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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 202 KB, 940x671, perfect-porterhouse-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17421131 No.17421131 [Reply] [Original]

Unless you let it soak in wine for a week, or dry age it in butter/peanutbutter. No matter how you cook it, it'll never taste good. In fact I'd actually say cheap steak tastes better cooked dry with ketchup, rare/medium-rare is a meme that's only true for expensive steak.

>> No.17421207

I'm going to dry age it in cum, and you can't stop me

>> No.17421273

When I get cheap steaks for whatever reason I just use them for stir fries

>> No.17421291

I'm almost always disappointed by a steak no matter how I go about cooking it.
They can be edge to edge med-rare, rare, medium. Can be sous vide, reverse seared, regular sear+finish in oven, just sear on stove.
Salt+pepper only
They always look much better than they taste.

I've given up on steak.

>> No.17421308

I eat skirt and round steak all the time. Medium, even heat with a little butter in the pan is the key to them coming out fine without being a chewy mess.

>> No.17421651

you must be shit at cooking because my steaks are always delicious

>> No.17421652

>doesn't know how to cut against the grain.

>> No.17422385
File: 117 KB, 998x660, 1968-07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I buy a cheap 7 bone steak fry it in a pan too long and season it with lawry's just like my dad would make it. then I make a pan gravy (like he did) or I just eat it with ketchup. reminds me of this.

pic related it's me.

>> No.17422561

Or he has an actual palate. Steaks are reddit-teir "manly" food.

>> No.17422577

stop calling everything "reddit" no one cares, no one will stop doing something or eating something because you call it "reddit".

this is kindergarten tactics.

>> No.17422607

>reddit spacing
nice try reddit

>> No.17422621

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.17422639
File: 76 KB, 1010x1272, 4chan spacing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have been putting spaces between sentences on 4chan long before reddit existed. pic related. reddit started in 2005.

pic is from 2004.

told [ ]
fucking told [x]

>> No.17422648
File: 162 KB, 642x861, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17422681

I have never seen someone seethe so much about being told their food was meme-tier.

It's just steak dude, not some woman online you have to defend

>> No.17422682

Fucking idiot

>> No.17422712

I was a butcher for a long time, and the people that are like OP generally have no idea what they're talking about. They're the same kind of person who watches a single cooking video online that uses some specific method of preparation and then go around to their friends raving about sous vide like it's the only way to cook a good steak.

Meanwhile in reality, if you're a good cook you can make anything taste good. Full stop, no argument, no horse shit. If you can't take an affordable steak and make it taste good, it's a you problem. That's not to say dry aged/wagu/whatever else isn't great steak, but let's just be real here, it's 99% marketing and if it wasn't as expensive as it is your monkey brain wouldn't perceive it as "better" and thus wouldn't fight tooth and nail to insist on its superiority as a status symbol. Enslaving yourself to market trends in a desperate bid to flex on strangers on 4chan over their choice of steak is so dysfunctional I'm not even really sure how to react, other than to say ted kaczynski was right.

>> No.17422749

I eat inexpensive steak (usually NY strip) all the time at medium rare and it's fine. I'm going to start growing my own rosemary this year so I always have some around for that purpose.

>> No.17422780

Imagine typing all this out for a bait thread

>> No.17424790

who's seething? it isn't me.

calling people:

no one cares no one seethes over it. it happens so much here it's like being called faggot, it's has no teeth.

>> No.17424806
File: 1.18 MB, 1913x1078, 1644510536843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloth diapers are garbage
t. Diaper enthusiast

>> No.17424842

Dry aged steak tastes like ass though. Not cute girl ass, it tastes like rotten jock strap.

>> No.17424846

cloth diapers were all that they could afford.

>> No.17424847

>he hasn't had a good top sirloin steak before.

Some of the cheaper cuts of beef are the best.

>> No.17424933

Would be true if he didn't actually redditspace his post.

>> No.17424954

Put a whole pineapple in a blender and marinate the cheap shit steak in the pineapple goo for a fee hours. Turns tender as hell.

