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File: 36 KB, 416x416, boston-ma_416x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17436843 No.17436843 [Reply] [Original]

Going to Boston for the first time. Landing tomorrow. Recommend me some good things to eat ck.

>> No.17436857


>> No.17436865

Seconding this.

>> No.17436867

A bullet

>> No.17436868
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Union Oyster House is a must

Barking Crab for casual and wonderful seafood eats

Capital Steakhouse for $$$$ but absolutely amazing steaks

>> No.17436881
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I wish death upon your family. I hope your loved ones die in tragic accidents. You should jump off a bridge. Retard.

>> No.17436882

Southie has some decent chinese.
Based homicidal lunatic

>> No.17436884

New Yorker here. It's cute how Boston pretends that it's a real city.

>> No.17436891

>homicidal lunatic
what did I do

>> No.17436892
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The east makes stuff worth recommending? I always assumed everything they make is poop

>> No.17436894

I dunno, what did you do? Creep.

>> No.17436903


>> No.17436904
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OP here, I'm from Europe and don't mind trying even junk food things since it's new to me. Also why does everyone seems to hate Boston itt? Is it an American inside joke or something?

>> No.17436906

Ok I can try that I like oysters thanks

>> No.17436907
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If you like Japanese food, get over to Cambridge (take the red line to Porter) for Yume ga Arukara's fantastic udon and/or Yume wo Katare's fantastic Jiro-style ramen.

>> No.17436921

it seems like one poster changing his IP to look like multiple posters

Hit up Bova's Bakery in the North End (short walk from the Union Oysta House). Also literally any restaurant in the North End, best fucking Italian food in America

>> No.17436927

Go to Drink. Best bar

>> No.17436971
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Gourmet Dumpling House in Chinatown. If you're coming in from Logan you'll end up at South Station and it's right there. Get dumplings of course but show them this picture and ask for this soup, its some sort of Szechuan fish soup, don't know what its called but it's not on the menu anymore cause it was too popular but they'll still make it. Literally the best soup I ever had.

>> No.17436980

Definitely go to Union Oyster House >>17436868. Don't bother with a booth, go lean on the bar and eat as many oysters as you can afford - and read up on the history before you go. Great experience. You have to check out Chinatown. It's small, but I think it works to its advantage. Great food and you can walk the whole area in 10 minutes. Best quail I've ever had in my life (don't remember the restaurant). Some people may tell you to go to Quincy market, but don't.

>> No.17436990

Anthro New England?

Want to meet up? I'm gonna be fursuiting

>> No.17436997

I'd say you're memeing on furfags, but in reality they would be this unbashful about meeting up while furfagging.

>> No.17437016
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I just like meeting people from the internet

>> No.17437611

The Irish ruined Boston.

>> No.17437612

why go to that shithole

>> No.17437623

Unironically if you want peak American Chinese food go to Kowloon just north of boston in Saugus. It's massive and they have everything. Seats 1200 I believe.
Galleria Umberto in the North End/Italian district is the best cheap lunch
Take a 40 minute drive north and hang out in beautiful Portsmouth, New Hampshire instead

>> No.17437639

ma magoos

>> No.17437649

Does that hotdog say 'dick'? If so, well done.

>> No.17437650
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their fieahfietas ara buncha queeas

>> No.17438513

Green dragon,fanuel hall has some spots. Just find the freedom trail and dont roll your ankle shitfaced.

>> No.17438657

Union oyster house for sure. Get the clam chowdah

>> No.17438674

I'm sorry.

>> No.17438682

Discovered Malay food in the Boston Chinatown. Also got a quality bootleg of X-Men First Class from a store down the road.

>> No.17438704


>> No.17438742

I'm a long islander that moved to Boston and this is cope and you should kill yourself

>> No.17440030

See you at the park plaza :3

>> No.17440060


>> No.17440082

Legal Seafood
Capital Steakhouse

>> No.17440366

You missed lobster season, so I would probably just stick to mcdonalds

Boston has the most bisexual men per capita in the US so you might also want to try to get a belly full of cum if thats your thing

>> No.17440377

>it's not on the menu anymore cause it was too popular

>> No.17440385

Boston is shit. Their food is shit. I'd rather eat a pink taco than a pink lobster

>> No.17440525

I live in boston but I only eat out at poorfag restaurants. Sorry

>> No.17440548

There are some good Italian Delis in the north end. Grab a sandwich.
Try a fresh cannoli at the bakery across the street. Just don’t lean on my cah!

