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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17481964 No.17481964 [Reply] [Original]

Love making egg fried rice with leftover rice. Added some onion too, for good measure.

>> No.17482019

That's the blandest looking fried rice I've ever seen. I honestly didn't know it was possible for fried rice to look that boring.

>> No.17482044

It tastes good so I don't give a fuck. Wish I had beanslorte thgja2tsv

>> No.17482048

That's the most delicious looking fried rice I've ever seen. I honestly didn't know it was possible for fried rice to look that exciting.

>> No.17482062
File: 1.32 MB, 2592x1944, PXL_20220215_011724761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wish I had beanslorte thgja2tsv

>> No.17482068
File: 994 KB, 2592x1944, PXL_20220206_022224141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sites confusing holy fuck

>> No.17482072

looks good but lurk moar newfriend

>> No.17482100

Just crop the picture before uploading next time. Make it ever so slightly more Squarish and it won’t rotate like that

>> No.17482115

doe i mix the egg with rice in the pan or?

>> No.17482121
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you're telling me an egg fried that rice? I don't think so

>> No.17483695

It's very simple, what's confusing you redditor?

>> No.17483710

Scramble the eggs first with plenty of fat and add the rice when egg is still half creamy
Keep chopping with the spoon while you stir
The key is using a load of fat so the rice will actually fry and not just toast and dry up

>> No.17483716

You're supposed to mix the raw egg into the rice then fry it.

>> No.17483718
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>>17481964 throw some frozen peas and carrots in there, anon. A lil garlic powder, soy sauce and srirachi are great additions too

>> No.17483726
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>> No.17483727

Lol not true at all. Look up literally any recipe, anon

>> No.17483737

>any recipe
You can apologize for being such a cockgobbling faggot now


>> No.17483797


>> No.17483821

Scallions, garlic, soy, ginger, and sesame. All of this plus your eggs and whatever protein/veg you want and your fly lice will be tasty AF. I add a pinch of kosher salt on top when it’s in my bowl too cause that shit is cash

>> No.17483863

imagine not adding ham to your efr

>> No.17483881

better than OP but still could be better.
teflon is for retards.
garlic powder is for retards.
sriracha is for retards.

1. if you have some meat, like mince or bacon, fry that up and set aside
2. make sure there is enough oil, get it smoking hot, add beaten eggs, cut into smaller pieces after 30 seconds to 1 minute, set aside
3. add more oil, get heat back up, add chopped vegetables such as cabbage, carrots and peas are fine, definitely fresh chilies and garlic, ginger if you want, onions or scallions, celery, peppers, whatever you have in the fridge. don't crowd the pan, some salt, stir fry at high heat for a few minutes, set aside
4. add more oil, get heat back up, add leftover cooked rice, with large clumps separated by hand. wet hands with water to keep rice from sticking. break up the smaller clumps once in the pan. stir fry for several minutes
5. add soy sauce, light to taste and dark for colour, mirin for japanese style, mix well so all the rice is coated to an even colour
6. add meat, eggs and vegetables back and finish with sesame oil (toasted obviously you stupid yankee) if you want

>> No.17484047

>mfw no beanslorte

>> No.17484153
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>> No.17484427

the heat from the rice cooks the egg