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File: 88 KB, 900x675, cig-900x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17353888 No.17353888 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into cigs guys. Where's a good place for a beginner. I want something that will compliment all the gansetts I drink everyday

>> No.17353895

Just buy Marlboro reds or Lucky Strikes. Benson & Hedges if you want fancier cigarettes

>> No.17353896

get a pack of blues, smoke em til they dont do anything and you're going "why do people like these"

then get a pack of yellows and smoke em til they dont do anything and you're going "why do people like these"

then get a pack of reds and smoke em, if you end up going "why do people like these" either smoke more, or take a break from smoking and smoke them less

>> No.17353897

Can't go wrong with Lucky Strikes.

>> No.17353898

oh yeah, its only acceptable to smoke menthols/ice crush/etc if you're on ecstasy, or if you're a fag

and clove cigarettes are for goth kids from the early 2000's

>> No.17353899

don't do it. screencap this so if you get into cigs you can look back on this reply and wish you listened to me

>> No.17353903

Winston Reds, Lucky Strike without filters, and American Spirit Perique (in black box) with filters cut off.

>> No.17353904

american spirit sky

>> No.17353908

My best friend just got back from Seattle where he had surgery because of lung cancer . I hope he lasts the year .

>> No.17353912

Buy a puff bar so you can develop a crippling nicotine addiction and be like all the hip young kids

>> No.17353913

Lucky strikes are shit and the only people who say they like them are hipster chuds

>> No.17353917
File: 262 KB, 845x1317, american_spirit_us_grown_mellow_tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my go-to. Not full flavored but not lights. Straight up earthy tobacco flavor with a bit of leather and the faintest hint of sweetness.

>> No.17353918

Shepard's Hotel or Silk Cut Ultra Lights

>> No.17353922

Backy thread? Let me start off by saying to my cravings: GET OUT OF MY HEAD

>> No.17353924

American Lucky Strikes without the filters taste great. Difference of opinion, I suppose.
Being self-conscious must be rough. I smoke what I like.

>> No.17353925


>> No.17353928

No, I don't think I will

>> No.17353931

Guess I'll try filterless since I just finished my pack of Southern Cuts.

But you Luckies are on thin ice.

>> No.17353933

Smoke additive (without chemicals) free cigarettes and your cravings will amount to withdrawing from caffeine.. A little secret nobody told me when I experienced severe withdrawal from additives, not nicotine. Nicotine is what the ignorant blame when they want to point the finger.

>> No.17353935
File: 38 KB, 600x550, gnjfaxizffo9qywvw4hv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice, but i personally prefer the dumber version of these

>> No.17353937

Doesn't really matter, cigs are just addiction sticks filled with low quality tobacco and filler ingredients. So smoke whatever you want.

>> No.17353942

nice & finally an actual answer instead of just "meds". thank you anon

>> No.17353943

I'll freely admit blues and even yellows are too strong for me. Oranges simply don't have much flavor, and I intensely dislike the neon green menthols.
Now that Nat Shermans are no more, NAS is really the only available option. I really want to try those biodegradable cigs from South Africa but I don't think they're available outside of there yet.

>> No.17353951

its weird for me because i smoked american spirit blues a ton in college. i'm now in my 30's about a decade removed from college and haven't smoked cigarettes at all since, but have found myself craving them intensely for the past couple years? think its a combination of pandemic and new job stress.

but anyway, nowadays i buy a pack when im drinking, smoke 3-4 which is all i really want, and then leave them at the bar for whoever wants them. still love them though.

>> No.17353960

>But you Luckies are on thin ice.
I correct myself. You're right about the majority of the Lucky Strike line and its marketing hip hype.
You're very welcome. I can smoke Winstons and American Spirit on and off since they are additive free. There is still that urge but it's very slight like itching for a coffee. It's very manageable.

>> No.17353961
File: 46 KB, 645x773, 1643511751794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I get into cigs guys

>> No.17353981

Stop enjoying things

>> No.17354010

Don't, seriously, It's really a shit habit.
People underestimate how fucking harmful smoking is and how hard it is to quit

>> No.17354012

No one smokes cigarettes anymore. This isn't the 80s

>> No.17354114

For real though. Cigs are boring and they’re terrible for you. At least getting drunk feels good.

>> No.17354122

>Cigs are boring
Are they though? It's quite an enjoyable ritual for me.

