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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17462393 No.17462393 [Reply] [Original]

Time for nuclear culinary redpills.

Post ancient and strange recipes, forgotten food history, censored nutritional information, forbidden spices, your grandmas secret ingredients, whatever information is fine and rare.

>> No.17462407

criso vegetable shortening works better on loud door hinges than in cooking.

>> No.17462429


>> No.17462450


If you ever here people talk about seed oils like they are satan himself, this is why. Listen to it on 1.5 speed for a mountain of dietary redpills

>> No.17462490

I wish someone in that thread had thought to tell him that they don't make gorilla food for gorillas to get big and fuck, they make gorilla food to keep gorillas alive and selling tickets as cheaply as possible

>> No.17462499
File: 316 KB, 700x469, 09527-notw2-Nutmeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you taken the nutmeg pill yet /ck/?

>king of eastern spices

>works well on almost every dish, from meats to deserts and even in tobacco or alchoholic drinks

>wars fought and men slain in its name, now available to you for a pittance thanks to globalism

>is in its own right an extremely pleasurable psychedelic substance if dosed right

Go out to your store and buy some dark oily nutmegs right now. Grind them into your coffee, onto your meat of choice, hell, smoke the damn things in a cigarrete or a pipe.

>> No.17462611
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>95 percent of serotonin is produced in your stomach

Food is mind control. Your diet can wildly affect your mood and cognition directly

>Many thousands of common foods have latent psychoactive compounds, black pepper is a MAOI inhibiter along with hundreds of other spices, many foods have GABA compounds or opiate compounds. Grapefruit is just weird. Even simple amino acids can have a psychoactive impact

You are what you eat, your mind and by extension your very being is controlled by food in innumerable ways you cannot comprehend. Think about your responsibility as the thinking, feeling, knowing part of the universe next time before you eat some processed shit.

>> No.17463327

>Even simple amino acids can have a psychoactive impact
l-theanine is pretty good to take before you go to bed, it makes me noticeably relaxed

>> No.17463428

Wasn't it used as industrial lube first?

>> No.17463438

Repdill me on grapefruit

>> No.17463441

Apparently a certain tribe that was exiled to the desert survived by consuming gold.

>> No.17463449

Orange Fool

>> No.17463568
File: 100 KB, 1024x767, threema-20210122-104407-b41b3ea24d068db4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It strengthens and potentiates almost all substances by affecting liver enzymes, hunter s Thompson ate them all day every day for a reason

>> No.17465027
