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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 210 KB, 1600x1200, break-spaghetti-math-FT-BLOG0818[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17381174 No.17381174 [Reply] [Original]

ITT cooking habits that people should be sent to re-education camps for

>> No.17381184

Pic unrelated

>> No.17381196

Fucking philistine, why would you break spaghetti in half anyway? If you don't own a pot big enough to handle it you shouldn't be cooking pasta anyway.

>> No.17381199

olive oil in the pasta water

>> No.17381211


Also: not cleaning up after yourself

>> No.17381229

Fuck off. It saves energy.

>> No.17381233

I hate it when people "peel" their vegetables and end up throwing almost half of them.

>> No.17381237

Cooking while other than white

>> No.17382023

wow, that's racist

>> No.17382111

woah there champ, we don't cotton to such behavior at www.4chan.co.uk

>> No.17382114

cutting directly in the none stick pan in the middle of cooking

>> No.17382140

teflon pans should be illegal because they sissify you and give you sanser but why are people so retarded with them? my mom gave me some that she had for years and they were pristine but within a month my roommates had destroyed them using metal spatulas and shit

>> No.17382257

salting chocolate

>> No.17383623

the sink is not a trashcan. i will literally give you aids for this crap.

>> No.17383688

Not eating Kiwi with the skin on, my life goal is a fascist revolution where non-skin eaters are sent to Northern Siberia in cattle wagons.

>> No.17383806

Adding a bunch of storebought condiments to dishes to compensate for bad cooking.

>> No.17383834

peeling the potatoes to throw away
ive been eating them with the peel since my teenage years and if I get served potatoes prepeeled I feel like the dish is incomplete

>> No.17383839

if you say so. I'll still do it though?
Agreed, this is utterly pointless
ok? I'll just keep using my pan, thanks
Get a garburator, yuropoor?
>you are NOT allowed to add ingredients to your dish!!!!!
not everyone wants shitty skins in their mash, but thanks for your "opinion"

>> No.17383854
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>tell co-workers i eat kiwis skin and all
>'ewww anon arent the hairs hard to swallow!!!!'
theyre tiny fucking fibres and yet people think you'll hack up a hairball if you so much as bite into one. so sick of these faggots

>> No.17383858

My mouth gets itchy and red if i eat the skin of kiwi :( and it fucking burns

>> No.17383905

Not a cooking habit, but putting on condiments, salt or pepper etc. before tasting a meal that you haven't had before.

>> No.17383937

europoor sinklet detected

>> No.17383949


I don't know, will you still do it? There should be no question mark there, tardo. Typical pasta breaker.

>> No.17383963
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I like kiwis, skin and all, but I think I have an oral allergy since my throat always feels horribly irritated after eating one even if peeled. I know it's not the acidity since I eat other citrus just fine, so it's gotta be something else. The skin has a flavor that combines well with the fruit flesh. Makes me sad since they taste good.

>> No.17383999

99% of fusion "foods"

>> No.17384015

hopefully you understand someday, but i hope you need not learn. it's a horrifying behavior reserved for the lowest life forms, next to those who use recycled grocery bags as trashcans on handles of doors.

>> No.17384076
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vegan meat replacements

>> No.17384089
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>painstakingly season and salt the dish as it's cooking, obtain the perfect balance of flavor
>serve food to others
>Someone heavily salts it before even taking a bite
>"This is pretty tasty, anon... but a little salty for me"

>> No.17384100
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Same goes for pepper or hot sauce or any other table-condiment:
Please please please TASTE your goddamn food before adding anything to it.

>> No.17384118

Olive oil is same as Seed Oil screw up ur hormones and you cant handle stress... something about Cortisol and maybe estrogen hormones.



>> No.17384124

guy on hormones says eat as much bacon and beef tallow as you want. no seed oil.

Im thinking ham and 100% wheat Honey bread, butter. Beef is expensive.

>> No.17384139

YES! So many unnecessary arguments have begun because of my father doing this and me not being able to contain my rage when it happens.
We otherwise get along fine but this triggers me something fierce.

>> No.17384201


>> No.17384215


2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a superfood with many health-promoting properties. It contains medium-chain triglycerides such as lauric acid, a fatty acid that is readily used by the body for energy and has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Coconut oil contains 90 percent saturated fat, which makes it very heat stable.