>> No.17354140
File: 256 KB, 800x600, Black Devil.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very short smokes. Massive filter. Tastes like a pipe than you can't fuck up. There's a reason they're popular with Japanese kids. Why the fuck are you trying to smoke you little faggot?

>> No.17354186

Everyone's telling you not to do it. My advice is to buy a pack, and smoke a cig or two indoors, someplace where you spend a lot of time. Then get something to eat, preferably something you really enjoy. Then smoke another, and go for a short run. If you somehow find you didn't like smoking, throw the rest out and don't persist.

>> No.17354195
File: 167 KB, 300x347, 1483832647356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't start.

>> No.17354204

I smoke the Turquoise packs myself.

What the hell happened to Nats?

>> No.17354260

smoking while drinking is fun. smoking while sober is for faggots

>> No.17354305

cigarette reviews are the only youtube review videos i watch. they are so fucking hilarious.

>> No.17354326

It’s not hard to quit

>> No.17354481
File: 69 KB, 512x512, Southern Cuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions:
1.) Did they stop making Southern Cuts? I can't find them anywhere near me.
2.) I've been looking into switching to pipe smoking. Anyone know of a good pipe tobacco blend that tastes like Southern Cuts?

>> No.17354485

Don't know anything about pipe smoking, but I know they banned Southern Cuts because they were afraid it was going to be appropriated by the alt-right.

>> No.17354490
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, E71D3485-6D6A-41D1-A675-6A95529A9C1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still make them, I can buy them in every gas station where I live (Texas). Maybe keep looking around?

Fuck Trump

>> No.17354491

Aren't most of the additives used to free up more nicotine though?

>> No.17354494

Fuck, I can't find them anywhere near the Maryland DC area and I don't want to drive out into the country to look.

>> No.17354533

man those cloves smelled bad.

>> No.17354544

>wanting to start smoking cigs post high school
Please do, since you're clearly retarded and nothing of value will be lost when you die from clogged arteries.

>> No.17354550

>Nicotine is what the ignorant blame when they want to point the finger.
Don't listen to what this person says, they have a room temp IQ

>> No.17354552

>How do I get into cigs guys
literal proof 4chan is full of fucking retards

>> No.17354554

only marines smoke lucky strike unironically

>> No.17354739

Here man I'll help you out. Heres something thin and white for you to suck on

>> No.17354760
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Don't fall in the addiction

>> No.17354767

>Literally the gay character

>> No.17354782

Dont smoke cigs. Get a nice pipe and nice leathery loose backy, way better flavor and depending on locality less taxes. Enjoy in moderation though its naturally less easy to get addicted to since its an end of day or weekend treat

>> No.17354790

i smoke newports senpai.

>> No.17354883
File: 7 KB, 244x207, m08n9b8v7c65xe4wzxe5cr6vt7by8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want something that will compliment all the gansetts I drink everyday
>i'm totally 21 guys, how are you guys doing today fellow 21 year olds and older? hows your portoflio looking.

>> No.17354889

You start by sucking dick, because smoking is gay.
Why else do the Brits refer to cigs a fags?

>> No.17354897

don't start.

t.fucked my lung
can't even run for 5 minutes

>> No.17354902

how can i into rolling cigs?
every time i try i fail miserably. i cant roll for shit

>> No.17354945

they banned menthols in the bongland, which is about the only based thing we bongs have done this century

>> No.17355196

fuck that shit. I'll take pussy yellow or one of the blues though.

>> No.17355204

no, only boomers smoke luckies unironically

>> No.17355207

Winston no filters for me. If I'm going to inhale poison air I want the most poison. I don't smoke anymore though, too expensive.

>> No.17355213

This is true. Quitting caffeine is much harder than quitting smokes.

>> No.17355215

don't smoke cigs unless you're under 22, in which case still dont, unless you have friends that smoke

>> No.17355216

I never got how people can chain smoke all day or """need""" a cigarette. I enjoy smoking occasionally but I would puke if I had to smoke every 15 minutes . Why the fuck can't you be an adult and enjoy things in moderation?

