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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17443816 No.17443816 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate McDonald’s so much? They make cheap food and support local sport teams

>> No.17443847

When I was 8 my team played our season final soccer game against my friend's team which was sponsored by the McDonald's in our town. We won, by a lot, but the other team still got to go to McDonald's and all the players got free ice cream.
Our team was sponsored by a house painting company and we got to go back behind their shop and have a water fight with paint brushes. My parents got mad as hell afterwards because the dude was just using us to clean his crew's brushes by dunking them into buckets of water and then swinging them around to spray each other. We didn't know any better, but some kids got a little paint in their eyes.

>> No.17443868

I don't hate it, I don't go there. I can cook.

>> No.17443886 [DELETED] 
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They were part of the nigger worship riots in 2020, which means I will never partake again. Go woke go broke

>> No.17443941

Thanks, boycotting McDonald's now.

>> No.17443945

I am poor so mcdonalds is good for me. i can't believe how cheap it is sometimes.

>> No.17443949

lol they literally doubled the price of mcdoubles/jr. chickens

>> No.17443952

I don't believe this is real. I don't like them because they're massively overpriced in Europe and kinda bland, also animal cruelty, surely.

>> No.17443958

>over priced unhealthy food

It's cheaper to know how to cook

>> No.17443963

true the food is cheap.. in quality but not cheap anymore in price so they can go fuck themselves

>> No.17443967

yes because cows in an open free roam grass fed field have such a better life, they are both literally bred for the sole purpose of getting slaughtered for meat

why are europoors so stupid

>> No.17443971

The past few times I’ve gotten McDonald’s I had my wife fart bare assed onto my sandwich. I couldn’t taste it and if you hadn’t seen her do it you would never know

>> No.17443979

Of course they do, are you retarded?

>> No.17443984


mcdonalds had a 365Black promotion bullshit for years prior to the Negro Riots of 2020. Does no one remember that? They've has been a pandering ass company since at least Barry's first term.


cut the bullshit. mcdonald's hasn't been in the omg so cheap territory since the mcdouble cost an actual dollar.

>> No.17443991

In my experience the worse you treat the meat while it’s alive the better it tastes. I used zip tie my chickens beak shut for days on end because it pecked my yard dolly. When it came time to eat that particular chicken I put a bunch of zap packs I had from little ceasers on it and roasted it. It turned out way better than the other home chickens I’ve eaten

>> No.17443994

So if I fuck your ass raw every night and make you eat my shit every morning it shouldn't bother you because I promise that I let you die from old age like a wealthy, happy man?

Same death negates different life according to you, after all.

>> No.17444007

people didn't slide down the slides on the trays to go twice as fast when they were kids

simple as

>> No.17444009

Cows aren’t people. They live to provide for us

>> No.17444018

>In my experience the worse you treat the meat while it’s alive the better it tastes.

how very edgy you are, such a edgy good boy
also you experience is 100% wrong its actually the opposite

>> No.17444030

>no u

>> No.17444031

shit isn't even cheap anymore there's literally no reason to go there

>> No.17444035

Imagine white knighting for food

>> No.17444057

Their shit has way too much sodium in it.

>> No.17444063

have you ever seen a cow have an intelligent thought? they are mindless beings, if anything they would be thanking us for ensuring their species exists as long as humans do

>> No.17444069

stop typing you are murdering billions of microorganisms on your moldy disgusting keyboard, you should be hanged

>> No.17444072

its not real mcdonalds hasn’t used that logo since the 90s

>> No.17444113
File: 258 KB, 922x676, McDicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop shills with this one simple trick

>> No.17444129

>cheap food
$17 for a big mac meal
fucking $6 for 6 nuggets when you can get a 1kg bag from the store for almost the same price
>supporting anything
their customerbase is 80% 3am crackheads and drunks. the other 20% is old boomers who go there Sat/Sun mornings for free newspapers and $2 coffee.

>> No.17444267

shut the fuck up you dumb australian faggot. are you aware, across all boards, australians are considered the lowest iq posters out of all the nations? just shut your stupid mouth

>> No.17444344

Audibly kekd

>> No.17444345

McDonald's killed my father
I seek vengeance

>> No.17444348
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stay mad cunt lol

>> No.17444360

They USED to make cheap food. Now they're on par with Five Guys in terms of cost.

>> No.17444372

dog food is healthier

>> No.17444391

lol not anymore.

>> No.17444477

>Free advertisement

>> No.17444987

I think that's a symptom of your schizophrenia

>> No.17444989

They do not make cheap food

>> No.17444990


>> No.17445028

do you ever stop and think before opening your stupid mouth? what a dumb little faggot you are

>> No.17445030

fatigue from all the posts

>> No.17445116

>cheap food
Yes the food they make is cheap but the prices they charge for it is not.
>$6 for a big mac
Tell me why I can go to taco bell and get a $5 box with 2 big items a side and a drink for less than I pay for one shitty burger.
Fuck McDonald's

>> No.17445586
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>> No.17445600

blood on the fries

>> No.17446927
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't make his own burgers
>he has to pay someone else to make the food for him
Lazy nigger.

