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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17401821 No.17401821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.17401824

The customer

>> No.17401825

the jewish and poor non-tipper

>> No.17401833

the dude who made an alt account to send himself a message for clout

>> No.17401836


>> No.17401844

How about we just pay waiters a living wage so they don't have to rely on tips to survive

>> No.17401859

Is their a study showing how much money servers get where they are given tips compared to areas where they don't receive tips?

>> No.17401864

okay, but you can't go to the restaurant less or order less once they raise the prices

>> No.17401871
File: 7 KB, 190x250, 10E6F98D-599D-4780-ADB0-684DD5AF9B34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Bring my food out now wagie. Hurry up I’ll give you $10 if you put that mtn dew to go.

>> No.17401882
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>> No.17401886

>drive to local mcdonalds
>big macs are 2 for 5
try again, retard

>> No.17401889

waiters don't want it. They make a fuck ton more money from tips than they would if they had a flat wage.

>> No.17401892



>> No.17401893

if I dont have to tip it should even out anyway. Not that I go to restaurants more than 3 or 4 times a year anyway

>> No.17401897

Lmao servers work the least hours, doing easiest work in a restaurant, and make more than anyone else except maybe the owner. If they were paid a "living wage", they'd all be crying that they're no longer taking home hundreds of dollars, cash, untaxed, every night after a GRUELING four hour shift of pouring drinks and walking plates to tables. It's never servers who talk about this living wage, because they'll make much less money.

>> No.17401904

>we value our customers but we also have to think about our underpaid employees who we pay less because they make it back in tips

>> No.17401916

Congress for not banning tipping long ago. It has encouraged a bad attitude in our culture, and also leads to tax dodging. There is no upside.

>> No.17401921
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>> No.17401934

>Big Mac
That's not a real price. At the very least it includes sales tax. A very disingenuous and (franky) tactic from commie scum.

>> No.17401942

What exactly are you claiming here, that sales tax is separate from what it costs? In other countries sales tax is included in the price. Not including it is retardation because you have to fucking pay it anyways

>> No.17401954

Denmark has a 25% tax rate. Comparing the prices without tax would just make Denmark look better.

>> No.17401955

>work in restaurant
>cook slaves away while waiters smoke cigarettes and bullshit in the back
>they take their time grabbing the finished food to bring to customer
>bus boy refills customers drinks and takes their dirty dishes
>server get to come in later, leave earlier, no cleanup
>somehow make more than cooks due to tips when they hardly do any work

>> No.17401962

I only tip with a rip

>> No.17401966

I don't tip if my server is a young male or female cousin know they get pissed off the most when that happens

>> No.17401967

Because a Big Mac in the US is $3.99. The US would have to have a 50% sales tax to cost what it does in that tweet yet the highest in the nation is 10%.

Neck yourself.

>> No.17401968

those jobs are for teens in school and the lame who are already supported by family. It's pocket change. She's right

>> No.17401979


>> No.17401987

It's $5.77 at the closest McDonald's to me.

>> No.17401990

Shut the fuck up, Nigel

>> No.17401991

If that's the case, and adults are applying and being hired at those places, something is terribly wrong with your economy.

>> No.17401999


>> No.17402000
File: 89 KB, 640x853, bfKcuHoE2phL33b8U_fXuLnUY9sx4dTJmNtikEMqskw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are zoomers allergic to hard work?

>> No.17402001

88% of minimum wage workers are 20 or older chud

>> No.17402024

Why are boomers allergic to boundaries and self-respect?

>> No.17402034

This is grim

>> No.17402037


>> No.17402061
File: 195 KB, 639x637, Fake-Money-Tract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tip with these

>> No.17402072

it's really a damn shame, isn't it?

>> No.17402088

This hoax doesnt even make sense. Who fucking texts with the owners of restaurants they go to?

>> No.17402097

Literal boomer take. Yeah, thats what it was like 40 years ago. Now the middle class has been eroded and tens of millions of unskilled foreigners have streamed into the country.

>> No.17402112

It's pathetic more than anything.

>> No.17402115

Based oldfag

>> No.17402129

Unskilled foreigners are supposed to be farm laborers and house servants. Stop letting them have cushy fast food jobs for white kids.

>> No.17402130

The American Capitalist Spirit that lead to restaurant wait staff not getting paid an actual wage and instead allowing the company to default to tips factoring into the salary instead of being a bonus on top of it. This then leading to tips being a default factored into taxes for wait staff as well.

>> No.17402137

Compare US vs European wait staff wages.

>> No.17402138


>> No.17402139

>Stop letting them

How can the free market fix this?

>> No.17402150

>If I have kids I remember when I used to have to call their work and ask for them by their full name and they can do the same
I hate talking to my kids' boss, makes me so nervous

>> No.17402152

nah it's an ecosystem, cuts cost for the boss making the customer pay, benefits the server, "ensures better service"

>> No.17402159

It's what racism is supposed to be for.