>> No.17355329

half of human are stimulant junkie because millennia of hunting, quick nicotine is all they need to get hooked
maybe your ancestors was an opportunistic rapist so you don't have the genes

>> No.17355364
File: 77 KB, 800x801, skeleton3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Last time I smoked was two months ago, but I bought a pack of Marlboro few days ago and only smoked two.
I guess it's both a physical and psychological addiction for some; they don't know what else to do with themselves and keep amplifying an addiction they got in middle school when they thought that smoking was one of the thing that grownups do.
I'd never call myself a smoker though (inb4 cope)

>> No.17355408

It's always mental in the end. Only those with a strong mind can dabble with vice and not get burned. That's really very few people. If you know you have a weak mind, don't try it or work to get a stronger mind or be prepared to deal with addiction. I'm not saying I'm a snowflake or a monk but I know my limits and the rule of moderation. The second you feel you "NEED" something, you're fucked. That's how we have a country of land whales and junkies, a generation of weak minds

>> No.17355440

Most people have no willpower or self control

>> No.17355446

I love smoking and listening to some good music. It just feels right

>> No.17356060

As you get older and watch friends and family members die from various causes smoking seems more and more foolish .

>> No.17356152
File: 56 KB, 818x900, 1580661998606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who have never smoked before begging you not to start
>people who are "addicted"(love love love smoking, but "want to quit" solely because of social stigma) pleading with you not to start
Don't listen to these fags, OP. As long as you only have one or two cigarettes a day, their effect on your health will be negligible at worst, and nicotine is way easier to quit than things that are way worse for you, like sugar.
The hardest part about quiting is that most people just don't really want to.

>> No.17356159

Any American spirit, Camel wides/99, Marlboro red 100s. Don’t smoke menthol it’s gross

>> No.17356164
File: 1.01 MB, 2592x1944, Newport_cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I went to the US I bought the cheapest packs of cigs I found, which is picrelated. The packaging is kino, but they were menthol but I smoked them anyway. I was with a black american colleague and she told me that those are the cigarettes stereotipically smoked by black people in the US. is it true?

>> No.17356245
File: 103 KB, 800x800, Papierosy-CAMEL-YELLOW-SOFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after smoking every cig that is avilable in eastern europe I still come back to these, red winstons 100 are good too

>> No.17356268

They're called Nigports for a reason.

>> No.17357983

they do a hell of a lot more than that, there are additives with many purposes. one acts as an anaesthetic so you don't feel the smoke on your throat, one causes the airways in your lungs to dilate allowing for more smoke to reach them, sugar is added to make the smoke less harsh. Ammonia is added to enhance the effect of nicotine like you say, but it does not increase the amount of nicotine, the ammonium salt freebases the nicotine making the high faster, more intense and shorter.

>> No.17357987

You are an uninformed idiot with only an opinion. Keep your frustration in check.

>> No.17357990

Yes this is true

>> No.17358006

When you're able to stop you don't want to
When you want to stop you can't

>> No.17358012

There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, cigarettes create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are toxic.

Just do not listen to this imbecile >>17354550
who tells people not to listen to someone who is more than qualified to state facts, because they have a politically motivated anti-smoking agenda.

>> No.17358024

Does big tobacco make these threads? They are on /fit/ too.

The threads have gotten to me and I have begun hitting the nic a bit. 5 puff bars have lasted me 2 years, so I am not addicted but now that I can buy them legally and literally anywhere I might indulge more. Better than fucking coffee as a stimulant. Fuck coffee, I am convinced it ruined the world.

But this is my fourth day in a row hitting nic and it already doesn't feel like an opiate anymore. I guess I'm all out of endogenous opioids, that fast.

>> No.17358025

Therefore, additive-free cigarettes are the way to go should you want to smoke cigarettes. The inhalation of smoke itself is a carcinogen though, just like any other source of smoke.

>> No.17358030

Not true. All you have to do is want to stop. Nicotine isn't even very addictive, it's the physical habit smoking and the habitual triggers that you have to overcome. The only problem with quitting is it you don't /really/ want to is because you get nothing perceptible out of it. There is not catharsis for quitting cigarettes. You don't instantly breath better, or look younger, or smell better, or feel better, you don't REALLY /want/ to quit, you just like the idea of pleasing other people by not being a smoker.

>> No.17358120

Nicotine is bad for mental health, though. They should fill cigs with chamomile

>> No.17358168

Agreed, strong recommendation.
Don't start smoking though, not habitually at least.

