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File: 1.25 MB, 2010x2339, 20220219_184423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17453497 No.17453497 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever deep fried with this stuff?

>> No.17453499


>> No.17453513


>> No.17453515

Oh yeah

>> No.17453573

Whats the difference between this and margarine?
Like, can I just spread this on a toast and eat it like margarine?

>> No.17453585
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, butter flavored shortening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should try frying food in general with shortening. I have a feeling that shortening lasts longer without going rancid than its liquid counterparts and it's easier to measure out amounts.

But before I buy it regularly and use it for frying I need to see facts about its stability under high heat, but I haven't seen any studies or research about this on shortening.

Plus there's butter flavored shortening, so like you get the flavor of frying with butter, without the burning vulnerability of butter, and for like a quarter of the price of clarified butter.

>> No.17453588

shortening is 100% fat and it isn't really as soft and spreadable as margarine which has some added water and stuff in it. Also margarine that's intended as a spread has some additional flavors added to make it taste good while shortening in OP's pic >>17453497 tends to have a neutral flavor.

>> No.17453593

I see... So I imagine its something like less flavorful lard or something?

>> No.17453628

that's one way to look at it. sometimes you just need a fat with a neutral flavor. Shortening is mainly used for baking or for frying, not eating as a topping like with butter or margarine.

But shortening is also healthier than all saturated fats which includes lard and butter.
shortening and margarine used to terrible for you because it was trans fat, but trans fat shortening is banned now so modern shortening is made differently so now it's 0% trans fat - even less trans fat than in animal fats.

>> No.17453716

I see. Not sure if we have anythign similar in my country, or at least its not popular enough for supermarkets, i guess i should try to look for something similar in professioal bakeries and shit

>> No.17453725

pretty much. crisco is a "healthier" (because vegetable lol) replacement for lard.

>> No.17453811

it being from plants doesn’t make it healthier than animals fats. it’s healthier because it’s lower in saturated fat and lower in trans fat than animal fats.

>> No.17453845

>healthier because it’s lower in saturated fat and lower in trans fat

>> No.17453862

you think i’m wrong? literally just look at the nutritional facts or look up the fat content of butter, lard, and vegetable oil.
or are you implying that the scientific findings that say that saturated fat isn’t good and trans fat is bad is all wrong.

>> No.17453873

I once made kraft mac and cheese with it when I was 7 because I thought it was the same thing as butter.

Me and my sister thought it was the best mac and cheese ever.

>> No.17453874


>> No.17453889

>scientific findings
o i am laffin

>> No.17453922

>scientific findings that say that saturated fat isn’t good and trans fat is bad is all wrong

>> No.17454077

What did xhe mean by this?

>> No.17454415

On a chemical level, a saturated fat doesn't have room for oxidation, so it has greater stability. Considering that the fats you eat are incorporated throughout your body, I'd choose the chemically stable compound over something that oxidizes quickly like most seed oils.

>> No.17455176

why would you cook with lube?

>> No.17455190


>> No.17455294

wouldn't shortening have the same oxidative stability as saturated fat if the oils have been fully hydrogenated and interesterified?

>> No.17455298

You're confusing it with coconut oil. Top notch stuff.

>> No.17455346

If you're doing extreme anal fisting and riding gigantic dildos, crisco's sodomitic qualities has the lasting thickness necessary for such tasks

coconut oil melts too quickly and isn't as viscous

>> No.17455359

this is very true, crisco is for experienced anal explorers

>> No.17455360

If you're shooting black powder firearms, Crisco does alright. Personally, I prefer a mixture of beeswax and olive oil but I certainly wouldn't look down on anyone using Crisco. Straight coconut oil might be a little to thin for summertime shooting tho.

>> No.17455402
File: 165 KB, 600x600, 1519472950866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But shortening is also healthier than all saturated fats

>> No.17455404


>> No.17455426

got proof that says otherwise?

>> No.17455441

burden of claim, anon

>> No.17455501

I want you to let your manager know that you're doing a bad job at hiding it.

Anyway, Crisco is poison. It's literally cotton seed oil that's been raped and processed into something tasteless. Lard is better in every single way.

