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17483540 No.17483540 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys like to consume on your coffee breaks? I work from home so it's one long coffee break. I am partial to chocolaty dark roasts.

>> No.17483556

are you telling me commies dont have coffee breaks?

>> No.17483561

I also work from home and take breaks whenever I like since we don't have productivity tracking software. I do two espressos in the morning, one right before I work and one about two hours in. I don't eat until about noon, and usually whip up something very macro-conscious because by dinner I can't be assed to watch it as closely.

>> No.17483562

“Capitalism and caffeine are hand in hand. If you want any proof of that, just look at the institution of the coffee break... Your employer not only gives you a free drug at the at the workplace, but gives you a place and time in which to enjoy it twice a day, in most places. Why would employers do that if it didn’t offer them more benefit than cost? And clearly it does. They get more work out of people.”

As it turns out, what we consider a “coffee break” in the United States is actually explicitly tied to a 1955 court case, the United States vs. Phil Greinetz of Los Wigwam Weavers.

Greinetz owned the Denver tie factory Los Wigwam Weavers and, after World War II, struggled to find staff up for the surprisingly arduous task of tie making. To encourage productivity, he introduced mandatory coffee breaks so that workers would have the energy to make it through their shifts fully alert. One problem, though. Like bad bosses throughout history, Greinetz didn’t want to pay his employees for the time he demanded they spend drinking coffee. Eventually, the U.S. Department of Labor became involved, with the court ultimately deciding, in a rare win for the working person, that employers had to cover coffee breaks since the business was positively affected by employees being jacked up on caffeine.

>> No.17483589

not soliciting violence but do any of you guys think maybe some of these communist propagandists should die?

>> No.17483616


>> No.17483634


>> No.17483643

If the history of capitalism makes you so angry, maybe your enemy is capitalism.

>> No.17483657

I don't know why the communist proponents choose to remain in evil capitalist USA instead of beating down the doors to get into the wonderful tropical Communist workers paradise 90 miles off the coast.

>> No.17485366

No, I don't feel homicidal rage when someone dares bring up historical facts that make my corporate masters look bad.

>> No.17485422

A lil bit of a alternative ideology in the face of the dominant one never hurt anyone

But the problem here is they're both working for the same cause

>> No.17485861

Facebook boomer tier post

>> No.17485866

even for cope that's a big stretch

>> No.17485870

Depends on my mood but I've been making waffles the past week each morning to dry eat while enjoying my coffee.
Also, I'm fed up with how ______ is either racist, sexists, capitalist, or whatever nowadays. We need a new war to give people something to interest their time over as fucking hell.

>> No.17485878

Greinetz is obviously a Liberal name, why did he have to be so stingy with the breaks? fr fr

>> No.17487688

how can a name have a political affiliation?

>> No.17487692
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>What do you guys like to consume on your coffee breaks?

>> No.17487807


>> No.17488724

>cope and seethe

>> No.17488734

What a waste of time and money to litigate this. Supply and demand will shift wages down if forced to pay for the coffee break and shift wages up if not, at least on the broader market. Instead a bunch of progressives had to have a show trial to demonstrate how much they love the working man

>> No.17488770

>10-15 minute break
>jAcKeD uP oN cAfFeInE

STFU with this exaggerated nonsense. no one is coming back from a coffee break jacked up on anything (unless it's actually a cocaine break, but that would cost too much). kys.

>> No.17488777

I used to go to liquor store and do shot bottle

>> No.17488892

What's all this coffee break boolshit?
Just drink coffee all day long, like I do.
Problem solved.
Fugin plebs.

>> No.17488952

I miss coffee.

>> No.17489941
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1646001295817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink coffee.

>> No.17490528

That's the reason the owner gave for doing it though