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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17471142 No.17471142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this hack is straight up just stealing other people's video ideas now

>> No.17471150

Who's idea did he stole?

>> No.17471152

That's youtube baby

>soyjack thumbnail
Seems like he knows what he's doing

That being said he's not particularly interesting or knowledgeable IMO

>> No.17471156
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Doesn't look like Ethan Chlebowski...

>> No.17471159

Ethan. Ethan does it way better because he actual caters to the home cook and includes shit like clean up time. Josh literally just used this video to show off. Also I don't buy the taste test at the end declaring him the winner. He rushed the shit out of dish and both the chicken and sauce were done pretty poorly

>> No.17471163

I can't stand this faggots content.
He's so annoying, so flamboyant, his editing and shitmemes are so bad and he always acts super pretentious, especially since he made a big deal about switching from imperial to metric in his recipes.
In terms of generic cooking youtubers I much prefer Chlebowski who seems way more genuine about his cooking passion despite still looking and acting pretty faggoty. Must come with the territory of being a youtuber for a living.
My favorite channels are Chinese Cooking Demystified and Kenji Lopez because they have a genuine passion and don't waste time with any bullshit talk they get right into the meat of what they're making, the background/culture behind it, and the science of why a dish works or is prepared the way it is.

>> No.17471215

Agreed. He's annoying and pretentious

My personal faves also include Kenji. Internet Shaquille and Foodwishes are pretty based, and Marco's content is occasionally viable.

Babish is insufferable

>> No.17471218


Great joke.

>> No.17471223

>Kenji Lopez
> doesn't waste time with any bullshit talk

>> No.17471231

Talking about the background/culture behind ingredients isn't BS if you actually care about cooking

>> No.17471238

Babish was fine until he got big, it was a straight forward "this is what we're doing how it is in the show/movie". He somehow got the idea people were liking him and not whatever thing he was making and is trying to get his face everywhere. There was a point you never saw his face, now you see it at least once every video

>> No.17471245

I recently found this guy Josh Cortis for meal prep focused videos, he keeps them short and sweet


>> No.17471247

Not to mention his logo for his fucking product is his face. It's embarrassing. He's also shoving more 'humor' into his videos now which just stretches out an already bloated video.

I agree, he was good before he got famous

>> No.17471251

He went shit when he started pretending to be an actual authority on food and cooking. He literally has no culinary background and makes so many mistakes - which is fine when you're doing fun videos about food from movies and TV - but it doesn't work when you start doing instructional videos, especially when almost every single recipe is something he's taken from somewhere else rather than it being his own ideas or research

>> No.17471262

>small brain foodtube
cringe americans with their soyfaces and memey editing
>big brain foodtube
anyone who isn't from america
>universe brain foodtube
anyone who isn't from america who don't even speak or post their videos in english

>> No.17471264

Good list. I also like Brian Lagerstrom.

>> No.17471270

that is what's killing it for me, the videos where his humor just amounts to yelling something every now and then

>> No.17471276

>Majority of Pasta Grannies is Universe-Brain
I fucking knew it

>> No.17471294

The absolute stupidity of Josh's "BUT BETTER" series is that he takes basic fast food items that are cheap and fast, and makes a homemade version but with infinite extra time and unlimited budget.

Like wow you can make everything from scratch and make something of better quality when you have all the time in the world and are willing to spend 700% more than the fast food item to make it.

>> No.17471307

I'm really enjoying Ethan's new series where he races his brother to cook a better dish of the same kind by the time he gets back with the fast food. There's only a couple of episodes of that out but the race factor is exciting and Ethan's just his usual educational self.

>> No.17471327

The one that gets me is his "but cheaper" series. It's like he thinks that you're only paying for the ingredients when you buy a meal rather than the service and it being cooked for you. If you added minimum wage for every hour you have to spend cooking one of his "but cheaper" recipes, it isn't going to end up being cheaper

>> No.17471328

once again, Ethanchads win.

>> No.17471336

Ethan actually posts his Ls too. I wouldn't be shocked if Josh never loses in these videos, just like how he always has to be the best in all of his other "but ... " videos

>> No.17471337


The botched series is unwatchable precisely because he decided to make it half a stand up comedy routine staring himself and his friends.

>> No.17471354

Yeah he was eating his words this second episode. You can tell the first one he was fucking going at it to beat his brother back with the fast food and I think him beating the taco bell drive through so thoroughly made him complacent for the chikfila sandwich. He was just lackadaisically cleaning stuff and had to rush to finish. He also cheated a little by stopping the clock before assembling the sandwich because he already lost.

>> No.17471358

I agree except for Kenji. Having a pretentious name and then taking your wife's last name is beta incarnate. I can't stand speakers/presenters who say "uhmm" twenty five thousand times in a ten minute video.
Lastly, when he eats what he makes at the end. His mouth makes the most disgusting, sloppy sounds I have ever heard. I would beat him to death if I had to eat a meal with him.

>> No.17471365

>Wears a gopro on his head cooking all the food in real time and cuts past points where food is just baking or boiling, only ever shows active cooking.
>Talks about the background and culture of a dish, why he preps the ingredients the way he does, and why the dish is cooked the way it is, while explaining the science and/or chemistry behind the techniques he's using.
>Wasted time with bullshit talking
I really like Chef John and his recipes are nice and simple for lazy home chefs but his voice can be a bit grating at times.
>Universe Brain foodtube: Dudes who clearly speak English as a Second Language and teach their culture and cuisine to an American audience, like Aaron and Claire.