>> No.17358192

>pipe tobacco that tastes like cigarette tobacco
Oriental blends or American burley blends. Look for stuff listed as no toppings. Also shag or ribbon cut. They'll cut anything shag but often it's a dogwhsitle for cigarette style blends. Note these blends are still excellent in a pipe, its not just a trick. When you get bored of captain black you either take the left hand path and degenerate into a latakia smoker, or enter God's Grace and embrace Oriental (no latakia just Turkish blended) which make excellent cigarettes also.
Stokkebye 80 Norway is the greatest, buy a pound and a pipe and stuff half of it into tubes.

>> No.17358212

I've only seen blacks smoke this or Marlboro menthols

>> No.17358240

does it matter which one is turned over? i was taught a different one and that looks wrong and actually unlucky

>> No.17358360

i would recommend picking up a nice little corn cob pipe and getting a tin of Early Morning Pipe tobacco and puffing on some of that.

>> No.17358441

You don't. They're an additive-filled meme invented by tobacco companies to make you more addicted to their product.
Civilized men smoke pipes and cigars.

>> No.17358495

Eh, I recommend taking the 20-40 USD risk and getting a pearwood pipe from europe. They come in a lot of styles from what you're used to seeing from crazy D&D dragon claws. Just start with the cheapest. Been smoking an ornate one for about 12 years and gave another as a gift. No regrets.

>> No.17358723

camel crush silvers.

>> No.17358733


Don't start smoking you fucking idiot.

t. Smoked for 12 years and still do

>> No.17358823
File: 3.80 MB, 1920x1080, 1635625229167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start smoking today

>> No.17358862

Go to the store and grab a non-menthol cigarette, full flavor, preferably something top shelf. Doesn't matter. Just go get some.
If you make a thread about trying it that's a red flag to me. People who premeditate things they have preconceived notions of being so deviant, when they do it I think they have tendency to feel like they've accomplished or overcome some kind of obstacle that they put in place themselves. Just go smoke a pack and see if you can get into it.
Report back with us with your first pack, I guess?

>> No.17359122

Thank you for you contribution.
>t. Altria Group and British American Tobacco shareholder.

>> No.17359231

I just assumed this was the case because Omar smokes it in the wire.

>> No.17359265

dont. you will regret it. i still regret it. i smoke once or twice a week and always after dinner, aiming to cut it off. i didnt realize that after college womens opinion on smoking would completely reverse, plus i dont even feel a nic buzz anymore so whats the fuckin point

>> No.17359521
File: 32 KB, 404x405, Marlboro Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17359583

/dick/ general when? If we can have a cigarette thread on /ck/ because they go in your mouth, then I demand a dick thread too.

>> No.17359642

>How do I get into cigs guys.

Learn out to read the codes on cigarettes to figure out the date they were made. So many stores will keep cigarettes, especially the not so popular ones, on the shelf for YEARS just waiting for a sucker to buy them. I've asked for a pack, looked at the code, left the pack on the counter and walked out so many times.

Get a solid cigarette as your first. Your first pack will be your best pack as it'll hit the hardest and you'll never forget the buzz as it'll never hit quite the same moving forward. So make sure you pick a good one and don't blow the experience on some gimmicky ass meme cigarette. My recommendation? See if you can find relatively fresh Camel no filters or Pall Mall no filters. If not, just get a pack of Marlboro Reds. They're everywhere, popular so you're more likely to find a fresher pack and they're pretty solid.

Don't let fags get into your head about cigarettes. It's not "hard to quit" as I haven't smoked in years and the reason I stopped was because my last pack ran out and I just didn't feel like going to the store to get more. Thought I would just do it later and that was 2 or 3 years ago, I don't remember exactly it's not like I marked it on my calendar.

Umm I guess that's it. They're cigarettes, man. It's supposed to be simple and enjoyable. Just get a classic cigarette and enjoy.

>> No.17359657

>puff bars
you're better off smoking actual cigarettes than inhaling those shenzen cotton ball heavy metal cocktails

>> No.17359731

I thought I understood why people smoke after my first few cigs but then after a few more it didn't do it for me anymore so I just stopped and got drunk.
Maybe cigars are more fun, dunno.

>> No.17360714

How do I get a buzz from vaping?

>> No.17360726

Get medium to high nicotine juice, and take a huge hit off it and inhale deep and keep it in your lungs for a couple seconds and release slowly

>> No.17360728

Is 5% good or go higher?

>> No.17360740

I’d say like 8-12%. You’ll get a good buzz after 2 or 3 big hits desu.

>> No.17360750

nic salts

>> No.17360757

I have that

>> No.17360766

You are fucking retarded dude. Enjoy spending thousands of dollars on poisoning yourself.