>> No.17425263
File: 620 KB, 635x597, grip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen someone more mad on this board than you are right now.

You need to get yourself a Captains of Crush hand trainer so you can get a grip.

>> No.17425412

>In fact I'd actually say cheap steak tastes better cooked dry with ketchup
I agree with this. When I have leftover cheap steak, I cut it into strips and fry them in butter which makes them pretty well done but they taste better than the medium steak that it was the night before.

>> No.17425517


That's not reddit spacing.

What I am doing is reddit spacing, faggot.

>> No.17425587

you really can't see the line gap in >>17422577? fucktard

>> No.17425604












>> No.17425609


>> No.17425611

>I'm being a newfag and nobody can stop me

>> No.17425624

you will never be a man

>> No.17425632

15 years is not newfag.

>> No.17425650
File: 104 KB, 500x493, B83302CE-9919-4527-859B-2DA3FC31B9E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17425964
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 12years-1280ajpg-e95791_160w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 years a newfag

>> No.17425987
File: 21 KB, 463x255, newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, fucking newfag.

>> No.17426001

early 2k4, dinga dinga im a supergirl

>> No.17426009

This chart is pretty dumb in hindsight. I'd say everything up to 2011 still felt like old 4chan compared to whatever it turned into.

>> No.17426014

t. Can’t define a man

>> No.17426080

Try covering it in flour and the cooking it in a pan with oil. Add some white wine while it's cooking in the pan and add some garlic and pepper for the seasoning. Mushrooms are good too. If you do it right you get lots of delicious gravy you can eat with a bruschetta and a tender well seasoned steak

>> No.17426134

>let it soak in wine for a week
you are a colossal faggot and/or woman

>> No.17426143

This, and if you velvet it even the cheapest steak is tender and tasty. I buy cheap rumps to slice up, velvet, and stir fry

>> No.17426154
File: 62 KB, 960x956, 1641149492928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cooking forum
>Discussion about cloth diapers
>Jannies are ok with this

>> No.17426168
File: 765 KB, 520x316, qUGaMyN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all meat taste 100% better if cooked over a wood or charcoal fire, and dont forget the salt!

>> No.17426202

blend up an entire pineapple, marinate the steak in it for two hours in the fridge, then cook it however you want. will turn even the shittiest cut of steak good

>> No.17426330

> it's has no teeth
Much like this goof that doesn’t like steak.

>> No.17426338

Remember when brisket was a cheap cut? Or heart? Or cheek?
Fucking hipsters and their food networks. They ruin everything.

>> No.17427099

Based meat autist

>> No.17427258

that's not beef and it probably taste like trash

>> No.17427265

Nah brother you have to freeze dry one of the steaks, grind it into a powder and then season the remaining steaks with it. Then ruin your video with boring commentary from your nephew.

>> No.17427266

Early/mid 06. The newest of oldfags

>> No.17427958

finds some chart and thinks that's gospel. nice try.

>> No.17427965

maybe no but I know one when I see it. and you ain't it.

>> No.17428049


>> No.17428067

Is that Whatley from accounting?

>> No.17428075
File: 966 KB, 465x459, 1619126811758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowtax is fucking dead now

>> No.17428149

lmfao @ all the faggots replying how old they are, like who gives a shit

>> No.17428161

Cancer detected

>> No.17428166

I'll eat whatever I want to eat bitch

>> No.17428171

They're just overrated is all. They're not bad but some people act like steak is the pinnacle of cuisine. I made a filet mignon the other day that was absolutely ballin but I had to be in the mood for it. Sometimes a steak just hits the spot but people cum in their pants for steaks for no reason

>> No.17428177

t. redditor

>> No.17428226

Awful, just ate 4 day dry aged in peanut butter steak, cooked in butter, salted with rosemary. Was only slightly better.
This is probably the only thing that will work for cheap steaks.

>> No.17428237

>look at me look at me look how much I le hate le reddit see see I know the rivalry this website Haa with the other website so I fit in yet

Election tourists were a mistake