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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 2500x1875, avo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17411137 No.17411137 [Reply] [Original]

picrel is such a shit-tier fruit, how and why the fuck were yuppie retards convinced it's a gift from god
tastes like grass blended with some american "Butter Product" and is only edible for like a 2 second window
>t. chipotle wagecuck

>> No.17411147


>> No.17411153

you could also just eat a sensible variety of foods and not pay a premium for some shit with just as much nutritional value as anything else

>> No.17411181

it's really not expensive where it's native to

>> No.17411180

I stopped reading here

>> No.17411186

Please make sure to put at the least salt on your avocado before consuming. Pepper, salt, extra virgin olive oil are reccomended.

>> No.17411196


>> No.17411202

I worked at a food place that charged extra for avocado and never really understood the appeal either.
Like, dude, I don't think it's worth the $2 extra to put this little bit of avocado on your food, but I also don't set the prices, so why are you doing this?? This was a burger place too.
But I guess people want what they want, who am I to judge.

>> No.17411211

i've heard but this is in the context of america where (afaik) they're harder to automate because of regulations, shouldve clarified
even then though they just don't add much to dishes to me

>> No.17411232

Tastes good and has healthy fat. Wow yeah, you must really be a retard for enjoying them. Unbelievable.

>> No.17411290

>salt pepper EVOO

>> No.17411310

Guacamole is alright as long as I don't have to pay extra for it. Avocado oil is about the closest thing to a universal cooking oil though.

>> No.17411329

Avocado oil oxidizes so quickly that almost any of the ones you buy at the store area already over the hill, either heavily oxidized or rancid.
If it's not, then chances are it's probably not 100% avocado oil.

>> No.17411703

didn't know that, what would you recommend instead?

>> No.17411818

It's a vegetable.

>> No.17411842


You're wrong. Avocado oil is fairly shelf stable. Show me proof it isnt.

>> No.17411856

I would wrestle you for some guac and chips right now.

>> No.17411873

>evoo on avocados
this guy cooks bacon in butter and adds salt to his soy sauce

>> No.17411876

How are you gonna have sushi without avocados?

>> No.17411881

When I used it to lube my ass I got an infection

>> No.17411896

Chipotle is shit. Hope you're saving your hard eraned money, anon.

>> No.17411917

i like the food, though i'm also in a wealthier region of the country working at a location with a smaller clientele so it's probably much easier to maintain quality here
still live with my parents so i'm saving for school while i don't need to pay the bills yeah

>> No.17412039

Cooklet take.

That's a bummer. Hope you refined your cramming after that one.

>> No.17412061

Yeah, the problem was the Hass. Little too rough, things got easier when I switched to a smoother skinned variety. Only problem is that the smooth skin doesn't taste as good as the Hass and what's the point of cramming avocados in your ass if you don't have a nice snack after?

>> No.17412081
File: 380 KB, 1138x1518, longneckavoonthetree_1138x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might I reccomend the long neck varietal for all your cramming needs?

>> No.17412083

based cramposter

>> No.17412089

Oh shit, I'm hard just thinking about that glorious thing

>> No.17412121

Imagine going to your longneck avocado tree and picking the perfect one out of the 80 growing and elongating as the days go on.

>> No.17412123

it also fucking sucks where it's native to
t. island cuck

they are always massive and have less flavor, sushi restaurants here order them from california

>> No.17412162

Wild avocados are rarely good. 99% of all good avocados are known good varietals grafted onto established rootstock.

Kind of like how apples turn into crabapples if you just plant seeds from an apple you bought at the store.

>> No.17412352

Did you know; If you try to grow an avocado pit you will grow an avocado tree the bares no fruit. It will be a decorative tree. To grow an avocado tree that bares fruit you need a clone or clipping (I'm not a Archeologist I don't know the term)

>> No.17412363

Yes. That's what I said, but badly I think.

They say it takes 10k avocado trees to find one that is delicious enough to market. Think that's how the hass avocado was created.

I think the term you're looking for is treeman.

>> No.17412369

arborist here. They need a viable graft. You can do it with lots of fruit bearing trees. You can even do weird shit like graft 20 different drupes to a single plum tree.
The best thing to me about avocados is that they exist across their entire native range because of giant sloths shitting them out all over the place

>> No.17412379

Avocado is a good and versatile fruit.

>> No.17412383

Oh cool a treeman! Didn't know that about sloths. Those are big seeds...

I love the idea of making cider trees where you graft the perfect blend of apples to one tree, so when you pick, press, and ferment them it makes a delicious cider.

>> No.17412408

Yeah I love those kind of grafts, Space and resource efficient and a great way to get some variety in your life. Plus if you plan it right You can get a really cool transition of blossoms in the spring as the different varieties flower at different times.

>> No.17412426

I always find it hilarious when a 3rd worlder has never had a ripe avocado and does this weird projection thing where in another universe they're considered the most amazing thing, and not just a common fruit that pretty much everyone enjoys and have been eating regularly for 30+ years. For the next act they're going to try to convince you that nobody liked bacon until reddit existed. Like, I seriously can't tell if this is a zoomer thing or just like hardcore poverty basement dwellers.

>> No.17412431

Why don't you conduct a wide ranging anthropological study and find out?

>> No.17412433

I can't procure funding though

>> No.17412445

I've been on 4chan for well over a decade. I don't need to do a scientific study to know who I'm talking to...

>> No.17412462

Just do a phd in anthropology and make it your thesis. Would be funny to make a thread about it.

>> No.17412482

Holy shit that would be hilarious. I actually had to do my capstone in Anthropology. It made me realize I fucking hated academics and that's what got me into tree work. Waste of a fucking education, should have just started with trees

>> No.17413861

Have a friend that never ate avocodo before until a year back. Then he really liked that taste and made guacamole often. It got to a point where he ate two avocados a day, he said he had to quit eating it since he gained 10 kilos since he started eating it

>> No.17414039

zoom zoom

>> No.17414056

I used to hate avocado as a kid, but have grown to realize it is one of the greatest fruits out there.

>> No.17414790

there's an avocado tree in my father's backyard, it gives tons of fruit every 2 years and Im pretty sure he never did any cloning/clipping, probably just grew from a dropped pit

>> No.17414805

so avocado is still an "issue" to americans? lol
it's just a fucking fruit, get over it

>> No.17414809

this is absolutely false
t. had avocado trees as a kid, grown from ordinary seeds on ordina