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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 640x853, 4C00A45B-3FB2-4C5B-A06A-73AB308DC488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17463863 No.17463863 [Reply] [Original]

>This is a three Michelin star meal
>You’ll pay £300 for this

>> No.17463876

You'll pay 300 pounds for that and about 10-30 other courses of similar size. By the time you're done, you'll have traveled along a culinary journey of such delight and discovery that your life will literally have changed. You'll also be so full and satisfied that the next toilet you see will be painted like a fucking Jackson Pollock.

>> No.17463883

that looks like one part of a many part meal.

>> No.17463885

>>You’ll pay £300 for this
wrong ;)

>> No.17463945

i wish I could be this optimistic about something. No anon, your life isn't going to change because you had a more carefully prepared over priced meal. I don't doubt it taste good but you're not gonna cum your eyes out from pleasure. It's one of those things where if you have the money to have a slightly nicer eating expierence, then why not.

>> No.17463956
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I enjoy expensive tasting menus at starred restaurants and no amount of seething here will change that.

>> No.17463962

£300 for that tiny morsel? I personally would at least want a full meal for £300. It's really a sign of a sick society when a single morsel of food costs so much.

>> No.17463978

Not true, I have dreams about a piece of venison I had at a boogie Manhattan joint to this day, its been like 10 years. A first class dinner and drinks, if executed properly, is a memorable and enjoyable experience

>> No.17463999

I honestly feel bad for you if you haven't had a life-changing meal yet. Chances are pretty good that you're a layperson who wouldn't truly be able to appreciate an amazing meal. This isn't a slight against you, it's just sort of how things are. You can't teach someone who isn't ready for the lesson.

>> No.17464154 [DELETED] 

i've both worked and eaten at michelin starred restaurants. if they truly changed your life you might be a layperson whose life experience is so paltry that your dinner at georges V or whatever really stands out. This isn't a slight against you, it's just sort of how things are.

>> No.17464170

>had a life-changing meal yet
how did your life change exactly?

>> No.17464179

Not that anon, but I've had some meals that, while I wouldn't call "life changing", have made me realize that I liked things that I previously thought I hated. Either because they were higher quality, prepared better, paired better, etc.

>> No.17464180

i think you're right he means having a experience that's actually memorable is life-changing

>> No.17464189
File: 71 KB, 384x400, c313c27cb3ec105c090c8c9075b7525fd84fdb73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly feel bad for you if you haven't had a life-changing meal yet. Chances are pretty good that you're a layperson who wouldn't truly be able to appreciate an amazing meal. This isn't a slight against you, it's just sort of how things are. You can't teach someone who isn't ready for the lesson.

>> No.17464191

>have made me realize that I liked things that I previously thought I hated
like what? i've never in my life thought i "hate" anything

>> No.17464219

I'm addicted to life changing meals guys

>> No.17464241

It's like looking at good art. You realize how high the pinnacle of human accomplishment can reach. You taste something that is more pure and more perfect than anything you've ever tasted before. It's inspiring and humanizing at the same time. You're just a miserable faggot crab at the bottom of the bucket, so I don't expect you to understand it. That's alright, it's a special treat for the people who get it.

>> No.17464253

so please explain in words exactly how did your life change? or are you too illiterate and lack the vocabulary to talk about your inner experiences?

>> No.17464254

Maybe hate was too strong a word, but things that I'd tried once and decided I didn't like them at all and never ordered them again.

Stuff like Snails, Scallops, Eel, Seabass, Mussels, etc.

There is a flip side to the coin though, the service at high end restaurants is so good that it almost ruins "ordinary" meals, because now that you've seen how good service can be, you really notice that regular restaurants don't even come close.

>> No.17464258
File: 456 KB, 1280x720, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Many people in the world exist as the bottom of the bucket crabs.

I'm glad I'm not one of them, but I cannot be mad at them or hold any ill feelings towards them.

I'm going to continue to enjoy nice meals. They can seethe all they want and that's fine.

>> No.17464266

My life changed in that I realized that the watermark for good food was higher, you mong. I get that reading comprehension is out of your grasp, so let me put it in a simile that you might understand (though I'm not holding out any hopes for your dim wits):

Do you like music? Do you remember how it felt the first time you realized that there was an entire world of music outside of what they played on the radio? Entire albums and new sounds and musicians you never would have encountered otherwise? It was that kind of life changing.

