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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.77 MB, 3024x4032, Deli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17392323 No.17392323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Boy, I can't wait for some teeny bopper to take 5 minutes to slice half a pound of cheese and still find a way to fuck it up

>> No.17392330

Let's go Brandon!

>> No.17392335

>his grocery store doesn't have the quick serve bags of choice deli accoutrements.

>> No.17392336

>employee gets it wrong
>they're just a kid so you can't complain

Capitalism won, bros.

>> No.17392346 [DELETED] 

>competitive pay

X to doubt. If they were offering competitive pay, they wouldn't have to resort to hiring high school kids

Also, working deli is hell on earth and extremely fast paced. Doubt any literal kiddos would hack it

>> No.17392353

and you have to be very fucking clean.

>> No.17392358

Anon, companies don't give a SHIT anymore. I stopped eating at local delis because adult [CENSORED] manage to get fucking PLASTIC in the food.

>> No.17392366

you dealt with jamal you can deal with my son, now fuck off shlomo.

>> No.17392370

Jamal needs the money to feed himself, your kid will just ask you for an allowance if he gets himself fired.

>> No.17392373 [DELETED] 

I give it a week before one of them has an accident with the slicer

>> No.17392386
File: 1000 KB, 500x314, Ryoko attempts her Tenchi Muyo any% speedrun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks white people still have money.
I'll be lucky if my 40k life savings isn;t blown on nfts thanks to your faggotry, now shut up, I'm about to take my order.

>> No.17392390



>> No.17392473

Watch the job vacancies get taken up by retired boomers or middle age negroids.

>> No.17392503

yeah you really need to get through MacBeth and intro calculus before you can work a cheese slicer

>> No.17394007

christ when i worked at a deli it was 50%

>> No.17394029

>uses the phrase “teeny bopper”
>has zero fucking clue what “clerk” means
They’ll take orders and ring you up, retard.
You and your fellow underagers aren’t allowed to use a meat-slicer in a work setting until you’re 18.

>> No.17394034

Why'd he go for the fat one, though?

>> No.17394045

Oh, no! Young people gaining work experience?! Awful!

>> No.17394287

I'd rather have an attentive, awkwardly nervous teen slice my deli meat than some 50yo illegal Honduran who mumbles something in Spanglish and then disappears for 10 minutes only to come back with the completely wrong item

>> No.17394303

I'd like to fuck up a teeny bopper's slice of cheese if you know what I mean.

>> No.17394308

This, OP is an idiot.
The kids will be stationed at the register.

>> No.17394314

The losers on this site have no concept of working these guys can't even talk to women in public. That's why you have grown men on here bitching about spending $10 on lunch

>> No.17394330

If a teenager fucking up your cheese is enough to ruin your day, you need to fix your life
If a teenager fucking up your cheese makes you REEEE about the libtards, you need to sudoku
Lmao, whites can't even scrape together enough for a house, so much for "we invented the airplane". Oh well at least there's some MMORPG to engage in escapism

>> No.17395470

you will never be a japanese woman

>> No.17395529

How utterly jewish.
If you’re going to have people working through a meal you should give them a free sandwich or at the very least sell it to them at cost

>> No.17395624

i know youre talking shit, but i have straight up had the deli worker ignore my request for #3 thickness and gave me "sandwich" slices.

>> No.17395647

>Child labor is good because... LE WORK EXPERIENCE
Boomerbrain retards

>> No.17395653

>a teenager working a cash register is le omgz child labor!!

>> No.17395661
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1406051861920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teens these days can't even work a meat slicer
lol zoomers are so fucking retarded. I remember when they made us work band saws in shop class and the teacher cut off his finger

>> No.17395676

Sick burn brotha, please use that in your next spoken word

>> No.17395780

There's a litany of shit children can't do because of federal labor laws. They also cannot work while school is in session. Working a register or making sandwiches for pocket money isn't the same as picking cotton out of a working loom and getting a limb caught in a steam engine.

>> No.17395994
File: 331 KB, 570x1017, 1644186198966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, people have been complaining for ages that adults have been reduced to doing the unskilled labor that teens used to do, so I suppose the tides are turning a bit.

>> No.17396001

>factories are the same as they were in the 19th century

>> No.17396003

Rolfmao wicked checkmate burn xD

>> No.17396033

now imagine how many motherfuckers in this world will understand your purpose for saying this irl to someone. you're part of this inside humor now, faggot! MUHAHAHA

>> No.17396038

My childhood would have been so much better if I actually had money to buy what I wanted instead of having to ask my parents
Probably would have had more friends too

>> No.17396039

Last time I said “roflmao” irl to a girl I was getting a blowjob like 1min later from him so joke’s on you

>> No.17396248

What a pants wetting little girl you are

>> No.17396275
File: 519 KB, 685x6736, trashing teens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and people like you actively make the world worse for everybody.

