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17357924 No.17357924 [Reply] [Original]

Are fruits good for weight loss?

>> No.17357968

As long as you're getting regular exercise, have as much sugar as you want.

>> No.17357993

It depends. Fruits have sugar and are meant to be consumed with the flesh so it slows down absorption and also provides satiety. Juice is definitely out and even pureeing might be an issue because you've done the job of loosening the goods from the cellulose that's supposed to occur in your stomach. I think reasonable consumption is fine.

>> No.17357995

this is stupid advice

>> No.17358011

No marathon runner has ever gotten diabetes :>

>> No.17358029

As long as you are consuming fewer calories every day than you are expending, (your total daily energy expenditure) you will lose weight. This is the answer based in science and miles upon miles of studies and research. Any shit about paleo, keto, omad, etc etc is just a thin veil on CICO, because you will likely be consuming fewer calories when following those rulesets.

>is x healthy
>will x fill me up
>will x help me build or retain muscle

these are all different questions with different answers. anyone who disagrees with me is a gullible loser who has no idea what the fuck they're talking about and lacks basic critical thinking abilities.

>> No.17358037

this is the science from 1860s. In the 1900s we created the field of endicronology and discovered various hormones

>> No.17358050

Wrong. Therodynamics has not been 'disproven" and your answer represents your misunderstanding of what calories are. Your doctor would disagree with whatever snake oil weight loss advice you are pettling, and so would anyone who has researched weight loss in a peer reviewed study.

OP, do not ask 4chan about weight loss, because most people here are highly suggestible schizos who watched a video or two on youtube of some mouth breather trying to collect a paycheck telling people some retarded bullshit fad diet is the key to all of their problems.

>> No.17358051

I lost weight so fast on keto that I became a little concerned . I thought five pounds a week was a bit too fast so I added two servings of fruit per day to my diet . I now eat one serving per day . Fruit definitely has effected my weight loss .

>> No.17358065 [DELETED] 

>Therodynamics has not been 'disproven"
Straw man as usual. Thermodynamics is a law but its not useful in understanding the etiology of obesity or how your body regulates fat stores. Thats endicronology and human metabolism

>> No.17358097

Absolutely no doctor on earth will refer a average patient to an endocrinologist for weight loss, unless they have some type of previously diagnosed comorbid health problem. If you were to ask this of your doctor, they would immediately ask you which pseudoscientific loser on youtube spread that misinformation to your easily influenced brain. You are not incorrect that the endocrine system can have a slight effect on someone's weight loss, but having helped many people with PCOS and Hashimotos lose weight, I can affirm to you with 100% confidence that CICO is the way to do it in a structured and scientifically backed way. This has been proven time and time again to be the best method to lose weight and spreading bullshit information on the internet about muh endocrine system only serves to irresponsibly misinform and dissuade newbies like OP from losing weight in an actual effective way.

OP, google any of this and look at reputable sources and you will extremely quickly discover that I'm right. Don't listen to schizos, don't ask 4chan losers for advice on anything, good luck.

>> No.17358104
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So many misconceptions and fallacies but I will just leave you with this. Go read Oslers Principles amd Practices of Medicine and see what he reccomended for obesity and diabetes before you call carbohydrate restriction a "fad" ya ignoramus

>> No.17358107

marathon runners dont or barely consume refined sugars dumbfuck redditor. and their idea of eating fruit is probably very different than yours

>> No.17358109

You're right, stop doing exercise and stop eating sugar.

>> No.17358114

they carb load and eat lots of high sugar products during races. Are you that out of touch or just a bait

>> No.17358138

please enlighten me how an athlete such as a distance runner or cyclist eats. you think they chug sponsor provided energy drinks and eat energy gels all day on race day? care to elaborate on what you personally think they consume on whatever else training and rest days? what the fuck kind of advertisement infested fantasy world do you live in?

>> No.17358142

youre right and so smart no marathon runner has ever gotten diabetes because they eat so healthy and do so much exercise. thanks for clearing that up genius anon

>> No.17358156

I've recently lost about 50lbs. Best way to do so is whole foods and exercise. Fruit are for the most part healthy, some better than others. And like any other food if you have too much it can be bad. In moderation they're a good snack for losing weight. I typically eat a couple eggs with spinach and a banana for breakfast. A salad, a lean protein, a half serving of rice, an apple, and almonds for lunch. And for dinner typically a meat or fish, a full serving of rice or sweet potato, and a vegetable, typically broccoli, green bean, asparagus, or Brussel sprouts. And exercise at least 3 days a week. I guarantee you will lose weight and be healthier.

