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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17495157 No.17495157 [Reply] [Original]

i have drank more alcohol than i should have
what are s ome good pre bed time things i can do so i dont wake up wanting to kill myself, aka preventing a hangover. preferably foods i can cook really quickly lol

>> No.17495160

prairie oysters until you pass out

>> No.17495174

Kill yourself

>> No.17495178

I haven't had a drink for a month today

>> No.17495179

Hydrate. Have the hydration and painkillers ready in the morning. Get some potassium in you later.

>> No.17495180

Drink lots of water to avoid headache. You'll still feel shit, but at least not be in physical pain.

>> No.17495185

in the morning force down a shot and a beer. but leave it at that. it's a hangover cure as well as the road to alcoholism.

>> No.17495190

You shouldn't take painkillers after drinking, paracetamol is heavy on the liver and ibuprofen is heavy on the stomach lining, and both of these effects are excarbarated by the alcohol.

>> No.17495192

tulpaforce your tulpa

>> No.17495201

Thanks armchair doc, but alcohol was heavy on his system. It's not going to kill him, and he should remember not to do it again.

>> No.17495206

The young doctors and med students at my old hospital used to take home an IV line and a liter of saline so they could have that drip into them while they slept after a night out.
The practice was cracked down upon after one of them, drunk as a pope of course, managed to get the IV line in his arm but fell asleep without hooking it up to the bag. He almost bled to death through that little tube over the next several hours.

They all did swear that the saline was effective against hangovers, though. I don't know if they just told themselves that, though. I guess Ringer acetate would have been better anyway.

>> No.17495207

Well before sleeping and drinking so much alcool you need to drink the same ammount of water, while when you wake up do a "Champion breakfast" like eggs and bacon with butter, fatty and greasy food absorb the alchool in your system, even a simple burger from Mcdonald can do the trick. Then you can always take medicines, but still water and fatty food is the best way to pass the hangover

>> No.17495211

>absorb the alchool in your system
like a sponge? Is that how you thinks it works, retard?

>> No.17495214

If he has a hangover once a month or less, sure, but if it's a regular occurrence then remedying it with painkillers will accelerate the alcohols negative effect on his body.

>> No.17495226

This is a great recipe for puking your guts out and getting a monster headache.

>> No.17495230

cant get a hangover if you keep drinking

>> No.17495243

eat some eggs or something, drink a fuckload of water, take some magnesium, keep a bottle of water for when you wake up at night or in the morning, cold water over your head in the morning. avoid painkillers unless you have really important stuff to do, you should feel a little shitty after drinking too much to keep it from occuring too often.

>> No.17495258

Watermelon works wonders, doesn’t nuke your kidneys and liver as much as drinking a fuck ton of water does

>> No.17495266

drink two pints of water.
eat something salty.

>> No.17495268

water and sugar, that's it literally

>> No.17495283


>> No.17495287

Imagine drinking

>> No.17495294

You are a fucking idiot even if you are just joking around because giving bad hangover advice is for meanie heads

>> No.17495343

drink the juice from a pickle jar, that shit is like concentrated hydration

>> No.17495373

As much water as you can stomach, always worked for me, i would drink a pint maybe a pint and a half of water before bed and it would lessen the risk of hangover by 90% although at some point if you drink enough alcohol nothing is going to stop the inevitable.

>> No.17495910

good for you bro

>> No.17495919

im 27 and my liver is failing, just got told this today, scar tissue in the liver drinking a """fine Il Capolavoro""" 3L and im gonna smunch a six pack after dinner

>> No.17495961

Aspirin is the way to go. Plus it thins your blood which is likely to be thick due to dehydration

>> No.17495972

This, the best I ever felt after a long night of drinking was when I snacked on watermelon all night. Although the morning pee was like my urethra turned into a fire hose.

>> No.17495974

Just don't drink a lot anymore bro. I tend to limit myself to two drinks per day.

>> No.17496018

Just stay awake and drink water until you sober up somewhat, better sleep, less hangover, and you don't wake up dehydrated and confused, always worked for me, and just relaxing is pretty nice when you're riding out a good buzz.

