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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17483211 No.17483211 [Reply] [Original]

>bar rescue
>almost all bars still open
>kitchen nightmares
>basically every place is closed

>> No.17483314

>huge margins on alcohol
>product is addictive
Meanwhile some retards think they'll pay rent hucking hotdogs

>> No.17483369

So restaurant owners and indie wrestlers are actually pretty similar. Who would've known

>> No.17483375
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>> No.17483385
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>> No.17483396

Would you purposefully injure yourself on a regular basis for tubes of meat and a firm, hardy handshake?

>> No.17483400

wrestling is for theater kids, what does this have to do with owning a restaurant

>> No.17483405

Food is basically wrestling

>> No.17483406

Because bars are easy mode.
You’ve got to be a special level of retard to make a fucking bar fail.
If you offer alcohol, and an okay-enough place in which to sit and drink it, you’ll make money. The idiots on bar rescue mostly seemed to be retarded about wanting to run some sort of fantasy bar they had in their head instead of a bar that worked with the local customer base. Don’t try to force a “classy” bar in a blue collar area.

>> No.17483409
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o.. ok

>> No.17483415

I'm not that guy but it's pretty clear what he means, it's a thing everyone thinks they can do and support themselves when that's not at all the case.

>> No.17483419

I find these hotdog accusations caseless

>> No.17483421

I have never in my life met anybody who claimed they could or wanted to be a wrestler. Do you live with carnies?

>> No.17483425

That's because you hang out with fucking losers

>> No.17483428

You have to go back.

>> No.17483429

Do you do a lot of wrestling with your friends, anon?

>> No.17483435

I used to when I was a kid. Had a giant trampoline and we would do dropkicks and suplexes and shit to each other. Fun times. I perfected the swanton bomb

>> No.17483441

I can see why you know a lot of people who claim to want to support themselves on an indie wrestlers salary

>> No.17483453

Nah we all grew up and got real jobs. Well one didn't, but the rest of us did

>> No.17483458

>I can see why you know any single person who claims to want to support themselves on an indie wrestlers salary

>> No.17483468

I appreciate the apology, but don't accept it.

>> No.17483918

when you rescue something you save it.
nightmares end.

>> No.17483931

The cooks on Kitchen Nightmares are always either illegal immigrants or what seems like ex convicts. The owners can't afford or don't want to pay someone who actually knows what they're doing, so they're stuck with mediocre workers who wouldn't be able to make the revamped menus if their lives depended on it.

Gordon always revamps the restaurant/menu in a way that HE would be able to run successfully, not to the capabilities of the people actually running it. So they'll do the menu for three days after he leaves, realize they actually have to pay someone to prep the food and make it consistently, and that's just not going to happen most of the time.

>> No.17483944

>bar rescue
>a popular TV show brings major attention to your shitty bar and it turns out it's not that hard to serve alcohol to people
>kitchen nightmares
>a restaurant that has been failing for years is going to be saved by one fuck head spending a single week there
I mean it's not rocket science

>> No.17483959

most bars have a kitchen
where do you live that has such a high success rate

>> No.17484002

In bars the focus is on boose. In restaurants the focus is food.

>> No.17484117

Alcohol has much higher margins then food. Also people that start bars tend to know their product and what their customers want, even if their business sense isn't the greatest. Watching Kitchen Nightmares a lot of times the restaurant owners were either completely retarded or delusional and didn't know anything about food or how to run a kitchen.

>> No.17484139

Most best comment

>> No.17484184

anyone have the full gif of this retard doing his thing? I've been looking for awhile

>> No.17484221

It's nearly impossible to shut a bar down for good.
One of the shittiest bars in my town has had multiple killings take place inside, has been shut down temporarily four times for serving alcohol to minors, hasn't renovated in decades, was lit on fir at least twice that I remember, has fuck all for selection, and has been turning a profit for over 40 years.
I am convinced that it will still be operating when I die.

>> No.17484240

What bar? I want to check that shit out

>> No.17484244

idk about everywhere but where i live a liquor license is like a golden ticket because they are so hard to get, pretty much anybody will invest in your bar for a chance to get a hold of that license and you can just leap frogging from one investor to the next

>> No.17484247
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APPARENTLY, having a coked out asshole yell at you and your staff for a few days doesn't improve things...

>> No.17484250

Plenty do not.
I’d argue that most “real” bars do not have an actual kitchen.
They might sell some sort of food, but it’s often due to some states having laws that a bar must sell some sort of food.
That’s why so many dive bars will have chips and whatnot for sale.
The minute you start having a full kitchen and offering actual cooked items, then you’re running a bar/restaurant. That’s where people will fuck up. Especially if they try to go hard with the food; then it’s practically just a restaurant that happens to have a bar in it.
Operating a kitchen adds all sorts of expense and complexity plus a pile of regulations to comply with.
It really is almost impossible to fuck up a bar. Where people fuck up are the non-bar things they try to add to the bar. Profit margin on serving alcohol is massive. There’s very little product loss because spirits don’t go bad, and if your beer distributor is worth a shit he’ll know what sells well in your area so you shouldn’t have beer getting old either.
If someone manages to fuck up an actual bar, it’s usually due to shit like employee theft, or the owner treating it more like a party-pad than a business and overpaying for live entertainment, giving tons of free shit to friends and hot girls, etc.

>> No.17484302

that is just not true, having a coked out asshole yell at you can really give you perspective on your own life

>> No.17484377
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you can't fix americans
if they fail, it's because they suck, and the yelling asshole is there to give them a chance which they still waste

>> No.17484412
File: 169 KB, 1024x843, 1550968295398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't fix americans
he has a shit ton of episodes from all over Europe

>> No.17484422

yes i would like to give my sperms to the hot girl, for free of course