>> No.17360767

>alienware laptop

>> No.17360788

Skip the kiddie pool and jump into weed, the high lasts longer than 5 minutes.

>> No.17360836

stfu nigger, a nicotine buzz and a weed high aren't comparable. that's like comparing asprin and vicodin.

>> No.17361058


>> No.17361134

Dont because now when I get high/drunk I need cigs and go crazy if I dont find/buy some.
Wish I could drink without the urge of lighting a cig

>> No.17361139


>> No.17361160
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, 4chanMemeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw social smoker, never had ANY sort of buzz from any kind of cigarette, doesn't do anything for me
Shit sucks. I don't get why people like cigarettes. Nicotine must be a placebo

>> No.17361214

Nat Sherms went out of business pal. Hope you got that half carton of Hint of Mints stashed away somewhere.

>> No.17361309

Someone else bought the brand earlier this month, they're still around

>> No.17361326

I used to smoke cigs. Seriously anon don't do it. I won't elaborate and sound like some DARE program shit but really, don't start.

>> No.17361452
File: 13 KB, 318x248, mah nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turquoise packs
but also: OP, you're retarded

>> No.17361460
File: 28 KB, 500x200, newp donk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you regularly see white males driving around in this

>> No.17362202

We'd make sick lobbyists and marketers for big tobacco lol. Just coming to realize this.

>> No.17362220

>smoke sober
>feel nothing
>smoke while drunk
>feels great, get a pleasant body high
what causes this

>> No.17362281

How vape

>> No.17362293

Yah , but you know , that's not a good thing .

>> No.17362366

ok anon it's not cheap but it'll be the best way
step 1: get a plot of land
step 2: buy some tobacco seeds
step 3: grow tobaccy
step 4: gather a little tobaccy
step 5: light it on fire in a non-flammable dish
step 6 (optional): if it wasn't enough or it was bad, take the still-lit tobaccy and throw it into your field. inhale from a distance and grow something else on it next year.

>> No.17362380

Growing commercial tobacco is a pain in the ass if you don't have the right conditions and anytime I cured and smoked wild tobacco it just wasn't worth it

>> No.17362396
File: 87 KB, 640x853, ajgz7oqr5gp01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats a camel wide when you're completely stoned out of your whole head

>> No.17362406

>growing [x] without the right conditions is hard
really? i was thinking of growing bananas in maine. i already had the land picked out and everything...
>"wild" tobacco
im sure inhaling a burning leaf isn't very pleasant, but i'm also sure it's better than inhaling a burning leaf and whatever else the tobaccy corp wants you to inhale.

>> No.17362426

don't. I hate to sound like a fucking adult rn but it's not worth it. Expensive, and if you avoid all the horrible cancers you will end up wanting to quit so you stop coughing up brown gunk every morning.

>> No.17362446
File: 79 KB, 1080x496, siberia-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just want a buzz, consider sinus.

> rich tobacco flavor
> cheaper than cigarettes
> less likely to give you cancer
> stronger, longer lasting buzz
> you don't smell like shit
> you can use it on a plane and don't have to go outside every hour
> comes in flavors if you're into that
> tobacco-free versions exist if you really are scared of the already minimal cancer risk in snus

>> No.17362465

save 1$ every day until you're 65 then buy a really really expensive gun with the money and kill yourself with it
cheaper than cigs

>> No.17362504

Do smoke shops ever accept manufacturer coupons?

>> No.17362518

Don't worry lil zoomie you'll be old enough to smoke soon enough

>> No.17362525

OP, trust me, don't smoke cigarettes. I smoked for 10 years and I'm not even 30 yet.

Today is day 4 of me not smoking, and while I don't feel any better, I know my body is doing better.

Just don't smoke OP trust me

>> No.17362541

If I ever caught anyone chewing and spitting out snus next to me I would would punch 'em in the face mid chew. Un-fuckin-american that is.

>> No.17362554

You don't spit snus retard

>> No.17362651

Is it a mouth buzz or actual body buzz

>> No.17362667

what is the scientific explanation behind the nicotine buzz?

what are some other drugs that give the same feel but longer?

>> No.17362668

If you're not taking a long, hard drag from a Marlboro then you're the (unamerican) retard, pal-o.