>> No.17496120

Congrats anon. Im on day 3 after 10 years of 1l vodka/day. You're going to make it, fren.

>> No.17496586




>> No.17496650

Chug back a no sugar gatorade+plenty of water. Some fruit helps too.

>> No.17496662

>im 27 and my liver is failing
jesus, how long have you been drinking?

>> No.17496670

fuck off cuntface

>> No.17496683

Drink a lot of water. Do a glass of water for each serving of alcohol and you'll be fine

>> No.17496687

>Chug back a no sugar gatorade
Kek, you wanna give OP a bad hangover AND the shits?!

>> No.17496689

There was that /k/ greentext of a combat medic who got so fed up of doing IV hydration for drunk colleagues in the early morning hours that he started demanding anal sex if anyone wanted IVH from him, and fucked a guy in the ass just to prove he was serious about it.

>> No.17496852

>how long
fuck how long, more like how much

>> No.17496882

water, and have some bread ready to be toasted with peanut butter. works for me.

>> No.17496886

They did that on an episode of Scrubs too.

...the IV thing, not the almost bleeding out.

>> No.17496889
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chug like a liter of water before you go to sleep, and then drink water and maybe a sports drink in the morning, but if you drink a sports drink dont have an energy drink, unless one or both is sugar free, desu

>> No.17496892

How do you feel?

>> No.17496900
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Nothing helps. Just time. For me the time of relief is around 1 p.m.

>> No.17496940

Talk about a Reddit faggot response. Why are you so angry is it because you have to dilate all day every day?

>> No.17496957

you have to drink water while you're drinking, if you start to sober up before doing it it's too late

when I wake up with a hangover anyway, I just make myself puke, go for a nice morning walk to the corner store, and get something filling to eat and a bottle of either gatorade or pedialyte, then pop an ibuprofen when I get home. Usually knocks it out completely

>> No.17496961

eat something with a lot of "dry" carbs like rice and beans, no salt or spices in it

it has saved me plenty of times

>> No.17497010

best advice

>> No.17497040

I just want to get to the point where I always have a healthy red glow and a permanent layer of sweat on me

>> No.17497061

Not that guy but your understanding of food and alcohol is retarded. No need to bring Reddit and trannies into it.

>> No.17497076
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Drink a few servings of this before, during, and after drinking.

>> No.17497133

Drink less

>> No.17497315

reddit poster

>> No.17497377

I don't get prepping. The end game of boozing is stealing happiness from tomorrow, don't pussy foot.
As for hangovers, just cope and try get some dopamine back by doing what feels good; puke when you feel like it, eat what and when you want, fap 10 times, whatever etc.

>> No.17497439

Children and Ovaltine

>> No.17497452

You can do it bro.

>> No.17497532

how did you decide to finally do it and how are you feeling now? i think i might already be an alcoholic at 19, I haven’t been sober for over a year now. i’ve been trying to stop recently and the longest i got to was less than 2 days and after that i’m already starting to feel awful, getting irritated and just yelling at everyone. i can’t imagine getting home after work without getting alcohol on the way, it’s like the only thing i look forward to every day. i want to end this shit but i don’t know how to do this on my own

>> No.17497550

eat a banana, hell eat two. drink water while you're drinking booze. also: drink less. badabing badabang hangover severity is reduced. if you CAN'T drink less because you lose control while drunk, stop drinking. do not buy any more and do not bring it to your house.

t. alcoholic

based anon i'll be there soon.

>> No.17497556

>i can’t imagine getting home after work without getting alcohol on the way, it’s like the only thing i look forward to every day. i want to end this shit but i don’t know how to do this on my own
iktf. that's just psychological. you need a motivation that is stronger than "i deserve to drink booze." go for walks. do pushups and situps. have fitness goals. have reading goals. anything except getting drunk for no reason and looking at a screen.

>> No.17497571

You're young enough that the physical effects of quitting won't be bad. And you haven't ruined your life yet. Trust me, stop now while there is still time.

