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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 1000x667, lions-mane-mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17405490 No.17405490 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17405504

Enjoying viewing it.

Ain't it pretty?

>> No.17405507

What should I cook it in. I'm planning broth so far.

>> No.17405569
File: 50 KB, 680x759, 490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17405579

Broth is good but frying them in a lot of butter may be even better

>> No.17405850

I'll tell you what NOT to do with it. Don't get it went and don't feed it after midnight.

>> No.17405856

throw it out and get shrooms instead

>> No.17405885

Speak encouraging words to it.

>> No.17405896

stick your peepee in there

>> No.17405901


>> No.17405908
File: 45 KB, 340x487, 3c82bec7d386a833d59f1bc2830297f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck mushrooms (not literally). I'm growing more and more convinced of the theory that fungi might not actually be native to this planet.

>> No.17405910

Holy shit you got a hairy type Bored Garloid? Fucking based bro I'll give you 10 ETH for that right now

>> No.17405922

It's a mushroom. You just cook it like a mushroom and eat it, unless you wanna be some Chinese health fag and grind it into boner pills.

>> No.17405931
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x1200, Hydnellum_peckii2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, fellow species native to planet earth. So glad I wasn't imported by some space travelling extraterrestrials thousands of years ago, haha, wouldn't that be absolutely weird!

>> No.17405954
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Don't worry, I'm just like all of you!

>> No.17405961

Those ones smell like poopy and rotting flesh to attract flies for spore dispersal, right?

>> No.17405970

if this fascinates you you should check out the head shapes of the bosnian people

>> No.17405979
File: 238 KB, 1200x826, Xenomorph Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but devil's fingers are supposed to smell like rotten flesh. There's only a single paragraph on them in wikipedia. Basically, creates egg, arm unfolds into tentacles, smells like death.

>> No.17405980

nothing was native to this planet all the foundations of life came from asteroids

>> No.17405991
File: 217 KB, 650x462, Shaggy-Mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That might be the case. I'm a firm believer in the stoned ape theory, some apes thousands of years ago ate too many shrooms and expanded their consciousness.

>> No.17405998

What about them? Googled bosnian people and they all seem pretty normal to me.

>> No.17405999

Fuck mushrooms (literally)

>> No.17406023

You sound like a fungi.

>> No.17406025

just sautee in butter and garlic, maybe you'd want to throw in shallots or onions too. slice it and treat it like it's a piece of seafood.

>> No.17406075

In Italy, we say Croatians have cube-or-square-shaped heads.

>> No.17406152

In the rest of the world we say Italians are black

>> No.17406217

Well, we have very, very large genitalia so there may be some truth to it.

>> No.17406281


>> No.17406597

My cat produces three a day.

>> No.17406632

How do you cook them?

>> No.17406920

Ah yes, the old square-cube law.

>> No.17406938

How would they pass that on that? How would that change their sex cells? Are you saying the stoned apes were more successful reproducively? Even so the selection pressure would only last as long as the mushrooms were available.

>> No.17407035

Anyone who says "I'm a firm believer in the stoned ape theory" is just saying that "I watched a popular youtube video where they mentioned this bunk theory and I'm now hooked."

They are most likely Joe Rogan show watchers or Jordan Peterson-tier cretins.

>> No.17408452

>They are most likely Joe Rogan show watchers or Jordan Peterson-tier cretins.

>> No.17408494

I think they very strange too. But cordyceps are even stranger.

>> No.17408560
File: 106 KB, 566x866, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this theory is true why did it only happen once thousands of years ago? apes are still a thing and shrooms are still a thing so why aren't apes continuously accidentally eating shrooms and discovering morality? shouldnt we see pockets of ape tribes throughout time and geography where apes ascended? it should still be happening

>> No.17408568

What's wrong with watching Joe Rogan?

>> No.17408571

this is true, our jaws are as wide as our shoulders

>> No.17408575

That's retarded
That's retarded

>> No.17408580

Because evolution takes tens of thousands of years and humans have already won the game for dominant species on the planet as of a few thousand years ago.

>> No.17408581

Shove it up your ass

>> No.17408601

so once one species wins the game of evolution everything else stops evolving? sounds like bs

>> No.17408607

No, but we wiped out all evolving species that had the capacity to usurp us. You're an enlightened ape, anon, use your brain.

>> No.17408615


>> No.17408626 [DELETED] 

And then there’s Sicilians, who are considered the niggers of Italians

>> No.17409069

So has nobody, Italian or not, actually cooked lion's mane?

>> No.17409150

I know this Ukrainian girl who goes mushroom hunting in NJ. Want me to ask her if she comes across them and, if so, what she does with them?

>> No.17409348

That post was crafted solely for you to brag about being close with a Ukrainian girl, but yes I'd like details on LM preparations.

>> No.17409408

why are you lying on /ck/?

>> No.17409415

Just wait til you look in the ocean

>> No.17409425

they just have different evolution rules
yes, we're absorbing all the earth's resources and our extreme intervention has stopped any natural development going on

>> No.17409428

Apes are pretty damn smart, but we didn't come from them. We share a common ancestor. Idk why that's so hard to understand

>> No.17409429

What kind of mushrooms grow there?

