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17420707 No.17420707 [Reply] [Original]

>McDonald’s push into regional Australia angers health experts amid warnings of ‘food deserts

>The fast food giant’s expansion may be controversial in towns that have battled to keep the company out of their backyards

>The expansion of McDonald’s over the next two years will see a big push into regional Australia, which experts say bodes well for local economies but not their population’s health.

>Of 100 new McDonald’s Australia restaurants set to open in the next two years, about a third will be opening in regional and remote areas.

>Megan Belot, the president of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia, said the expansion was not a positive outcome for rural patients who already have an increased risk of obesity.

>> No.17420719

You can't stop us. You WILL eat the grease.

Over 300 billion served.

>> No.17420731

They're already everywhere regionally. Stupid non-news.

>> No.17420739

How food deserts happen in the US
>rob stores
>loot stores
>burn stores
>stores leave area
>zomg now we have a food desert
>muh racism

>> No.17420781

What region doesn't have Macca's already? They have them in fucking Tasmania.

>open a Macca's location in the middle of nowhere desert in NT with no road access
>News Corp idiots: "LITERAL FOOD DESERTS."

>> No.17421204

Honestly pretty much. I read an article from Chicago about some cunt living in the Southside bitching about this. It's funny, after decades of chimping out they finally are seeing the fruits of their 'labor'.

>> No.17421279

Nah fuck off cunts I wanna maccas

>> No.17421286

That said I would prefer a hungry jacks

>> No.17422276

literally anymore more than an hour's drive inland from the coast.

>> No.17424127


>> No.17424985

>amid warnings of 'food deserts'
A food desert is caused by the lack of grocery stores in an area, not the presence of fast food. And incidentally, by improving the local economy, you make it more profitable for grocery stores to operate within an area, therefore making it more likely that stores selling better food will be able to open.

>> No.17425001 [DELETED] 

This. Why the fuck would you build any stores near niggers and abos?

>> No.17425115

freedom, cunts.

>> No.17425155

Crikey what are you doing outside? Let me see your papers mate. Ahh I see you have only 2 shots off to the camps with you then.

>> No.17425175

sorry let me rephrase:
american freedom, straya cunts.

>> No.17425361

unironically this.
anyone that's lived in rural Australia knows the struggle.
>no fast food
>at best, you have the town pizza place that basically just reheats frozen pizzas
>other than that, you have the Local but a Parma or Fish n Chips only goes so far
>the Local usually stops serving food by 9 or 10pm unless it's a Friday or Saturday night
>every business in town that's not the Local closes by 4 or 5pm
>everything is always closed on the weekends
>nearest proper supermarket (aka: not the local little one with shit at a 400% markup) can be anywhere from a 45min~2 hour drive.
Also lets be real here.
No-one goes to Macca's for the food unless they're drunk or a cracked-out junkie at 3am.
Everyone goes there for the McCafe coffee.

Even in a large town of 40k pop, Macca's is likely the only place that actually serves hot coffee.

>> No.17426072

fast food chains in small towns is unprofitable lel
small mom and pop fast food places and cafes can only support it because the owner works the job of two to four people every day and if there's a day they want to have off the store is just closed at that point
food chains and franchises cant do that, they have a minimum staff, minimum wage and that hemorrhages money when less people are buying
one person's passion and connection to the local community just doesn't exist in that situation

>> No.17426092

>unless they're drunk or a cracked-out junkie at 3am.
I mean, the counterpoint to this is that for most people here this is at minimum a semi-regular occurrence.

>> No.17426104

Wow. This thread is still up and my oc got deleted.?? Such a strange cooking forum

>> No.17426108

*Food & Cooking, you pedantic tard.

>> No.17426125

yeah but you're detailing how actually getting the mcdonalds makes it a humdrum convenience instead of an exciting novelty

like do you remember being a kid and the 4 hour drive of a big shopping day was exciting because it meant maccas for lunch?
cause I remember moving to the city and getting sick of maccas in a year when I was 10

and yeah fuck foodworks and IGA, crooked cunts

>> No.17426136

We enjoy our fast food and discussing it here

>> No.17426144
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I got banned for posting this pic

>> No.17426146

No, you got banned for the retarded larp you posted alongside that pic which was a violation of one of the rules.

>> No.17426167

Are you a Jannie? I see retarded larps posted here all day everyday and the threads are up for hours to days

>> No.17426171

Have you tried therapy for your anger issues?

>> No.17426177
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U ok bud? I'm concerned about you

>> No.17426182
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For me it’s the McHidna

>> No.17426200

Food Desert is another champagne socialist cause.

>omg those poor people!
>they can't walk to a Whole Foods

>> No.17426231

low walkability in cities and suburbs is legitimately a fucking plague though. unfortunately there is no hope for nogs because any store that sets up shop in their neighborhood is going to go out of business due to getting robbed 3x/week indefinitely, but even white neighborhoods would benefit from not having to pack up in the car and drive 20 minutes to the grocery store every time you want any fucking thing.

