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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.43 MB, 404x720, Automated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17382597 No.17382597[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not gonna lie, this is pretty neat

>> No.17382606

Do you have to tip the robot?

>> No.17382612

I'll just go to McDonalds, thanks

>> No.17382621

what a gay fucking world we live in

>> No.17382623

The neat part is if you say anything bad about China, the crane lifts you up and carries you to the detainment center

>> No.17382626

no, you just have to say "good bot" and give it a friendly pat

>> No.17382628

if i'm allowed in unvaxxed, i don't mind it
if they expect me to be vaxxed to enter, may they go bankrupt

>> No.17382633
File: 124 KB, 960x717, KTK-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bunch of overengineered garbage for serving shitty cafeteria food. Basically the food service version of pic related.

>> No.17382638

>made by chinks
I'll bet this shit fucks up all the time, food raining down from the ceiling, the plates getting stuck, the logic not working correctly. Just fucking ridiculous. I'd be really embarrassed to be there and use this clown world bullshit.

>> No.17382639

... I want one of those

>> No.17382641

>crane and conveyor belts

are you a caveman?

>> No.17382645

very energy efficient

>> No.17382660

Can I order my food with extra paranoia please?

>> No.17382668

did that say $60 USD?

>> No.17382675

probably 60 yuan, which is like $10

>> No.17382681

kek fuckin damnit

>> No.17382682

60RMB which is $9.50USD

>> No.17382684

Its amazing how petrified people are of covid

>> No.17382690


>> No.17382724

plus tip

>> No.17382816
File: 443 KB, 500x627, 1644017157684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>musheens wasn't ready yet

>> No.17382841

As we all know, flus don't do anything to impede the performance of athletes.

>> No.17382849

how dare a professional athlete competing in the biggest competition of their life not want a virus that will not allow them to not compete how paranoid of them

>> No.17382872

Pilot Sgt. Ngubu and gunner Cpl. Mafundo immediately die, as a salvo of unguided rockets pummels the rear of the cockpit

>> No.17382956

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17382968


>> No.17383112

oh my god they actually did the dahir insaat thing

>> No.17383117

what a fucking nightmare we're living in

>> No.17383120


>> No.17383129

The fun thing is that it's going to get worse. Much, much worse

>> No.17383244


>> No.17383273
File: 1.14 MB, 1559x959, 1626685524131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a screwed up country. Food without the human touch, service without the satisfaction of rewarding someone with a well earned tip. Why even bother.

>> No.17383300

It's the Olympics fatty you aren't invited

>> No.17383323

at this point all we can do is accelerate the process and bring on the collapse as soon as possible

>> No.17383329

>things just keep getting worse
>no collapse

>> No.17383463
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>> No.17383479
File: 39 KB, 750x633, 9A2DA289-8595-4698-BE57-E899540458B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming there will be a collapse

>> No.17383482

Call me old fashioned, but I would never go to this kind of place unless it set my plate on the table.

>> No.17383519

>this is pretty neat
it's in china.
therefore it's horrible and anti-human.
fuck china.
eat shit.

>> No.17383541

One way or another it's coming. Too many things to go wrong now

>> No.17383562

eh, china collapsing is irrelevant.

>> No.17383822


>> No.17383846

>ahhhhh automation is GAY!!!
ok. get off the internet and submit your posts via physical mail.

>> No.17383852

jesus christ this is pathetic

also what's the point of all the covid measures when they're probably serving up gutter oil, pangolin, and bat anyway

>> No.17383908


>> No.17383915
File: 1.74 MB, 498x280, i-have-been-chosen-claw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17383955

what happens if I slap the bot?

>> No.17383958


>> No.17383964
File: 195 KB, 1280x960, jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slap a used franga on the little platform for the next person to see. Enjoy your meal.

>> No.17383966

It would be extremely painful

>> No.17383972

that's a big robot

>> No.17383977

>wanting a human touch in China
>food production
If this were any other place I might care, but this seems like a step up for them.

Speaking of Asians.