>> No.17409445

because they still need to invent meat cooking, to evolve a brain you need to have tons of extra calories and raw vegetables arent caloric enough
they also need to change their society to favor cooperation and understanding instead of clashing and violence, so the individuals have peaceful free time to dedicate to their internal philosophy

>> No.17409472
File: 71 KB, 453x960, received_359494252593163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this popped up yet again I sautéed it in butter with a few herbs. That is a pretty foolproof way to cook anything.

>> No.17409479

I'm not really all that close to /that/ particular Ukrainian girl, but I guess I'm close enough that I have her number, we've shared meals and I last spoke to her a few weeks ago.
Also, don't worry about me knowing some Ukie. This one is very, very ugly. She looks like that Armenian bitch, Armine Harutyunyan, only far more sun-damaged, especially for her age. She's sweet as pie, but ugly as sin.
Now the /other/ Ukie girls I know? Yeah. Thems're some hot pieces of ass, right there.
Anyway, I'll ask her now and be back in a bit when she replies.

>> No.17409561


>> No.17409576

The best ones

>> No.17409616

Look they talk

>> No.17409619

or how pure blood ashkenazi jews have similar bone structure to neanderthals

>> No.17409743

Okay, so she said she just pan fries them as a side dish.

>> No.17409800
File: 170 KB, 1200x1600, 123_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just sent pics of the most recent one she found and cooked.

>> No.17409811
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>> No.17409817
File: 248 KB, 1200x1600, 123951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter and oil, by the way, is what she fries them in.

>> No.17409857

A girl isn't gonna send you her cooking pics on request like this unless she wants your dick or she thinks you're her gay bff. Sorry you have to have sex with her now, otherwise you're just leading her on.

>> No.17409940

Yeah, I'm her gay bff.

>> No.17410041
File: 900 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220126-164018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tried many methods. Sauteing in butter is 100% the way to go. Cut it into thin strips and make sure to brown them entirely. If it's not caramelized entirely, it'll be meh, but the caramelized portions will taste like crab/lobster.
You will also need a LOT of butter. Last time I cooked one I needed a full stick.

>> No.17410266


>> No.17410530

Where the fuck do you get these things? I have literally never seen Lions Mane in person. Not even in any of the fancy supermarkets and organic health food stores. Do I need to grow them or what?

>> No.17410541

eat it
it tastes good
goes good in a seafood gumbo

>> No.17410566

There is probably some truth to the theory but that guy way oversimplified it to Spotify podcasts levels.
We have plenty of ancient evidence of psychotropic use among early humans but not dating back that far because evidence outside of carbon deposits and stone tools are incredibly rare.
The theory is more that psychedelic mushrooms are pretty much everywhere. It's inevitable that some early ancestor ate them at some time.
The actual theory is that it allowed us to jump into abstract thinking and could have lead to basic art and religion to try to cope with the crazy shit they saw after eating them. That type of psychotropic can also have some interesting results on our neural pathways.
It isn't that it caused us to evolve but could be the reason we initially began funeral rituals and the belief in gods.
And despite modern and views and some people's personal views on religion it served it's purpose in our evolution.
Shared beliefs allowed us to form relationships with groups larger than our family groups and tribes, people coming together with shared beliefs needed more food than small groups so we figured out agriculture. Those dicks in the valley over from us believes in some sanctimonious God that hates the stuff we like so we modified our hunting and farming tools to kill heathens better, heathens did the same so we figured out better ways to protect ourselves, this continues.
So it's not that mushrooms mutated us but more we tried to figure out a reason for it's effect on us

>> No.17410573

Cordyceps freak me the fuck out. On the other hand I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought of ways to farm caterpillar cordyceps to swindle Chinese and stay at home mlm moms

>> No.17410583

There isn't an end game of evolution. It doesn't work that way but we as a species have had pretty direct effects on the evolution of some species, some we have out right created. And we are technically fucking with our own evolution. The moment we were advanced enough to drastically reduce infant mortality made that so

>> No.17410603

thats not a fucking shroom that an ayy lmao egg.

>> No.17410605

Lions mane and bear tooth grow in parts of the US. Lots of other countries too.
I grow mine. Mushrooms are cheap food, not especially nutritious but a good filler, there are some benefits and if you have a decent setup are pretty easy to grow.
I have three different varieties going right now

>> No.17412591

>i grow my own
>three varieties
Pics or it didn't happen, faggot.

>> No.17412824

Ok retard.

>> No.17412861

I thought the thumbnail was Yeezy until I opened it

>> No.17412905

>I'm growing more and more convinced of the theory that fungi might not actually be native to this planet.
It's really not that weird if you knew some biology. Shit's pretty basic actually, skin and round blobs of fat is weirded than frills, buds and nets that cover your insides.

>> No.17413230

Fucking hell I think some neurons that were asleep for a thousand years like Dracula just got an erection and it hurts like hell

>> No.17413395

Don't forget your tenth booster, tranny

>> No.17413724
File: 1.29 MB, 3024x4032, Mugaritz-Fermented apple covered in penicillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make this

>> No.17413745
File: 3.02 MB, 3264x2448, bolets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You often go mushroom picking, right, anon?

