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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17391205 No.17391205 [Reply] [Original]

>asian branded packaging says 2 cups water to 1 cup rice
>this is the result

What the hell.
How do I recover this?

>> No.17391242

Meh. Could throw it into some chicken stock or a can of noodle soup. Let it sit overnight and make fried rice the next day. Feed it to the dog. Whatever. It's just rice.

>> No.17391243

I even rinsed the starch off before!!

>> No.17391245

>2 cups water to 1 cup rice
lmao. enjoy your porridge.

It's 1.5 cups water to 1 cup rice for normal cooking.
You can do 1 cup water to 1 cup rice in a rice cooker because the steam kind of recirculates

>> No.17391269
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NuPak rice is a scam

>> No.17391275

Their cups aren't the same as yours.

>> No.17391288

>It's 1.5 cups water to 1 cup rice for normal cooking.
This is completely right. A little bit of oil is a good idea but not necessary.

>> No.17391298

You need to lower the heat when it comes to a boil. Cover it with a lid and let the water slowly evaporate for about 15-20 minutes.

>> No.17391306

wh*te """people"""" were a mistake

>> No.17391314

I do ~1:1 but this is the super slow stovetop method with a fully sealed lid that takes like an hour. once you get into large batches the time increases which means the water has to increase and the ratios become some black magic.

>> No.17391315


>> No.17391318

in the future
>rinse 1 cup rice in saucepan 2-3 times, until water is no longer milky
>measure depth of rice in pan with your finger
>add water until the measurement from bottom of pan to top of rice equals top of rice to water line (for me, this is around my index finger nail but it will be different for different saucepans and finger lengths obviously)
>put pot on burner, add 1tsp salt, crank heat to high
>when water boils, give rice a stir and put lid on. Reduce heat to low
>simmer 15 minutes
>after 15 minutes, turn heat off and take pan off burner. let sit for additional 5 minutes, DO NOT OPEN LID
>after 5 minutes, take off lid and fluff rice

>> No.17391337

Did you use a rice cooker?

>> No.17391342

You forgot to add salt

>> No.17391352

no, i will not rinse my rice

>> No.17391368

Washing rice is really not necessary as long as you're not making fried rice, and if you don't mind eating dirt.

>> No.17391402

let it dry, you fucked up

>> No.17391408
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Chinese lady here
1 cup of rice
Wash the rice prior to adding the water for cooking
1 cup of rice
1 1/4 to 1/3rd cup of water

For congee remember the ratio is 1 to 5
1 cup rice
5 cups water
Don't use instant rice
Congrats on making not shitty rice

>> No.17391414

>Chinese lady here

>broken english
everything checks out here

>> No.17391434
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Be nice to me :(

>> No.17391466
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I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell a funny joke. I like Chinese ladies.

>> No.17391485
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At least you aren't me.
>Spend $80 on shit to make a huge batch of chili
>All the beans and meat settle down to the bottom and I don't have anything that can go in that deep to stir so they get burned while simmering on the lowest heat setting
>now I gotta eat chili all week with burnt beans and beef

>> No.17391502

>dont have anything that can stir the bottom of my pot
>make something that absolutely has to be stirred to prevent sticking and burning
anon wtf r u doing go to dolleramma and buy one of those wooden spatulas for 2.50

>> No.17391507

>I don't have anything that can go in that deep
What does you being white have anything to do with it?

>> No.17391508

>Spending a goddamn hour to cook rice

>> No.17391537

Never trust the package

>> No.17391543


>> No.17391555

Just use finger. 1:1 finger depth. Foolproof.

>> No.17392783

For me, the ratio is 2:1 but you have to use the same cup of measure you used for the rice. One coffee mug or cup or anything of rice, use that same cup to measure the water. Not a liquid measuring cup

>> No.17392798

>don't read instructions
>rice cooker pot has the measurements marked inside it
>rice comes out perfect every single time

>> No.17392800

>and the ratios become some black magic.
I want a smith chart for rice cooking now. Loved telling people I was learning black magic in school. Fucking black magic design.

>> No.17392861


1. Weigh rice on scale note weight.
2. Rinse rice with copious amounts of room temp to cold water until water runs semi clear to clear. The more the better
3. Place rice in bowl and cover with 2-3 inches of filtered water. Wait 30 minutes or until rice appears opaque and crumbles easily when pressed between fingers.
4. Drain rice by placing in a strainer and let stand in strainer for 25 minutes.
5. Place equal parts rice and filtered water in a high walled pot. Cover rice.
6. Put heat on max temp and start a timer.
7. Once steam starts coming out of pot or water starts boiling turn heat to 2-3 or very low and cook for how long it took to reach boil.
8. Once time is up turn off heat and let sit for 15 minutes without touching.
9. Fluff rice with plastic or wooden rice scoop. Serve.

>> No.17392895

this is the correct answer, no idea why some of the replies are treating this like rocket science. it's kind of idiot-proof.

>> No.17392906

>for congee

yep she's real chinese

>> No.17392917

My rice cooker uses japanese cups which are 0.85x the size. So I need to measure 3.6 cups of rice for the 4 cup marking

>> No.17392929

what's this gay shit?

real rice recipe
1. Put rice in pot and rinse it until water is clear (maybe 6 times)
2. Put water in rice until it's at the level of your first knuckle on the finger (put finger tip on surface of rice)
3. Put pot on stove on MAX
4. Turn it down when it's boiling. Leave it for 10 minutes
5. Take it off the heat and leave it uncovered for 5 minutes


Don't fucking "fluff" rice or do anything to it until you're serving it onto a plate.