>> No.17464269

good RP

>> No.17464271

if you really found that life changing, it's you who's the pitiable one anon. You may never accomplish anything of note, but att least you have a nice memory of your "experience"!

>> No.17464280

>My life changed in that I realized that the watermark for good food was higher, you mong.
i feel sorry you grew up in such a backwoods inbred household where you ate pigslop all your life. did you ever come to realize that sex with someone who isn't a relative also to be life-changing?

>> No.17464290

There it is: the full admission that you've also had life-changing food, but you had it first so you must be better than me.

Took you long enough to come to the obvious point, fuckwit.

>> No.17464303

>remember how it felt the first time you realized that there was an entire world of music outside of what they played on the radio
there was a moment in your life where that happened? i think that fact is pretty obvious to anyone who doesn't basically have down syndrome

>> No.17464307

ah yes, the classic hipster baby.

Go kill yourself, my man.

>> No.17464308
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>> No.17464310

does a life-changing meal end up as a life-changing shit?

>> No.17464319

no, seriously...there was a moment in your life that you remember where you realized there is music besides what's on the radio? what was on the radio anyway?

>> No.17464320

Depends on how many courses there were in the degustation and the skill of the chef. I've heard that Alinea makes people want to shit themselves silly, while Asador Etxebarri sits light on the stomach.

>> No.17464328

complete with a urinal cake at the bottom

>> No.17464351

>You’ll pay £300 for this
Why do you do this? You know it takes less than a minute to do a reverse image search, look at the sample menu and current price, and then do the math for how much each course comes out to if you average everything out, right? It's 13 yuros per plate. Maybe that seems like a lot to you, but I charge $13 for a fucking brussels sprouts appetizer where I work, and we don't have any Michelin stars. It's really not that expensive, and it's not some elite >>17463945 thing only accessible to rich people. Rich people eat mediocre food at huge markups because they don't want to interact with other people who aren't rich. It's called a "luxury tax"; Michelin starred restaurants typically aren't "luxuries" in that sense.

>> No.17464353
File: 467 KB, 653x348, 189781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true I went to a very expensive restaurant once (poor fag here) and they all had dishes like that. We were so hungry after that we went to mcdonald lol

>> No.17464383

>my man.
please drink bleach

>> No.17464386

>the full admission that you've also had life-changing food
You're replying to a poor, 3rd world/flyover meme kid, and likely OP. This has been a common shitpost on /ck/ practically forever, but a lot of people unironically believe that the slop they cook at home (simple, rustic, traditional, natural) is better than restaurant food.

>> No.17464397

I had a seafood stew at a michelin star restaurant 10 years ago and I still think of it fondly any time the topic of fine dining comes up. You're an absolute retard if you think fine dining can't be a memorable experience easily worth a premium.

>> No.17464399

It's basically sour grapes. Although sloppa has its own charme.

>> No.17464406

>but a lot of people unironically believe
i would unironically trade any restaurant meal in the world for another meal cooked by my grandmother

>> No.17464407
File: 82 KB, 220x133, wojak-wojak-sunset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've went to more starred restaurants than I can keep track of.
Yes, they're worth it, no, your seething won't change my mind.
Food can be an experience, if you see it only as a practicality try and understand there can be more to it. It's not always more expensive, but often times more different than you're used to.
Expand your horizons. Try new things. Don't be mad about it and stay stuck where you are.
Trying new things is what life is all about, desu.

>> No.17464431
File: 169 KB, 495x801, 1616638801116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dead grandma made good food that i grew up eating and would love to eat again with her
>therefore my dead grandma is a better cook than a professional chef

>> No.17464434

i see this thread brought out the larping social climbers again

>> No.17464436

At a certain level, the power dynamic inverts. Michelin customers are basically jannies.

>> No.17464444

You mean the maga fags? They're not social climbers; they just worship money.

>> No.17464453

>my dead grandma is a better cook than a professional chef
who are you quoting? i said the food is better.

>> No.17464455

>You HAVE to take this block of solid gold
>You can NOT return it
>You WILL be happy
such a sad situation

>> No.17464457

>i said the food is better.
if your grandma was a good chef she wouldnt be dead but here we fucking are moron

>> No.17464462

>if your grandma was a good chef she wouldnt be dead
how does that work exactly? sounds like you're coping for your shitty "life-changing" experiences

>> No.17464465

>i said the food is better
That's not what you said. Even just going by contextual clues it sounds more like what the other anon was saying.

