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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17442740 No.17442740 [Reply] [Original]

Who else toasts bread for the whole week on Sunday, puts it in the fridge, and then microwave it up each day?

It's much more convenient than toasting it every day.

>> No.17442759

Can you show me your toast supply?

>> No.17442786

Oh, goodness no.

>> No.17442788

tf it has to get soggy that way

>> No.17442986

at least the second time weve had this thread

>> No.17443006


>> No.17443007

no, I never find myself short of the two fucking minutes it takes to put two slices of bread in the toaster, or thankful that I can have the pleasure of cleaning crumbs out of my microwave just so I can eat shit reheated toast

>> No.17443115

no I just toast in the morning as my eggs are cooking

>> No.17443731

Jesus Christ I couldn't imagine a worse hell. I have to eat toast within 1 minute of it being toasted otherwise it tastes like soggy wet cold garbage to me.

>> No.17443761

Must save 30 seconds

>> No.17443793

this is a bait thread but I laughed at how preposterous the idea is. Imagine taosting all your bread just to "save" a couple seconds. Imagine premaking toast and microwaving it from the fridge so that it gets all soggy and spongy and gross. Imagine wasting a week's worth of bread on toast that you might not even eat. Imagine choosing to microwave your food instead of naturally cooking it.
I se no up side to doing this other than giving yourself the illusion that it saved you literal seconds getting ready for work. And if that's actually what you're doing, then maybe you should be going to bed and getting up a little earlier anyway.

>> No.17443895

I toast it fresh while I fry my eggs. I worked out exactly where to tune the heat on my stove for my toaster to be a perfect egg timer.
>Put pan on flame, high
>Crack eggs in bowl
>Put toast in toaster
>Put butter in pan and swirl
>Press toast lever
>eggs, salt n pepper in, heat reduced to ~4.35/10
>Toaster pops
>Turn off heat and add lid to pan
>Grab toast and add butter or jam
>Eggs out
Wa lah. This is the most efficient method I could work out. There is almost no down time and I have 2 eggs and a slice of toast within like 5 minutes from walking barefoot and naked into my kitchen. If I feel fancy, I find time to quickly mince a chive to sprinkle on top, or I add some herb or spice while it cooks.