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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17443505 No.17443505 [Reply] [Original]

>Forgot the baking powder

>> No.17443516


>> No.17443522

I just did, the dough is all done, these are going to be the saddest tortillas I've made so far

>> No.17443524
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>Forgot the flour

>> No.17443775

they'll survive and will taste almost the same

>> No.17443861

Could be worse, you could've used too much and now there's an aftertaste you can't get rid of

>> No.17443880
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>forgot the japanese goburin

>> No.17444025

Wow haven't thought about this in like a decade.

>> No.17444033
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Yeah, they turned out fine, just didn't puff a lot

>> No.17445098

Anime Full Metal Jacket remake when?

>> No.17445340
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>forgot the oven

>> No.17445375
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>forgot the vanilla extract

>> No.17445378

>forgot the dough

>> No.17445384
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>Forgot the cooking process

>> No.17445390
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>forgot the love

>> No.17445400

botched suicide fear is probably the reason ill never attempt it, to possible be maimed and survive is worse than death

>> No.17445436

>implying love exists anymore in this cruel heartless world

>> No.17445439

put gun into your mouth, basically 0.000001% chance of survival.

>> No.17445514

Unless you flinch as you pull the trigger and only blow your jaw off, then you're in trouble

>> No.17445522

how are you gonna flinch and blow your jaw off while the barrel is inside your mouth

>> No.17445534
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>make bread dough
>forgot the oven was broken

>> No.17445540

idk mang, but I'm sure people have

>> No.17445552

ive heard too many people surviving that exact scenario, fuck people have survived jumping from bridges, breaking all their bones, and almost drowning.

maybe an elephant gun would do it

>> No.17445556

>ive heard too many people surviving that exact scenario

no you havent, where the fuck have you ever heard of it once? you're just putting nonsense, you havent heard of one person surviving gun in the mouth

>> No.17445573

Just get a buckshot and aim for the brain and you're good. Seriously, the only people who survive are the ones who don't do this and they blow their faces off instead because they're idiots. If you know where you're aiming you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.17445580

you only asked for one example, so im only giving you one

>> No.17445588

>So I decided that I really did want to die, and I put the gun underneath my chin and pulled the trigger again

stupid fucking retard, actually kill yourself. useless human being

>> No.17445592

>nooo how did i survive using a pussy gun WTF???
....come on.

>> No.17445628

that's when you divide that shit into small balls and make flatbread

>> No.17445630

a .44 magnum is the most powerful handgun on Earth

>> No.17445641

It's still a handgun. If you want good suicide results you need to use heavy weaponry. I'd never trust a handgun.

>> No.17445645
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>didn't level the salt

>> No.17445652

>don't know what I've forgotten

>> No.17445664

so how would you wanna go out?
shotgun huh

>> No.17445678

I have a .458 socom to use but shotgun is fine. I would not do a headshot though, the brain splatter is too yucky. A shot through the heart (AND YOU'RE TOO LATE) is usually fatal so I'd do that, and no one would have to look at your disfigured face and pieces of your head splattered everywhere.

>> No.17445742
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>> No.17445751


>> No.17445764

If you aim right it would go well. Same as with the headshot thing, if you aim right and use a good gun it works every time.

>> No.17445774

They should just have government funded euthanasia clinics like in Soilent Green for people who have no reason to go on living anymore. It'd be done by trained professionals, no accidents, and be painless.

>> No.17445808

>ate 2400 calories for breakfast

>> No.17445833

post stomach

>> No.17446073

Average person needs 2000 a day, so a little above that is not a big deal. Just as long as you don't eat for 24 hours it's fine.

>> No.17446316

There are private options even in the US now, but the catch is that you need have proof that you have a terminal disease which will inevitably make your life not worth living.

>> No.17446555

>Forgot the pinch of salt

>> No.17446561
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>forgot to let the flavors get to know each other

>> No.17446578

Never used baking powder.

None of them.

Never will.

"Omg you're missing out"


You're missing out on being a multi millionaire.

Keep your baking powder.

>> No.17446587
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>forgot the bayleaf

>> No.17446590
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>had to use rock salt instead of sea salt because I was out

>> No.17446797
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>forgot to activate the almonds

>> No.17447432
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>mom keeps buying rock salt

>> No.17448297
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>sold the cocaine
>forgot to cut it with baking powder

>> No.17448469

You need to learn to appreciate their culture and stop being so bigoted.

>> No.17448629

my uncle survived an attempt using a shotgun in his mouth. the length of the firearm apparently makes it unexpectedly awkward to pull off.

>> No.17449071
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>the flavors refuse to mingle

>> No.17449621
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>the bay leaf did SOMETHING

>> No.17449641

I remember the tartar sauce cake thread

>> No.17449665

Could it blow my head clean off?

>> No.17449710

>Forget to add that last 1/4 to cookie dough.

>> No.17449982

That's now how it works

>> No.17449987

>Nyaa am in a world of shit

>> No.17450098

>Put salt instead of sugar
I've done it once, god damn it ruined my pudding.

>> No.17450186

The easier way to figure out what bay leaf does is by adding way too much of it. Made that mistake once.

>> No.17450192
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>mum found the baking powder

>> No.17451746
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>forgot to check if it was umami enough

>> No.17452946


>> No.17453042
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>send the flavors to a mixer to get to know each other
>they get friendzoned or start bullying each other

>> No.17453167
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>the secret ingredient is love
>I'm all out

>> No.17453282
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>forgot the MSG

>> No.17454559
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>the tomatoes in the dish already contained it, saving my ass

>> No.17454575
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>added too much water

>> No.17454579
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>meat overcooked

>> No.17454585

>forgot to experience teenage love

>> No.17454600
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>baking powder