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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17492454 No.17492454 [Reply] [Original]

>sick of paying outrageous grocery store prices for essentials like garlic, cilantro, basil, scallions, and saffron
How do I start growing this stuff myself? Any tips or guides?

>> No.17492467

welcome to europe 2.0, anon

>> No.17492471

/out/ and /an/ both have generals for garden and plant advice.
Most important thing is to have/make great soil and don't overfertilize.

>> No.17492488

You can plant root veggies from the store, like onion, garlic, scallion, potato, ginger.

>> No.17492513

start shoplifting it
never pay the grocery jew

>> No.17492519

when you eat it poop in a pot then wait

>> No.17492527

I'm not a dirty thief like you.

>> No.17492538

>actually i love paying for stuff i could get for free
keep telling yourself that while you pay twice as much as me for groceries

>> No.17492541

Are you Iranian, OP? I don't know any other culture that considers saffron essential.

>> No.17492542

Saffron is hard to grow but the others are pretty easy. Onions, scallions, garlic, and other alums are particularly easy to grow. Cilantro and basil require a bit more a green thumb but if they are well taken care of you can have tons of fresh herbs. I would also grow some rosemary it is good for chicken and beef.

>> No.17492543

typical brainlet thief

>> No.17492550

>i pay more for food, which makes me higher IQ
thanks for paying for your groceries and subsidizing mine xoxo

>> No.17492556

>too cheap to buy his own food
>blames Jews
/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.17492740

Use a search engine, you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.17492746
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>> No.17492753


>> No.17492765

Ignore the ferret schizo.

>> No.17492769

essential gooby pleece!

>> No.17492888

and lemur guy

>> No.17492909


>> No.17492940

>How do I start growing this stuff myself?
buy seeds
plant seeds in a box/container full of dirt
add water occasionally
free herbs in a couple of weeks
>Any tips or guides?
yep, all over the internet but not here cuz fuck you fucking newfagfrog-posting cuntwipe

>> No.17492942

Shit, he posts on /plant/ too? I don't lurk it often

>> No.17493006

Fuck, I dream of an infinite supply of fresh herbs

>> No.17493009

based thief

>> No.17493542

What's the deal with them? I've never been to /an/

>> No.17493545

>yep, all over the internet but not here cuz fuck you fucking newfagfrog-posting cuntwipe
I'm 33 ya goof

>> No.17493631

>how do I grow all of these things that grow like weeds literally anywhere
you will never grow anything because you are useless

>> No.17493643

i've been wanting to grow garlic for a long time now.
i'm hesitant because i don't know what is a good garlic strain to try.
i imagine it's a lot like tomatoes, where they are bred to be shelf stable for a long time, rather than for flavor.

>> No.17495008

Its also important to know that good soil in itself is expensive and once you take your time into consideration you'll start to realize why the price is what it is

>> No.17495016

safron is all cloned, and requires a lot of work and space. The others are fucking easy.

>> No.17495033

Garlic is nice and easy, grab some pots like 7inch diamater and fill them with soil. Garlic is best to plant Jan - Mar on the northern hemisphere, but it can be done later; I personally plant my garlic under covers in October.
Get some smaller pots as well to start the garlic off in (3inch is good) and simple break the cloves apart and place one clove in each pot.
Come summer, you'll need to pull them out when the leaves start turning yellow and then hang them out to dry.
Scallions oddly enough, you can usually regrow from what you have. Keep the root and plant that and it will usually regrow quite well.
Cilantro, Basil and Saffron are different kettles of fish (saffron mostly) as basil can be tempermental and bolt under stress (seed early). Grow basil and cilantro indoors on a windowsill in half/full sun starting from Feb-Mar.
Hope this helps at least a little.

>> No.17495098
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Garlic is basically a weed.
Use the saved money on Scallions and garlic to buy safron.

>> No.17495101

not OP but my basil always starts tasting like shit after a couple weeks to months. It seems to really hate it if I forget to water it even once, which greatly accelerates the change in taste.

>> No.17495104

Presuming saffron was a joke, everything else on your list is as easy as planting it and walking away. They grow just fine without any special tending.

>> No.17495118

Kill yourself you frogspamming shitposter and stop replying to your own posts. Why do you hate 4chan so much that you want to destroy every board's quality?

>> No.17495123

This is fair, try looking for watering spikes. Watering spikes are just nozzles that you pop on water bottles and stab into the pot so the plant automatically gets watered.

>> No.17495126

Just scan the garlic as onions at self serve checkouts.

>> No.17495140
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I only recalled terracotta watering spikes from my childhood, but those would of course be way too big for a small indoors flower pot. But you're right, similar ones exist in smaller sizes. Thanks!

>> No.17495879

I don't see how this was a particularly bad case of frogposting

>> No.17495903

A lot of seeds you buy are more for taste. It's the bulk commerical seed farmers buy that tend to be bred/modified with taste less of a concern.

>> No.17495913

>Garlic is nice and easy [to grow]
Yeah, you just have to wait a year after harvest to use them.

>> No.17495931
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These are about 10 apiece at walmart, much shorter.