>> No.17358159
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damn thats some tasty looking fruit

>> No.17358164

good job on engaging with literally nothing in this thread and choosing to sperg out at the tiniest tension you experience. nice cope protects you nicely.

>> No.17358178

"engaging" was me posting >>17358104 but that gets ignored and instead i just get straw man and retard replies. all cope i guess

>> No.17358215

certain conditions and medicines can alter your metabolism and lead to weight gain, but those effects are marginal, and in no way invalidates CICO. if your "calories out" decreases because of a hormonal shift or disease, it just means you have to reduce your "calories in" to compensate.
hormones don't generate extra weight on their own.

>> No.17358238

your hormonal milieu determines whether or not you can store fat at all even if you eat 15000 calories a day a type 1 without insulin will waste away no matter how much they eat. a type 2 once put on insulin therapy will gain significant weight possibly eating the same amount. CICO is true but it doesnt tell you how your body is regulating fat tissue storage and usage

>> No.17358244

fruits have sugar, no fruits are good for weight loss
turning that sugar into alcohol however, is good for weight loss

>> No.17358249

kek how do you figure? fructose and alcohol are metabolized almost identically

>> No.17358259

wtf is wrong with those garloids?

>> No.17358275

i wouldn't call going into a hyperglycemic coma "wasting away", but otherwise good point i guess. diabetics in particular are one extreme exception.

>> No.17358285

>Therodynamics has not been 'disproven"
Except you can give someone Orlistat and block fat (which contains calories) from absorbing in their intestines and they literally shit it all out.
The idea that science has proven the body always burns the same number of calories or absorbs all the calories you consume is preposterous.

>> No.17358300

study doesnt disprove CICO, next.

>> No.17358307

You arent even engaging with the question, lmao. Of course a low carb diet is more effective because you will be eating fewer calories than a low fat. You are proving CICO.

>> No.17358330

>Of course a low carb diet is more effective because you will be eating fewer calories than a low fat.
you "will" be eating less except you dont have to tell people too consciously restrict it just happens naturally. most of the clinical trials on low carb are ad libitum. this is not consistent with CICO causes obesity and fat people are all gluttons and sloths. if you tell a glutton eat as much as you like why dont they get fatter?

>> No.17358340
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>> No.17358345

its not one study its quite a few and youre an idiot

>> No.17358357

>you dont have to tell people too consciously restrict it just happens naturally
Sure, this is a benefit of keto for many people, but this is using keto as a means to an end - the end being CICO. If someone wants to use keto to eat fewer calories, that is great, but to say somehow keto is 'better' than CICO or CICO doesn't work is not logically consistent and confuses people who are trying to lose weight. No one is debating that someone on a high carb diet will be hungry more often and eat more than someone on a keto diet.

>> No.17358359

>not knowing your 4chan lore
lurk more

>> No.17358364

if you cant explain it yourself then you literally cant comprehend what you are trying to tell me to read, you are pathetic, i am laughing at you and the entire medical community would laugh at you for trying to disprove CICO, you should probably be embarassed and try to learn a little more about stuff before pretending to be a big guy on the internet.

>> No.17358365

Nothing is inherently good for weight loss apart from eating less and exercising more so you burn more than you consume. Dumbfucks.

>> No.17358366
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>4chan lore

>> No.17358371

Sorry bro, /ck/ anons watched a dudebro wearing aviators making videos in his truck telling them CICO is a lie and its a big conspiracy and all you have to do is not eat carbs and just eat red meat and steak bro

>> No.17358378

Thermodynamics still has not been disproven you brainlet

>> No.17358380
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>> No.17358384

>disprove CICO
straw manned again. you are wrong and im not "disproving thermodynamics" just that its not the be all end all for the etiology of obesity. perhaps its the quality of calories and not so much the quantity.
>Lower-carbohydrate diets transiently reduce TEE, with a larger increase after ∼2.5 wk. These findings highlight the importance of longer trials to understand chronic macronutrient effects and suggest a mechanism whereby lower-carbohydrate diets may facilitate weight loss.