>> No.17396280

>from him

>> No.17396330


>New rules prohibiting ... use of cell phones by minors while driving
Why did the author add this point in? No one should be using a cell phone while driving. Similarly, no one should be driving with any amount of alcohol in their bloodstream.

>> No.17396334

>tl;dr: author just wants to fuck teens

>> No.17396359
File: 434 KB, 1440x1496, 1644286487725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't blame zoomers for not wanting to work shit jobs where you're constantly around angry short tempered people

>> No.17396474

This. Operating a cash register should pay 6 figures to educated adults.

>> No.17396548

Jesus Christ, man, just get a job. Your parents are so tired of you leeching off them.

>> No.17396602

"Child labor" is what let me escape my hellhole home and abusive crackhead parents. My dropout friend got me a job at Wendy's when I was 16, and I shortly moved into an apartment with him and another guy. I still went to school every day, and I even went to college. My son bought a truck and some lawn equipment as soon as he got his driver's license, and at 17 he's making $2k a week. Most of it goes back into gas and repairs, and he hasn't even tried to pay taxes on his income yet, but still. 8 year olds shouldn't be working, but there's no reason why a teenager with a six pack, who can, and does willingly, stay up all night and still have a ton of energy the next day, shouldn't have a job or some kind of hustle.

>> No.17396613


>> No.17396641

This. There's no in-between an unlivable wage and a million dollar annual salary.

>> No.17396665

What an interesting response to my post
Didn't even mention pay

>> No.17396782

There are so many things wrong with this that it's hard to even know where to begin.
"Child labor" is fine in situations like yours, and for allowing teens to dip their toes into the adult world within extreme reason, but child labor laws exist because there's no shortage of shitty parents who will sacrifice their kids' futures for some extra household income.

>> No.17397716

Zoomers still work saws in shop classes t. 19 year old
But a business isn’t going to station a kid on a cheese slicer for precisely the reason OP says + liability

>> No.17397738

Band saws, table saws, radial arm saws. I would kill to have all the all of the tools available to me now that I used to fuck around with in shop class.

>> No.17397961
File: 90 KB, 576x768, 1637216006589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here /deli/?

>> No.17398331 [DELETED] 

>tfw 16 and cannot smite my parents
living in MA sucks

>> No.17398345

hol up
do ching chongs have be having the haing the dolary doos?

>> No.17398438

But you want to protect the poor children from slaving away at a cash register.
So the only alternative is an adult.
But that adult will have expenses a poor child doesn’t have. They need to raise their own children and shield them from cash registers.
So you have to pay a whole lot more.

>> No.17398452

deli shop employee here. nobody at 14 is biting this bullshit. maybe 16 and stupid enough they're not getting the job anyway. they'd fuck around and cut themselves on the OSHA-violation Hobart slicers. realistically they're all dumb enough they'd get the job and refuse to even run the slicer, stating they'd rather "bag stuff or clean" idiots.

>> No.17398463

I hope the customers record whoever they hire. I've never seen a video of someone getting their hand caught in the deli slicer.

>> No.17398464


I live in Israel and healthcare and college is paid for courtesy of America so all the money I make goes into my hobbies

>> No.17398493

and this person is a pedo, stopp reading his image after first sentence.
It is weird there is so much auto generated pedo-lenience intented posts lately. It's like the qtard train lost steam and now instead of going after child molesters the uncle and nephew / single father son duos are building bots to try and change peoples minds so THEY can fuck kids. Holy hell. Fuck you guys. Everyone else on ck thats normal posters you are cool.

>> No.17398495

3 words and you get 3 leftist faggots seething at you, too easy

>> No.17398496

who made this thread? an old fag? it doesn't make any sense. because back in the boomer days the delis still did this. hired teenagers. it's a great job. this whole thread concept is retarded.

>> No.17398497

>Competitive pay

>> No.17398503

Trump lost

>> No.17398505


>> No.17398506

>14 year olds cant consent to sex but they can consent to work with knives in a deli guise!!
globohomo logic

>> No.17398510

child molesters and underaged reverse zogged pozzed newfriend zoomer brains

touch grass or get banned

>> No.17398540

Based work ethic dad.

>> No.17398554
File: 108 KB, 960x720, s-l960[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear everybody from our generation has a memory of something like that. There must be a lot of retired fingerless teachers out there.
For me, it was the wood planing machine or whatever it's called in English and he actually only just a few of the tips.

>> No.17398570
File: 137 KB, 948x505, hapafreak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17398585

>touch grass
How about you start by pulling the dicks out of your mouth. Only faggots use that phrase.

>> No.17398601

Got you good fucker. where you from tourist?

>> No.17398678

Getting a retail job at 18 literally transformed me from a socially-inept, depressed manchild sperg into a sociable, outgoing, and self-reliant man with a healthy friend group.

