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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17489201 No.17489201 [Reply] [Original]

How did I do /ck/?

>> No.17490038

Terrible. Truly terrible. Truly and wholly terrible. So terrible, in fact I would give up on the prospects of ever cooking again in my life. So terrible I would resign myself to the consumption of fast food and frozen microwave meals.

>> No.17490045

what is so bad about it ?

>> No.17490053

You didn't mix your sauce with the pasta before plating.

>> No.17490071

paper plates are for parties, not everyday meals
you're lazy

>> No.17490325

Looks tasteless, why is your sauce so fucking thin?

>> No.17490330

No one gives a fuck about your grade school meal pissant

>> No.17490333

looks good bro how did it taste

>> No.17490348

Like your dad's unwashed asshole

>> No.17490349

so pretty good then

>> No.17490353

Well yeah your jizz does taste good

>> No.17490367

Looks good anon, I would nom. Don’t let these other sourpusses discourage you. 50% of this board can’t cook, and the other 50% are corporate shills.

>> No.17490371

>50% can't cook
100% if you're op

>> No.17490372

thanks, all my cum is fresh from the nutsack

>> No.17490376

0/10 if one tiny splash hits your electronics.

>> No.17490460

This is my first time on /ck/ you niggas are weird

>> No.17490576

Needs some permission grated on top. Also simmer it until it's thicc and reduced.

>> No.17490728

Points deducted for placing ground meat in your spaghetti noodles. I would have liked to see more peppers. Needs more oil and tomato sauce. Maybe add in red and black pepper if you're feeling festive. The paper plate is also considered a poor ingredient and ruins the overall taste profile.

>> No.17490739

Why is your keyboard so clean? Homo or or woman?

>> No.17490743

Why would it be dirty?

>> No.17490757

looks tasty. i'd put it in a bowl and eat it

>> No.17490792

fuck off

>> No.17490817

Photo doesn't look appealing but as long as you tried, I'm sure it looks better irl
Not sure why you're using a plastic form and disposable plate but you do you
I hate spaghetti

>> No.17490821

If she used it instead of having a desktop for flex alone

>> No.17490846

I'm a guy and I use it all the time.

>> No.17490873

>mix sauce and pasta

>> No.17491077

Are you okay?

>> No.17491084

>fundraiser spaghetti dinner.jpg

>> No.17491089

pasta looks overcooked
you didn't mix the sauce
the plate looks like a dog bowl
plastic fork
green shit

>> No.17491090

The American fears the presence of vegetable

>> No.17491093


>> No.17491094

It's the opposite. Amerifats need to put green bits everywhere because they cannot eat a whole plate of vegetables and

>> No.17491113


>> No.17491117

And ligma balls

>> No.17491142

I assume thats Cincinatti Chili in which case, good job. It looks good enough to eat!

>> No.17491150

the pasta looks awful, but at least it looks edible, which is a miracle on this board.

>> No.17491165

you will never know what

>> No.17491179

Unbelievably you've managed to make food cooked in literal water look dry

>> No.17491191


>> No.17491197

What's wrong, bud?

>> No.17492025

Would smash

>> No.17492041

is this from the kids menu?
also are you seriously going to eat that over your keyboard?

>> No.17492255
File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220213_221719870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine
fuck you i liked it
i slightly overcooked the beef but it was tasty anyway
i add too much tomato paste because i like a thicker sauce that actually tastes like tomato and doesn't turn to V8 on my plate
there's bella mushrooms in it
i added sweet basil at the end of cooking the sauce, as well as more on the plate
i like a FUCK load of cheese, and salt pepper on my sghetti.
i don't pre mix it you are all autistic. you mix the portion of noodles and sauce you want to have per bite as you eat.
yes i splashed it all over my monitors i dont give a fuck i cleaned it up later

>> No.17492289

for fucks sake eat at the table like a civilized person

>> No.17492292

It looks like it's just a cheapy membrane kb, who cares?

>> No.17492407

I'd eat it. Was it good? Looks a tad dry, but I've been known to kinda like runny sauce. Didja cut the noods?

>> No.17492428

Looks like overcooked spaghetti topped with overcooked Manwich.
8/10 will add this to my next shopping list

>> No.17492475

fucking terrible

>> No.17492528

Yum. That meat/sauce ratio looks perfect.

>> No.17492635


You know very little about good pasta and it shows.

>> No.17492668

How is your keyboard so immaculate? Are you my anal-retentive brother?

>> No.17492764

Why are you guys so obsessed with the keyboard? Do you all have dirty keyboards or something

>> No.17492784
File: 66 KB, 640x425, guilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no....no...why would you say that?

>> No.17492793

That looks so good bro. 'Ghetti just like mama used to make.

>> No.17492798
File: 2.90 MB, 200x170, 1568455027529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green pepper
red one is fine, but I'd slice it ultra hyper mega thin so it couldn't even be seen

>> No.17492801
File: 1.30 MB, 3776x2832, logi - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but not just the keyboard

>> No.17492826

LOL, kraft parmesan. Tastes like my childhood.