>> No.17358401
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Ummm yeah I could name 10 meters off the top of my head.

>> No.17358404

you my buddy are a stupid head

>> No.17358414
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Hey kiddo it's time for sleep

>> No.17358417

no thanks mom im not tired yet

>> No.17358429

Sure but ultimately cico. You may be healthier and be more successful with higher quality cico but in the end it is ALWAYS cico.

>> No.17358433

>but in the end it is ALWAYS X
tautological and not proper reasoning

>> No.17358434

Look at me I'm on a keto saki deity
I'm special, you are not special.

>> No.17358436

Miss me Teckdecks lads

>> No.17358440

What is the point youre trying to make? What is your argument?

>> No.17358443

no special is the american without obesity diabetes or high blood pressure having a diet related chronic disease is now normal

>> No.17358445

i made it and you ignored it which is what always happens in these discussions.
>CICO causes obesity and no evidence will change that because its a "fact" proven by "science"
what is the point?

>> No.17358454
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>> No.17358456

those are some strange looking garloids, you been feeding them fresh tap?

>> No.17358457
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I found the fat baby.

>> No.17358459

I have a lot more experience failing to lose weight dieting than i do succeeding . The whole CICO thing didn't work for me very well . How I did CICO is what made the difference . High bulk to calorie foods worked well for me . The way I look at fruit is that i just don't need much sugar in my diet even if it comes from a healthy food .

>> No.17358461

the last comment i will make since these discussions always just go in circles. here is a recent paper that makes the carbohydrate insulin centric case for the etiology of obesity
>Weight gain (or more precisely, fat gain) can occur only with a positive energy balance, in the same way that a fever can occur only if the body generates more heat than it dissipates. However, these reiterations of the law of energy conservation ignore causality. During the pubertal growth spurt, energy intake exceeds expenditure as body energy stores increase. Does increased consumption drive growth or does growth drive increased consumption? Neither possibility violates laws of physics, but the 2 perspectives have fundamentally different physiological bases and implications.
>By excluding a metabolic effect of diet, common versions of the EBM offer no explanation for what changes in the environment have dysregulated the biological systems that counteract energy imbalance and resist weight change.

>> No.17358462

So we agree on everything? Great, we both know that CICO is the best advice to give to someone losing weight, and we both agree that keto is a good means for a lot of people to achieve a comfortable calorie deficit.

>> No.17358465

yes if you lose weight you are by definition in negative energy balance but thats not the way to think about the problem if you really want to prevent and treat obesity. people need to eat better not less. if you eat better you will eat less.
see >>17358461 and because i forgot link

>> No.17358466

I am the coolest person an you are a dumb dumb

>> No.17358467


>> No.17358469

still havent provided any medical studies that show irrefutably that calories from carbs store more fat than calories from fat, and even in the few studies that show a difference, its like at most 100 calories a day which is 1/35th of a pound and basically negligable in practice in terms of weight loss. the only people as dug in and invested as you on that argument are people selling keto snacks on facebook.

>> No.17358476

there is no such thing as irrefutable evidence in medical science. but the majority of the evidence suggests that low carb is more effective irrespective of whatever you think about the etiology of obesity and as i posted carbohydrate will change your rate of expenditure AT THE SAME CALORIE INTAKE see >>17358384

>> No.17358481
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thanks faggot
I can now eat my 1/35th of calories and not care

>> No.17358486

>its like at most 100 calories a day
stretch that over a few decades and youve explained the entire obesity epidemic. thread over

>> No.17358488
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>> No.17358494
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>> No.17358496

It all ultimately hinges on the fact that less calories were consumed than burnt.
That study didnt show that people who ate the same calories in two different dies had any difference in weight loss. There is just a lot of 'could' and 'may' in 'aiding' weight loss.
In the end you will lose weight if you eat less.

>> No.17358498

No it isn't. Provided he is getting the other nutrients he needs, he can consume as many calories as he burns and be healthy. Is it the best way to do it? No, but you absolutely can have a diet full of sugar as long as you are burning that energy to compensate. It's literally fuel in fuel out.

>> No.17358504

round and round in circles. have a good night

>> No.17358505

Okay fat fuck mcDick

>> No.17358510
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>Tfw my whole chink family is skinny and eats rice every day.
Oh no not my hekkin ketorinos.