Being around a group of people around my age with a blank slate allowed me to branch out socially in a way I was not traditionally able to, and their after-work parties and dinners out gave me youth socialization that I never got to experience as a friendless nerd in hs. Being out of the house so much more often gave me a greater awareness of how I present myself, my hair, my hygiene, my fitness, and all of this improved dramatically.

The shit pay and horribleness of the job itself gave me a deeper appreciation for saving and spending my money wisely. It also renewed my motivation for doing the best I can in college to get a real job to not end up like the burnt out dudes in their 40's in retail management constantly trying to rope in new underlings.

Obviously my experience won't be universal, but it sure as shit did dramatically more to unfuck my shit than any amount of years in therapy, on meds, or whatever else. Sometimes a mf just needs to get out of his house and be responsible for something.

>> No.17398701

14 has never been too young to work anywhere in the history of the world.

>> No.17398728
File: 78 KB, 1022x314, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay reddit shit kill yourself faggot

>> No.17399791

Had an art teacher who lost half her thumb from a clay cutter

>> No.17399899

>reddit-tier comments

>> No.17399925

>"get a job!"
>"no not that one!"

and then you'll wonder, 5 years from now, about why a Robot has made you obsolete.

>> No.17399948

as an aging retail wagie there's fucking nothing I hate more than the kids I have to work with. I generally like my job but if there's one thing that makes me want to turn my life around and get a real job it's having to put up with 15 year old brats that just don't give a shit. I have no idea why HR gets such a hardon for hiring teens.

>> No.17400023

I've been on this website longer than you've been alive, nutless fucking faggot.

>> No.17400146
File: 15 KB, 275x183, 98jh7g65f4d3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir, please be respectful to the other customers :)
>We're all the same anyway :)

>> No.17400161


>> No.17400293
File: 698 KB, 447x576, 1603304579338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he buys 3 day old slices.

>> No.17401202

This will never happen.
Lazy ass kids will never quit playing vidya games long enuf to get a job.

>> No.17401356

>dont train employees
>employees get blamed
how do Boomers keep doing it?

>> No.17401828

Can I get some sliced ham with extra acne and public hair?

>> No.17401869

So now the elites can just wait for a child delicatessen to slice their fingers off cutting some salami to get their rejuvenating sanguine solution

>> No.17401876

I don’t know what deli counters are for and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.

>> No.17401881

How do teen boys stop scratching their balls long enough to handle food?

>> No.17401976

>teeny bopper

Nigger you're 24

>> No.17403396

>zoomers are retarded
>mentions retarded boomer cutting his finger off
Who's the true retard?

>> No.17403402

they have robots that do it for them now

>> No.17403439

Money makin' 14 year olds absolutely dabbing on cheeseless loser OP.

>> No.17403652
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hnngh i'd pay double the price if my food was fondled by a cute 14 year old girl who comes straight from the bathroom without washing her hands

>> No.17403902

The reason they're pushing to hire more kids/teenagers nowadays is because adults don't want to work for the low pay they're offering. Guess which party's supporters are against raising the minimum wage?

>> No.17404163

this is your mind on reddit

>> No.17404544

>working in a store for 5 hours a week
>"child labor"
daddy and mommy aren't going to change your diapers forever, anon

>> No.17404656

no, 14 year olds are not adults you fucking moron

>> No.17404892

This is the world we live in now

>> No.17404901

50 years ago a kid that didn’t have a job by the age of 16 was seen as a failure that refused to grow up.

>> No.17404928

That has nothing to do with what I posted. Also 50 years ago you could afford a house with even a low-tier job because the jews hadn't ruined the economy with the help of the boomers yet.

>> No.17404954


>> No.17405042
File: 13 KB, 264x191, ma boii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 year olds can now work fast food

Yeah wake me up when preteens can make me a sandwich

>> No.17405243
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1541599172284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m getting more and more pissed at Meijers and have been going to Oakridge grocery store, even though they’re more expensive, as there are rarely more then two cashiers at Meijers and the self-checkouts have a million people standing in line.

This past Dec. I was standing in line for almost _40 fucking minutes_ and was about to abandon my cart full of food, before the guy in front of me did exactly that and at that point, I didn’t want to seem like a copy-cat.

I talked to a Meijers checkout gal a couple of weeks back and she said they simply can’t get anybody to work, to which I replied they ought to rip out the _24 unstaffed cashier lanes_ and replace them with self-checkouts.

>> No.17405283

I should write a buuooohhk

>> No.17406167

Fuck off with your pedoshit

>> No.17406290

Mine do, but they cost more than buying it from the counter.

>> No.17406308
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>> No.17406310

This honestly reads like a pedophile wrote it.

>> No.17406551

Lefties and polfags seethe.