>> No.17362673


>> No.17362677


>> No.17362692

I can't imagine taking up smoking current year with how expensive it is. Even 20 years ago a carton of salem was like $40
I'm white

>> No.17362713

Simply put it's trying to kill you. It's the plants evolved insect repellent.
Nicotine is a drug in the nightshade family and kind of acts the same way as other members of the nightshade family by constricting you blood flow and speeding up your heart. Nicotine like many drugs is weird it effects the nicotinic receptors in your body some as antagonists but sometimes as receptors.

>> No.17362718

Have you seen our country? Why the hell would I want to admit to being American. I come here just so people think I'm a shit posting kangaroo fucker

>> No.17362719

How I get the buzz to last longer

>> No.17362726

how do I get into heroin guys

>> No.17362730


>> No.17362731
File: 533 KB, 791x1064, ffridges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember tobacco is a plant and like any plant it goes bad, so keep your cigs in the fridge to keep them fresher for longer

>> No.17362732

You really can't. I guess you could take up hookah smoking or something and just sit there and smoke for an hour. If you like that stimulant buzz you'd be better off just taking Aderall or something

>> No.17362735

it's people like you that make other want to smoke, just to not be on the same side as such a know-nothing faggot

>> No.17362749
File: 1.05 MB, 1076x810, 60695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a double huntsman
livin the dream man

>> No.17362760


>> No.17362790

Body buzz

You neither chew snus nor spit

>> No.17362798

-the pleasurable effects of nicotine have nothing to do with any activity on nicotinic receptors in our vasculature/muscles.
-there is no consciousness behind plant defense mechanisms, you might as well say spicy/sour foods are bad for us because of the same reasons
-the nightshade family includes many edible plants that have absolutely no bad effects to humans whatsoever (tomatoes)
->agonists but sometimes as receptors
you mean agonists vs antagonists?

>> No.17362822

Yellow is the way to go
Goes great with a beer/whiskey
My friend gave me a Parliament and it was shit, would not recommend

>> No.17362835

Holy Christ you are dense. He asked what caused the buzz, which is entirely different than anything doing with pleasure centers.
I never said plants are conscious. Nicotine is literally an insecticide I use nicotine and Neonicotinoid insecticides every year in my job.
I never said a single time they every member of the nightshade family is dangerous. Everyone knows potatoes and tomatoes are safe. But dismissing that the family has dangerous alkaloids is retarded but eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes still all have nicotine in them.
And yes I obviously meant they work as both receptor agonist and receptor antagonists (on nachra 9 and 10)
Still nothing I said was incorrect you just read your personal fucking bias into it because you are just as bad of a debate lord as I am

>> No.17362866

I smoked 2 cigarettes from a pack of black American Spirits with that perique tobacco. Absolutely mindblowing and it lasted an entire 10-12 hours. I had a horrible dry throat, eyes, and sinuses and no taste for 2 days, but the feeling was better than any masturbation or food or ANYTHING. My heart was racing for days. I took 2 grams of caffeine pills once and the cigarettes were about 75% of the way there. It was a fun experiment and felt great but I don't like drugs because of my need for power and control.

>> No.17362913

That's a lot of words for "nicotine is a stimulant"

Nicotine isn't any more dangerous than any other shimmy. Ofc it's not good to have artificially elevated heart rate and blood pressure 24/7, but that's not why you get lung cancer and shit.

The real reason tobacco is a fucked drug is that smoking or fermenting it produces tobacco-specifix nitrosamines which are potent carcinogens, smoking it produces carbon monoxide and various other carcinogens, and the soil its fown in is high in heavy metal which tobacco concentrates.

That's why oral Swedish snus, grown in different soil, steam pasteurized, stored refrigerated and not smoked has hundreds of times less TSNAs and is way less likely to kill you while also giving a good buzz.

>> No.17362929


Don't do it. t. ex-smoker.

If you absolutely must just get some Marlboro reds as the FPWP suggested. You will experience a nice little nicotine buzz for the first week and you'll chase that the rest of your time smoking. Then the habit takes over, not the addiction but the comfort zone of being among your fellow smokers like a badass and the need to stop what you're doing every once in a while to have a smoke.

>> No.17363029

What do the black people smoke then?

>> No.17363046

>Lucky strikes are shit and the only people who say they like them are hipster chuds
My grandpa used to smoke only Lucky Strikes cause it was the brand he got hooked to during WWII.