>> No.17446935

>They make cheap food
Shills really?? You can literally make 6 burgers with what they charge for a big mac.
Fuck off retard mcdonalds shill.

>> No.17446938

Based. Fuck mcdonalds.
Imagine spending money on overpriced trash made by people who hate you.

>> No.17446967

it's gross and the people who go there are gross.

>> No.17446969

This is some next level cope. No one gives a fuck about australians

>> No.17447050

McDonald's stock is worth nearly twice what it was in 2020. The fact that you think they sincerely take any moral stance aside from make their shareholders rich, or that your poorly informed boycott makes any difference whatsoever is laughable. They don't care about black people, and they certainly don't care about a fucking loser like you not consooming their product. I don't even eat McDonald's anymore, but your "go woke go broke" slogan was so goofy, so misguidedly sincere, that I felt the need to put you down for it.

>> No.17447065

I used to like McDonald's a lot but they've somehow lowered their already low food quality standards and now it tastes like inedible sludge. Combo that with ridiculous prices for a 4oz sandwich and you see why they only market to nogs who don't know any better

>> No.17447070


enjoy your ban

>> No.17447072

How's that shoe polish taste?

>> No.17447087 [DELETED] 


>> No.17447503

chickfila is better

>> No.17447539

I only like their coffee

>> No.17447543

Because they shill their terrible restaurant every day on 4channel.

>> No.17447568

Truth hurts doesn't it?

>> No.17447582

Because if I'm expected to eat cheap food than I expect to pay cheap

>> No.17447597

>retard wonders why he's poor as he pays $20 everyday for his McDonald's order

>> No.17447600

It's cheaper for 85% of your diet to be boiled grains, sure. But if you want a good nutritious meal that fills you up and leaves you happy and satisfied, McDonald's is a cheaper option than anything possible at home.

>> No.17447601

ridiculously expensive for what it is

>> No.17447611
File: 59 KB, 620x571, stevealbini1-tJozPRCLPntjkNQE1Ik9m_Z8wXTXdIua[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon just stop. It's not cheap anymore and if you think eating out is cheaper than the alternative of buying your own ingredients than you deserve to be a poorfag. You can literally buy a loaf of bread and some lunch meat for under $5 and it'll last you much longer.

>> No.17447792

Thanks for your input ronald

>> No.17447815
File: 14 KB, 361x391, 1498430136205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time Australian shitposting meant anything. You guys have been off your game for years. The leafs are more chronic shitposters than you.

>> No.17447852

he might be chinese

>> No.17447899

>large fry and 20 piece nuggets for $11.50

what do cookingcucks make with that much huh? my belly gets filled

>> No.17447938

good stuff

>> No.17447991

You think that's a good price?

>> No.17448005

I'm not shilling for McDonald's. I'm just stating facts. There are hundreds of millions of people ready to chow down on big macs regardless of performative "woke" politics. If you want to bring McDonald's down, trying to do it based on fringe identity politics isn't the way.

>> No.17448082

>can't make an argument
>e-enjoy your ban
Why are cityfags like this?

>> No.17448201

No shit but it's expensive

>> No.17448241

this is a nice tale

>> No.17448657

mcdonalds haters on suicide watch

>> No.17448681
File: 47 KB, 750x570, FD6D509E-DA1F-43DC-BDE1-27363016321B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovey, he finds McDonald’s expensive.

>> No.17448684

The food tastes cheap. I'd much rather eat at Burger King

>> No.17448701

better than my local burger king, but that isn't saying much.
most of the time it a sad, empty, and souless burger. can't even get my order right half the time
why would i go here over anywhere else?

>> No.17448712

i don't hate McDonald's
they aren't my first choice for "food"
they are convenient and consistent
that is all

>> No.17448718

he was referring to chick fil a. USA English isn't your primary language...is it.

>> No.17448724

The "stuff" they serve nowadays can barely be considered food. Can you chew it up and swallow it? Yeah. Will it keep your body alive if you're starving? Possibly, but we don't know for sure.

>> No.17449607

I don't hate mcdonalds, it is a fine establishment that caters for ally cheeseburger needs

>> No.17449638

>oh no a couple of heckin centurinos!

>> No.17449651

>t. jew

>> No.17449691

>local sport teams
So troubled urban youth... Hey kids played ball before organized sports and play dates.

>> No.17449725

>retard can't even figure out how to be thrifty at McDonald's of all places

>> No.17449806

Around here they exclusively support the children's hospital.
The food could be cheaper and healthier (I don't mean healthy).

>> No.17449815

i love mcdonalds

>> No.17449832

>It's cheaper to know how to cook
I don't really buy this.
A roll is 60c.
Patty is $2.
Onion is 45c.
Cucumber (140g) is $1.11
That's 1 hamburger excluding sauces, brine, oil and your time. Costs double what McDonalds charges, though is admittedly bigger (2.7x the meat).
And it doesn't taste better because supermarket patties / mince are shit, and the roll is worse though healthier.

