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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17402564 No.17402564 [Reply] [Original]

>France, 1789, just before the Revolution. With the help of a surprising young woman, a chef who has been sacked by his master finds the strength to free himself from his position as a servant and opens the first restaurant.

>> No.17402587

>opens the first restaurant.
didn't they have restaurants in like ancient Egypt already?
I'm pretty sure restaurants are as old as prostitution.

>> No.17402592

how? considering how restaurant is a french word.

>> No.17402594


>> No.17402595

how? considering how restaurant is a french word

>> No.17402603


>> No.17402606

>The word derives from early 19th century from French word restaurer ‘provide food for’ (literally ‘restore to a former state’).('to restore', 'to revive'

It's a french film about a french thing. Egyptian sloppa stations weren't called restaurants.

>> No.17402611
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Yes, "restaurant" is a French word, but the concept of selling food to someone else surely is as old as humanity itself.
So no, restaurants weren't invented by the French. They only invented a term for it.

Christ, some people are stupid.

>> No.17402614

I also refuse to believe that the French didn't have restaurants before 1789.

>> No.17402620

Also, if you're into linguistics here, remeber that all of the elements that the word "restaurant" is made of are derived from Latin, what with French being a Romance language.
And whaddaya know, the ancient Romans also had restaurants. So what is this movie about? The first restaurants were probably "invented" in ancient Mesopotamia you fucking idiot

>> No.17402767

I'm French and this is the history of the first time a place is called a ''restaurant'' that's it.
Nobody is saying that the concept of restaurants is French but the name is.

It's like Champagne : Maybe the concept of white wine wth bubles isn't totaly from Champagne Ardennes but the name is

>> No.17402779

Babylon based anon

>> No.17402795
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So what did the French call restaurants before they had the term "restaurant"? What were restaurants called in France before 1789?

>> No.17402799

Pretty sure every civilization on the planet has a word for "food vendor".

>> No.17402802

>but the concept of selling food to someone else surely is as old as humanity itself.
Is a food truck a restaurant?

>> No.17402809
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 640px-Inflight_service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is in-flight service a restaurant?

>> No.17402810


If it's full meal service

>> No.17402812
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is a hot dog stand a restaurant?

>> No.17402816

Yes you butthurt frog.

>> No.17402817
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Is an ice cream bike a restaurant?

>> No.17402824
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Is a guy selling bottled water to lineups outside of Otakon a restaurant?

>> No.17402831

Auberge, Taverne, Cabaretier, maison de café...
In France, Restaurant is seen as the best place to eat.
For exemple a fast food like Macdonald, a Kebab or a place selling Sandwichs are not restaurants. We call them Snacks or ''restauration rapide''

>> No.17402832

Is a vending machine a restaurant?

>> No.17402838

No they aren't you stupid Amerimutt

>> No.17402839

Can you sit on the bike?? Like people do in restaurants and order.

>> No.17402840
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is the corner store a restaurant?

>> No.17402842


>> No.17402852
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is edibles from your dealer a restaurant?

why not??? are they not all in line with "the concept of selling food"????

>> No.17402884
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"En ville, différents crus y étaient vendus, bus au comptoir ou emportés. Ces établissements offraient aussi des mets séchés et salés à déguster sur place."

Sure, the Frech invented the sit down "restaurant"...

The thing is, you're stuck up on historical semantics. Inventing a new term ("restaurant") for an existing concept ("a place that serves food and drink for people who pay for it") does not at the same time re-invent said concept itself. Wether you call it caupona, taberna, restaurant or whatever does not change that the concept has existed for thousands of years.
It's like claiming the Romans invented prostitution because the name is Latin. That's not how things work.

>> No.17402896

But the oldest restaurant still working as we understand it is in Madrid (Casa Botín) and it was founded in the 1720s. Spaniards didn't call it restaurant of course, it was called hostería, fonda or mesón so I guess the movie goes for the first one called RESTAURANT.

Legend goes that Goya (the painter) worked there when he was young.

>> No.17402899

>are they not all in line with "the concept of selling food"????
they sure are. Restaurant isn't a clearly defined term though, they come in all sizes, some you can sit down, some you eat standing up, some you just take your food with you.

>> No.17402909
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Also, it's a damn movie. It doesn't claim to be historically accurate, and every movie needs an outrageous line to sell it. It's a film to entertain people. Imagine being French and thinking you now have to defend some movie, that's some Wakanda-tier bullshit guys, I'm German and I love you Frenchies, but sometimes, man lol :)

>> No.17402912

If I get carryout from a restaurant with chairs does that make it not a restaurant? Does it need chairs? Is that your qualification?