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17407902 No.17407902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wow they're getting desperate

>> No.17407909

Poor people don’t plan more than 10 minutes into the future.

>> No.17407912

The anti work movement is raising wages more than 20 years of conservative economic policies. Turns out mass resignations and strikes work better than tax cuts for billionaires

>> No.17407915
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>> No.17407918

smart and the correct take

>> No.17407936

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.17407945


>> No.17407951
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>Turns out mass resignations and strikes work better than tax cuts for billionaires
you know who to thank

>> No.17407980

>oh look wages are rising during massive inflation
>thanks, antiwork!

>> No.17407982

kek the antiwork movement is a fucking joke... those zoomers are going to get eaten alive by all of those hardworking third world migrants they want to bring in... fuck em, i say let them rot, i would much rather have pajeet on my crew than some whiny entitled zoom zoom.

>> No.17407984

But if wagies don't work and pay taxes where will my NEETbux come from? Something must be done about this and quickly.

>> No.17407986

This. Nothing ever gets better.

>> No.17407987

antiwork is the kind of retards who think raising wage is the solution not fixing a debased currency

>minimum wage used to be $1.25
>that $1.25 money contained/backed by actual metals
>the silver content of that money would be worth $20 today
Just commies being retards like usual

>> No.17407989

>20 years of conservative
was Obama a conservative? good to know... I fucking swear nobody is more retarded than Americans trying to blame their retarded shit on "the other side".

>> No.17407992

No you wouldn't. Trust me

>> No.17408012

"Nooo why are you all leaving for the higher paying jobs? Come back, REEEEE"

>> No.17408021

Unironically correct. By putting more money in the hands of the young they'll be more willing to have kids and not want to flood their country with pajeets

>> No.17408035

America is a country where people vote for the same two parties over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over etc then proceed to point the finger at each other. One side wants corporatism with more white bashing the other wants slightly less white bashing with slightly less corporatism. Only the Amerimutt is dumb, so awe inspiringly arrogant, that thinks voting actually makes a difference in a government that has no ability to actually self correct and does the bidding any lobby. Which is why they're owned by Israel and the corporate lobby. By the time Amerimutts realize what's going on en masse and they've been tricked it'll be too late.

>> No.17408036

>be me
>work in hospo in australia
>95% of employees are nepalise, indian, chilean etc
>"as soon as I get permanent residency I'm quitting"
they're only hardworking when they have too, just like everyone else

>> No.17408079

Obama literally had two years of effectual policy making. McConnell did everything in his power to make sure Obama got nothing done regardless of whether the policy was good or not for the country, especially once the tea party rolled in.

>> No.17408080

dios mio el goblino de esquizofrenia escrito un paragrafo muy largo y muy muy loco! ay carumba!

>> No.17408083


>> No.17408086

I'm a millwright in a factory and all of our best general laborers are Asian (and by Asian I mean the entire continent, everything from Chinese to Indians, to Arabs). The white kids working there aren't worth shit, and these are likely the same kind of whining faggots who are behind the "anti work movement." And of course the Asians are going to move on (or in some cases move up). Unlike white zoomers these Asian guys understand that these shitty low level jobs are a first step to something better, it's not meant to be a permanent career, so they shut the fuck up and work their asses off. I've got a Vietnamese apprentice who started out on a packaging line for minimum wage, and the guy is great. Not once has there been a white general laborer in that place who I would have wanted as an apprentice. When the Asian guys move on or up we'll replace them with more hardworking FOBS. That's how it ought to be.

>> No.17408101

Not that anon:

Your mentality is fine assuming you don't mind demographic replacement. I always appreciate FOBs myself and it's irritating seeing the lack of enthusiasm for work from my own. But I will always try to help those who are of my own first rather than promote idealistic foreigners if I can.

>> No.17408113

> no you see it was The other side that made things bad when my side was in charge trust me. out of 8 years where things got worse and more corporativist, 2 of those it was the other side that made things difficult, so he dindu nuffing.
The 2 party system really has you guys fucked up, you ca blame everything else on shit that is going on right now on turmp and bush i guess, and the other side can blame it on biden, then boama

>> No.17408123

I don't want to see whites replaced either, but it is what it is. These white zoomers know nothing and care less about hard work, they don't understand the concept of work. They get hired to these low level positions that any dumb fuck can do and they expect to be paid like a CEO and treated like little emperors. And when they don't get that they start screeching about this "anti-work" horse shit. Sorry but no, you have to work for that and prove yourself. The Asians get this.

>> No.17408132

Temporary generational angst is nothing compared to centuries or millennia of permanent cost. The problems with zoomers goes beyond their generation, and to the losses that previous ones accrued, as all decisions are reactive, not active. To each their own, however.

>> No.17408134

>The Asians get this.
Your protestant work ethic is just similar to their culture.