>> No.17497579
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eggs have an amino acid that helps your liver function, so eat some eggs with bacon and toast. drink a fuck load of water and a sports drink with POTASSIUM, not sodium

>> No.17497726

Nice. Keep it up anon. First month is the hardest.

>> No.17497809

Eat something fatty/salty and drink some Gatorade.

>> No.17497819

Same here. My weight also dropped from 189 pounds to 166 so I'm no longer a fat fuck. I do kind of miss being drunk all of the time but other things like vidya are starting to become entertaining again without having to be buzzed.

>> No.17497821

As much water as you can stand and a multivitamin.

>> No.17498233
File: 103 KB, 1200x1200, A7E193BD-53C4-444E-86B5-8ED53C64EBE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk: getting drunk is the most retarded boneheaded thing you can do because you do dumb shit and say dumb shit and then you feel like like shit the next day

t. Alcoholic

>> No.17498240

A litre of water before bed
Have a protein snack and another litre of water on your bedside table with some aspirin
Wake up, eat drink and dose, sleep another hour, then wake up again a deal with whatever pain is still there

>> No.17498305

jesus christ that's a lot of fucking vodka anon
how are you not dead
good job on kicking the habit i support you and i hate niggers (and chinks)

>> No.17498306

Eat whatever you feel like eating. Take your time. Drink water and keep a bottle near your bed. Whenever you feel you might be thirsty, take a sip.

>> No.17498310

Nah it's pretty based

>> No.17498318

Just get something in your stomach that's heavy.
For me, I dummy a QP w/cheese, Fillet-o-Fish, Sausage McMuffin, Medium Fries, Large Coca-Cola, 2 Apple Pies. Then, I take 3x200 mg Advil, chug 1 to 1.5 liters of water (that's 33-50 fl. oz.) and sleep with two pillows (instead of my usual 1). By my bedside I keep another 1 liter (33 fl. oz.) of water, a blue Gatorade, and 3 more Advil.

>> No.17498322
File: 12 KB, 235x290, D45BDB22-88B4-4D3C-B937-78BCEB3E7E6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue Gatorade

>> No.17498330

I used to think this too, but I think getting high off of marijuana is worse. I used to smoke every single day all day and the issue is that you think you're "normal" if you're blazed all day. If you're drunk, at least you know you're drunk but if you're high you think you're some genius that managed to get away with getting high but in reality you're just retarded

>> No.17498335

thanks my wife's boyfriend recommended it to me

>> No.17498337


Blue gatorade is a panacea to all alcohol related woes. I keep a bottle in the back of my fridge for emergencies. Drink half before falling asleep (with a cup of water at least) and the rest as soon as you wake up, and it'll save your life. I also take supplements for both potassium and magnesium and it seems to help a lot as well if you're one of those people who get a thudding chest during hangovers. I'm one of those and it's been a life saver

>> No.17498339

>solid powder equals three liquid

>> No.17498346

I don't do dumb shit. I may say (harmless) dumb shit. What matters, however, is that it makes me feel good. You know how it is, man. You can't take that away from me.

>> No.17498348

Trust the science, chuddie

>> No.17498353

Do you know what an electrolyte is?

>> No.17498361

i bet you put the jew juice in your arm too
no i don't do anything "light" you tranny faggot

>> No.17498363

vitamins such as, magnesium, potassium and a multi B complex vitamin. A glass of water or coconut water

>> No.17498365

I don't even know what's that's supposed to mean, and why are tranny's always on your mind anon?

>> No.17498369

to be fair they're also in my ass

>> No.17498371

Lol fat alcoholic boomer

>> No.17498380
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>> No.17498393

are you me? The DTs are a little much right?