>> No.17426244

legitimate issue when it comes to supermarkets, when there's only one supermarket in a town (or worse, only convenience stores) they price gouge everything

having to drive 2 hours each way to do shopping for the next month if you want to avoid the jacked up prices of shopping locally is fucked

>> No.17426277

food deserts are mostly just country towns where people either grow their own veg or wouldnt make a salad given all ingredients
it's actually really easy to convince a country boy to grow a herb garden though, give him dope seeds and he'll expand to a full veggie patch the next year to hide the plant from whoever he's enlisted to teach him (love me nan)

>> No.17426286

I just ordered a crispy chicken salad with extra chicken, they cooked the cherry tomatoes for some reason so they're hard in the middle

>> No.17426683

>like do you remember being a kid and the 4 hour drive of a big shopping day was exciting because it meant maccas for lunch?
road trips were amazing as a rural kid cuz it meant we were maybe getting Maccas on a highway somewhere after driving 14 hours somewhere.

>> No.17426696
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Australia is secretly run by property developers, the mining industry, big cotton and the 4 banks.
They go out of their way to design towns and infrastructure in a way to force people to move to the big cities, pay $2mil for a 1/10th acre block so they can FIFO to one of Fat Slug's or Fatty McFuckhead's mines, just so those same fat billionaire cunts can hide their profits overseas to avoid paying tax.

If a Macca's has popped up in your shitty country town then it usually means the food at your local fish n chip shop, roadhouse, bakery or pub is ass.
The best bakery in the country is in a 2-horse town like an hour from fucking Gympie, and the cunts still sell out a batch of 400 meat pies by 8am.
Half of why companies like Starbucks went bankrupt in Australia is because they cant compete with small local places like that.
But unfortunately the faggot Melbournian millenials are moving into the country bit by bit and trying to bring their dystopian corporate shithole with them.

>> No.17426726

just demolish them with thermite and compound explosives. tear the buildings down. don't let us build this garbage life-sucking bullshit in your backyards. no one deserves this trash thrust upon them.

>> No.17426741

liberal hatred for mcdonald's is odd to me... if you don't want a hamburger don't buy one?

>> No.17426779

>secretly run
They're not very subtle about it eh?

>> No.17426793

>coming across a McDonalds by the street walking in the outback at night

>> No.17426800

It's a self-solving problem, really. The company blows its money on opening up a store in the wop-wops, and literally nobody goes there most days because there's only 20 people in a 20km radius and it takes 4 of them to run the place. Maybe some strung-out aboriginal will crawl out of the bush and visit once. Two months later, the whole venture is deemed unprofitable, the company closed it down and cuts its losses. They post a quarterly loss and beg for tax cuts because they're "in the red" despite the whole operation up until this point just been one large incestuous mess of people throwing money at each other and nobody's really worse off in the end.
All along the way, the news and bloggers alike have kept themselves satiated too by writing inflammatory over-the-top articles on every step of the process. The system works.

>> No.17426856

they try.
Murdoch controls 99% of all TV, newspapers, magazines and cable in Australia so he does his best to cover his mate's business interests.
the Property Developer thing is bad enough to the point where you can get sued for defamation if you actually call someone a "property developer".

we dont in Aus.
like others have said Macca's is mostly only still afloat here because of road trips, inner-city drunks and crackheads.
anyone with half a brain knows they can get a bigger hand-made burger w/ a beer for the same price at their local pub.

>> No.17426898

it's not a secret anymore mate

>> No.17426915

>anyone with half a brain knows they can get a bigger hand-made burger w/ a beer for the same price at their local pub.
Really? I imagine you'd be lucky to get that for less than $25 but what would I know since I never eat out

>> No.17426920

I heard in Australia they still believe meme flu is real.

>> No.17426925

only thing stopping it from being a secret is the fact that everyone under the age of 40 grew up watching "Behind the News" in school and knows that everything they see in the news is bullshit.

Boomers are still brainwashed as ever, but because they hold the votes, money and power in this country there's fuck all anyone can do until they all die.

i'd rather pay $25 for a beer n burger at the local, play some darts/pool and watch the rugby than pay $17 for a big mac meal and sit on a plastic stool.

>> No.17427234

The people generally don't care anymore but we have some of the most confidently authoritarian leaders because we've let them get away with so much bullshit in the past.

>> No.17427245
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>For the same price as Macca's, you can get a bigger hand-made burger w/ a beer for the same price at your local pub, which you will enjoy much more

>> No.17427422

>Even in a large town of 40k pop, Macca's is likely the only place that actually serves hot coffee.
what? i live in a town of 9000 and theres literally hot coffee 24/7 from the BP, during normal times there is probably 15 cafes to choose from. where the fuck do you live?