>> No.17440771

Name one

>> No.17440791
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They eat this every Saturday night. Hot dog, baked beans, brown bread

>> No.17440812
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>> No.17440831

Boston Market, obviously

>> No.17440853

>we le didn't prepare the clams so its le fancy
Do your job chef

>> No.17442710

I like it when they present it like that

>> No.17442719


>> No.17442721
File: 164 KB, 605x403, ENm8dgKUcAAAeQp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They eat this every Saturday night
That tradition started to fade in the late 80's early 90's

>> No.17442725

>That tradition started to fade in the late 80's early 90's
I wonder why?

>> No.17442748

>New York City

As far as I’m concerned, both are Yankee shot-holes where people are packed in like ants in giant concrete mounds. The only thing you have going for you is that you have history behind you, and you’re not west coast hells apes like LA, San Diego, Seattle, or Portland.

>> No.17442751

Nah, recommend Cheers for the tourists.

>> No.17442756

>west coast hells apes like LA, San Diego, Seattle, or Portland.
To be fair, San Diego is actually a pretty great place to live

>> No.17442800

¾ of the Boston population has only lived in Boston for less than 25 years. Same reason the old school New Yorker is long gone, and why the London cockney accent is almost extinct.

>> No.17442803

>higher mexican population than human population

>> No.17442824

Went from being the most based city in the US to being absolute spineless cuckolds and cowards. Boston is where the Revolution kicked off; they rioted over a 2% tax on tea and stamps, and turned the entire town into a militia when redcoats tried to seize 3 cannons from a farmer. Nowadays they cry fascism when taxes go below 20%, and have declared flintlock muskets to be assault weapons and banned anything with extra pointy tips. Absolute farce of a city

>> No.17442832

How's your trailer in Oklahoma, cletus?

>> No.17442835

Increased wealth

>> No.17442844
File: 217 KB, 1778x1000, kang dung beetle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent some time in San Diego. My favorite part about it? The dung beetles at the zoo. Especially what the zoo handlers call the "Kang" dung beetle who rules over all of them

>> No.17442847

>pays money to see dung at the zoo when there's already dung for free all over the streets of california

>> No.17442852

Its because of the irish

>> No.17442857
File: 56 KB, 668x540, bf7d823f4ea6e44664a33532a5797217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's already dung for free all over the streets of california
not for dung beetles though, that's for "human beings"

>> No.17443374

>has never been to boston

>> No.17443415 [DELETED] 

>long islander
If there's anyone here that should kill themselves, it's you.

>> No.17443428

I was going to recommend a place but it looks like they closed. There are good restaurants in Boston but nothing that I'd say go out of your way for. Don't know what it's like there with covid rules either.

>> No.17443555

You just elected a chink mayor who is openly socialist and wants to give reparations to nignogs even though Massachusetts never had slavery. It’s not 1782 anymore, Boston is a shithole.

>> No.17443911

Don't come here. We don't want you, and you don't want to be here. Every place listed in this is tourist crap. I am from outside the wasteland of a city, and with this new chink mayor... boston is just a liberal cum dumpster. They act as if the other 95% of the state doesnt exist, and try to force massive taxes on the rest of us to keep the welfare wheels rolling.

>> No.17443927

the chowda's the bees tits


>> No.17443948

I feel bad for you that you're coming all the way from Europe just to visit one of Americas urban coastal shitholes full of pozzed faggots. My advice is to get a connecting flight to a medium sized city in Texas and visit it so you can see real America and meet actual Americans. Stay away from Austin, its been completely fagged up.

>> No.17444010

>t. doesn't know a thing about Boston except what his echo chambers tell him

>> No.17444070
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Boston and NYC have their problems but they still have ten times more appeal than literally any West Coast city. Yankee leftists are nowhere near as bad.
>t. RI

>> No.17444110
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>Yankee leftists are nowhere near as bad.
You're a faggot and a liar

>> No.17444250


>> No.17444463

shrapnel at the marathon

>> No.17444790

Is Indian pudding at durgin park a thing anymore?