>> No.17498432

>how are you not dead
your body converts the alcohol to formaldehyde and at that level you literally embalm yourself. The only thing that will kill you is your liver failing which if you take B vitamins will last longer then you expect, i'm 30 and have been drinking since 11yo and everyday since i was 14yo. I recently quit and got my blood work done and my liver came back fine, It's the withdraw that will actually kill you! I had seizures for 4 days straight and was covered head to toe in bruises from falling so many times

>> No.17498460


>> No.17498467
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Can confirm, Body Armor is the closest thing to a cure you can get. I'll shill hard for this lil' nigga. I get massive hangovers if I go beyond my limit, and nothing short of sleeping the next day away will fix it. I chug one of these while drinking, down some Ashwaghanda and coq-10, and I'm waking up with a VERY minimal hangover, as in I can actually function the next day. I also make sure to drink another just in case the following morning, even if just to have the fluids in me. So far, it's been working.

>> No.17498509
File: 52 KB, 338x600, alk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this meme needs to stop, at best it only works on mild occasional drinkers which shouldn't be getting hangovers in the first place. if someone with a real hangover trying they will be sick beyond comparison. Real drunks know you need protein and carbs of the soft food variety and just a small portion because you need to hydrate

>> No.17498527

and salt for electrolytes

>> No.17498528

>Well before sleeping and drinking so much alcool you need to drink the same ammount of water

An actual alcoholic will wake up in a puddle of piss nearly every time if they do this

>> No.17498568

i know several people that started drinking around 10 to 13 years old

>> No.17498587

In what fucking way is that a Reddit post, dumbfuck?

>> No.17498590

only has around 2% of your daily recommended potassium, completely useless to replenish your electrolyte imbalance so all you're doing is drinking sugar water which will dehydrate you more because sugar is hygroscopic.

>> No.17498594

If sugar dehydrates you it's because you have diabetes or kidney failure, anon.

>> No.17498599

>either gatorade or pedialyte
pedialyte is miles better then Gatorade

>> No.17498625
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>what are some good pre bed time things i can do so i dont wake up wanting to kill myself
bartender here

try one or more of
>drinking water every couple of drinks to stay hydrated
>drinking 600mL of water and staying up for an hour before going to bed
>eating food while you're drinking (this is what russians, japanese, europeans etc do)
>dehydration tablets/powder before bed
>gatorade or pocari sweat before bed
>drinking less
>pacing yourself instead of drinking as hard and fast as you can
>couple of asprin/paracetemol/ibuprofen before bed
waking up in the morning, food like eggs, pickles and carbs helps a lot.
greasy food "feels" like it helps but it really doesnt.

best way to beat the game is to just not play though
i used to be real bad and trying to make hangovers go away with gatorade or dehydration tablets just resulted in me drinking more and more until it got to really stupid amounts.

>> No.17498628
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>> No.17498636

So a thing that is common in that community has been observed and mentioned by at least two people. Are you retarded?

>> No.17498646

dont smoke

>> No.17498651


>> No.17498653

oh wow someone also mentioned self-injecting saline on a different site 11 years ago? the fuck is your point cunt

>> No.17498656

stupid is as stupid does

>> No.17498664

kiss my glamorous sober thicc white ass, samefaggot, and I'll tell you what your problem is

>> No.17498805

raw dog life, life is pain, accept the pain

>> No.17499165

sugar is hygroscopic. meaning the water in your body will move to where the sugar is i.e. out of your muscles, brain etc. into you digestive tract making your hang over worse.

>> No.17499169

Drunken words are sober thoughts, ect.

>> No.17499187
File: 8 KB, 540x366, alcoholtoacet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your body converts the alcohol to formaldehyde
That's only with methyl alcohol.

>> No.17499198

actually the formaldehyde is already in the alcohol and you body breaks down alcohol to acetaldehyde which is what makes you feel like shit

>> No.17499199

just drink alone lmao

>> No.17499208

Dehydration is not a lack of water in your muscles, you dummy.
And if your body is working properly it will break down and consume or store the sugar. It doesn't just float around indefinitely.

>> No.17499209

Jesus Anon lol

>> No.17499213

In these cases of drinking and needing a pain med - Ibuprofen is preferred AFAIK.
I've never mixed alcohol and Tylenol - but have used IB when necessary without issue.

>> No.17499230

Dude, check out The Sinclair Method. Saved me.