>> No.17449846

chicken burger patties are like 30 cents

>> No.17449864

You're really shit at this. You're not actually supposed to display overt anger, it reveals that your opponent has gotten under your skin (and has therefore won).

Also you forgot to contest his original point, so you've lost the argument too.

Why are you even posting?

>> No.17449871

Not here, and the chicken content of those patties is shockingly low.

>> No.17449897

McD's is pretty damn expensive considering how poorly it nourishes and satiates you.

>> No.17449933

what am i actually eating when i buy great value chicken patties

>> No.17449935

bless me

>> No.17450165

Australians lose by default. Maybe they'd have a chance if they hid being Australian the way Canadians and New Zealand people hide their inferior positions.

>> No.17450234

NZ has been removing themselves from maps for generations, nobody knows about their position. Not that is matters because you were just going to assume they're aussies because you haven't learned to spot them.
Canadians might be hiding. Or they're on the other side of the world so I just never interact with them (outside of threads that mention pricing, where you can immediately identify a CANZ poster). Are you aware you're posting in Australian peak hours?

>> No.17450266

gabe newell was so fascinated by them he decided to become a citizen

>> No.17450640

I beat my meat often so it must taste great!

>> No.17450643

Is this a new band?

>> No.17450644

There's a blackface joke in here somewhere

>> No.17450646

the autism levels in this post are simply delightful

>> No.17450649

its not a fucking second hand shop

>> No.17450652

>cheap food
Maybe in the eighties

>> No.17450653

>cheap food
its like £7 for a meal

>> No.17450751

If you're a retard.

Just get 2 burgers.

>> No.17450766

Every time I feel like ordering fast food or grabbing some after work I feel like I'm getting fucked. Either I pay for slop from a place like mcdonald's which finds new and exciting ways to lower the quality every year despite already being bottom of the barrel, or I stop by a "nicer" place like chic-fil-a or wendy's and they charge you 13 bucks for a fucking sandwich because "we're not like the other fast food chains ;;;))))) our prices are WORTH IT". Pure robbery on both ends. Icing on the cake mcdonald's isnt even that cheap anymore, last time I ordered a meal it was like 12 bucks or some shit.

>> No.17450771

>Gallon of milk is 1.40$
>Whole cooked rotisserie chicken for 4-5$
>Bag of rice, varies depending on size, a few dollars
>Sack of potatoes or onions only a few dollars for a 5lbs bag
Honestly anyone that thinks 12 dollars is a good deal for a single meal is genuinely retarded, the sheer scope of what you can buy with that kind of money is staggering. Obviously those prices wont be the same for everyone, but that's at my grocery store down the street.

>> No.17450793

>gave up high fructose corn syrup and processed food a year ago
>can't even stomach mcdonalds anymore, as my hate of the antichrist makes me despise the fake feeling of their food

>> No.17450795

>>Gallon of milk is 1.40$

>> No.17450800

because yo mama

>> No.17450826

-When it comes to breeds, the average cost is around $2.00-$5.00/bird for day old chicks of common varieties like Rhode Island Red
-A chick will eat an average of 1 pound of feed per week for its first 10 weeks.
-Add transport, butchering, packaging, advertising, administration, hygiene, infrastructure, dead chicks

Either you're eating garbage or your chickens are sold way below price.

>> No.17450986

>They make cheap food
It's not that cheap
>and support local sport teams
I don't give a tiniest fuck about that.
Having said that, i don't hate them and like to eat some of their sandwich from time to time

>> No.17451065

posting mascot commercials



>> No.17451188

Laffin' at blm chuds rn

>> No.17451973

its not cheap anymore. they literally got rid of everything that is cheap.

>> No.17453084

I don't. it's a fine restaurant

>> No.17453095


>> No.17454740
File: 400 KB, 1024x912, it_just_might_work_by_usaritsu_dc5o1k5-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would it really work?

>> No.17455785
File: 175 KB, 500x522, 1645357571876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets watch a McMovie

>> No.17455829

>McDonald’s chocholate
Based retard, McDonald’s doesn’t make chocholate nor are those African kids working for them

>> No.17455840

mcmuffin my new mcmuffin

>> No.17455848

yes but not with those ugly ass drawings
hire someone who can actually draw

>> No.17455890


the mc menu song!

>> No.17456203

Shit prices and broken ice cream machines. I haven't purposely went in 10 years

>> No.17456216

most of their food sucks, their fries are the only saving grace. it's horribly overpriced for the quality. and, because i live in a shithole area, the workers are all rude, scowling negroe teenagers who fuck up the order more often than not. i might eat fast food a half dozen times a year and i regret it every time.

>> No.17456599

Sure. Coming from a country that lost a war against a bunch of birds.

>> No.17456916

It's to expensive. 10euro for a meal? fuck off.

>> No.17456963

Because they can't go longer than 4 hours without making yet another shill thead like >>17456691

>> No.17458771

They used to have a 2 for 4 and they took that away from me.
I hope corporate slips a disk

>> No.17460205

how does that make you feel?

>> No.17461746

i don't it's based