>> No.17427432

>33 regional restaurants providing dozens of jobs for locals, main competition is the shitty sandwich shop nobody goes to and the sandwich shop everyone else goes to

>> No.17427448

>The best bakery in the country is in a 2-horse town like an hour from fucking Gympie, and the cunts still sell out a batch of 400 meat pies by 8am
wtf, name of this bakery???? I live just outside gympie but I have not heard of it???????

>> No.17427509

>petrol station coffee

the bakery in Howard
it wins "best pies" awards literally every year, they sell out so hard you have to get in before 8am or their pies are all gone.
truckers usually do a 1 hour detour just to get these fucking things.

>> No.17427515

>>petrol station coffee
About as fresh as macca's.

>> No.17427536

I live in Vic so that's a fair drive for me
Best pie I've had so far is in a town called Yarragon, which is in between Warragul and Moe. They don't miss, every pie I've had from them has been fucking sensational with the Lamb and Burgundy being the best of the best

>> No.17427551

That's a fair point but for me I don't really eat their burgers anymore anyway, there's not as much novelty if i'm only going in for chips on occasion and maybe a mcflurry, they would only be the second best chips in town but the place that does the best chips in town is closed a lot

>> No.17427564

I went to the local eatery in Hay and the owner talked shit about me to another customer because I ordered fried rice. It wasn't a racism thing since he clearly imported his wife from jungle asia. He was annoyed because it takes too long to make.

>> No.17427569

I drove from Darwin to Townsville, through what is colloquially referred to as the 'backpacker murder' region. First thing I did was go to McDonalds. You will never see so much nothing in your life. Took a greyhound around the coast and every stop had the worst bus terminal no-name burgers that likely sat there hours. At one I said fuck it and ran several blocks to find anything else in the limited time I had; and managed to find KFC.

>> No.17427586

>a town called Yarragon, which is in between Warragul and Moe
Australia gives the UK a run for its money when it comes to town names.

>> No.17427644

We got a place called eromanga

>> No.17427665

As much as I wish less people would eat McDonald's, it's insane just how engrossed in Australian culture McDonald's is. I wish there were alternatives to the usual McDonald's/hungry jack's/ KFC/ subway that's literally everywhere. It's not even cheap FFS.

>> No.17427676

I remember finding this in high school, it was laughter for like an hour straight
Aboriginal town names are silly, but I live in a place called snug, which is above lower snug and close to a place called flowerpot so yeah.

>> No.17427842

> The name is thought to have come from an Aboriginal word that means "hot gale plain"
Could Eromanga be the Aboriginal word for brapper?

>> No.17427848

fuck free enterprise, block 'em out

blood on the fries

>> No.17429206

>blood on the fries

>> No.17429222

cuz a lot of place names are taken from local aboriginal dialects.
towns with names like Wagga Wagga, Woy Woy, Coonabarabran etc are all sensible normal place names here.

>> No.17429922

Howard Hotbread Bakery, near Hervey Bay?
I'll try it next time I'm driving through and post a report here if the thread is still alive. If not I'll make a meat pie general I guess

>> No.17429971

havent been there for a few years but yeah, whatever it's called
it's one of those small towns that literally only has a bakery, pub and newsagency.

>if not i'll make a meat pie thread
yes, we need to school these fucking yanks and poms on what an actual fucking pie is
ew no
that's about the quickest way to get a thread deleted my dude, try lurking a few more years before posting

>> No.17430867

I love McDonald’s!

>> No.17430876

>food deserts
What a bunch of bullshit.
I don't know how it is down under, but in the US, those places don't have stuff like fresh produce because no one buys it and it sits on the shelf and goes bad, so obviously stores won't stock stuff that won't sell.

>> No.17431275

name one country maccas that has shut. some of the larger country towns are opening there 2nd and 3rd, a taco bell just opened in regional nsw. go to any country kfc on a friday night and there is a good 30 car line up for dinner and the towns that dont have one there is always some cunt on facebook that has a group and charges like 5 bucks to do a run on his way home from work .

>> No.17431284

>i'd rather pay massive tax on alcohol
good goy

>> No.17431350

fuck mcdonalds. i will take country pies and beer every day over that shit

>> No.17431356

>describes shitcunts making obesity and malnutrition inducing garbage taking advantage of a food desert as if it's a good thing

>> No.17431396

my coastal rural shithole doesnt

i am better off making food on my own because here you can only buy fresh ingredient monstrosities that smell and look like literal poop

>> No.17431400

>Everyone goes there for the McCafe coffee.
imagine being so braindamaged you depend on mc donalds to drink coffee

>> No.17431408

>muh maggot bags
I'll just get a crumbed chop or egg n bacon roll from the servo

>> No.17431417

I think you missed a few words in your post and now people might think you're a scat fetishist...

>> No.17431537

t. coping obese lardass with a fresh ingredient fetish

>> No.17431981

Stfu you retarded twink.

>> No.17432664

Meds now

>> No.17432671
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Still not eating McVinegaryShits