3. Butter and Ghee

4. Pastured Lard
This may come as a surprise, but it turns out that lard is mostly composed of monounsaturated fat, the type of fat in olive oil that has been promoted as “heart healthy” by the conventional medical community for decades! Lard, the fat rendered from pigs, is high in saturated fat and is a good substitute for butter in recipes

5. Pastured Tallow
Tallow is fat rendered from meat other than pork, such as beef and bison. It has a high smoke point that makes it great for high-heat cooking. In fact, most restaurants used tallow in their deep fryers until the 1970s,

>> No.17384328

some people are so used to incorrectly salted food, that they thinks it's normal to immediately salt their shit. Retards. The same with chili powder on every meal

>> No.17384338

Cutting by pushing the knife down and making a loud *thonk on the cutting board instead of slicing across.

>> No.17384352

Those are pretty solid garloids honestly. It’s been hard to find good ones in supermarkets because of the garloid shortage.

>> No.17384420

What's the difference flavour and texture wise?
I'd rather have shorter noodles for a less messy experience.

>> No.17384551

>SEED OILS could be here

>> No.17384570

You will have to ply the peeler from my cold dead hands
Molon labe faggot

>> No.17384591
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>> No.17384601

Cracks me up how this triggers faggots.
Something is wrong with you if you honestly give a shit about someone doing this.

>> No.17385060

>tell me your knife is dull as shit without telling me your knife is dull as shit

Unless it's a literal cleaver or giant butcher knife. If you hard chop with a paring or small blade, kys

>> No.17385394

Ok? why are you mad?

>> No.17385397

I prefer the shorter noodles on my fork

>> No.17386556

That’s the women’s job.

>> No.17386579

>YES! So many unnecessary arguments have begun because of my father doing this and me not being able to contain my rage when it happens.
My biggest rage with my father is he would do this on a decent steak I would make him, like a thick NY strip. Decently salt it all over with kosher salt, dry brine, rosemary garlic butter basting. Then before he even takes a bite, gets either lowry's seasoned salt or store brand seasoned salt, ANYONE WANT SALT

>> No.17386596

>read this thread
Oh look, everything my mother did, despite cooking for decades seemed like she never knew how to actually do it. I should try to think about some classics she did

>pre-minced garlic in jar in fridge for months because "fresh garlic is a waste and can go bad"
>cuts onion horizontally across the equator
>said that simmering sauces to reduce/combine flavors is "a waste of time"

>> No.17386604 [DELETED] 

Kek. Sometimes I'll chuck all my vegetable scraps in the sink when I prep. I will immediately empty it out when I'm done though.

>> No.17386614 [DELETED] 

Everyone I know cuts them in half and eats them with a spoon. I live next to Kiwifruit Country and have picked Kiwifruit multiple times, I'm /ck/'s leading expert on Kiwifruit and you are the one who is in the wrong.

>> No.17386631 [DELETED] 

I peel potatoes when I mash them, which I do rarely. The other occasion when I peel them is if I make a roast and don't parboil them. In which case I peel all my veg and shake in flour before roasting.

>> No.17386670

gf eats cheese bread / cheese sandwiches with ketchup to dip in

>> No.17386672

Why would anyone do that?
Just put them in boiling water and they melt instantly

>> No.17386683
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>> No.17386774

I don't like ketchup, but what's the fuss about?
>Sometimes bitter
They compliment each other in terms of taste

>> No.17386835
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Cooking while sober

>> No.17386850

oil just floats on top. It doesn't mix with water. Amazing cooks don't hurt themselves more with their tiny barely functional brains.

>> No.17387118
File: 2.70 MB, 360x360, how it's made - spaghetti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They compliment each other in terms of taste
and she mixes all dishes together. salad, main course, main course sauce, side dishes. all mixed together on the plate. not side by side on the plate, literally mixing it all together. except dessert, that's separate

>> No.17387521

Eek. I know it does sound pretentious, but I haven't bought minced garlic in years. Yes, peeling the skins off can be a bit of a burden. But, the difference is astronomically better with fresh.
Like skim milk versus whole D milk or whatever. Yeah sure, they're both milks, but...

>> No.17387529

But if you don't do this, the pasta will stick together.

>> No.17387542

Is that a prepubescent female?

>> No.17387826

no it doesnt ya fucking idjit. only fresh pasta needs it

>> No.17387833

Poking holes in potatoes before baking. Does nothing except dry out the inside of the baked potato.

>> No.17388327 [DELETED] 

at least in america the ketchup we have is full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup

>> No.17388378

Some still sticks to the pasta itself while cooking, and you're supposed to use a pull-out strainer instead of draining the water so the oil on top gets over the pasta as you take it out.
Literally only nocooks get angry over this.

>> No.17388382

I don't think I'd ever want to eat kiwi skin but I would just for the promised fascism

>> No.17388397
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You'd really hate me then.

