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17389676 No.17389676 [Reply] [Original]

>forgot to buy Sunday booze again

>> No.17389683

Swedecuck huh?

>> No.17389734

>not having an emergency stack
And "you already drank it" isn't an excuse.

>> No.17389736
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>tfw can't buy booze on Sunday because Texas

>> No.17389742

oh noe, one less drunken brainlet spamming the boards with his african tier opinions
What a fucking loss

>> No.17389747

you sound like you could use a drink or two

>> No.17389748

Shouldn't you be in church right now?

>> No.17389766

I fucking hate baptists so much bro

>> No.17389775

Shouldnt you be at the dollar store stealing mini bottles of hand sanitizer ?

>> No.17389939

Yeah no kidding. I used to live in Smith county back when it was still dry. My dad always told me to take 2 baptists if you go fishing. Take 1 and he'll drink all your beer. Take 2 and they'll be so busy watching each other that neither will drink.

Not him BTW.

>> No.17389995
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how do you think i feel? my only liquor store is only open 9 to 9 and i'm always passed out during those hours

>> No.17390050

Learn to brew your own. Fuck taxes and fuck the government. The world could collapse and I could still brew for several years.
I would charge retards like you $50 for a filled growler. Sounds like there is a market for illegal booze in your area.

>> No.17390084

How are there no loopholes in those puritan states?
Can't someone start a booze delivery service where you can pre-buy booze and have it delivered whenever you want?

>> No.17390099
File: 70 KB, 300x400, 2E438638-02BC-4F71-A2F8-2D6791A28783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Learn to brew your own. Fuck taxes and fuck the government. The world could collapse and I could still brew for several years. I would charge retards like you $50 for a filled growler. Sounds like there is a market for illegal booze in your area.

>> No.17390146

Texas is a fucking shithole. The whole state LARPs as a libertarian cowboy freedomland, but it's actually full of busybody mouthbreathers and authoritarian nanny state regulations.

>> No.17390158

You just know those are perky

>> No.17390187
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>> No.17390800


>> No.17390972
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>Puritanism is... LE BAD!

>> No.17390979

I stopped drinking on Sunday, and I've noticed my sleep schedule is better for it.

>> No.17391166

Glassware used to be illegal to possess in the state without a permit but now it's pretty libertarian. They now only require stores to keep a record of all sales for years and no permit is required. The only thing they care about as far as freedom is gun laws

>> No.17391176

Holy shit this is real. How is Texas so fucking cucked? I thought it was only Democrats who did this

>> No.17391220

Do baptist girls all really take it up the butt?

>> No.17391273

Happy accident for the rest of the world that has to put up with you.

>> No.17391423

>have baptist family
>go to their church one sunday with them
>ATM in entrance
>midway through they bust out electric guitars/drums and start singing about god
why do they do this

>> No.17391428

even the gun laws thing is a myth, open carry was illegal for a long damn time until just a few years ago

>> No.17391492

>open carry was illegal for a long damn time until just a few years ago
That's not really out of the ordinary for the US. What really sucks is that there's nowhere to shoot because Texas is retarded about public land. You have to go to a range and hope some panic buying newfag doesn't shoot you or you have to own land in which case you're likely going to get fucked by taxes because this state's property taxes are fucking robbery. The best way to mitigate the tax burden is to have farm animals and live in bumfuck but then you have to deal with a long commute and methfags burning down large swathes of the state.

>> No.17391503
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every church i've been to does it
its insanely offputting, i'd rather just have someone speak the gospel.

>> No.17391516

Southern Baptist? Because when I was growing up with my Independent Baptist family, SB were viewed as borderline "Liberal/Heretics" or whatever and that shit would have been chucked out of the church faster than you could blink. Being raised in a cult-tier denomination sucked.

>> No.17391578

Guitar churches should be outlawed. The only musical instrument in church should be an organ and even that's pushing it.

>> No.17391607
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Reading this reminds me how comfy catholic Sundays are. A man mumbles some things, give us bread and wine, and we go home. No baskets for donations or elaborate rock performances either because they are all paid employees of the Vatican

>> No.17391632

Hoosier here. We finally got Blue laws dismissed on Alcohol a few years ago. The people that didn't want liquor sold on sundays wasn't the teetotalers it was the fucking package stores themselves. They said nobody would want to go to the liquor store on Sundays but they would have to be open to compete with large supermarkets/super stores and thus they would always lose money on Sundays due to overhead. So they kept lobbying politicians to keep sunday blue laws.

The politicians did it buy saying "we need further studies on the health impact of hoosiers ...blah blah" to stall the inevitable.

>> No.17391646

this. if you're going to bring anything else you need a full orchestra with suits and a conductor.
tambourines are also acceptable for black people

>> No.17391657
File: 87 KB, 300x533, thumb_white-lightning-m-ax-od-proof-vooka-50-alc-vol-315-43928067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shot and a half of this sets me good for the night.