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File: 344 KB, 661x582, product-Big-Brekkie-Burger-desktop_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17456691 No.17456691 [Reply] [Original]

Would this item do well if mcdonalds released it in America?

>> No.17456695

I always wonder who orders the triple+ patty burgers at Wendy's and BK.

>> No.17456697

is that a lunch item or a breakfast item tho?

>> No.17456707


>> No.17456725

where's that from, aussie?

>> No.17456728

Have some no name rapper endorse it and yeah it would do well in the states

>> No.17456736


>> No.17456740

barbeque sauce on an egg burger?

>> No.17456748

that's too much breakfast

>> No.17456753

you're kidding right? bbq sauce is the normal sauce for bacon and egg rolls.

>> No.17456763

Probably. Just change the name; "brekkie" just sounds gay, like most Australian slang, e.g. drongo, servo, Maccas.

>> No.17456768

We get the hash brown on the side in the USA, but most of us have figured out you can put it in the sandwich if you want.

>> No.17456769

no it's not shut the hell up

>> No.17456774

the question is if it would do well in America, Americans do not like eggs and BBQ
> t. average mutt

>> No.17456776

>Free advertising

>> No.17456800

i don't like the sesame seed bun or that they use a regular beef patty instead of a sausage patty.

the UK breakfast roll is better since it has a soft floured roll and sausage patty


>> No.17456920

American here, I don't even like BBQ, it's fucking syrup.

>> No.17456927

I don't really give a fuck what you think guy

>> No.17456945

mmmm reheated frozen egg circles

>> No.17456955
File: 254 KB, 1440x1080, 1523399082431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you buddy

>> No.17456961

The round eggs are fresh, it's the folded eggs that are frozen. If you're going to shit on mcdonalds at least shit on them for the correct reasons, moron.

>> No.17456965

It would need to be a beef patty instead of a sausage patty. Sausage and bacon on the same sandwich is grotesque and I will not be taking any questions at this time.

>> No.17457097

i'm not wild about the bbq sauce but other than that, the sandwich looks pretty fine

>> No.17457101

shame, i was going to ask you how taking seventeen black cocks feels

>> No.17457119

Ask ya motha

>> No.17457393

That’s a sausage patty not a hamburger patty therefor it is a sandwich not a burger you autistic Australian koala bear fucking retards

>> No.17457410

>It starts with a warm, crisp hash brown, melting cheese, rasher bacon and a freshly cracked egg. Finished with a 100% Aussie beef patty and a generous dollop of BBQ sauce in between a toasted sesame seed bun.
Avaliable until 10:30am

>beef patty

>> No.17457421

Hamburger = ground beef

>> No.17457440

and thats what OP is

>> No.17457544

Whataburger has had this.

>> No.17457556

I've never had it. Who knows it might be good. You aren't the spokesman of America.

>> No.17457564


>> No.17457571

Don't know where you're getting that,, I've always used barbecue sauce on my egg sandwiches.

>> No.17457594

I'd buy it

>> No.17457757

That’s a sausage patty retard most likely pork with seasoning if you need me to explain breakfast sausage

>> No.17457782

The sausage & egg McMuffin is sausage. This is a burger patty. How hard is it to get your head around different menu items being made up of different ingredients. You can order a big Mac or quarter pounder in the morning here.

>> No.17457812

Also the Maccas sausage patty is made up of beef here anyway, they changed it to pork like a decade ago & it sucked, so they changed it back. Maccas isn't Micky D's

>> No.17458680


>> No.17459134


>> No.17459281

When I hear the word brekkie I reach for my Browning

>> No.17459524

Fast food menus need to have more burger/egg combos. They got all the damn ingredients. Egg is one of my favorite toppings on a burger, even the bad eggs.

>> No.17459539

the toaster ?
you're a bad egg

>> No.17459548

I'd eat it if the sauce was a bit spicy

>> No.17459598

It has brekkie in the name
>Is that a lunch item?

>> No.17459610

Aussie beef is emu

>> No.17459699

*red kangaroo

>> No.17459720
File: 45 KB, 720x405, McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the brekkie wraps, the brekkie burger sucks.