>> No.17464467

anon having an existential crisis over food here is correct.
Though one caveat I'd offer is to stick to 1 star restaurants for the most part. A 1 star restaurant cooks exceptionally good food, and will leave you satisfied with the meal and the experience for a reasonable price. 2 and especially 3 stars are where you start getting into fuckin weirdo territory where everyone involved is focused on doing the nouveau art trend to play the michelin raters to get their star, and it gets weird as a result. If you have the cash and want to experience 3 star restaurants go for it, obviously, but if you're just looking for top of the line food semi-regularly stick to 1 star.

>> No.17464479

Notice they're all using reddit spacing as well

>> No.17464482

>how does that work exactly?
people who are good at what they do either die young or live to 100, your grandma isnt either though lol

>> No.17464488

It makes me kind of sad that many people really don't seem to enjoy the food that much.
They go to those restaurants to secure business deals, or to impress a woman, or to post it on Instagram but often I don't feel a lot of happiness from those tables, no laughter or happy conversation.
For me it's always a great experience, I love the food, the wine, I like talking to the sommelier it's always so much fun.
I still remember all of the Michelin star restaurants that I have visited, only that great feeling goes away after a while and I look for the next great experience.

>> No.17464490

maybe i'm thinking you meant "cook" in a professional setting. but yes, my grandma could unironically make better meals than any professional chef in the world.

>> No.17464492

he's seething that you aren't validating the money he's spent on his conspicuous consumption.

>> No.17464493

No existential crisis, but I agree with your post. I've been to 1, 2 or 3 starred places and find the most enjoyment from 1-start places.
James beard award winners/runner ups are also worth trying.

>> No.17464495

>my grandma could unironically make better meals than any professional chef in the world.
your grandma could barely read lmao

>> No.17464496

>people who are good at what they do either die young or live to 100
how do you know on either of those points? i never mentioned if she's alive or how old she might be

>> No.17464497
File: 136 KB, 360x360, 1313614128595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my grandma could unironically make better meals than any professional chef in the world

>> No.17464498

>only that great feeling goes away after a while and I look for the next great experience.
this must be what it's like to be a normie instagram thought who "loves to travel and see new places!!"

>> No.17464500

>how do you know on either of those points?
what do you mean lol
>i never mentioned if she's alive or how old she might be
she's dead and she wasn't a centenarian. lol

>> No.17464502

1. You can’t buy this dish separately, you have to pay that price for it
2. I bet at your restaurant you get a whole slew of Brussels sprouts to the degree or could be your entire dish, and they are probably similar quality if it’s a good restaurant but not in a region Michelin covers. Here you’re paying £13 for ONE tiny thing that would be equivalent to one Brussels sprout, and then doing it 10 more times with completely random stuff

>> No.17464505

absolutely true without a doubt in my mind.

>> No.17464519

because he's a piece of shit larper on fucking 4chan

>> No.17464523

then you're fucking retarded

>> No.17464526

>maybe i'm thinking you meant "cook" in a professional setting
There aren't two different meanings of "cook". I cook as many meals in a weekend than your grandma cooked in a year. Maybe you thought she made good food, but if she never worked in a professional kitchen then she wasn't a better cook than the top tier pros. This is just a matter of sheer numbers and experience. You could be born Picasso but if you didn't study painting and practice outside of the occasional doodle you're still not going to produce anything better than Bob Ross.

>> No.17464527

I'm sure grandma's tuna casserole was good, but you're forgetting that the secret ingredient was love.

>> No.17464529

Also, if they offer a non-alcoholic tasting menu, I'd highly recommend that as well.
Wine is great, really great. But if you're at a place with some notoriety, they'll have a barman on staff who makes incredible things to go along with the tasting menu.
I've spoken to numerous guys who said that the non-alcoholic menu was the favorite part of the job; making things that go along well with the meal is a fun challenge whereas wine is just wine at the end of the day.

>> No.17464534

>the larper is the one who's skeptical of a random story that got posted
are you feeling okay? do you smell toast?

>> No.17464542


check it out I flash froze these grapes, farted on them, and drizzled some chocolate on the plate, that'll be 40 dollars plus tip

>> No.17464546

>if she never worked in a professional kitchen then she wasn't a better cook than the top tier pros
she was better at cooking food for me than any top tier pro that ever existed.

