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17457786 No.17457786 [Reply] [Original]

How do i up my steak game?
What i'm doing currently:
>steak out of fridge
>rub with salt
>preheat pan (cast iron)
>ghee, black pepper corns, halved clove of garlic
>steak in and turn every like 90 to 120 seconds
Could i do brining maybe, does that work with beef? Maybe put it in wine instead of water? Just looking for input here

>> No.17458169

well what is your issue? steak is like the easiest fucking thing to cook

>> No.17458209

Flipping ever 15 seconds will make the sear more consistent. It's a bit of a pain, but if you're trying to impress, well worth it.

>> No.17458295

no issue i just want to try some new things out. steak is the only thing where i really put effort into cooking
ok will try, thank you

>> No.17458298

Do not brine your steak, like at all. You will ruin your steak.

Pulling your steak out of the fridge makes literally no difference.
Basting your steak with aromatics makes less difference than you'd think and it's one of those retarded things that home cooks do because it thinks it gives them more agency over the final product. It does help but it's less crucial than you'd think.

Here are a few quick and dirty techniques for steak that I use as a professional chef:

>Sous Vide
>pre-sear steak
>seal in bag with oil and aromatics
>cook for 2-3 hours at 135
>pull out and immediately sear

>Reverse Sear
>throw steak in oven on rack at 225-250
>when steak hits desired temp, pull out of oven and immediately sear
>wah lah

>Alain Ducasse
>fuck those idiots who say you need a ripping hot pan
>use medium to medium low heat and never go above it
>start steak on fat cap and render for ten minutes
>then sear for ten minutes on each side
>baste if you're feeling fancy, use a whole head of garlic cut in half
>rest for half of cooking time (so, 30-40 minutes of cooking, 15 minutes resting

>Grillin' (my personal favorite)
>use an infrared grill, fuck traditional gas
>cook it full heat as hard as you can
>do not rest your steak ever

Generally, I never rest my steak unless I'm doing the Alain Ducasse technique. Resting ruins your goddamned steak.

>> No.17458309

>I use as a professional chef
>sous vide
>30-40 minutes of cooking
>infrared grill
why are you spouting dogshit?

>> No.17458318

shhhh, you're half as smart as you think you are and twice as slow to realize it as you ought to be.

>> No.17458330

shut the fuck up you turbofaggot you need to lurk more before trying to troll

>> No.17458343

I've been here on /ck/ for like 15 years? Eat my dick, I bet you don't even know what the /ck/ advent calendar was.

>> No.17458359

>I've been here on /ck/ for like 15 years?
LOL shut the fuck up cheese dick

>> No.17458404

Fool. Dry brining is god tier.

>> No.17458531


you need this

>> No.17458540

Butter baste it. Unironically that easy.

>> No.17458545

compound butter while resting aka the non-retarded 'seasoning my chopping board'

>> No.17458549

If you want it juicier: sear, lower heat and cook it longer on each side with less flipping. Every flip dries the steak out more.
If you want more flavor try making a seasoned oil to sear it in. Basically heat oil to 350, add your spices/garlic and let the heat cook the flavor into the oil. Then strain the oil and sear your steak in the oil.

>> No.17458583

You either salt hours or a day ahead of time or just before it goes on the heat. Never before you preheat the pan. Bad timing on that. Sometimes I salt and let sit uncovered in the fridge for a day. That's dry brining and also removing moisture for a quicker sear. Of course it depends on the cut you are cooking. Some steaks I sous vide for a few hours, some I cook cold straight from the fridge.
Also try fish sauce instead of salt or put smushed anchovies on top after the final flip.

>> No.17458629

resting steaks is for midwits.

>> No.17458650


>> No.17458665

says the lackwit who can't figure out how to do it properly

>> No.17458671

What do you do if customers want a blue rare steak? I'm assuming that your restaurant sous vides a very large amount of steaks/enough for a shift ahead of time. Do you just pull a random one out of the refrigerator instead? I know this is a dumb question but pulling out a random one seems like it would be a lot less flavorful than your method and might upset the customer if they were expecting a steak like you described with the oil and aromatic marinade.

>> No.17458856

Retard, I've rested steaks in every manner imaginable, from a 175 degree oven to a sous vide butter bath to foil tent on your goddamn cutting board.

It's a meme, and you're an idiot.

You get marginally better juice distribution but ruin your fucking crust and end up with a lukewarm steak. Pass.

>> No.17458866
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>I did it wrong, therefore its a meme!