>> No.17408135

You think this only affects lower end jobs? I work for a DoD contractor, and even they're having trouble. people want to work from home, but because they're old, they think "na, needs a workin mans salary, they'll stay". As of now, the company has never seen some many open reqs.

>> No.17408138

meant for >>17408123

>> No.17408139

God this shit makes me so hard. I work as a Union Organiser and it is so satisfying to see this shit happening. The whole "muh automation" shit was invented as a demon to spook people in low-skill jobs into clinging to whatever employment they could get. I absolutely love seeing all these shitty corporations (as well as the independent business that abuse their workers) panic. God I fucking love trade unions

>> No.17408143

If you genuinely think corporations are raising wages because they give a shit about inflation and not because nobody will fucking go to work you're a moron

>> No.17408151

>get with your store manager
black neighborhood detected

>> No.17408154
File: 85 KB, 780x583, Typical+american+family+outing_97e70b_5514533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestant work ethic has always been a tool by the ever hungry capitalist machine. Just make people (especially americans) believe that working three jobs is not only normal, but something to be proud of and feel superior to people who don't do this for whatever reasons.

To have such an ideology, that is so in line with the interests of the economy and those at the top of it, has to be the greatest coup rich people have ever done.

Just work harder and you'll be the next millionaire. Vote for tax cuts for billionaires while you're at it, you hard working, freedom loving American. You'll be a millionaire tomorrow too...

>> No.17408157

said the generation invesing in education not worth of any entry level jobs nor the promotions (and let's not talk about those who never got one in the first place. You know, those who's positions you filled with pajeets and chinks). No more cigar breaks for you, get back to flipping burgers.

>> No.17408159

this, i'm amazed at the retardation here

>> No.17408167
File: 785 KB, 1248x2216, 1644460435438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're about twenty years out to see rapid, cancerous automation replace a mass amount of jobs, the politicians and porkies just started pretending it was already looming to, like you say, scare the worker. But even back in the 2000's you compare that to now and automation has in fact replaced many jobs, yet it's not even close to what will happen in the near future. If you need better proof then you need to start analyzing China, they have little human rights as citizens and commoners, so by watching how they are treated by bug corporations you're able to catch a glimpse of the future in the West. Maybe never the outright dehumanization China sees, but you will see the technology they are using to cut down mass workforce, which will come to fruition in the US and EU. If you are in fact a Union Organiser then you should take this extremely seriously, schadenfreude is all well and good but if you're intending to still protect the workplace then being informed is the actual preventative.

>> No.17408173

You are deluded if you think "hard work" is anything more than being a good slave these days. Since the "power that be" (whoever you believe them to be, even random chance) decided that having women in the workforce was a great idea in order to increase productivity things got fucked. Salaries stagnated as the market suddenly doubled in workers, and that is without getting immigration and the dropping of the value of labor by importing people.
In the end, since you can't maintain your life and a family by working 1 job why give your all to said job that can't even properly sustain you?

>> No.17408184

finally the dumb ass americans made a smart move instead of MUH TIPS

>> No.17408191

>automation is coming
Yes, this is something many are well aware of; I meant that the use of automation as a threat for a lot of jobs in the last decade was a total bogeyman.

The reason we don't discuss automation most of the time is because the vast majority of people working in the jobs currently most at risk of it (cheap hospitality, certain service positions, etc) are most often either so old that they'll be out before it happens, or not there permanently. I don't really personally know what the future is; my job is moreso encouraging (particularly young people) to organise into Unions or, as is more commonly the case, become more confident in their rights to prevent abuse. I live in a country that is wholly fucked by two main things:
>exploitative corporations
The latter is the main issue; I'm a Tenant Union organiser primarily, but work with other trade unions in my area since I have connections to a lot of student institutions that makes life easier. I think generally we're heading for an absolutely horrendous time and I'm just thankful that my country is in a position to potentially avoid some of the worst of it, but not for long.

>> No.17408200

>was Obama a conservative?
t. non-american

>> No.17408207

Well I'm glad you're being proactive. Many of the jobs you may want to try to preserve will become archaic and only there for corporations to give lip service to their workforce or buy public perception. My only suggestion would be to again, watch documentaries and new information coming out on China, specifically on their technological advancements. China is not bound by Western cautious bureaucratic stagnation and min maxes profits to an even more corrupt and malicious degree than our corporations are ever allowed. If we did not have what protections we do have we would still have children working in factories, like the Chinese do now.

>> No.17408209

Then the label is meaningless. By the same metric you can call trump a liberal if you want to, or Biden a conservative.

>> No.17408211

well, you see
americans are fucked

>> No.17408215

Main goal has basically become a Careers Day 2.0, except "you don't want to flip burgers all your life" has become "X will be a robot too soon for it to be a career for you."

>> No.17408217

Very true.

>> No.17408235

Biden and the whole democratic party of the US would make a fine conservative party in almost any European country.