>> No.17444799
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Those half white half black cookies were good last time I was there.

>> No.17444833

Aren't those New York tho?

>> No.17445609

they're cookies with frosting on them they're all over the damn country

>> No.17445631

>Going to Boston for the first time
Be sure to wash your hands a lot (for reasons entirely separate from COVID).

>> No.17446759

Union Oyster House and also go to little italy and get some italian food. There is a canoli place over there with every type of canoli imaginable, oreo, pumpkin, lemon, strawberry, etc.

>> No.17447038

It's a shithole city.
All shithole cities are terrible because almost all of the niggers live in them.

>> No.17448597

they don't exist on the west coast, we definitely think of them as a new york thing

>> No.17448599


>> No.17448608

Tea. You may find some near the harbour.

>> No.17448647
File: 755 KB, 1772x2048, E_tOAuEVEAYbDDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17448652

Go to Providence. You’ll have to deal with WOPs and a bunch of mannys, but at least there won’t any drunk mics in your face

>> No.17448654

Dat's boston baby! Badabinh Badaboom!

>> No.17448787

Great city to go to if you want to get murdered by a nigger in a city honoring Lovecraft

>> No.17449497

Of Major coastal cities:

Boston >> NYC >>>>>>>>>> Pacific Northwest cities >>> Any major California City

>> No.17449525

What about providence, Portland Maine, Atlantic city, and all that shit in the south?

>> No.17449536

I think you just answered your own question.

>> No.17449697


>> No.17449734

this here

>> No.17449754

As everyone said, go to Union Oyster House just to say you went, but it's basically a tourist trap with slightly better than mediocre food at this point. Better off spending your money for actually decent seafood at say Neptune Oyster or Saltie Girl if you want lobster rolls, amazing chowder, or raw stuff/seafood tower kind of things.

If you're looking to actually get a decent deal on seafood, GTFO of MA and drive up either north to Maine, find a lobster boat with some detours of 95N that's selling direct for <1/2 price, cook included, fresh off the boat nothing better than that. Avoid Portland, ME is a very respectable food city in its own right with some great breweries on the way/in the city. We're also known for roast beef sandwiches, particularly in the "north shore" of MA, so you can get some of those on the way to Maine.

Or, you could drive south to Fall River/New Bedford, MA's old port towns that are basically dilapidated shit holes now, but still have ridiculously good Portuguese and fried seafood plates(Kyler's Catch/Gene's Famous seafood in particular). Cape Cod has some decent places too, but it's where all the rich boomers go to spend their summers so prices tend to reflect that for the most part.
For decent Chinese food/ can't be bothered to go to Chinkland, Boston has some good Chinese food, but the best outside of the motherland is in Quincy. Chinatown(which is in downtown Boston) has been rapidly been priced out for obvious reasons, so a large portion of Chinese/Viet went down to Quincy to the point where it's approaching 1/3 Asian. Go to South Garden(some of the best Cantonese seafood amongst other stuff) down there and make a quick trip to some of the Viet places in Dorchester(during day time so you don't get shot/mugged).

There's some good Italian food to be had in Boston's Little Italy, but as it's also located basically in metropolitan Boston proper, the prices are exorbitant.

>> No.17450667
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PVD is far safer and less niggerized than basically any other similarly-sized New England city, though given that's
>New Haven
it's admittedly not a high bar to clear

>> No.17451003

You have to visit the north end. Mikes pastry and the original Pizzeria regina there are obvious choices amongst a plethora of solid places. Make sure you have a good coat though because you could be waiting an hour to get into the latter. Cambridge has good vegan and vegetarian choices, no surprise for a college area. If you like coffee shops check out the Thinking Cup - personally i also like Pavement but not everybody else does. Bolocco is a fantastic local burrito chain with a bunch of interesting ingredient options.

>> No.17451829

I'd rather go to Worcester easily. Also northern New England (Portland/Nashua/Burlington/Manchester) is all pretty nice

>> No.17451966

I went to RISD in Providence and grew up in Worcester. They’re very comparable in many ways but I prefer Providence.