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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17487747 No.17487747 [Reply] [Original]

>red meat
>hydrogenated oil
>seed oil
>saturated fat
>heavy drinking
>too much salt
>too much sugar
Erm... I think I'm gonna stop working now.

>> No.17487757

>>red meat
>saturated fat
>too much salt
Debunked sweety

>> No.17487764
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> Be anon
> take covid "vaccine"
> My heart when

>> No.17487765

Stop believing anything nutrition coming from american associations controlled by big corporations.

>> No.17487768

>be ganpa
>eating red meat for 85 years
>all sorts of seed oils
>extra salt with every meal
>smoking since 12 yo
>currently getting drunk

yeah im sorry your lineage is pathetic and your hearts give up on the smallest challenge
strongest survives or whatevet

>> No.17487770
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>> No.17487788
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>> No.17487874

Of course. The international scientific community is not as reliable as an obese schizo who is scared that the globalist jews will keep him from stuffing his face with bacon.

>> No.17487876

I specified american associations.

>> No.17487878

You need to dilate

>> No.17487880

Hahaha. Good one. Shoulda just had a shower apple

>> No.17487884

I'm not one of your arteries, sorry.

>> No.17487890

prove it then

>> No.17487896

>The international scientific community

>> No.17487904
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At least I'll die doing what I loved... being a useless piece of shit

>> No.17487911

I agree with the first three but why do so many people think it's impossible to have too much salt and that there won't be any negative effects from that? You can die if you force yourself to drink too much water. That doesn't mean water is inherently bad, we still need some to live just like with sodium, but you absolutely can have too much salt which can cause health problems. And no, just drinking more water doesn't completely offset consuming too much salt.

>> No.17487936

Who is trustworthy? You act like someone is, but I doubt that very much

>> No.17488291
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>> No.17488327


>> No.17488332
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>> No.17488494

> Scientist : this may be associated with this and that
> sensationalist journalism : THIS CAUSES CANCER!?

>> No.17488498

>>can't handle red meat