>> No.17392934

Your method is absolutely pathetic and inferior. Why?

Knuckle measure doesn't work with any amount of rice unlike my recipe.

I should have been more specific to fluff your serving not all of it.

>> No.17392936

nah, knuckle works every time. I am eating my meal by the time you're finally ready to boil the rice. thanks tho

>> No.17392940

Objectively wrong and you're probably acclimated to shoveling disgusting rice into your bloated food hole.

>> No.17392944

nah my rice is amazing every time. you're mad because you wasted half your life babysitting rice LOL
a $10 electric pot on a timer can make rice and it's some complex science to you. lmfao

>> No.17392946

I will say that normally I use a rice cooker because it keeps the rice hot and fresh for a couple days.

If I'm ever cooking expensive sushi rice for sushi or jap food my recipe absolutely decimates every single method with 100% consistency. Significantly better than even the best rice cooker would ever make. I learned the recipe from a video where an old jap master chef was explaining the method. I can't find the video anymore, but the recipe lives on.

>> No.17392949

Also you're 100% too much of a coward and way too lazy to try my method. If you did you would understand, but you won't.

>> No.17392955

One step that many people miss is rinsing off the starch about two or three times, and draining the rice THOROUGHLY.

>> No.17392960

it didnt say rinse though, you added more than the 2 cups
not their fault you're an incompetent phone poster

>> No.17393341


its 1.5 parts water to 1 part rice, then you adjust from there with your method of cooking

>> No.17393366
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soggy rice is better than undercooked rice

you should just eat it
its not gonna kill you

>> No.17393370

I use 1 to 1 for rice

>> No.17393418

>Clean the rice
I fucking hate you rice washing niggernese

>> No.17393434

this is the best way to make small portions sushi-texture rice, best with small grain rice but I find it works perfectly with medium and basmati

really it takes 30mins but it's better if you spend an extra 10mins to fluff and rest

I swear by it anon, it comes out bloody perfect

>> No.17393491
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I got cucked by package direction lies for more than a decade.
Finally I realized rice is not a recipe but a technique. 1:1 ratio is more appropriate if your lid fits tightly. When the water is gone, your rice is done.
I take it a step further sometimes and toast the bottom of the rice after cooking. It works because I usually cook rice with some spices and oil, and use a nonstick pot. The rice is cooked when the water is gone, but then the temp starts to rise and you get delicious browning. If you can pull it off, why not? Cook that shit for a few minutes longer and get this delicious crust on the bottom.

>> No.17393519
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>wanting to eat dust, dirt, and the foot skinflakes of 3rd worldies

>> No.17393529

I find the crust gets too hard to eat comfortably

>> No.17393538

I know it’s probably too late, but since everyone jumped in with cooking instructions instead of how to recover it: keep cooking it in more water to make congee.

>> No.17394010

2 cups rice - 2.5 cups water. rinse rice 3 times. Let sit for 15 minutes when rice is done. Perfect rice every time.

>> No.17394035

It's all sanitized in the pot. The skin flakes are cooked by the heat of the rice.

>> No.17394043

But that would only adjust the total quantity, because he's still making a ratio of 2:1.

Wait, did I just get baited...?

>> No.17394175

This is a better/the best technique for sushi rice

>> No.17394205

>He thinks rinsing the rice removes those things

>> No.17394216

Rinsing rice has been shown to reduce arsenic and cadmium by an appreciable amount.

>> No.17394218

>How do I recover this?
That's the neat part, you don't. Add too much water, you fucked up. Time to start over.

>> No.17394263

open bobs

>> No.17394312

>*throws shit nugget in your rice cooker*
don't worry bro it's all sanitized in the pot haha

>> No.17394678
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A bit less water than 1/1 for this one

>> No.17394740

Use less water. You can always add some more if the rice is too hard.

>> No.17394774

>look up nupak
>product of america
>french or some shit on the packaging
Where is this asian?

>> No.17394779

>once you get into large batches the time increases which means the water has to increase and the ratios become some black magic
Unless you're doing industrial level factory "cooking" this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Also everyone giving their ratios for rice are retarded. It depends on the rice. Short grain rice like in the OP is usually 2:1, but OP obviously added too much water.

>> No.17394814

Use finger. First knuckle rice second knuckle water. Or you get rice cooker make it perfect every time.

>> No.17394821


>> No.17394824

Hmmm how is this seasoned is it just plain? It seems like an interesting way to cook a seasoned rice like a chicken, cheese, and broccoli.

>> No.17394827

Cool story Paco. Don't you have crimes to commit or welfare to collect.

>> No.17394935

The more food you have to cook the less surface area is exposed to the cooking surface.

>> No.17394940

sorry, not taking cooking advice from somebody born in India

>> No.17394941

>So I need to measure 3.6 cups of rice
It’s a lot easier to just buy a cup for that, anon.
It’s strange your rice cooker wouldn’t have included one.

>> No.17396126

buy rice cooker

>> No.17396160

Oh man, that was my childhood and I hated it. They always gave it to me when I was sick and I threw it up once so I associate it with being sick.

>> No.17396186

Rice washing is how you get rid of excess starch. If you want the texture of something like sushi rice, it's a necessary step.