>> No.17499233

Ibuprofen and alcohol can be a really bad mix leading to dizzy spells and fainting.

>> No.17499242

These products are GREAT always except for the 30grams of sugar. Why the fuck?? I'm not drinking what is basically a hydration 'Cola' with 30 grams of fucking sugar. And I'm not drinking Gatorade Zero with amazing amounts of aspartame or whatever the fuck it uses. I don't need all drinks to be sweet. Put one on the market that isn't sweetened.

>> No.17499248

Don't do this

>> No.17499252

How bad were the seizures? Ive been drinking about 500ml of vodka a day for 5ish years and the last year closer to 1L a day. I've had some spasms in my sleep that have jolted me awake or bit my tongue a little on the days I've tried to quit but I always feel so fucking awful the next day I end up going out and buying liquor to reset the cycle.

>> No.17499257

Fuck man, that sounds horrible and I know because I've been there. Look up The Sinclair Method and start watching YouTube vids or read the book. It actually works and is science based unlike AA.

>> No.17499259
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This crap has basically no sugar and better vitamin content.

>> No.17499262
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NO that is really bad for liver if you still have alcohol floating around in system, tale aleve/naproxen

>> No.17499263

I actually have a bottle of naltrexone I got from a previous doctor but never used. My current one refuses to recommend I use it though, but maybe that's because I live in the fucking sticks and everyone here is a backwards moron

>> No.17499268

Imagine projecting this hard by being this scared of being readit

>> No.17499304

it starts like that but then it just more and more intense until you're shaking so hard you can't even dial 911.
The seizures aren't the same kind as a epileptic, they are called focal seizures al i remember was waking up and trying to leave my room then waking up and trying to leave my i thought i was dreaming but apparently i hadn't left my room for 4 days and my room was trashed from me crashing into things.
The first sober day is not even the worst, day 3 is when it gets really bad the shaking gets out of control and you'll start to spasm so hard you can tear muscles and ligaments, then it will feel like you're being stabbed with needles and you'll start hallucinating and you want be able to tell dreams apart from reality. This horror can last up to two weeks. If you go on another bender for a year or so you will get alcoholic neuropathy where your entire body goes numb (except the stabbing pains and spasms) your body oder will change to something terrible and you will constantly be drenched in sweat.

If you are in this state you need to go to the ER because you can die, they will put you on a IV with electrolytes and give you a benzo like ativan (don't ask for it or you won't get it) make sure t tell you are losing time and yuo think you might have had a seizure

>> No.17499316

Hey anon, this IP already engaged our product with this thread, unfortunately we can't throw you your five shekels :,(

>> No.17499790


>> No.17499794

Lots of water

My trick used to be eating those spicy as fuck korean pot noodles to force myself to drink a ton of water

>> No.17499795
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>but leave it at that

>> No.17500333

Give it a go. I think it saved my life.

>> No.17500371

You’re fucked lmfao. That’s well on the path and I’d expect that from a 45 year old alcoholic. Better luck next time.

>> No.17500387

Completely unironically wishing you guys the best.

>> No.17500516

...so why can you identify reddit posts so quickly, anon?

>> No.17500588

It's what plants crave.

>> No.17500662

Keep an eye out for PAWS, sudden extreme anxiety can come hit you like a train and you'll want some kind of meds for it. Trust me.

>> No.17500935

drink a lot of water

>> No.17500960

Oh sweet good for you. I'm two years into the same situation at the tender age of 25 and wonder how long before it kills me

>> No.17501157


>> No.17501267

I'll be honest, I got away with drinking every day for a few years like 22-25 and get up the next day to work no problem. Your body getting older hits you harder than you might expect and the only reason I could convince myself to make any effort to stop was that I just couldn't work with the hangovers getting worse and worse. I'm only 27 but it hit me like a train and it would take me like 3 days to get sober now if I had a decent amount to drink.
I'm thankful for it now because I can actually pass a liquor store on my day off and not want to stop in, which I couldn't resist before.

