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File: 119 KB, 1600x877, USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17446848 No.17446848 [Reply] [Original]

My local shop started stocking American Chocolate, i'll review some:

1. Butterfinger
2. Tootsie Roll
3. Charleston Chew
4. Junior Mints

>> No.17446861
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x630, Butterfinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that the butterfinger would be creamy and smooth, yet when i bit into the bar it had the texture of ash relative to what i had expected. Compared to what i had anticipated of the Butterfinger, it was a stale texture. A strong peanut flavour which was to be expected, and although the bar was very crispy and crunchy, it seemed to melt in my mouth. Of the chocolate bars i tried, although i didn't particularly like it, this was my favourite. 5/10

>> No.17446881
File: 135 KB, 1500x844, tootsieroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tootsie Roll
Somehow i knew that this was going to be taffey before i even tried it, and as a result i didn't like the taste all that much. By the time i was on the last few segments i had an ache in my jaw. Although the taste was fine, there's no reason that i would buy this again. 2/10

>> No.17446887
File: 44 KB, 800x500, charlestonchew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charleston Chew
it's just nougat coated in chocolate

>> No.17446901
File: 92 KB, 1200x1200, juniormints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Junior Mints
very strong mint flavour, alot of filling. Some of them were melded to the container so the experience of eating them wasn't as good as it could have been, but the taste was wonderful as they were just like After Eights but with a higher filling:chocolate ratio, which i enjoyed. Taste wise, my only criticism is that the taste was a bit sharp, when i first tasted it was similar to the taste of very strong mint gum.

>> No.17446904
File: 313 KB, 423x500, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello greeting from kazakhstan. Do you enjoy topkek?

>> No.17446911

Overall, from what i've tried, American candy tastes cheap and tacky in a way which British chocolate doesn't despite also being cheap. British candy seems somewhat refined and luxurious in presentation and taste, yet American candy is just like a theme park ride kinda. Everything from the packaging to the taste. Some of our stuff is like that, Refreshers and Drumsticks for example have the similar tacky packaging and cheap taste.

>> No.17446933

Does it not still have the "crispety crunchy peanut buttery" on the package? If so, why would you think it's smooth? It's a very flakey honeycomb candy-like brittle inside. They changed the recipe a while back, which a lot of people didn't seem to care for. I still like them but I don't think it's as good.

>> No.17446949

i expected it to have a wafery texture with a real smooth basically pure peanut butter filling, but it was just 100% peanut butter flavoured honeycomb crunch. When it said crispy i thought it meant like a time-out bar or tunnocks caramel wafer

>> No.17446995
File: 31 KB, 600x600, symphony of deliciousness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You done goofed OP this is the American chocolate you want son.

>> No.17447032
File: 61 KB, 900x900, Frys_Peppermint_900x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were just like After Eights but with a higher filling:chocolate ratio

>> No.17447045

Obviously the worst examples of American chocolate. Strawberry Charleston Chew is still good btw

>> No.17447076

OP you forgot to mention the strong vomit flavor in all of them as well

>> No.17447096
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only american candy that I really fucking love and im angry that they dont sell in my country is pic related
everything else is REALLY fucking disappointing
even american candies that they sell everywhere in the world like snickers or m&ms somehow taste better here

but fuck, reeses are godly and I wish we had them

>> No.17447118

Reeses taste like nutty vomit.

>> No.17447309

Where the hell do you live? Pretty much all of the relevant world has them now.
Working for a couple of years in the US taught me that sweets are wildly superior in Europe, while the US destroys the old world in terms of savory snacks.

>> No.17447326

You have no idea what you're missing. The holiday versions of these are even better.

>> No.17447331

>I was retarded therefore the candy is bad

>> No.17447334
File: 9 KB, 360x203, reeses_product_pieces_theatre_light_320x203[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like these things

>> No.17448070

For some reason, Junior Mints and movies are entwined in my taste buds. Try them with some popcorn

>> No.17448166

oh, you mean Hershey's European style chocolate.
Hershey's classic is trash.
American style chocolate is trash.
Butterfingers are a good mix in to another dessert. Smash to bits and stir into ice cream or cookie dough or cheesecake.
But Heath > Butterfinger

>> No.17448174

easy enough to make peanut butter cups, anon.

>> No.17448188

quick rundown?

>> No.17448204

>Some of them were melded to the container

They're always like that.

>> No.17448217

you said butterfinger was your favourite but you rated junior mints higher

>> No.17448222

He's right about it being a shitty candy bar, though.

>> No.17448252

mix your peanut butter with honey
get it to the taste you want
add salt to your taste

melt milk chocolate chips on a double boiler

spoon a little milk chocolate into the bottom of a whatchamacallit, the paper things
i use the ones for cupcakes

spoon it up onto the sides of the paper
drop in a rolled ball of your PB and honey combo
press it down with your oiled thumb

cover it over with milk chocolate
let it set up so the milk chocolate re-hardens

>> No.17448262


>> No.17448831

l'll take 40 plox