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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 656x1077, FKfC_C2aUAMQ7CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17484746 No.17484746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ive consumed 5000 calories today. AMA.

>> No.17484763

What did you eat.

>> No.17484769


>> No.17484774

Are you willing to predict the smelling notes of your eventual farts?

>> No.17484778

How many calories did you consume today?

>> No.17484784

Damn bro bulking season is over. You’re supposed to be cutting now.

>> No.17484786


>> No.17484790

What was your thought process for choosing the accompanying image, Original Poster?

>> No.17484800

they wanted to post a picture of their favourite male.

>> No.17484801

what does "ask me anything" mean?

>> No.17484809
File: 11 KB, 273x364, 1645486991594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 salmon burger with cheese slice
>400 g of oven-baked potatoes

then I played tennis for 3 hours straight and I went to mc dicks

>3 large fries
>3 mc doubles
>2 mc chickens
>large sprite

I actually ordered 2 mc chickens and a large fry but they fucked my order up so bad and gave me all that extra food by accident. Probably got some poor schmucks order.

Oh its going to be bad.


A perfect storm of events lead to this situation. I will just fast tomorrow.

It always gets repsonses.

>> No.17484818
File: 186 KB, 938x1200, hunterschafer5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexual transsexuals are gay erasure.

Gay men cannot become straight women.

Transgenderism is harmful homophobic conversion therapy designed to erase, sterilize, and re-closet gay people.

Castration is oppression. Being gay is not a defect of brain or body.

>> No.17484823

>It always gets responses.
Case in point. >>17484818

>> No.17484829

Fair enough, I guess

>> No.17484831
File: 1.70 MB, 326x244, de5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17484833
File: 283 KB, 990x1641, 1645890016964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunter Schafer. Trans actor and model.

>> No.17484843

Do you think that is some accomplishment?

>> No.17484845

Average armenian diet

>> No.17484847

Checked and holy fuck that last statement. Bretty brave to say fuck isreal, gotta be a troon to pull that off.

>> No.17484852

I could probably do 7000.

>> No.17484858

Why only 5000? Are you a girl?

>> No.17484866

your mc D order only adds up to 3700. add the potatoes and your salmon burger must have been huge for that to add up

>> No.17484872

potatoes and the salmon burger was 900, then I had 4 ranch packets (440) with my mc D

>> No.17484889

yikes, you're not kidding. lol

>> No.17484940

Should I pick sticks or buy an index fund?
Specifically I'm looking at
Ali Baba
American Express
Bank of America
Enterprise Partners

>> No.17484949

Do both, but I would lean more towards index funds.

Do 20% your picks and 80% index funds

>> No.17485228


>> No.17485592

Go back to /tttt/ gincel

>> No.17485613


>> No.17485634

Your picks are all basic bitch shit, just stick to indexes

>> No.17485641

Why do you count calories?
Are you gay?

>> No.17485647

It's fun to count as a binge eater anon

>> No.17485710

Shut up you are hurtful

>> No.17485902

I count them in my head for the IQ math gains.

>> No.17485915
File: 245 KB, 1053x1777, 20201230_075400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly edited and makeup-caked tranny cope photos vs reality

>> No.17485921

sometimes the truth hurts anon. you're not going to outperform investment firms whose entire job is to look at the giant corporations you named. go obscure or stick to indexes

>> No.17485927

You do know that numbness is an impending stroke, right?

>> No.17485928
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres nothing "trans" about him. Its a fucking dude.

>> No.17485938
File: 886 KB, 1000x1000, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dudes don't have estrogen as their dominant sex hormone lol

>> No.17485944


>> No.17486070

You can inject a dolphin with crab hormones and duct tape claws to it, still a dolphin. Or can a dolphin identify as a crab? Wait, are all crab-dolphins real and valid crabs?

>> No.17486077

Poop on investment firms. Truth be told, I worked for 22 years for 3 BDs. Wouldnt give an advisor a call back today knowing what I know. Index funds and quasi holding companies w exemplary asset allocation ie Google, apple, Berkshire, MS thru vanguard or fidelity, aye, Rog, that's the name of the game.

>> No.17486107

The guy in pic does

>> No.17486145

god she is gorgeous

>> No.17486186

John money set out to prove gender was a social construct and failed, conversion therapy is a complete misrepresentation but trust a leftists to lie
Troons are just autogynephiles, it's a fetish and nothing more

>> No.17486234

Money didn't mutilate the kid, at least not initially.
For whatever reasons he had complications from circumcision and they had to cut his penis.
Then his parents went to Money, who finished the work and remove his testicles

>> No.17486243
File: 178 KB, 1200x829, 1645935564619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With such a breakfast, what will you eat for lunch and dinner?

Or... Was 5000 the whole day..?

>> No.17486407

i don't understand this edit, why would /pol/ want to hide a tranny lover being a degenerate psycho?

>> No.17486411
File: 53 KB, 350x616, cobain01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a problem with trans-rights?

>> No.17486429
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>> No.17486444
File: 111 KB, 394x651, 316F0996-65E5-4879-B24E-53592DE82D50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conversion therapy is a complete misrepresentation
L m a o
Just wait until you google Kenneth Zucker.

>Zucker usually explains gender dysphoria in terms of what he calls “family noise”: neglectful parents who caused a boy to over-identify with his domineering older sisters. Zucker’s belief is that with enough therapy, such children can be made to feel comfortable in their birth sex. Zucker has compared young children who believe they are meant to live as the other sex to people who want to amputate healthy limbs, or who believe they are cats, or those with something called ethnic-identity disorder. Younger children are more malleable, he believes.

>In 1967, Dr. John Money launched an experiment that he thought might confirm some of the more radical ideas emerging in feminist thought, arguing that the whole notion of gender was a social construction, and easy to manipulate. Money had written: “Sexual behavior and orientation as male or female does not have an innate, instinctive basis.” We learn whether we are male or female “in the course of the various experiences of growing up.” Time magazine concluded that the Reimer case cast doubt on the belief that sex differences are “immutably set by the genes at conception.”

>The reality was quite different. Today, the notion that gender is purely a social construction seems nearly as outmoded as bra-burning or free love. Dr. Milton Diamond, an expert on human sexuality at the University of Hawaii and long the intellectual nemesis of Money, encapsulated this view in an interview on the BBC in 1980, when it was becoming clear that Money’s experiment was failing: “We come to this world with some degree of maleness and femaleness which will transcend whatever the society wants to put into us.”

>> No.17486542

>better looking
>can form their own opinions
>doesn't judge you by some groupthink popularity standard
What's even the point of women anymore? You suck at sports and no one likes you except to drill.

>> No.17486587

Mostly true, yes. Homosexuality objectively borders on a defect, but is held back by some sociocultural utility. Transgenderism is false, gender doesn't even exist - only sex and expression of sex, which is not constructed by society but rather reacted to by societys paradigm. Transsexuals are extremely rare, being 99% intersex people and only 1% wrong brain/body types, most if not all of which are the byproduct of hormone disruption or birth defect. Western civilization is so incredibly backwards when it comes to this topic.

>> No.17486679

gays being a thing always sort of made sense to me in an evolutionary way, like a little extra something to keep the excess males content while grug thundercock impregnates 50 different grugettes

>> No.17486687

Lol that’s nothing.
t. Bulimic