>> No.17458869

Montreal steak seasoning, nonstick pan, butter

>> No.17458872

Yeah, blue rare would just be cooked in a traditional sear.

The oil marinade has less impact than you'd think, and as someone else accurately noted in this thread, a compound butter will do a better job than a baste or marinade.

>> No.17458880

Sure, I did it wrong, says the fucktard sending me grill manufacturer videos lol

>> No.17458929

>gr-grill manufacturers don't know how grilling works!
I'm starting to see why you can't figure out how to rest properly

>> No.17459070

Sear then bake

>> No.17459079

I kind of agree about resting. A medium rare steak is not that hot compared to most foods anyway, sometimes when it's rested it feels really cold. I still rest my thicker steaks for 5 minutes but I am not sure it helps.
I also think that water distribution isn't what makes a steal feel juicy, it's more about fat and how far the proteins have denatured.

>> No.17459080

Don't turn it so much other than that you probably are good for pan fried steak

>> No.17459089

Oh yeah, you do want to bake, that was a little trick I learned from a steak cooking friend

You could also add some rosemary and thyme for seasoning? It's really hard to fuck up steak though

>> No.17459102
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Stop flipping it so much, let it build up a proper crust on the side. Everything else is just experimentation to your liking, but if you keep flipping the steak like a madman you're just gonna dry it out. High heat, sear for like 2-3 minutes on each side, do not poke the steak, do not jiggle the steak, let the steak cook. Cooking steak is not some sort of arcane skill.

>> No.17459169

Exactly, and your own saliva contributes significantly to the perceived juiciness of food. A hot, crusty steak will make you salivate more than a lukewarm, soggy steak.

>> No.17459173

If I want to learn how to build a pellet grill, I'll talk to someone who builds grills.

If I want to learn how to cook a steak, I'll talk to a chef or a food scientist.

If I want to learn how retards think, I'll talk to you.

>> No.17459233
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I always seem to get a better crust if I flip a lot. If I let it sit too long on one side it curls and the edges brown while the center pulls up and goes grey. Scoring the fat doesn't stop this from happening, but flipping does for some reason.

>putting a garlic clove into a pan before steak
I have no idea how that could possibly work out, the garlic would be carbon by the end.

>> No.17459442

theres only so much you can do to a steak

maybe get higher end meats, perhaps look into smoking other meats

>> No.17459490

rubbing it with salt just adds salt. rub it down with a vegetable bullion cube to add both salt and flavor.
also you should only flip once, repeatedly flipping interrupts the maillard reactions by allowing moisture to flow back to the surface so the next time it's on the bottom you have to cook that water out again. if you genuinely believe flipping is helping then you need to experiment with your heat management, because it should not be necessary.

>> No.17460302

bruh that's not even the right mpw video

>> No.17460565

>Basting your steak with aromatics makes less difference than you'd think and it's one of those retarded things that home cooks do because it thinks it gives them more agency over the final product. It does help but it's less crucial than you'd think
I'm aware. Just something i played around with that ended up working for me
>Sous Vide
I'm very suspicious of "just boil it in a plastic bag bro"
>Reverse Sear
>Alain Ducasse
will try
not an option currently
like making something out of butter and herbs to go by the steak, or like spooning butter over it while searing?
>compound butter
what do you put in?
>lower heat and cook it longer on each side with less flipping. Every flip dries the steak out more
Interesting, but how does that work? What does flipping have to do with dryness?
>You either salt hours or a day ahead of time or just before it goes on the heat. Never before you preheat the pan
Whats the problem with doing it this way? How would it improve if i do it your way?
i see thank yu

>> No.17460966

it's a video where he talks about the importance of thinking about what you're doing in the context of heat management. the mogging on some youtube celebrity who has resorted to stupid antics to cope with the fact that his heat is too high, instead of just turning the heat down, is a bonus.

>> No.17461456

reverse searing in the microwave is the biggest secret in steak cooking

>> No.17461518

>pan nice and hot
>tallow in
>steak salted
>steak in
>2-3 minutes a side for rare depending on actual cut of beef and thickness
>flip only once
>last 30 seconds throw butter, rosemary, garlic and fresh cracked pepper in pan
>baste steak
>take steak out
>top with more black pepper and the fried garlic from the pan, maybe another spoonful of the drippings as well


>> No.17461605

Oh, so you're just trying to pawn off the stock cube as your own idea and not something you stole from MPW?

>> No.17461612

>Resting steak ruins the steak
>I rest it when using X technique

Please, explain.

>> No.17461629

get a thermometer and learn to reverse sear