoor-Dustbin-Lid-Office-Walnut-Wooden-Small-Wastebasket-Storage-Garbage-Bin-Trash-Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, would cans are king

>> No.17498309


That's a bin dude

>> No.17498525

When you drink as much as i do you need a large container

>> No.17498550
File: 229 KB, 958x1280, 97D01678-175D-4E70-9B67-46AEA8DD049F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new lime flavor is breddy gud

>> No.17498841

None, as an alcoholic you'd be concerned with price/alcohol content ratio and never buy it.

>> No.17498877

It's cool, it helped me to reflect on the appearance of a drink affecting its overall experience. Kept my minifridge stocked in rehab.

>> No.17498895

You'll never attract a good woman if you keep drinking tap water, it's the mark of incels

>> No.17498917

My tapwater is owned by me, from my house, from my well.
Don't want any idiot that pays out the ass to drink water from a fancy container.

>> No.17499141

Ok incel.

>> No.17499142

Not my pic, but I used to have the 64oZ Yeti jug before leaving it at my last workplace. Absolute beast, ice cold water all day

>> No.17499144
File: 1.18 MB, 3024x4032, f550cnhwl0731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic

>> No.17499146


Depending on where you, tap water can be better than some brand waters for having all the good mineral shit still intact. Look up how it is in your area

>> No.17499148

People don't drink filtered water from their fridge door?

>> No.17499151

<marquee>you are a faggot</marquee>

>> No.17499185

We can't drink the tap water here because they put chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frogs gay. Fluoride, glyphosate, birth control hormones, chloramine, PFOA. We can only drink products out of cans/bottles, sort of like how you yuros drink room temperature smallbeer instead of water so you don't catch cholera or whatever.

>> No.17499186

Privileged white male spotted.

>> No.17499195

I do miss the 90's.

>> No.17499219
File: 174 KB, 430x430, 1.Water_Reaper_2_Pack_Hero_Shot_430x430[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were offering free koozies recently but I missed them :(

>> No.17499323

>he doesn't get sued by the state and lose his house because he collected rain water for personal use
I hate being an am*rican ..

>> No.17499342

Ah yes, the spray-on plastic in cans is surely less harmful than the regular kind.

>> No.17499346

I haven’t had that since I was a kid. It’s one of the clearest signs of how the world has crumbled around me.

>> No.17499350

It's not like the entire landmass doesn't need rainwater. Lots of dudes seem to think they can just retain as much of it as they want and it's all free from God with no consequences to the broader environ. They're idiots.

>> No.17499351

its fkin water you retarded consumer cunt

>> No.17499353

>infinitely recycleable aluminum
This is Ball’s exact marketing line. Is there seriously a Ball shill here?

>> No.17499367
File: 432 KB, 593x593, 1629234667876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The can makes me chuckle

>> No.17499469

>collecting 30m^2 of rainwater will make a difference
>only house for miles in either direction
It's literally only rural retards that need to do it, but they're still banned :)

>> No.17499505

Yeah yeah yeah one homestead raises those fields of crops and then it all harvests itself that's how rural areas work

>> No.17500476
File: 25 KB, 333x500, alkaline-water-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's alkaline water

>> No.17500498

I cannot imagine buying a can of water named "Liquid Death" and retaining any shred of dignity.

>> No.17501130

Just because you live-in a shithole doesn't mean everyone does. Also fluoride is good

>> No.17501355
File: 354 KB, 1170x814, FaceApp_1645923643110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fluoride is good

>> No.17501497
File: 85 KB, 1000x1600, BLUB BLUB BLUB blub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my bubbly maker.

>> No.17501507

Did you ironically post a dog shit water brand? Or what?

>> No.17501514
File: 513 KB, 923x599, 1641738518498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fluoride is good

>> No.17501637

I think this stuff was marketed for "social drinking" so you don't feel like the odd one out if you're sober. Not that this makes it any less faggoty, if anything it makes it much more so

>> No.17501685

Who is the target audience for this product? People too masculine to drink bottled water? People who think drinking Bubly will make them look gay?

>> No.17501704

recovering alcoholics who still hang out with their old drunky crew

>> No.17501722

Any pellegrino with a lemon/lime slice chads here?

>> No.17501746


How much are these? I'd love one

>> No.17501748

Tbh I like the design, but I refuse to pay over 1.50 for a 16 oz can of water.

>> No.17501753


I like it

>> No.17501761

That's because you're a trash person who enjoys drinking trash.

>> No.17501770
File: 20 KB, 306x423, article-0-0F034B9300000578-231_306x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And your favourite is?

>> No.17501808

If we're going regular bottled water, Fiji is objectively the best widely available water you can find. The silica content gives it a silky mouth feel and it's not just filtered tap water like your trash water. Might as well run the tap through a cheese cloth. As for mineral water, San pellegrino got it right and is my go to, but I'll happily enjoy a Perrier or the German one with the goofy name. There's some brand from Colorado I haven't tried though. Spring valley? Pretty sure that's it.

>> No.17501818

Depends on the model. I bought mine years ago, think it was about 200-300 or so? Thing has lasted forever and i've never had a problem with it. Just don't forget to clean it every year or so.

>> No.17501839

can't believe theres water snobs on /ck/ but here we are

>> No.17501908
File: 12 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly, dearly miss these fuckers since I moved out of Mexico. Every time I go back to visit, I drink one of these just about every day.

Excellent mineral profile with a super aggressive carbonation. Nothing EU cucks have comes even close.

>> No.17501926

>melts your teeth in your path

>> No.17501984


Not a fan of carbonated water but if its from Mexico its probably legit

Question: is Mexican coca cola really that good?

>> No.17501990

Not really. It's worth trying, but I prefer jarritos.

>> No.17502462

Enjoy your shit teeth

>> No.17502472

Based stomach teether

>> No.17502500

>Thousands of years of humans existing without fluoride with fine teeth even before legit oral hygiene was established
sure bro

>> No.17502542


Convincing Americans not to drink their tapwater was probably the smartest move Nestle has ever done

>> No.17502567

Imagine not have an underground spring to draw from year round. Must be rough

>> No.17502693

I miss living on property with a well

>> No.17503996

Good shit also God tier container

>> No.17504000

Best is Mountain Valley Spring water followed by Fiji.

>> No.17504099

Anyone who drinks water out of a can, especially one called Liquid Death, should be fucking killed. And not in Minecraft killed. Fucking killed.

>> No.17504239

That's the one I haven't tried! Thank you.

>> No.17504246

It's Arkansas based or was. Favorite water of Tom Cruise. I recommend trying some at room temp to really taste it.

>> No.17504277

Gerolsteiner is best. Fuck pellegrino