>> No.17471395

The thing I love about Kenji is not just his food's good but he regularly talks about ingredient substitutes. If I don't have some fancy mushroom for the dish he's making he'll say what I should use instead to approximate.

>> No.17471401
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Oh, boy. I can't wait to eat chicken reheated in the microwave 5 days after it's been cooked.

>> No.17471407

Agreed - I've been making his Miso recipe for months because he made it look so goddamn easy. Only recently got the Kombu and it's pretty much perfect now

>> No.17471418

Life sucks when you're poor. You have to make food delicious with whatever you can and also when you're poor you work fucking shitload more time than people that sit in their homes doing spreadsheets for a few hours and playing on their phones for the rest of the time. Meal prep is practically class culture.

>> No.17471426
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Gordon can be a decent watch when he's cooking with his kids or something

When he's doing it alone he's shaking like he either did a line of coke before shooting or he has to blast out a quart of piss

>> No.17471430

I barely scrape by week to week and still cook every meal right before I eat it rather than prepping

>> No.17471433

For me? It's Atomic Shrimp. I'll be honest, Br*tish "food" doesn't look too palatable most of the time, but he has sovl.

>> No.17471438

>Talking about the background/culture behind ingredients isn't BS if you actually care about cooking
Sure, but 90% of the time whatever the chef rambles about on a recipe blog or in a Youtube video is retarded nonsense

>> No.17471443

I prefer making stuff in large quantities so I'm not having to cook something every night, just reheat leftovers

>> No.17471449

absolutely obsessed with america

>> No.17471457

I get the question of time, but chicken develops an unpleasant taste after a few days.

Don't get me wrong, I do eat leftovers and reheated food all the time, but making so much chicken means you'll have to eat the same meal everyday unless you freeze it.

>> No.17471458

Internet Shaquille is pretty entertaining but he's just wrong on so much fundamental stuff it's unbelievable that he isnt a troll

>> No.17471464

I thought he would open by acknowledging Ethan's series or inspiration or something but no, he just straight up steals his idea without any of the charm or explanation.

>> No.17471473

I can't stand this dude's editing.

>> No.17471477

The fame went to his head when his jew producer friend Sawyer made him start that Being with Babish Oprah show and the cookware line. Nobody cares about you, Andy, you manchild bitch. Just make funny gross food and dont show your face, stick to what got you big to begin with.

>> No.17471488

Love that shit. More cooking channels should take the 10 seconds it takes to talk about substitutes for regional or hard to find ingredients. Chinese Cooking Demystified does a lot of that too, recreating rarer Chinese ingredients out of more normal pantry items.

>> No.17471496

>ethan complaining about ripping off ideas
the whole foodtuber is a human centipede at this point

>> No.17471497

CCD is good too. I love some the soups I've tried which helped me develop my own recipe for my favorite soup to make. They also held their nose and taught me how to make super crispy chicken thigh chunks like the Americanized Chinese restaurants make for tso's and sesame chicken which I use in my honey-sriracha chicken recipe.

>> No.17471499

Not trying to be a stan for a youtuber but I'm curious what examples there are about Shaq being wrong about fundamental stuff

>> No.17471513

didnt Bon appetit do this video idea ages ago?

>> No.17471546
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I don't mind this guy's videos, but are you really surprised that a jew steals things? Come on now.

>> No.17471565

Ethans video is at least in real time. Josh constantly editing really defeats the purpose of the premise.

>> No.17471576
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This is why Atomic Shrimps budget challenges are the best. When he says he's making 3 meals from £1's worth of ingredients, he actually goes to the shop and films himself buying everything with just £1.

>> No.17471578

He's a bigger faggot than Ethan and Ethan is an actual homosexual.

>> No.17471587

michel is your favorite chef's favorite chef.

>> No.17471588

Any youtuber who uses pork and lard in their recipes? I'm not too much into butter and olive oil.

>> No.17471593
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>> No.17471621

I think I might know one reason you're scraping by week to week if you're broke and still making a from scratch dinner ever single night

>> No.17471645

Internet Shaq sucks. There's a few interesting eyecatchy concept videos but he literally doesn't do recipes. Does he even cook? I unsubscribed after that like "You Have To Eat Your Vegetables" video because I agree with the concept and had high hopes for it but he literally didn't cook anything in it, he just listed off types of cooking and gestured towards first-page-of-google images for "roasted vegetables" "sauteed vegetables" "vegetable confit", etc. Limp dick shit.

Anyways FoodWishes is the GOAT but everyone knows that. My Name Is Andong is a great and incredibly unique channel I never see being discussed. And Pro Home Cooks has a vibe I can kinda see rubbing some people the wrong way (his brother in the earliest videos is the real swirly one, but split a while back) but has a lot to offer, similarly overlooked. Simple recipes, lots of them, informative the whole way through, and several theme videos that do a good job of breaking down the common "how-to"s into base concepts to better understand the Why's of the way things are done. Those are my recommendations.

>> No.17471652

Ethan recently guested on Pro Home Cooks too by the way, seems people in this thread are a big fan of his.

>> No.17471798

The more I learn about cooking, the more I see Chef John as pretty middle of the road when it comes to all things.

His refried beans recipe is really bad, particularly when you compare to authentic Mexican recipes that take more than 30 minutes stirring to get the bean to be really pasty and thick. His was like a soup.

He also can't bake for shit; just look at how he handles raw dough.

>> No.17471806

I somehow doubt I can make orange chicken faster than a restaurant that does it literally all day and has all the ingredients and tools prepped ahead of time

>> No.17471812

It is well known in the industry that Ethan is for "rent" which is why he's appeared in some many other big channel's videos

>> No.17471853

Are you say he's a prostitute?