>> No.17383978

For you

>> No.17383980

>let me just light my strawman real quick

>> No.17383989


>> No.17383991
File: 87 KB, 646x732, 1439779232019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kind of gay i can stand behind

>> No.17384000

post the full pic

>> No.17384002
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17384034

> literally in China
> wow they sell food in US dollars how amazing
Two towers wasn't enough

>> No.17384062

the foreign fags sure are getting their money milked out of them. they should be able to get the same shitty food outside their faggot zone for maybe 1/4 of the price.

>> No.17384068

You sure do know a lot about the faggot zone, faggot

>> No.17384077

>allowed in unvaxxed

china isn't even accepting tourists right now. You'd have to pass a lengthy screening through their embassy and you need a real legitimate reason to go in

>> No.17384083

That's awesome. No dirty hands of dirty lazy wagies touching your food.

>> No.17384087


>> No.17384094

They deserve it for being stupid enough to go to china in the first place.

>> No.17384097

Tbh it is. Jobs are being replaced by robots, for what? People don't have more free time or quality of life. Instead, shitty artificial jobs are created to keep people busy and the economy afloat, because you have to work muh 40 hours a week to earn your salary. The only jobs remaining are the ones machines can't do aka mindcrushing unsatisfying bullshit and arguing with retard customers.
Think about it, what do people do after their shitty work? Physical activty, crafting, cooking, gardening. Those used to be jobs, now people do it for pleasure

>> No.17384106

I don't want a robot to make my food, thank you very much.

>> No.17384117

Fun fact - Chinese population is bigger than US and EU population is combined. China is a world in and of itself. Yet Americans and Europeans don't know shit about China

Should i explain? China is bigger than you, yet you still have impression China is like a small annoying village that somehow by accident got your attention, but will inevitably return to the dirt once you turn your gaze away from them. That won't happen. China is bigger than you, China is not going away, no matter what you say, no matter what your cope strategy is, you need to make peace with the reality that China is here, its big, important and will be here forever. If you harbour illusions that China will collapse one day soon and then everything will return to "normal" where white people in the north live good, while poor people south in third world countries suffer, while rich Americans march on manufacturing the right side of history which the third world shitholes will have to accept as their credo and way of life, because it was made by white people...you are wrong. This world is over, its changed, you are in the Wonderland now where you drunk the potion that made you small, and now the cat you used to kick, that cat is now bigger than you and staring at you with curiosity and thinking about what to do with you.

>> No.17384140

China is already in decline. American white bugmen will still outlast chinese bugmen.

>> No.17384172

Relax guy it's the winter Olympics.

>> No.17384173


>> No.17384176

>Noodles and rice

>> No.17384183

Not him but none of us need to cope. We will never give a shit about chinese people especially after this pandemic.

>> No.17384189

>implying big pharma didn't invent this bullshit so they can sell vaccine boosters ad finium til the heat death of the universe

china was just a convenient scapegoat

>> No.17384193

They'll end up pouring boiling soup over a kids head

>> No.17384199

>china was just a convenient scapegoat
Unless big pharmas hands reach into the Chinese government and had them act exactly how you would expect them to, China would still bear plenty of the blame for trying to keep the whole thing a secret and spreading misinformation right up until it spread to the world. Either that or they're actually so incompetent that after a month fighting the virus they honestly hadn't figured out that the virus spread through the air.

>> No.17384205

Perfect. No interaction with my food slave

>> No.17384291

Wagies BTFO.

>> No.17384485

Yes, and nobody to complain to when the order is screwed up to have it fixed

>> No.17384492

Literally every tourist trap in every country on the entire planet charges rip-off prices. This ain't exclusive to china.

>> No.17384493

Probably better for the server because no one wants to interact with ugly people.

>> No.17384495

lol you american idiot, china is on the rise, it's the west that is in decline. stop watching CNN for one day.

>> No.17384502

lol ching ding a lings can say rise without having it sound funny

>> No.17384520


>> No.17384556


>> No.17384678

We one the wise!

>> No.17384683

i want some of those robo noodles

>> No.17384701

still better than what the yanks will do next time

>> No.17384710
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, feeding time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how that's more efficient than the old school way of serving the slop.
Especially in a country where the workers get paid like a buck fifty a day.