>> No.17413764


>> No.17413801

Bro even McKenna didn't really believe that. I believe in panpsychism and that we are all God and all that crap but you cannot evolve your brain chemistry over generations by eating shrooms.

>> No.17414553

Friendship among adults can be platonic. I send my friends camping pictures when I'm out and about. That includes cooking foraged food. I don't have social media so I just share it with friends that are interested. I've gotten to take a few coworkers and other friends for their first camping trip since childhood thanks to sharing pictures.

But yeah that was funny as hell. Want to fuck?

>> No.17414869

>I'm growing more and more convinced of the theory that fungi might not actually be native to this planet.

>> No.17414890

Similar to making any blue cheese.

>> No.17414904

>You often go mushroom picking, right, anon?
Sadly it is not safe to do so here in South America due to a complete and total lack of reliable mushroom picking guides here.

>> No.17414925

oh, really? that is sad. I imagine certain parts of Chile or Argentina might offer that possibility.

>> No.17415146

Donate it to me please

>> No.17415164

enjoy getting shot by a mapuche/gaucho for trespassing

>> No.17415173

>comparing ethnic indigenous mapuches with based white gauchos

>> No.17415303

both'll shoot you

>> No.17415624

make "crab" cakes with it
it's suprisingly good.

>> No.17415672

I guacho mapuche right here, bitch.
>:: motions towards crotch ::

>> No.17415885

Yes the mycelium network of our earth is super basic. You fuckin dunce

>> No.17416799

Your smooth as fuck brain is the real otherwordly mystery here buddy.

>> No.17416821

I eat shiitake and lions mane. I soak in simmering broth for an hour.

>> No.17416824

Cram it in your anus

>> No.17416858

i wish my skin looked like this so i can pull on each individual strand of skin and pluck pluck pluck peel peel peel every last bit of shredded tiny skin

>> No.17416996
File: 72 KB, 640x336, 250DEDEC-CBC0-46AF-9BBE-94FC276AE944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s another, it’s called ‘dead man’s fingers’ haha

>> No.17417005

you need help lol

>> No.17417059

don't dead open inside

>> No.17417195

Elephants also hold funerals.

>> No.17417267

don't boof shrooms

>> No.17417745


>> No.17417767
File: 3.46 MB, 4160x3120, 20210410_125001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as i can fren

>> No.17418364

Quiet or you're going up there too

>> No.17418705

That is genuinely spooky

>> No.17419223

looks like a half life enemy wtf

>> No.17419522
File: 306 KB, 1149x1202, F84A5FDA-0C70-4B60-9007-F44F6799371C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushrooms are weird man

>> No.17419535

There was something like that on the game Subnautica

>> No.17419553
File: 690 KB, 1262x1040, 4238CC77-6E63-4316-8B6C-900B65F4CFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this lil fella

>> No.17419588

based mofo wondering how it tastes

>> No.17419592

mirin this fella

>> No.17419882

why did you do this?

>> No.17419951

They sell them at Asian grocery stores

>> No.17420140

I shop at Asian stores all the time and have never seen any.
Only "wild" mushroom I ever see them sell fresh are wood ears, though they've a few more uncommon mushroom types dry. I put 'wild' in quotes because idk if they can be farmed or not.

>> No.17420147

Beautiful forest. Where is it?

>> No.17420190

True, and it's interesting to know whether it's because of their consumption of intoxicating substances (which is documented) or some other factor.
They do seem to have some higher cognitive functions, don't they?

>> No.17420254
File: 2.68 MB, 2025x2700, IMG_1435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I do
I still have a few of these bad boys dried in my pantry

>> No.17420258
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>> No.17420301
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x675, star-trek-trouble-with-tribbles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't eat the tribbles, anon

>> No.17421725

i saw these in Green Hell and when I ate them they made my guy sick

>> No.17422333

Up the bum.

>> No.17422957
File: 3.39 MB, 2988x4542, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with this?

>> No.17423651

Is this the one where she gets blackmailed into giving a blowjob for a bottle of water?

>> No.17423661

saw this growing in a toilet once
the way it's tentacles waved in the water made my skin crawl

>> No.17423668

Italians are my favorite black people

>> No.17423684

give it a happy and wholesome life

>> No.17424368

kys trannoid

>> No.17424381

Can you eat that?

>> No.17424404

Can you put your penis in that hole?

>> No.17426044
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>> No.17427000


They're up to something.

>> No.17427004


>> No.17427009
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x3024, m1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread where I can post some mushrooms I found?

>> No.17427014
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>> No.17427019
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>> No.17427024
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>> No.17427031
File: 823 KB, 4032x3024, m5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the only one of these that are edible

>> No.17427257

I like you anon

>> No.17427294

not really fag

>> No.17427297

wait a minute...

>> No.17428701

Those are not fucking done at all, still completely full of water. Please don't post gore.

>> No.17428713

You know it's not hard right?

>> No.17428714


>> No.17428762

Fungal hands typed this post

>> No.17428783


>> No.17428793

Interesting thought experiment, only we can trace their genetic lineage back to a common ancestor.