>> No.17402168

2 implies healthcare and damany other things, if the use cared about life and liberty they'd house the homeless and made sure everyone was fed.
3. There are bad jobs, simple as, to say otherwise is retardation.
4. Truth
5. Safety is yours and your works responsibility, they should give you all required safety equipment for your jobsite, anything less is worker endangerment.
6. This is just to allow your boss to walk over you and get you to do the inane shit he doesn't want to.
7. Finding a way to be happy at your job can be complaining, but legally, through mandated strikes, unionization and filing proper complaints.
8. Truth
9. While you should never blame anyone, not recognizing the importance of circumstance just shows you're a retard that believes any silver spoon millionaire earned it entirely themselves. It also contradicts point 1.
10. Is contrary to 9 and is trying to get you not to deal with shit from earlier points, the boss gives you shit and you must eat the shit, no complaining
11. Again, see point 9
12. Don't parent your children or care about them, assume your child knows your work number and how to manage the auto dialer and other things.
13. Don't talk to your co-workers, do not engage outside of the cagie, wagie
Last I checked 2/13 was a failing grade.

>> No.17402170

the guy who faked this exchange by messaging himself

>> No.17402182

James 2 14-17
Read your bible. Fake money tracts are actually anti-biblical.

>> No.17402183

Based anon steamrolling the crusty boomers

>> No.17402190

I don't believe it but if so based for not tipping some fucking whore

>> No.17402222

Tip culture are big mistake of america

>> No.17402227

I'm Canadian

>> No.17402229
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>> No.17402236

>those jobs are for teens in school
Child labour! Disgusting!

>> No.17402244

customer is in the wrong

Tipping is part of the american system

>> No.17402254

the dumbass US system of underpaying people so they have to live off of tips

>> No.17402262

>when karen the communist school teacher becomes a fastfood manager

>> No.17402322

Then why comment? This whole thread is about prices in America, not prices in America-adjacent

>> No.17402393

Bros America is so backwards it's unreal

>> No.17402397

I really don't care

>> No.17402406

noooo, please think of the hecking refugeerinos and druggies!

>> No.17402409

>our economy
ah yes "our" like-minded homogeneous community

>> No.17402422

>like-minded homo

ah yes "homo" the gay community of which you represent.

>> No.17402424

The American system is based on free-market economics. The customer does not have to pay. It is the server's fault for choosing a shitty job.

>> No.17402428

cool it with the anti semitism

>> No.17402440


>> No.17402446

America is nothing but a Jewish plantation

>> No.17402465

sure bud

>> No.17402476

both of them for being americans

>> No.17402478

>want dairy queen at 3am
>sorry we're closed it's a school night

>> No.17402494


>> No.17402504

Lmao seethe wagies

>> No.17402534

>NYC prices in the same breath as bumblefuck, MS wages
every time. These people are physically incapable of making an honest argument

>> No.17402553

americans for failing to pay a living wage and forcing their servers to beg for a living.

>> No.17402556

Why doesn't he just raise his prices and pay all his workers a living wage and make it a no-tipping policy? We will always aim to serve you the best or we fire the unde-performing staff?

>> No.17402561

fast food workers (like mcd) make pretty much minimum wage in the netherlands around €12 to €13
which is not enough to afford rent if you don't want to live in a shoebox with noisy neighbors
ie 0 quality of life, might as well just end it

it's pretty much the same in denmark, the $22 seems 'high' but it's not, since a basic apartment will cost you $2k a month
not to mention the overall cost of living

>> No.17402667

>vaccine passports aren't comparable to the holocaust you fucking nazi!
>anyway so here's why working at fast food is slavery

>> No.17402671

>customer doesn't tip the server
>boss sends a gift card and an apology to the customer's wife
what am i reading

>> No.17402672

Not possible since US servers make all of their (much higher) wages through unaccounted for untaxed tips.
I had a roommate that worked at dennys 3 nights a week and made more than me working full time IT.

>> No.17402700

>unaccounted for untaxed tips.
This isn't a good system at all

>> No.17402704

maybe wait gave some stink eye

>> No.17402710

so how much was it?
because i looked up how much hooters girls made a while ago and they don't make that much overall
the top girls might make $200 on some days
your pally must've been pulling or you weren't making shit

>> No.17402723

am i high?
the bald and fat, trimmed neckbeard flannel shirt faggot who probably acts like a rich old white guy that treats others as lesser than himself. fuck tipping bitches who think they deserve it by right and all, but also fuck the restaurant for texting a customer - how in the shit did you get this fuckers number in the first place?

>> No.17402736

>it's pretty much the same in denmark, the $22 seems 'high' but it's not, since a basic apartment will cost you $2k a month

How delusional are you? A good apartment is like $800 a month in Scandinavia. A one-room apartment would be closer to $400

>> No.17402758

>live in a shoebox with noisy neighbors
ie 0 quality of life, might as well just end it
so, new york?
>it's pretty much the same in denmark, the $22 seems 'high' but it's not, since a basic apartment will cost you $2k a month
22 per hour would give you 3500 without counting overtime or weekend work, so you would have 1500 after rent and more if you have a roommate which everyone living in big cities in scandinavia has
the real thing is that unless you live in the hicks up in the very very north, the only real difference between living i a big or small city in scandinavia is the nightlife; you can actually make a very good living as a normal ass worker if you dont feel the need to live in stockholm or copenhagen
i get around 2500 just doing 40 hrs a month and my rent is 500 for a 3 room apartment