>> No.17464549

this anon gets paid by the hour instead of drawing a salary lol

>> No.17464557

I see some people seething at their own inability to communicate why their meals were so special.
I'm sure it was a good time, I enjoy them too, but if you're gonna say it changed your life's course I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.17464562

>blah blah blah
>hunger is the best spice
Yeah, we get it anon. Nobody cares that your best food memories are eating whatever basic bitch shit your grandma made for you as a kid.

>> No.17464566

as part of the great reset normalcattle has been lead to believe that privileging transitory "experiences" over land ownings or material wealth is a sign of refinement or tastefulness. Their underlying doubt about the true value of these expenditures, however, leads them to lash out at those who question their comportment.

>> No.17464568

I had an amazing meal at a 2 star restaurant and the waiter was so cute it turned me gay. Does that count?

>> No.17464581

well I care. I think it's silly you thought some overpriced snacks made by a stranger tattooed AIDS riddled faggot is "life-changing"

>> No.17464588

your grandma is dead dude lol

>> No.17464590

You draw your own salary? What color crayon do you use? How many bagillions do you make?

>> No.17464596

>You draw your own salary?
yes, I own a production company and pay my salary out of our profits.

>> No.17464598

I can admit defeat.

>> No.17464600

It's never changed the course of my life. Maybe it has in some ways I don't fully realize yet, mainly in getting myself to think outside the box is the furthest I'm willing to suggest the notion that notorious restaurants changed my life.
It's about the exploration of new great things. These are people working hard in their craft to use knowledge from the past to make a dish that fits in the present while still maintaining an aura of futuristic.
Don't get me wrong, gimmicky shit is still gimmicky shit.
But I had a fish dish at a starred place in NYC when I was visiting. It was so off-putting to look at, a weird, green soup/sauce with a fish fillet stacked on a bed of -something- that became my favorite meal of all time.
Food doesn't change you, most things in life don't directly change you, they just open your mind to new possibilities and inspirations to do better with the gift of life you're currently holding.

>> No.17464608


>> No.17464612

lmao you must be a huge loser if you think starting and running a production company is some unattainable feat.

>> No.17464613

What do you produce? CRAP?!

>> No.17464619

we specialize in short animation and sound design. Animation projects are harder to come by, we make more money doing audio at this point.

>> No.17464621

I was right then

>> No.17464625

Unattainable for you, maybe.

>> No.17464626

about what anon lol

>> No.17464633

what kind of retard reply is that lmao

>> No.17464641

About you producing crap, learn to read for fucks sake.

>> No.17464645

I mean the shorts that we get solicited to do are crap for sure but the audio isnt, and the shorts we do ourselves aren't.

>> No.17464656

I've have fond memories of this old burger joint in my old hometown. My friends and I would go and they'd always get the biggest greasiest burger on the menu and would pass out like that soul food episode from the boondocks. Those burgers were like $5, not $500.

>> No.17464684

Oh, and adding on to this: my life changing meal was trying the James Brown funky jackhammer from Andy's frozen custard. They don't have those on the west coast and it was genuinely the tastiest desert I've ever had. I was only in the Midwest for a week and I gorged myself on those every day to carve the flavor into my memories. And once again I didn't have to shell out hundreds per cup.

>> No.17464705

based james brown poster

>> No.17464714

The experience I want to have at a restaurant is to feel full, not nibble on scraps

>> No.17464734

ok you proved me wrong anon, im sorry for doubting you. I KNEEL

>> No.17464741

Why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.17464757

because you didn't reply and doing that cracks me up lol

>> No.17464767

Flyovers scoff at michelin restaurants while their idea of high class dining is eating a gold leaf meme burger in times square.

>> No.17464779

My idea of high class dining is a nice chicken fried steak, mashed taters, green beans, and a nice bread roll for 10 bucks. That beats your shitty vaginally steamed spinach and redefacated fish roe

>> No.17464787

ok just keep it clean anon, im not a puppet, you cant just pretend to be me without it upsetting me.

>> No.17464793

But I like pretending you're gay because it turns me on.

>> No.17464802


>> No.17464809

Are you implying you're gay? I don't believe it.

>> No.17464811

>, have made me realize that I liked things that I previously thought I hated
Yeah I've done this. I used to think broccoli was fucking trash but I tried roasting it instead of steaming it and it's a completely different experience. Now I eat it all the time and it's so quick and easy to prepare.

