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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.11 MB, 1078x830, tiny %22knob%22 of butter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17467105 No.17467105 [Reply] [Original]

You do know that butter-basting doesn't actually accomplish anything that simply pouring melted butter over your cooked food doesn't accomplish, don't you?

>> No.17467111

Just make your herb/garlic/whatever butter separately and then pour it on top of your cooked steak. Better yet just make a pan sauce with it then pour that on top of the cooked steak just before serving.

>> No.17467119

Based retard

>> No.17467226

meat doesn't absorb fat when it cooks.

>> No.17467228

lmao retard

>> No.17467232

>meat stops absorbing fat when it's hot
this is what /ck/ actually believes

>> No.17467244

the hot butter fries the surface of the steak it's for texture

>> No.17467284
File: 1.30 MB, 1867x2800, Reverse-Sear-Strip-Steak-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't like butter basted steaks. The sweet butter and rich beef isn't a good combo. I like butter on vegetables, starches like pasta or bread, chicken or seafood, but for steak I like to keep it simple with just a hard sear, black pepper, and maybe some steak sauce or citrus. I could see bearnaise if you need the butter, but it still has the herb/acid thing going on

>> No.17467296

stfu adam your so fucking gay

>> No.17467431

whenever I see someone on tiktok/youtube basting their steaks I know for a fact they are retarded

>> No.17467495

that's not the point of basting, retard

>> No.17467511

Basting the meat w butter and herbs adds a tiny bit of flavor but youre mostly doing it for the aromatics and how it perfumes the steak. It makes it smell beautiful. So no its not useless unless youre a mouthbreathing knuckle dragging double nigger

>> No.17467538

Once my steak is done I plate it then add butter, garlic and a sprig of rosemary to the pan and lap the butter over the garlic and rosemary to flavour it then spoon it over my steak.

>> No.17467543

>sweet butter
Do Americans really?

>> No.17467550
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I don't care if basting doesn't do anything for my steak, I do it because it makes me feel like a little chef

>> No.17467573

adam butter bastes his steaks lol you moron

>> No.17467587

thats a stupid opinion you have

>> No.17467597

based, nothing wrong with rituals

>> No.17467646
File: 49 KB, 826x715, F90098E2-1ED1-40B7-81E1-AA62F5E60FA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinion discarded

>> No.17467659

that's what the oil already accomplishes.

then what is the point of butter basting?

yes, that's what herbs do. the herbed butter can be made separately, even before the steak cooks. it does not need to be done with the cooking steak and there is no difference than if you just poured it on top of the steak after it's been cooked.

>> No.17467700

Not those anons but I'm pretty sure the butter basting shit only came into practice from restaurant cooks whose education and experience in cooking is in restaurant kitchen settings where they regularly find ways to cut corners, save time, and rush through things because they're under time pressure.

So rather than use a separate pan to make the herb butter separately, they do it all at the same time in the same pan to save time even if it means burning the butter and the herbs in the searing hot pan lmao.
Then these fags rather than teach the appropriate techniques for home cooks, are just encouraging home cooks to do as restaurant cooks do which is such autistic lack of awareness of who you're talking to. Shitty restaurant techniques rarely work for the home cook.

>> No.17467708

That's what I butter baste my cutting board and not my steak

>> No.17467775

>then what is the point of butter basting?
Basically what everyone in the thread has mentioned. Better aroma, makes the steak cook faster and more evenly, helps the taste. I find that it also helps the meat retain it's juice.
>there is no difference than if you just poured it on top of the steak after it's been cooked.
The difference is that most of the fat stays in the pan instead of sitting on your plate.

>> No.17468739

Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.17469171

>Better aroma
That comes from the herbs, which are separate from butter-basting. If you mean the butter aroma, well then pour melted butter on top of your steak. There's your aroma.

>makes the steak cook faster and more evenly
How does this make any sense at all? The oil and the hot pan is what cooks the steak. "Faster" comes from using higher heat, and "more evenly" comes from how much heat you're using combined with how often you flip the steak. Butter has nothing to do with this.

>helps the taste.
Pour melted butter on top of the cooked steak. Same taste.

>helps the meat retain it's juice.
This isn't true. Meat loses its juice as it cooks causing the muscle fibers to tighten and squeeze out its juices. Covering it with more fat doesn't stop that from happening.

>difference is that most of the fat stays in the pan instead of sitting on your plate.
if too much fat on your plate is the issue then simply pour not as much butter on top. Less wasteful that way.