>> No.17388425

Covid really fucked everything up with that

>> No.17389424

In my family we only add pepper, because we understand that we all like to add our own amount of salt. Some like it really salty, some like it mild, so the easiest solution is to just leave that part up to the eater.

>> No.17389444

I break mine in 3 pieces, not half.

Why? Because little children have an easier time eating it that way, so I will do it for them even if it messes with your OCD.

>snaps the spaghetti in front of you twice.
Fuck you, it is personal now, kiddo!

>> No.17389531

This is the one. Preemptive autocondimentors go to the gulag.

>> No.17389544

My mom uses a pairing knife to cut literally everything, watching her cut onions makes me want to scream

>> No.17389613

Yeah, most people in the world don't have proper knife skills.
Some don't even own a chef's knife at all or have annoying concave cutting boarfs that prevent you from cutting all the way through the veggies

>> No.17389678

newfag here, what's the issue with using a single knife for most prep?

>> No.17389765

Same with me ever since I started cooking for myself, it feels like a massive waste of time+food otherwise. Homemade chips/fries with the skin on are especially good.

>> No.17389810

Can anyone of you screeching actually name a single thing wrong with snapping spaghetti?

>> No.17390477

Fuck you, I'm not going to use an industrial sized pot to cook spaghetti in.

>> No.17390582


Cooking eggs on the same scorching-hot surface used to fry ham or other meat.

Tossing a bunch of diced crap in with egg and calling it an omelet, rather than what it is- stuffed scrambled eggs.

Allowing women to use cast iron.

>> No.17391152

i mean you just keep them in one piece. then as it cooks you expose the piece outside of the saucepan to the water

>> No.17391652

well I don't poly-cotton to coping tropes, not even my own.

>> No.17391671

I like my eggs exactly like that and you can suck my fucking dick bitch

>> No.17391703

>putting food directly on the counter
should go straight to Auschwitz for that
>not cleaning up the kitchen while the food is cooking and only cleaning up 3 hours after eating
this is why roomates suck
>boiling hot dogs
pls dont
>prematurely draining the liquid from the ground beef in your pan because its "grease"
if a piece of onion doesnt sizzle when you drop it in the pan then you havent cooked it long enough
its easier to twirl longer strands and the meal looks more elegant with less breaks in the strands
you dont need one, just plop the spaghetti in the pan with half of it poking out of the water and then push the remainder into the water 20 seconds later after the lower half has softened up.

>> No.17391712

>boiling hot dogs
how else are you going to cook these?

>> No.17391718

grill them or cook them in a pan with a few drops of oil or a small piece of butter. i like using the pan cause i can toss in some chopped onions and put the lid on to partially steam it.

>> No.17391760

Not par-baking crusts. Its really needed for pies that can get soggy easily like Fruit pies.

>> No.17392560

Olive oil isnt as processed as seed oils are olive oil has been shown to be amazing for you
Seed oils are still shit though

>> No.17392570

>boiling hot dogs
>pls dont
But then how else are you going to prepare your beverage for game time?
Srsly though, boiling your sausages is the way the poles down at their deli recommend it.

>> No.17392597

Why not get a proper sausage if you're going to do that?

>> No.17392628

Because I don't want it on my face and chest every bite you fucking sloppy child.

>> No.17392630

Why? Hot dogs already have a lot of fat, they don't need more fat added on from frying. Boiling is also better because it removes some of the salt, most hot dogs are too salty for longer shelf life.

>> No.17392677

whats the matter? if i know that a saltlet is cooking for me you better believe im salting their bland shit before i eat it gotta get that flavor in there. same with hot sauce, if im feeling spicy and i know im going to want it why waste time eating it without the sauce?

>> No.17392694

now you need to up your game and start buying from the smaller dairys who will provide you with unhomogenized milk. nothing better than when a chunk of cream falls out of the bottle and into your coffee.

>> No.17393255

i hope you don't have to learn what i mean, ever.

>> No.17393439

I do this with food i cook myself for my own self

>> No.17393472
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I'd add salt to your dish and probably think its not salty enough.
I just fucking love salt.

>> No.17393493

lol frogshit

>> No.17393501
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>ITT cooking habits that people should be sent to re-education camps for

>> No.17393512

I don't break spaghetti but I like to pretend I do. Because it pisses you faggots off like nothing else lol

>> No.17393567
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>> No.17393655

>I eat my potatoes with the sheep shit still on like a fucking ape
Wow anon, your really got our neurones firing.

>> No.17393682

No, I do wash them.

>> No.17393729

have sex

>> No.17393746

I break my spaghetti into thirds.