>> No.17384721

Are you fucking blind? It literally says it's just for the Olympic bubble. It's to reduce the chance of spreading COVID for those about to partake in they Olympics

>> No.17384738

guarantee this is just a publicity stunt. retards posting this everywhere on social media is exactly what china wants.
>wow chinamen so advanced!
>wow it turly is future !!!!!
outside of maybe a few specialized places in the world, this is nowhere close to being widespread.
although, it *is* coming.

>> No.17384745
File: 68 KB, 750x920, 1643835263999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.17384749

But COVID is already exterminated in Glorious China and I'm sure they test all the athletes.
It also looks like any asshole can just walk up to their shitty menu and grope it as seen at 0:08

>> No.17384807

conveyor belt sushi already exists this is some over engineered meme so that they look futuristic

>> No.17384815

Yeah because we went to the extent pre covid right? Fuckin idiot

>> No.17384822

Welcome to capitalism
Actually, welcome to the human race
Accept it or kill yourself, I genuinely won't judge you either way

>> No.17384830

you're already judging me by implying i dont have a beautiful, meaningful life and that I should just kill myself and it would not effect anything, and the effects would be the same as I just kept living because i won't do anything to change anything ever anyway

>> No.17384832

We went from learning skills to survive to learning survival skills to feel alive. Mass production brought it upon us and there's no going back.

>> No.17384835

They don't claim it is eradicated there anymore

>> No.17384859

It's weird seeing people insist that this is just some stunt to appear futuristic. Fucking Taco Bell has moved past the concept phase on something similar.

>> No.17384863


All this bullshit to put on a show because idiots are now afraid of the flu.

>> No.17384872

>It's to reduce the chance of spreading COVID for those about to partake in they Olympics

You mean it is to make it look like they are reducing the chance to spread COVID. Covid is a fucking respiratory virus, the only real way to actually reduce the chance of spreading it is to put the infected in a bubble. All of these glass windows and shit is just a show.

>> No.17384876
File: 1.27 MB, 864x886, 990237970113812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17384889

There are quite a few jobs out there that don't force you to work 40 hours a week. Like, sure you put 40 hours on your timesheet but everyone in reality only works like 20 hours because everyone knows that you don't need to be at the office doing fuckall for 8 hours a day.

>> No.17384935

Fast food being automated is bad? Why? Fast food is as soulless as it gets so it is quite fitting for it to become automated.

>> No.17384993


>> No.17385436
File: 158 KB, 746x1200, scourged_back_slave_lead_img[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jobs are being replaced by robots, for what?
So that you don't have to manually dig everything with a shovel, manually lift massive building components with a rope, manually toil in the field all day, manually communicate via written mail, etc. So many reasons that allow you to live an easy life and not die from hard labor.
> People don't have more free time or quality of life
Yes, it was much better when you die of black lung or from exhaustion. Up until the 20th century, dozens of people dying during the construction of large buildings was common, but I guess they were somehow happier. Pic related, happiest farmer man to ever live.
>Instead, shitty artificial jobs are created to keep people busy and the economy afloat, because you have to work muh 40 hours a week to earn your salary.
Oh noooo it's so hard to do easy work in a climate-controlled comfy office for 23% of the week. Society is collapsing bros...
>The only jobs remaining are the ones machines can't do aka mindcrushing unsatisfying bullshit and arguing with retard customers.
That is being automated. See OP's webm, self-checkouts, electronic ordering kiosks, etc. These jobs are going away too, which you must be happy about since you hate them so much.
>Physical activty, crafting, cooking, gardening. Those used to be jobs, now people do it for pleasure
Very few people used to do these things, most people simply shoveled shit, toiled in a field, hauled heavy shit on their back until they died, etc

>> No.17385454

Comida sin alma de la máquina...

>> No.17385477

t. Klaus Schwab

Face it, the only way to prop up these shit holes is to hamstring white people and then send all their inventions and processes overseas to said shit holes.

>> No.17385491

Also I don't even dislike China, there are certain aspects of Chinese culture that I enjoy. But it's delusional to think that China would be anything but the rural backwater it always was without European knowledge and money. Their entire political system is based on the ideas of a dead European.

>> No.17385501

Didn't at least one of those twinks go MtF?

>> No.17385540

Rose-tinted glasses wearing fascists won't respond to this post

>> No.17385565

You'd expect to be served by unfeeling robots in China though