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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 157 KB, 1200x1200, prime-fresh-tilapia-skin-off-4-pack.ca07d7a45f6aeb881cc9b50078e4ee7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17367863 No.17367863 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most dogshit tier fish and why is it tilapia?

>> No.17367866

any freshwater fish is shit.

>> No.17367873

Walleye is god-tier damn coastie get the fuck out of here

>> No.17367901
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those invasive river carp from China are worse. Tilapia is bad but the flavor is mild at least. Carp tastes terrible (hence the strong sauces they serve it in) and is full of heavy metals, pesticides, and toxins from living in a country where 80% of the water is full of carcinogenic poison.

>> No.17367903

I ate two bites of tilapia and not even an hour later I was sitting on the toilet with cramps and diarrhea, shit isn't even fit to be fed to dogs

>> No.17367910

dogshit in
dogshit out

you really think that?

>> No.17367911
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>take that back nigger

>> No.17367918

>eating trash fish
>calling others niggers
pot meet kettle.

>> No.17367920

tilapia does suck but the real answer is perch

>> No.17367925
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>> No.17367927

you guys must have terrible tilapia suppliers, I've had tilapia a couple of times and it was delicious and never had any problems afterwards

>> No.17367928
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I love tilapia and dem crokuh

>> No.17367942

All fish is good to me to be frank. But i love shellfish more

>> No.17367947

i've had tilapia hundreds of times and it is bad because it taste bad. me like cod and me like salmon. me go crunch.

>> No.17367954

Tilapia literally live off the waste of other farmed fish like salmon, they're less than bottom feeders

>> No.17367958

This was so interesting. What's it from?

>> No.17367960

Real shellfish like clams and oysters or just wet bugs?

>> No.17367973
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"Based on a True Story" by Norm MacDonald.
Very much worth a read.
Or a listen. He did the audiobook himself.

>> No.17367984

Is this supposed to gross me out?
So does every fruit, vegetable and grain ever (if you're lucky). Did you not finish elementary school?
The tilapia I've had tasted good and I had no problems aftrrwards and I had it several times. If you've got a problem with it it's probably a supplier problem not a universal one.

>> No.17367988

I dont know

>> No.17367989


>> No.17368087

According to the late Bourdain, tilapia is a "junk" fish that's only brought to market when there's a demand for fish that supply can't match. It's also incredibly high in saturated fat.

>> No.17368152

Bourdain also said we have to have so much interracial sex that we erase the concept of race and we're all "cappuccino" people so that there's no racism.

I've had good tilapia so it's good. Fat tissue in tilapia is visibly concentrated underneath the skin so you can easily trim it off.

>> No.17368156

I've seen his taste in women.
Why should I trust his taste in fish?

>> No.17368171

I love this stuff for fish tacos. makes a ton for like $3 too it's awesome

>> No.17368186

Why does /ck/ go on these retarded food hysteria benders so reliably? Tilapia tastes like nothing and has generic fish texture. How do you live in this fidgeting moron hysteria all fucking day and night? At least say things that have a flavor like catfish.

>> No.17368204

Because it comes from disgusting farms in china

>> No.17368241

Did americans watch some sensational documentary or news cycle and fell for some stupid meme again?

>> No.17368245
File: 45 KB, 477x700, can surgery cure evil women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im from yurap and im OBSESSED with america
>america america america

>> No.17368256

So I'm 100% spot on.

>> No.17368261
File: 86 KB, 600x742, negros getting prettier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>euro peon is delusional too
anon have you eaten any undercooked poultry or pork lately?

>> No.17369470
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>> No.17369507
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This ugly piece of shit.

>> No.17369522

>heavy metals, pesticides, and toxins from living in a country where 80% of the water is full of carcinogenic poison.
This ain't the '70s anymore gramps. Most US waterways are clean, so the fish caught there are good to eat (though admittedly rivers flowing next to agroindustrial farmland are still off limits).
And the only truly bad tasting carp are either farmed (their flesh smells like cheap dog food due to the feed pellets), or detritivore species (a.k.a. muck eaters). Filter feeders like bighead and silver carp are neutral tasting, and the asp (predatory carp) is fairly neutral as well.

>> No.17369526

>tilapia eats shit
>shrimp eats shit

One is cheap, another is expensive.

Guess which one people dislike?

>> No.17369575

pollock sucks i hate pollock i hate pollock i hate pollock

>> No.17369677

what? Pike tastes great, it's just a pain to clean. And they are objectively one of the best looking freshwater fish of europe

>> No.17369725

This mother fucker right here when people catch it fresh, but don't know how to prepare it. Tastes like the unholy amalgamation of mug, algae, and ass.

>> No.17369734
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Anyone who has ever tried to et a pogy knows

>> No.17369828

behold, the triumvirate of shitty water creatures people say are good

>> No.17369843

>gives you mercury poisoning if you eat to much of it

>> No.17369893
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I like burbot

>> No.17370144


>> No.17370146

he's talking about China not the US

>> No.17370158

How can they be bad if people enjoy how they taste? That disproves your sentiment

>> No.17370353

Why would anybody import carp from China to the US?
It would be like importing ice to Antarctica.
The US has more than enough wild carp, grown in clean waters, eating proper wild food instead of those cheap horrible-smelling pellets made from fuck-knows-what.

