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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 993 KB, 1170x1884, 1644187078752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17391147 No.17391147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How far would you go to defend your food ideology?

>> No.17391155

I bet he is a Redditor.

>> No.17391168

If you're retarded enough to still be eating the soy slop they call mayonnaise in the store you're fucked
making mayo is easy and delicious

>> No.17391170

What’d you say about Mayo motherfucker?!

>> No.17391172

He looks gay as shit. What was the fight about? Whether Hellman's or Duke's is the better ass-fucking lube?

>> No.17391186

Sure, but homemade doesn't keep and you can't really make a small amount of it as one yolk makes about 250ml or so of mayo. That's ten sandwiches, give or take.
Making a mayonnaise-based salad for a cook out? Sure. Make the mayo yourself.
Just putting together a sandwich for lunch? Use storebought.

>> No.17391188

Look at this cracker.
I'll bet you $100 they were smoking meth or bath salts.

>> No.17391190

so use half a yolk dipshit. anyway homemade mayo will keep for two weeks in the fridge just fine you fucking pussy.

>> No.17391216

what a fucking retarded soy guzzler

>> No.17391231
File: 120 KB, 240x320, MFW somebody uses mustard within a 1000 yard radius of my vicinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his friend snuck mayo onto his sandwich when he wasn't looking
>goes ballistic and starts ramming people with his car

>> No.17391244
File: 24 KB, 600x718, 473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half a yolk

>> No.17391287

You can emulsify about 25 liters of mayonnaise from a single yolk.

>> No.17391294

>1000 yard radius of my vicinity
You don’t know what vicinity means, do you?

>> No.17391297

oh shit

>> No.17391319

I'm just honored that anyone even read that far into a throwaway filename joke

>> No.17391332

But I don't want to eat 100ml+ of mayonnaise in the short time before it goes off, either. How fat are you, Sweaty McAdipose?

>> No.17391339

then throw it away moron, your choices are to pay .50 cents for whatever mayo you need for two weeks or to pay five bucks for soy slop that poisons you and poison yourself slowly over six months

>> No.17391360

But waste is sinful. So on top of being an exceedingly obese honey-glazed hamplanet, you're also a sinner. How awful. Repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ. He loves you.