>The Bacon, Egg and Tomato Wrap comes with “tasty Don rasher bacon”, fresh scrambled eggs, a slice of tomato and southern BBQ sauce.
>The English Brekkie Wrap, meanwhile, substitutes the tomato for a sausage patty.

>> No.17459817

I think untoasted bread + breakfast stuff is pretty gross tbqh.

>> No.17459835
File: 26 KB, 310x450, 51dkUUHj+NL._AC_SY450_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17459836


>> No.17459851

Since when? Tomato tastes better than BBQ sauce anyway

>> No.17459855

I'm not a fan of the bbq sauce, I prefer tomato sauce.

>> No.17460158


>> No.17460176
File: 64 KB, 765x627, carl-s-jrs-breakfast-burger-now-available-all-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should McDonald's do what Carl's Jr. Has been doing for more than a decade now?
Would they? Of course not. The idea of hamburgers and eggs on the same grill keeps American franchise owners up at night for reasons that are poorly understood.

>> No.17460208

No, they should all close.

>> No.17460230
File: 115 KB, 1280x719, poof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roo fuckin poofs all of ya

>> No.17460837

have a sook

>> No.17460853

i made a burger today and put a hash brown on the top and bottom bun. gouda cheese (on both has browns), hot sauce, bbq sauce, (toasted brioche bun obviously), salt and pepper, finely chopped chives mixed into the sauce.

it was a big burger but it was damn good.

>> No.17460857

Is this the pinnacle of the American education system on display here
>Here we have the lunchy meal
>Is that for dinner or supper?

>> No.17460911

I haven't eaten in a McDonald's in years.
McDonald's isn't in the business of selling burgers. McDonald's is in the business of selling franchises to people. 1 million dollars plus just to get a franchise license then you need land and then you need to buy furniture, accessories, food items, etc only from McDonald's forever and pay them a chunk of your profits

>> No.17460924

It's not a sandwich retard

>> No.17461497

>Would this item do well if mcdonalds released it in America?
Whataburger has it.

>> No.17462390

>The idea of hamburgers and eggs on the same grill keeps American franchise owners up at night for reasons that are poorly understood.
No idea why. We did this on our flat top with no issues.

>> No.17463487

special mcdonalds spaz out stream


>> No.17463533

Why doesn't McDonald's have a brunch menu? They could add pic rel for that..?

>> No.17463538

I fucking hate eggs

>> No.17463592

probably. those idiots will buy anything

>> No.17464670

flamin gallah

>> No.17464692


No such thing as too much breakfast. Breakfast is supposed to be the largest meal of the day.

>> No.17465414
File: 34 KB, 300x200, 5660196_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my local McDonald's still did all day breakfast I ordered a round egg on my QP because I heard about other people doing that and the fat brown woman manning the counter was absolutely perplexed. Not even upset or frustrated, genuinely confused. She saw fit to talk to the sarge to see if such dark arts were permitted.

>> No.17466033


>> No.17466065

Dumb ass

>> No.17467633

There's a very similar item at Whataburger in the states that comes and goes on limited runs.
Dunno how popular it is, but I think it's fantastic.

>> No.17468203

Americans do not, for reasons unknown, like beef/hamburgers for breakfast.
So unless that patty is sausage, it won't fly.
Putting eggs & bacon on a regular burger on the lunch/dinner menu may work.

>> No.17469148
File: 95 KB, 640x480, adamsteakneggs_hamburgerstkeggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, hamburger steak and eggs is a diner classic

>> No.17470181

americans eat desserts for breakfast.

>> No.17471532

I ordered the dave triple once and my veins were hurting from all the sodium for an hour after that

>> No.17471540

lol pussy

>> No.17471549

big strong americans please notice me. kek pathetic aussies. also

>> No.17472095

Couldn't help but imagine an absolute weakling behind this post sorry bro

>> No.17473712

Whataburger already had it
>inb4 water burger sucks
It was the same thing except with hashbrown strips and without bacon. Adding ranch to it made it the best drunk meal