>> No.17370363

he looks so properly fishy to taste bad

>> No.17370447

>Walleye is god-tier damn coastie get the fuck out of here
The best fish I have ever had was deep fried walleye in some bar in Princeton Illinois.

>> No.17370454

I didn't say they did, I was saying what the objectively worst fish is. I don't think the ones that made their way here (invasive) are toxic, just not good tasting.

>> No.17370460

I've never had tilapia. I only see low class people with no taste eat it so I just assumed it was terrible.

>> No.17370488

is it legal to just go fish somewhere?
like if I were to buy a fishing pole, drive somewhere with salmon, and set up, could I just fill up a freezer and eat like a king?

>> No.17370511

how fucking stupid do you have to be to ask a question like this without even mentioning where on the planet you live?

>> No.17370515

you know how to season right

>> No.17370532

You need a fishing license for starters. There are usually minimum length laws and endangered species that you have to throw back if you catch them. Some states don't allow certain baits. Sometimes those baits are only prohibited in freshwater. Salmon usually have special rules. For instance, most places won't let you fish them while they are traveling upriver to breed. Sometimes there are bays or estuaries that you can't fish for salmon in at all. I know thats a thing in Alaska. Call up your states fish and game or check their website.

>> No.17370544

tilapia is low tier and i laughed when i saw it at a sushi place
but escolar is the real shit tier fish

>> No.17370558

4chan is an american website
america is the only place on earth that matters

appreciate the thorough response, maybe you'll hear about me drowning in a river like an idiot in the near future

>> No.17370559

It's like eating a boneless skinless chicken breast or something. No fat, almost no taste except what you get into it somehow.

>> No.17371077

Catfish is great

>> No.17371102

>I didn't say they did
>In the 1970s, Asian fish farmers in mostly southern states began importing Asian carp from China to help clean their commercial ponds.[23][24] The rise in the populations of bighead and silver carp has been dramatic where they are established in the Mississippi River basin.[25] Although many sources cite the record floods of the 1990s as the means by which Asian carp escaped aquaculture ponds into the Mississippi River,[26] this is apocryphal. There is at least one known escape of bighead carp from aquaculture ponds in 1995, but bighead and silver carp were established in the Mississippi River basin prior to 1990.[27][28] Grass carp have been reproducing in the Mississippi River since the 1970s.[29]

>> No.17371106


I had this steamed tilapia a couple days ago. Texture was decent due to the fattiness of the meat but it tasted like pure mud. Couldn’t believe it was that bad so I ordered it fried yesterday and same thing wtf. Waste of a species.

>> No.17371244

ive had tilapia twice before. its alright. avoid farmed fish like the plague though, so ill probably never eat it again

>> No.17371282

Tilapia has barely any fat. Might have slipped you some "supply chain problems" substitute.

>> No.17371299
File: 25 KB, 458x458, sole-grosse-piece-de-11kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk how anglolards name it but Sole is based

>> No.17371316

Easy to clean, too. All the guts are close to the head.

>> No.17371346

Pretty much all flatfish are top tier

>> No.17371356

This is whole fish so you get the fatty bits

>> No.17371360

True, fresh turbot with hollandaise is my kink

>> No.17371361

The tilapia I've had tastes similar to pangasius. Pretty good. Everything is better than herring (speaking as a Dutch person).

>> No.17371391
File: 36 KB, 415x236, 209F56D0-2448-4E55-969E-E20F30A63FA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catfish and Crappie breaded in beer batter deep fried simple as

>> No.17371482
File: 2.39 MB, 2992x4000, IMG_20220107_235728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw minisalmons were 6e kg again


>> No.17371542

Cod is worse

>never had Buffalo or a good catfish

>> No.17371566

nice slab

>> No.17372091

Luv fried catfish, me

>> No.17372235

these lil guys taste like mud and the smell lingers for days

>> No.17372256

Maybe 4 u, cooklet

>> No.17372262

Why is it bad again? It's almost tasteless so it takes on the taste of whatever you cook it with. Maybe you're just shit at cooking?

>> No.17372378

Yeah freshwater fish suck in general, but catfish is okay. Tilapia is mediocre but not great.

>> No.17372380

i could cook fucking circles around you dipshit

>> No.17372415

i liked the episode of doomsday preppers where the guy had a shitload of tilapia in his backyard and basically fed them shit

>> No.17372595

>Cod is worse
Never had cod that I wouldn't hate.

>> No.17372616

I kinda like stuffed whole tilapia on the grill

>> No.17372628

cod curry is based

>> No.17372636

cod literally always tastes like dry ash no matter how you season it

>> No.17372891

Have you ever been hired to cook?

>> No.17374239

Has anyone tried pangasius? I saw it frozen at the store and it was pretty cheap, but I'm skeptical it's some asian gutter fish

>> No.17374268

Have you tried cooking it first

>> No.17374283

That's what I thought, cooklet. Stay home.

>> No.17374322

Can i put a vote in for my boy basa?