>> No.17469812

>That comes from the herbs
The butter absorbs all of the aroma and flavor from the herbs. It's not about which is better on it's own, basting is just juice/fat mixed with whatever the fuck is in your pan to keep the outside of your meat moist and smelling good.
>How does this make any sense at all?
Fat holds heat, butter is just fat. By dropping that hot fat on the end of the steak you aren't searing, you're making it so that both sides are hot at the same time (Faster) and you're keeping the not-searing end of the steak from cooling off (more evenly). Having both sides hot also helps the meat hit a higher internal temperature faster. Better crust too.
>Pour melted butter on top of the cooked steak. Same taste.
Not the same, since it's not sucking up all of the flavor from the herbs and the meat drippings. Maybe if you do a butter sauce, but it's still different from butter-basting.
>This isn't true
This is what my pa told me. Ya keep the whole steak hot so that it dunny cool down an start restin, ya keep slapping the butter jooce on top, you slap the steak an da jooce down and let it rest, an the steak sucks all tha jooce back up. You callin my pa a fuckin liar?
>then simply pour not as much butter on top
It wouldn't be baste if I couldn't put all the butter I fucking wanted, now would it. It's still less fat than just plopping the butter down like I've got a slice of toast in front of me, and it's more flavorful.

>> No.17469817

How hot is the butter you tried basting with?

>> No.17469820

No, they probably mean it's unsalted butter, which is definitely not the best to cook a steak in
>then what is the point of butter basting?
IDK, superchief, what's the point of frying food in oil? Maybe to cook it? Anybody ever thought of using hot oil to cook things?
please stop, you went past based retard straight into full blown downie drooler about 30 minutes ago.

>> No.17469846

Yeah and he said he doesn't care. That fact doesn't care about your feelings.

>> No.17469859

I can tell that you cooked one side longer than the other

>> No.17469869

So? Gonna do something about it?

>> No.17469924

Yeah, didn't think so

>> No.17469949


>> No.17469971

Good, you have a poop mouth anyways

>> No.17471118

>The butter absorbs all of the aroma and flavor from the herbs
All fat does that. You fry the steak in oil. Oil is a fat that absorbs aroma and flavor. So does water-based liquids and alcohol.

>both sides are hot at the same time and keeping the not-searing end of the steak from cooling off
For this then it would make way more sense to baste with more oil, deep fry it, or cook it entirely in the oven. Butter can't get as hot as oil without burning, plus butter is about 20% (15% for higher quality butters) and that water would interfere with any maillard browning. The hot pan and the oil in it are what will give you a crust and cook the steak fast and evenly more than butter can. You also have to consider that by lifting the pan slightly off the flame in order to tilt the pan to baste it, the pan is then cooling off ever so slightly.

>sucking up all of the flavor from the herbs and the meat drippings
again, that's the property of all fat including oil.
>butter sauce, but it's still different from butter-basting.
making a butter sauce is what should be done instead of butter-basting for all the reasons you speak of absorbing flavor.

>steak sucks all tha jooce back up
I like your dad, he sounds like a cool guy. But that's just not how protein and muscle fibers work. They can only lose juice when cooked.

>butter and oil behave the exact same in every application.
smooth brain.

>> No.17471122

>>17471118 (me)
20% water (15% for higher quality butters)*

>> No.17471944

If your beef loses juices while it cooks you're doing it wrong

>> No.17471979

Enjoy your flavorless dried out steak retard

>> No.17471994

the heat from the butter cook the steak

>> No.17472019

Beurre maitre d'hotel takes 5 minutes to make any amount you want

>> No.17473153
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 2017-01-05T23-32-02-866Z--1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naive about race reality
Retard detected

>> No.17473220
File: 1.42 MB, 1125x1125, butterbaste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heat contact makes the butter lose heat when it touches the steak. when it's in the pan, it's constantly being heated along with the fat so it gives the surface a better crust.

>> No.17473232

There's no difference between pouring butter sauce over your cooked meat and just eating a lump of butter on the side. It all ends up in the same place.

>> No.17473291
File: 2.67 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20191218_192541364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking stupid. Please don't hit me again daddy

>> No.17473302
File: 2.43 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201124_202320270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ends up in the same place.
The toilet

>> No.17473303

I unironically dont understand the point of basing.

>> No.17474774

How do I make a good pan sauce when there's always gross burnt shit with the good stuff

>> No.17474881

Just don't burn shit. Manage the heat and make sure your pan is properly oiled.

>> No.17474904

>that grease puddle

>> No.17474949

I thought you weren't supposed to oil the pan for steaks

>> No.17476114

What the fuck, you always oil the pan unless you're the type of guy that oils up his meat. You need something to help the steak make a crust and keep it from sticking to the pan. If it sticks, it burns.

>> No.17476690

>You do know that butter-basting doesn't actually accomplish anything that simply pouring melted butter over your cooked food doesn't accomplish, don't you?
1) Saturated fats wont become trans fats in the hot pan
2) You're telling people to pour the oil used for frying down the drain and use more oil afterwards to get the same effect as just frying it in the second oil? Wtf bro

>> No.17476727

just make shit up. K

>> No.17477201

Better mix that butter with some pan juices before you melt it and pour it on the steak
Not based

>> No.17477580

>everyone knows butter loses all flavor once it touches meat.

>> No.17477586

Yep, same with resting. Both memes.

>> No.17477605
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>unless you're the type of guy that oils up his meat

>> No.17477613
File: 500 KB, 881x444, rested.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone out there actually believes this

>> No.17477619
File: 410 KB, 1200x1800, A0D2CBAA-E11B-452A-9B69-CBAF4D1D46A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you baste it will butter it will come out like this. Simply delicious.