>> No.17358513

half of China has diabetes just like the US they might not be as obese but they are more diabetic

>> No.17358518

>you think they chug sponsor provided energy drinks
Phelps would drink several red bulls a day, and had a very high carb diet in general

>> No.17358531

you are wrong i am right

>> No.17358553
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>Moving the goalposts from obesity to diabetes
Well done. Keep seething.

>> No.17358555

well theyre diabetic and not obese so clearly very healthy thanks. its amazing all that time and that was the best you could do?

>> No.17358574
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>> No.17358606
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fucking foreigner's

>> No.17358629
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>> No.17358648

Well , I used to like apples . Hope I don't think of that the next time I eat one .

>> No.17358671

Animal and dairy fat are clogging your veins. Holy shit you are fucking stupid. You mix different things and think your cherrypicked "evidence" is a reason for the other thing you are claiming. Fucking idiot.

>> No.17358683


You are wrong. Kys you contrarian fuck.

>> No.17358687

I want a pigeon crusher .

>> No.17358701

Losing weight isn't hard.

>> No.17358709

>Comment chain about weight loss
>Omg diabetus

>> No.17358716

Diabetes is a sign of good health?

>> No.17358721

None of these are clinical trials AND the hazard ratios are tiny. Useless data unless youre just tryingbto prove yourself right. Here is an alternative result from the same type of "study" that will you no doubt dismiss because it gets the "wrong" answer
>High carbohydrate intake was associated with higher risk of total mortality, whereas total fat and individual types of fat were related to lower total mortality. Total fat and types of fat were not associated with cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular disease mortality, whereas saturated fat had an inverse association with stroke. Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings.

>> No.17358724

I actually knew a guy who ran marathons and has diabetes type 2. He’s older, though, 40’s or 50’s.

>> No.17358731

I was being facetious

>> No.17358732

I actually knew a guy who runs marathons and has diabetes type 2. He’s older, though, 40’s or 50’s and I don’t know his medical history.

>> No.17358734

Those are all clinical trials, you're obviously not informed enough to know what a clinical trial is.
>the hazard ratios are tiny

>> No.17358757

The bottom two are both definitely not clinical trials didnt check the top one but if its about the Lyon Doet Heart Study ill tell why it doesnt say what you think it does

>> No.17359348

No you need to be doing Keto or low carb in general, you will naturally feel content due to the fat and the weight flies off, do not consume sugar of any kind.

>> No.17359762

How did you read that into my post ? I'm not a big fan of keto but I admit it works .

>> No.17359769

Apparently Asians start developing problems with diabetes at lower BMI levels than other people do. But I wonder if it's because they eat a lot of white rice which isn't as nutritious and causes higher blood sugar spikes, while maybe it wouldn't be so high if they ate more brown rice.

>> No.17360106

Different guy just to let you know your fucking retarded. In your example the calories are being blocked so of course it would help them lose weight. Use your fucking brain chimp

>> No.17360124

I did keto three separate times and hit the plateau around 15 lbs lost
since Jan 1 I've just done simple calorie counting and made sure I was running a deficit. I've had beer every single day. I've eaten cookies every single day. I've eaten cheese itz every single day.
Now at Jan 31, I've lost 20lbs: down from 175 to 155. In fact, the biggest factor in keeping my calorie count low was the OPPOSITE of keto in that I keep my fat content low because that shit is massively caloric.

>> No.17360139

What the hell is that picture?

>> No.17360160


>> No.17361052

Does regular mean 8 hours a day in the hot sun?

>> No.17361129

It's because chinks have less adipose tissue than westerners. Diabetes happens when you run out of places to store fat. Less places to store fat makes you run out faster.

>> No.17362206

Do you think the pigeon crusher would work on seagulls ?

>> No.17362307


>> No.17363319

Oh it is better. Keto, especially when combined with intermittent fasting or OMAD, greatly reduces insulin spikes and can reverse insulin resistance. Also fat has more calories per gram than carbs which makes it a better low volume fuel and many distance runners have started using high fat diets and seeing results. We store fat for survival but the modern high carb diet is not natural. We are built to feast and fast. Fruits and grains don't grow in the winter. Gotta hunt and eat animal fat, or burn the stored fat from eating peach pie in the summer.