>> No.17501295
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when i drink, i usually drink 12 5% beers or seltzers over the course of like 8 hours. i like seltzer because i drink it room temp and i dont have to go to the kitchen and hangovers arent as bad as beer.

>> No.17501297


Water. Take a multivitamin

>> No.17501306

Yeah this is a big one, first things like eating and entertainment are not fun unless buzzed but if you stay sober a while eventually they start to become worth it again

>> No.17501319

It's simple really.
>plain carbs
Getting some basic carbs like bread or something in your stomach before you drink can help your nausea and slow down the absorption of alcohol.
>water + electrolytes
Drink water like a fish, but also you NEED electrolytes. Drinking only water stops working when you drink too much alcohol. Grab a Gatorade or something.
>lots of sleep
Drinking before bed fucks up your sleep quality, so the least you can do is make sure you're getting a lot. A nap during the hangover day also helps.

>> No.17501324
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>be me
>get drunk
>decide to watch a movie or an old nascar race or anything else thats like 2+ hours long
>get drunk ADD, only watch like 10 minutes of whatever content

>> No.17501358

looking forward to this. thanks for the motivation anons. im on day 3

>> No.17501498

>you have to drink water while you're drinking
Yeah I do this. It mostly works. Still feel a little off come morning but it doesn't last long.

>> No.17501918

gatorade chug + bedside gatorade

>> No.17502088

Yup never heard "drunk ADD" before but thats the perfect way to describe it. When I would plan to drink and watch something I would never end up doing/watching that thing fully through

>> No.17502309

I didn't drink for 5 days now and I'm just completely bored all the time. What is a guy supposed to do with sober life?

>> No.17502326

I messed up yesterday and sent some dumb emails and now I’m freaking out

>> No.17502431

There's nothing you can do bro. I always boasted I couldn't get hangovers and I would literally wake up fresh like nothing happened then I hit the age of 28 and now getting a bit tipsy fucks me up really bad. Switched to weed and a beer or two and I'm peachy!

>> No.17502446

If you can still eat, you're not hungover

>> No.17502467

This. If I wake up hungover, I know that's just how it is until about 4 or 5pm.

>> No.17502483

>while drinking
Lots of water, get something to eat and try not to sleep until you've sobered up some
>next morning
More water, bust a fat dump, have a cheeky wank and sleep in for as long as your schedule permits.

>> No.17502498

Cleaning, cook elaborate meals, rearrange your furniture. Basically just find SOMETHING to do, if you've been a drunkard long enough your brain is used to being flooded with feel good chemicals and stopped making its own. You have to retrain yourself to focus and do shit sober, and stuff like keeping things clean and organized or cooking meals that you'd normally never bother with are good and easy options to start with.

>> No.17502548

I piss like a waterfall but I always wake up before I have to.

>> No.17502597
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keep it up

>> No.17502863

There's electrolytes in Brawndo

>> No.17503162

I was looking for this response.

It's the only real way to mitigate hangover. Drink your can/bottle/glass of alcohol, then take at least a good swig of water. Repeat process until you go to sleep (with even more water before you do).

>> No.17503217

honestly video games and cooking have been my biggest time-fillers. I haven't had a console for years and I just got a PS4. getting home from work, listening to music/podcasts while cooking dinner, eating while watching a show, cleaning the dishes when the show is over, then 1-2 hours of video games, jerking off and then going to sleep is pretty much a full night when you're not neglecting your duties to be bombed out on the couch. recently I joined a volleyball league one night a week and a friend hosts a weekly dinner gathering so it's not 5 nights a week of the same routine. some nights I'll take a bath, or if I'm feeling real lazy I'll pop some frozen meal in the oven and play video games while it cooks instead of cooking from scratch.

Also I've found that combining an abstinence from alcohol with a heavy intake of probiotic foods (I love yogurt and bought a bunch of 99-cent-knockoff yakult-style drinks because I'm on antibiotics for strep) helped immensely in the process. it's not a wonderdrug but so long as your gut is filled with microbiota that crave the alcohol and liquid calories you've habituated to, your body will revolt against you until they die off. Antibiotics hastened this process for me but just keep in mind it takes much longer than a few days of abstinence to break that habit proper.