>> No.17394688

Because Noone teaches them. All the Teflon pans at my work got ruined by niggers

>> No.17394975

I fell for the don't put olive oil in pasta water meme and the pasta ended up sticking together and being starchy.

>> No.17395004

Learn 2 hotdog.
Throw them in a lidded pan with enkgh water to steam them without submerging them.
Then either let the water boil dry or pour it out, and cook them for a while in the dry pan to give them a good texture and color on the outside.
This does even better when they are natural-cased.

>> No.17395102

Getting pissy about people doing something with their food that literally changes nothing about the end product should be sentenced to mandatory therapy for life

>> No.17395158

There's this weird subset of amateur cooks on the internet who just push weird lies about how food works.
Like somehow this dumb misconception spread around, that putting pepper on your steak before you cook it will make it taste burnt, because pepper burns... It's bullshit. We've been cooking beef like this for centuries, we would've noticed that at some point right? Pepper does burn but in the presence of all the moisture in a piece of beef it will never reach the burning point. It's just being fried in animal fat if anything.

>> No.17395176

>cook something nice that you put a lot of effort in
>subhuman apes put ketchup on it before even tasting it
one time ill snap and ill beat the shit out of someone

>> No.17395187

you're trying to sound cool and manly and shit like that but you just sound like a manlet

>> No.17395195

using teflon coated pans / non stick pans

>> No.17395199

thats for soups man

>> No.17395202

My brother dumped A1 all over the filet mignon I made the other day. I played it cool but it felt fucking personal. That steak was perfect medium rare, nicely seasoned, basted with garlic butter...

>> No.17395203

just try cutting with a small knife and a chefs knife and you will know the difference instantly.
its basically 2 times faster and 3 times less effort

>> No.17395208

Fine, what's the alternative you'd recommend for something like scallops?

>> No.17395215

I break mine into small rice sized pieces to mimic orzo. A lot cheaper too :)

>> No.17395232

oil floats on water

>> No.17395248

More water.
The pasta is sticking together because of the starch. More water = more dilution.
Also, don't put pasta in cold water. Needs to be a rolling boil when you put it in.

>> No.17395250

Boiling water circulates anything settled on the top to the bottom as it evaporates through the surface.

>> No.17395251

>its easier to twirl longer strands
Factually backwards. It's obviously and demonstrably easier to twirl half-length strands.
>the meal looks more elegant
You have a legitimate mental illness.

>> No.17395256

I dont even mention it but i feel a primordial anger
i cant even explain that emotion
its a litteral spit in the face
>oh your meal is so nice its great
they drench it in condiments before even trying it. Cant think of a bigger insult

>> No.17395305 [DELETED] 

no it isnt you dumb fucking nigger
t. most of asia

>> No.17395411

You can absolutely just use stainless steel

>> No.17395449

Olive oil is much lower in polyunsaturated fat. Polyunsaturated oxidises much more and clogs your pipes and causes all kinds of other shit.

>> No.17395457

>asians and italians have been making and eating long noodles for centuries
>is actually the inferior way to eat noodles, should break them in half.
GTFO with that retarded nigger bullshit.

>> No.17395905

Analyzing the "authenticity" of someone just making a home meal is downright schizophrenic. No one is trying for authenticity in home cooking - they just want something filling and delicious.
Obviously I don't mean people who post about their meal claiming it to be authentic. Call it out if it's wrong. I'm talking about shit like "look I made nachos" being met with "wtf why did you put scallions on them those aren't real texmex nachos harumph"

>> No.17396405

My home meals are 100% authentic because I made it myself, mostly with stuff I grew myself, and it tastes good. In 200 years brainlet fags will be arguing with each other because somebody doesn't do it exactly the way their great-great grandpa, me, did it.

>> No.17396489

same. they make everything feel scratchy. i think it's probably similar to how pineapples will make your lips burn a bit.

>> No.17396731

>"hey anon i got some cashew butter, dont forget to stir it before you use it because the oil seperates"
>visible swirl of fucking toast crumbs in the cashew butter

>> No.17397576

REEEE i hate it when people dip their utensil in several things without cleaning between dips

>> No.17397610

You nappa, you get slappa.

>> No.17397617

>not cleaning up the kitchen while the food is cooking and only cleaning up 3 hours after eating
I clean most of it up but usually whatever pan I use last will wait until after dinner. It's not a big deal unless your kitchen is shared and also the size of a shoebox.

>> No.17397644

Putting plain salt on anything.

>> No.17398147

apparently if you get tingles from kiwi that's actually a very mild allergic reaction

>> No.17398159

ketchup should literally be fucking illegal