>> No.17455561

>But shortening is also healthier than all saturated fats which includes lard and butter.
Thanks mr industry shill, but I'll stick to my tallow.

>> No.17455584

its probably poison
>Sydney Diet Heart Study, a single blinded, parallel group, randomized controlled trial
>Replacement of dietary saturated fats (from animal fats, common margarines, and shortenings) with omega 6 linoleic acid (from safflower oil and safflower oil polyunsaturated margarine).
>The intervention group (n=221) had higher rates of death than controls (n=237) (all cause 17.6% v 11.8%, hazard ratio 1.62 (95% confidence interval 1.00 to 2.64), P=0.05; cardiovascular disease 17.2% v 11.0%, 1.70 (1.03 to 2.80), P=0.04; coronary heart disease 16.3% v 10.1%, 1.74 (1.04 to 2.92), P=0.04).

>> No.17455713

>study conducted in 2012, based on data collected in the 1960's.
>Food standards and regulations about consumer fats have changed a lot since 2012 and dramatically since the 60's.
>no mention of polyphenols present in some oils and the potential benefit of those.
>clinical trial only found corellatiation. correlation is not causation.
>the intervention group was given specifically omega-6 from safflower oil. No testing of other oils or shortenings.

I'm not convinced.

>> No.17455722
File: 385 KB, 1284x436, palm and soybean oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally cottonseed oil that's been raped and processed.
yeah you definitely know what you're talking about alright lmao.

are you literally dumb?

>> No.17456113

you do realize thats even worse, right?

>> No.17456302

please elaborate. go on.

>> No.17457215

Damn, didn't even realized they switched to even more poisonous soyl. The name is derived from "crystallized cottonseed oil"

>> No.17457409


>> No.17457550

how is soy poisonous exactly? do you just believe health conspiracies you heard on a dipshit podcast or something

>> No.17457570
File: 257 KB, 633x732, Biden_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is soy poisonous exactly?

>> No.17457577

yes that was indeed what i asked. you can't answer it can you

>> No.17457582
File: 58 KB, 132x140, conspiring hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>health conspiracies

>> No.17457601

>>study conducted in 2012, based on data collected in the 1960's.
because the inconvenient results were hidden for decades. should really make you think.

>> No.17457658

I was raised by my grandmother in the 90's and crisco is all she would ever fry in. It was even solid in her "fry daddy"

>> No.17457664

Boomers and niggers are the reason we haven't moved away from trash like this.
I have never seen someone white and under 30 buying margarine or shortening

>> No.17457703

well shortening used to be trash for your health because it was all trans fat. even though shortening isn't trans fat anymore it still has that reputation which is understandable. personally i only cook with expensive extra virgin olive oil and butter, so something "low-class" like shortening would be something i'd look down upon. But then I remembered I also like lots of low class things like chicken nuggies and frozen pizza. So in generally it might be that non-poor white people are just too stuck up to get stuff like this if literally their only reason is "ew i've seen poor people and blacks buy that."

>> No.17457724

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.17457735

because non-subhumans already realized that this shit kills you

>> No.17457737

what part of the vegetable shortening kills you?

>> No.17457848

I fry using lard or homemade rendered lard. I believe i still have some bear lard from the end of last year. I won't argue that its good for you or any gay shit like that, but its cheap and its plentiful. Personally my favorite things to fry just out of pure nostalgia are sliced peppers, chicken wings, and either green tomatoes or onion rings.

>> No.17457855

I think people that believe it kills you have never heard of moderation.

>> No.17458754

>A man who's taken as many dicks up his ass as humanly possible and can no longer take any more dicks up his ass is basically a straight man
This is you.

>> No.17458769

>MUH moderation.
the retards favorite catch all. if you have any problem its your fault for not moderating. go moderate some cyanide faggot

>> No.17458986


why do anti-soys act more soy and mentally unfortunate than actual soys?

>> No.17459019

>mentally unfortunate
ESL or retarded. anything you say will be disregarded

>> No.17459088

I've never fried stuff in it, but it's well known to be an excellent anal lubricant

>> No.17459100

Really? Show me ;)

>> No.17459114

It sounds like a cleaning product, I don't know how people could actually eat this

>> No.17459130

Sure, bend over cutie :)