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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17463331 No.17463331 [Reply] [Original]

Tallow, in

>> No.17463343

why the fuck is your pan not circular you freak

>> No.17463345
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And steak tip bits
How are my /ck/ regulars tonight? Boards been kinda shitty lately

>> No.17463352
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The shape of the pan *increases the price* of the lid

>> No.17463363
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Also makes pouring the grease easy, but only compared to some shitty pan that doesn't have a pour spout

>> No.17463444
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I like to mix my quesadilla sometimes. It's easier to dose garlic and chili powder in a batch than at the serving level.

>> No.17463476
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 16454898089676203240324937519459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THAT'S a $3 quesadilla! Be back soon.

>> No.17463484 [DELETED] 

op did you really spend $100 for a fucking cast iron pan?

>> No.17463570
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 16454908741296995244807155982137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stole it from a douche and bought the lid with some corporate rewards program good boy points
Cast iron is a poor material for a pan lid, but it was basically free and there aren't any third party hexagonal lids.

>> No.17463580
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Damn just saw I got captchad on the first upload. This is quesadilla number 2 on my no longer neat plate. The first one had a little more of a seared bite to it.

>> No.17463584

so you've got a $350 pan with a shitty lid and no way to get a decent one. I'd laugh at you and tell you to buy a lodge, but that *is* a lodge, so instead I'll just laugh harder.

>> No.17463585
File: 72 KB, 1920x1080, Picard Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17463590

maybe he's posting from a pentium pro...

>> No.17463597

Is there any reason you don't have a pour spout circular pan instead of the meme stop sign?

>> No.17463607

>>17463597 here,

>> No.17463643

it's hexagonal

>> No.17463660
File: 1.30 MB, 192x192, Picard Distortion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not hexagonal, can you apes not recognise basic shapes?

>> No.17463664


>> No.17463671


lmao I bet you think there's a circle on top of Saturn globeearther

>> No.17463802

it's a very nice pan, beats the hell out of my old griswold. And it was free for me.

>> No.17463816

I like the bait pan, thats solid.

>> No.17463936

>it's a very nice pan, beats the hell out of my old griswold
those pans are made for cooklet retards by other retards who don't understand cookware design. those old pans cast iron pans are way thinner and way nicer than these bricks of hipster meme dogshit

>> No.17463985

Who cares about the shape of the pan, how the fuck is he getting the food to not slide out??

>> No.17463990

Tallow? Are you cookin' up some black powder bullet lube?

>> No.17464145

>retarded hexagonal pan
>stealing from others
>making a quesadilla
Your an illegal aren’t you

>> No.17464158

>it's a very nice pan
it really isn't. it's an attractive pan, but it is a piss poor cooking pan.

>> No.17464217

>Piss poor
Strong words, this pan would have to be abjectly awful to earn that. Since I know it isn't, I can write off your response as poorfag cope. This IS a very nice pan, I know because I own it and use it all the time.

>> No.17464230

>I know because I own it and use it all the time
sounds like you're the one coping dipshit

>> No.17464237

cope and seethe, cooklet. enjoy your nonfunctional lodge pan.

>> No.17464239

We do a little roamin'

>> No.17464250

no, he's just an illegal mexican.
>this pan would have to be abjectly awful
true. however inconvenient it may be for your ego, that pan is in point of fact "abjectly awful".

>> No.17464255

But why is it piss poor anon ? Why?

>> No.17464263

The meat, and all the ingredients, are magnetic. To prevent electronic interfeterence.

>> No.17465015

Huh? Huh? Huh?

>> No.17465048

Nice cast iron mate. Doing grate tonight, just moved to a new place with an abundance of fish so I’ve been roasting them whole, or filleting them and making soups with the scraps.

>> No.17465430

>octogon pan
That's fucking sick. The handle and end grip though are pure retardation.

>> No.17466279


>> No.17466451

the pan has walls my nigga how the fuck would the food "slide out"?

>> No.17466453

ahahaha your pan is a fuckin octagon

>> No.17466487
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>doesnt understand what a hexagon is or how shapes work
are you guys being retarded on purpose or something?? must have gone to some shithole american inner city school.

>> No.17467060

hola paco

>> No.17467678

I feel sorry for retarded frog niggers who can't identify basic shapes.

>> No.17468233


>> No.17468350
File: 518 KB, 1080x925, bulg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the frog is scribbled out