>> No.17464820

Okay I'm not gay but I'm willing to learn anon, also I wonder where that anon went who didn't believe I ran a production company.

>> No.17464828

waiters are always so fucking cute, it's not fair
I always spill my spaghetti while ordering

>> No.17464840

Roasted broccoli should be illegal, it's basically just candy

I also used to think I hated pork, turns out it's delicious just not when my mum cooked it until it was grey and had the consistency of a rock. Still don't have the heart to tell her I like pork now

>> No.17464849

300 pounds would also get you:
1. 16 grams of Ketamine
2. 40 grams of marihuana
3. 4 grams of DMT
4. 50 stamps of LSD

+ At least 1 rich bowl of ramen.

No scarf brbr.

>> No.17464853

>50 stamps of LSD
imagine not getting a full sheet for 300 pounds

>> No.17464878

ok i will anon, also stop slouching lol

>> No.17464886

>implying that's a three star meal

>> No.17464891

>their idea of high class dining is eating a gold leaf meme burger in times square.
if only that were the extent of the bullshit in haute gastronomie

>> No.17464904

post your job lmao

>> No.17464909

I'm willing to bet that there are more oldfags with jobs here now than there are zoomer fuckers. 4chan isn't cool anymore, it's just all of us old fucks now that have been here for the past decade+

>> No.17464911

Imagine LARPing as a cracker barrel patron on 4chan

>> No.17464918

>I'm willing to bet that there are more oldfags with jobs here now than there are zoomer fuckers.
ok lol but post your job

>> No.17464930

I'm not the dude you were responding to initially, but I'm a lead software dev. 100% remote and 6fig salary

>> No.17464938

>100% remote and 6fig salary
how many us dollars is 100,000 rupees?

>> No.17464941

>100% remote and 6fig salary
okay lol
>lead software dev
give me a rundown on what you do lmao

>> No.17464948

No clue, I have a zero pajeet policy when sourcing contractors.

>give me a rundown on what you do lmao
Why? Do you want to apply? I've interviewed some real shit devs lately so I'll give you a shot if you know Vue and .NET

>> No.17464952

Just do it, it doesn't matter why.

>> No.17464959

considering the amount of courses you get and all the work that goes into these, it is fairly priced.

>> No.17464962

Not every Michelin starred place is like that, but some most certainly are and can definitely have an impact on your life. I have had a few dishes in my life that blew my mind in ways I am still coming to terms with. What you are saying is on par with telling someone that it’s not worth traveling to other countries just because you think cruise ships are overrated.

>> No.17464968

Bro, how butt hurt are you right now?

>> No.17464974

>he won't reply
kek thought so

>> No.17464984

bump lol

>> No.17464985

>it’s not worth traveling to other countries
LOL if you think travel will "change your life" you're a fucking NPC

>> No.17464988

If you wish....
Right now, I'm porting our backend from .NET to .NET Core (which is now just called .NET again, thanks MSFT), which is causing me to completely rewrite our auth. Alongside that I'm; integrating with a new payment provider, fleshing out our management app to manage features we scrambled to add months ago, adding support for Ingenico payment devices w/ chip readers, adding new functionality to our POS integration, and some other things I'm probably forgetting right now. I have a team of 5 devs so it's not all just me doing the above, but I'm responsible for them.

>impatient child can't wait 10 mins for a reply
Back to TikTok with you

>> No.17464993
File: 826 KB, 465x498, 8901276349064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro, how butt hurt are you right now?

>> No.17464994

>I have a team of 5 devs so it's not all just me doing the above, but I'm responsible for them.
kek okay so youre small time, makes sense. Hey look anon, I wish you luck, I hope you can overcome your own lack of guile to succeed
>can't wait 10 mins
You mean I got you to reply within 40 seconds lmao

>> No.17465003

are you okay kid? you keep posting like a little seething child

>> No.17465006

yeah im okay lol

>> No.17465008

no it comes across like you're about to start crying

>> No.17465009

you have to go back. also kill yourself

>> No.17465010

trust me anon, im laughing

>> No.17465013

>im laughing
no you're not i really think you're a seething underage faggot that's about to cry

>> No.17465014

Lmao I was in the middle of typing my reply when I saw your 2nd post. And yeah it's an early startup, which means I have mad equity. Appreciate the wishes of luck, I hope we succeed too because then I get millions. No idea what the rest of that sentence is supposed to mean lol

>> No.17465016

>no you're not
[citation needed]

>> No.17465019

yeah right you sound like a seething child about to start literally crying

>> No.17465020

>And yeah it's an early startup, which means I have mad equity. Appreciate the wishes of luck, I hope we succeed too because then I get millions.
that's what I like to hear anon.