>> No.17477639

butter basting is to give the butter a meat flavor, dumbass
why else would you buy a shitty hunk of meat, if not to flavor your delicious butter?

>> No.17477652
File: 1.78 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20210806_191245493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17477657

>buttering, peppering and herbing ur steak
Swear to god the idea disgusts me to no end, but I have to try it, just salting it is my way to go, an orange or berry sauce at best for me, but I'd love to try peppercorn sauce some day

>> No.17477658

>I thought you weren't supposed to oil the pan for steaks
I don't oil the pan

>> No.17477742

How do I integrate herb flavor into meat without butter

>> No.17477763

Olive oil is very neutral when it comes to meat, just don't put too much

>> No.17477772

i dont season my steak, i season my form before each bite

>> No.17477776

>lack of salt makes something sweet for there is only sweet and salty
do Americans really?

>> No.17477779

fork* fuck

>> No.17478318

the herb flavors infuse with the butter and you are basically basting all the mixed flavors together on the steak

similarly, you can simmer heavy cream with herbs and garlic, strain, and add it to mashed potatoes

>> No.17479866

>meat doesn't absorb fat when it cooks.
this is the way

>> No.17479879

How do you sear it without butter?

>> No.17480170

Yeah, generally I don't notice much difference between butter basting and just putting a pat of butter on the steak as its resting.

>> No.17480191

they buy salted butter because the concept of adding an ingredient to food is alien to them

>> No.17480524

I hate lukewarm food furiously compared to warm or hot. Fuck your fucking juice retention.

>> No.17481957

Heat up your plate and then put the well-rested steak on top. Hell, you could even heat up your utensils if you're really being picky.

>> No.17481977

>putting butter cooked in garlic and thyme doesn't impart any taste
this is what /ck/ is telling me

>> No.17481992


>> No.17482467

That’s not burnt dummy

>> No.17483204

>the heat of the butter cooks the steak

>> No.17483215

oven on warm setting you fucking mongoloid.
if it's a food like pancakes that dries out fast as fuck, lay a damp towel over it
I don't wanna chew a rubber dog toy sitting in a plate full of delicious meat juice, not do I have to suffer cold food. there's a third route you're just not taking here.

>> No.17483535
File: 7 KB, 225x225, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like basted retard

>> No.17483538

I'm pretty sure everyone knows this

>> No.17483957

you say that but look at the retards in the thread who think it does magic like "helps cook the steak, gives you a better crust, and the meat absorbs the butter"

>> No.17483980

Thats it folks, the definitive /ck/ post. We can close this board down now.

>> No.17484407

Are you saying meat does absorb fat when it cooks? Like, do you genuinely, no kidding, believe that? Did you screencap that post for one of those "best of 4chan" subreddits?

>> No.17484650

underrated post

>> No.17485808
File: 148 KB, 640x480, Butter Basted Rosemary Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives you a better crust
This is objectively true.

>> No.17485873

So what you're saying is that resting is objectively worse because now there's no juices for my garlic bread or potatoes to soak up?

>> No.17485880

Unsalted butter is for baking. Salted butter is for everything else.

>> No.17485894

Fucking churl. Mashed taters or a bland ass baked potato that I'll do nothing but bitch about?

>> No.17485899

> unsalted butter is for baking
Literally makes no difference.

>> No.17485909

Baking is literally the one form of cooking where minute differences in ingredients like salt actually makes very noticeable differences.

>> No.17486399

Untrue actually because butter contains some water which interferes with maillard reaction. Plus adding room temperature or cold fat to the hot pan lowers the temperature of the pan and the food.

Butter itself doesn’t provide better browning than any other fat so if you think it does you’re just superstitious like people who think closing doors three times every time keeps them from dying.

>> No.17486474

Just admit you don't know how to butter-baste, I won't fault you for it.

>> No.17486507

I put butter on my steak because I'm a slob who likes the extra grease. putting it in the pan instead of just dumping melted butter on lets it brown a little and pick up some fond. I don't think basting does shit aside from keeping it from burning by moving it around.

>> No.17486973

This is the second time I saw this thread. Is this schizo making this thread everyday?

>> No.17487056


i use salted, sugared and floured butter when i bake. its easier and saves time

>> No.17487336

the thread is 5 days old man

>> No.17487416

Whats the race reality about whites? Tell me that pls. That they perfume their steaks?

>> No.17487683

>retard sees the same thread, thinks it’s a new thread, calls other people schizos

i cant stop laughing

>> No.17487689
File: 131 KB, 568x512, 1642811346645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das rite

>> No.17487944

same here

>> No.17488021


>> No.17488027

Have you literally never had grass-fed butter? It has an entire flavor profile

>> No.17488571

>entirely different.
Not really. It has a hardly noticeable difference in flavor. The real difference in flavor comes from cultured butter - butter that contains live bacterial cultures. grass-fed butter difference is mainly its color and fancier packaging and higher price which tricks people into thinking it has a better flavor and texture.

>> No.17490293

You're a special one, huh?

>> No.17490303

cultured butter is a load of fucking horse shit. totally useless and tastes like shit