>> No.17503406

Im one of the 1L/day alcos and I've pissed myself exactly 3 times over 10 years.
Technically only 2, one of those times I walked into the living room and just started pissing in my sleep.

>> No.17503673

Well you ought to be well nourished in general to deal with any sort of malaiss. I also tend to enjoy greasy trash food, but what I think is the nice thing about it is the high sodium content, so like Chips and some Cola(which also has caffeine in it) tends to feel reinvigorating. Also always puke if it's not to embarassing.

>> No.17503679
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i thought i piss the bed but turns out i was just sweating like crazy from all the drinking either that or my dic is way longer then i think it is because my shirt was soaked but my shorts were dry

>> No.17503702

Of course you ought to also rehydrate very thouroughly doing this.
So while hangovers have to do with dehydration, if you don't dehydrate(get rid of the liquids in your body) it would also be slower to get rid of the alcohol. Though this is just a theory.

>> No.17503706

bro i know that feel from my vodka slamming days. would wake up freezing with my shirt drenched in foul smelling sweat. when i took it off it weighed like 5 pounds. i dont miss it

>> No.17504169
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This. Get the effervescent one with vitamin C. Works great against hangover and scurvy

>> No.17504270

Kek based

>> No.17504311

true but alcohol strains the liver and so does aspirin and even when dehydrated your blood is thin from the alcohol.
I will agree aspirin works the best out of any OTC headache/pain relief medicine,tylenol and motrin are a joke in comparison

>> No.17504374

I drink 1/2 liter of water before going to bed for every one drink of alcohol I've had (shot / cocktail / glass of wine / whatever). Sometimes that means 3-4 liters of water which I slowly drink for an hour or two while watching tv. In the morning I wake up and piss a literal bucket.

I haven't had a hangover in 10 years. It's literally that easy.

>> No.17504391
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Drink tea and/or herbal tea while you're boozing; something like a big pot of peppermint dandelion tisane can go a long way, both in easing potential GI distress and protecting your liver. The theanine in tea, especially green tea, is also promising w/r/t alcohol. Fermented functional drinks like kombucha and kefir can be helpful too.

>> No.17504509

Oh, and if you plan to get drunk regularly, consider picking up some N-acetylcysteine and milk thistle extract; take the NAC a half hour before you start drinking, and the MT with breakfast the following morning. They're not likely to make you feel better in the moment, but there's reason to believe your body will be thankful in the long run.

>> No.17505350

that sounds like three days of almost no sleep

>> No.17505541

>i can’t imagine getting home after work without getting alcohol on the way
Hitting a little close to home there. Maybe i need to cut back.

>> No.17505596

Breakfast i usually have 2 scrambled eggs fried with chorizo, and douse it with hot sauce.
The spice makes me want to drink water, and i like to think that sweating does something even though it probably doesn't do much.

>> No.17505890

you need salt, magnesium and potassium otherwise you're going to give yourself a electrolyte imbalance by washing away all your salts

>> No.17505925

Just stop drinking. You're fucking 19, dude. It's not that difficult unless you are FUBAR'D. I drank every night for the past 8 years (in my mid 30s) and was drinking a bit under a fifth of vodka/night and I quit with no withdrawal at all besides two nights of insomnia. I did taper down to a half pint before I stopped completely, though. I've been sober for a month and lost 20 pounds simply by quitting drinking.

>> No.17505946

Fucks wrong with yall for that to happen? Worst I've had was slightly damp sheets

>> No.17506408

The answer is always, and will always be: drugs effect everyone in different ways

>> No.17506452

it happens when you drink 1 liter of vodka a day for many years straight then stop drinking for a few days then your body will freak out.

>> No.17506866

Banana, piece of dry toast, and an alka-seltzer. After that nurse a Powerade for an hour. You won’t be 100% but you’ll be alright.

>> No.17506978
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make a beef broth with vegetables, add dried chipotle, it will cure your hangover

>> No.17507496

>Concentrated waha