>> No.17465023

>replying in less than a minute again
>im the seething child
haha okay, try again anon.

>> No.17465024

no you are obviously not laughing at all you seething crying child

>> No.17465028

>no you are obviously not laughing
explain lmao, this oughta be good

>> No.17465037

Underage b&. You singled yourself out as a zoomer the moment you kept littering your replies with lol and lmao.

>> No.17465044

stop fighting fags

>> No.17465049
File: 68 KB, 1000x800, 1546215144540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.17465050

dumb nigger lol first im not laughing, now im a zoomer? get your shit together lmao

>> No.17465055

Lol, lmao

>> No.17465056

>Thanks anon
okay now you need to do something for me, I need you to front end me a /ck/ bot, I want it to post dynamic and mutable texts to a predictable set of images. How long do you need?

>> No.17465067

>no experience with b& so doubles down and repeats the same thing
underage zoomie confirmed

>> No.17465072

these are the same poster lol

>> No.17465075

I'm not the other anon, im someone different fool, lmao

>> No.17465087

Sounds like you're looking for a text spinner w/ associated images. One probably already exists for 4chan, just do some digging.
If not, my rate is $200/hr, give me more detailed requirements and I'll give you a rough estimate

>> No.17465089
File: 101 KB, 1080x293, Screenshot_20220222-003948_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bucko-5, better luck next time

>> No.17465094

>If not, my rate is $200/hr
nice try but we're going to plan the project before your billable time comes into effect.

>> No.17465106

I've eaten expensive dinners where the chef was an artist that wanted to experiment. Not impressed.

The only truly life changing meal was street food in rural china. My intestines went on strike for about three weeks. I could eat and poo just fine, it's just that nothing inside seemed to be getting digested. I didn't no I had the power to create a stench that was more like chemicals in a toxic waste dump than regular fecal matter.

>> No.17465116

Sorry buddy, that's not how I roll

>> No.17465117

guess you just lost a contract man

>> No.17465130
File: 166 KB, 1024x977, 1645212625538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just say you are too poor to buy this

>> No.17465140

>There is a flip side to the coin though, the service at high end restaurants is so good that it almost ruins "ordinary" meals, because now that you've seen how good service can be, you really notice that regular restaurants don't even come close.

How so? I'm a give me food and leave me alone kind of person. I do not like the waitstaff hovering around, they also try to remove plates and move to the next course while I'm still enjoying the course I was served. I just want to enjoy my food and some high end gossip in peace.

>> No.17465155 [DELETED] 

bump lol

>> No.17465178

Somehow, I seriously doubt that

>I do not like the waitstaff hovering around
That's the thing, they don't. At least the places I've been to, they're like ninjas. As soon as we were done with a dish, it was gone and the next plate brought in. Out of wine or water? Instantly refilled, no interaction necessary. The place I went to a couple of days ago I actually caught the waiter walking up with our next wine pairing before we were done with the current one, he side eyed our table and just kept walking. Came back 2 mins later once we had actually finished.

Going back to a place where you have to flag someone down to get a refill, or they bring the next course out while you're still working on the current one, is very disappointing when you realize what the service could be.

>> No.17465179 [DELETED] 


>> No.17465183

>I seriously doubt that
lol ok

>> No.17465215

it's true! i do doubt it! believe it or not :^)

>> No.17465217

>That's the thing, they don't
they absolutely do. having a moorish waiter breathing down my neck while I tried to eat a disgusting inedible grilled chicken skin dish (yes, just the skin) at mugaritz in spain was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life

>> No.17465231

Yeah that's unfortunate. I've never had that experience here (US) in pricier places but have had at mediocre/average places and usually just ask them to ease up and that I'll flag them down if I need anything. Maybe it's different in Spain, last time I was there was probably 14 years ago so I can't really remember

>> No.17465261

>Yeah that's unfortunate.
no it isn't

>> No.17465294


>> No.17465309 [DELETED] 

bump lol

>> No.17465721


>> No.17466197

>50 stamps of LSD
got a discord or something??! asking for a friend who has a cancer haha

>> No.17466949

>my life changes when I discover new consumer products