>> No.17363050
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Reject cigarettes embrace hookah

>> No.17363067

I'm not 17

>> No.17363094

I don't give a fuck about stereotypes. Newports are the best tasting cigarettes and that's by a mile. I don't know what they did, but nothing else compares. Marlboro is shit, and American Spirit is alright.

>> No.17363244

I need a buzz

>> No.17363434

Unironoccaly this.

>> No.17363450
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>> No.17363501

Orange American Spirit has little flavor

>> No.17363547

kys faggot

>> No.17363613

So delicious. A full blown theatre production to smoke shisha from. Goddamned worth it if you have friends though.

>> No.17363653

Yeah the perique American Spirits are their best cig.

>> No.17363798

it's more about feeding people's addiction as it is, not getting a bunch of new people hooked. you wouldn't need cancer research funding if it weren't for us, so how is that not a good thing?

>> No.17363995
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what are your guys opinion of this fellow

>> No.17363998

Man ya'll don't like menthols? You guys suck

>> No.17364039

nat shermans are no more? fuck

>> No.17364470


>> No.17364484

it makes you more sensitive to dopamine, your brain eventually gets used to the high levels of dopamine and thus when you quit you feel like shit
most stimulants(even coffee) have an effect similar to this, just at varying intensity

>> No.17364505

Freebase gets me buzzing at 4mg. But to get a buzz off of salts i go from 16mg-50mg depending how I'm feeling. Salts make me anxious tho so I like to stick to the freebase

>> No.17364512

Is there a period of time you have to wait to get another buzz?

>> No.17364534

No. I usually have 6 - 10 puffs with the salts & I'm good for about 15-30mins, which is why it's great to have them when you're going to be sharing your vape around with friends or randos at the club/pub.

However, if you have high blood pressure, or family history of high blood pressure I would recommend taking it easy and waiting between them. The salts generally give you a headache as well before you got overboard. Can't really go overboard with the freebase at such a low mg, which is why I prefer it. But i usually end up choofing at it all afternoon & night.

>> No.17364668

based, his videos are nice to watch from time to time.

>> No.17364809

fuck off wanker

>> No.17364934


>> No.17364940

>the pleasurable effects of nicotine have nothing to do with any activity on nicotinic receptors in our vasculature/muscles.
False, the laxative effect is pleasurable for me

>> No.17365035

american spirit whatever, take the filter off and smoke from the other end

limit yourself to one pack per several months because it will get in your head

>> No.17365468
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I'm 5 months smoke free. Don't you ever get hooked on ciggies. They are the devil. They'll take your health and money and give you nothing in return.
If you're casual smoker, stop before you get hooked.

>> No.17365473

I smoke for 5 years and I think this is my last pack. Everytime I fall for the coffee and cigarette...

>> No.17365479
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Good luck. It took me two years to get where I am.

>> No.17365603

lucky strikes are great, sorry you're a pussy with shit taste anon

>> No.17365613

>have a mental breakdown
>smoke a cigarette for the lulz
>realize they soothe ur autistic mind
>keep smoking
t. started smoking last year, never liked the way nicotine felt before but now I do.

>> No.17365618

ideal fridge

>> No.17365758

>you're going to be sharing your vape around with friends or randos at the club/pub
> during a global pandemic
Future Darwin award recipient.

>> No.17365787

I want a buzz

>> No.17365795

Don't they taste horrible and stink and will make you sick and get cancer.

>> No.17365802

Just updating to say it's day 6 of not smoking

>> No.17366394

Bump. I want a buzz

>> No.17366414

I'll join you. 2 ciggies left to watch the insider(1999), lol.

>> No.17366430

You have to ask yourself... Do you like cancer? Do you like smoking by yourself? Do you like bad breath? Do you want to pay for it? If you're answer is yes, get some cigs.

>> No.17366435

cigs are shit, smoke cigars or a pipe

>> No.17366558
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Babes that shite is so 2020

>> No.17366566
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>> No.17366595

Yes black people exclusively smoke newports but plenty of white people smoke them too

>> No.17366608
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>> No.17366629

You too! We can do this together! Yaaaay!
Boo smoking!!! I might even volunteer at some of these local centers to talk about the dangers of smoking.

>> No.17366827

oh god that image is so fucking retarded.
>he he but what if a fat unhealthy person stated the fact that smoking is unhealthy. check mate non addicts.

>> No.17366860

The fat unhealthy person is addicted to food tho

>> No.17366876


>> No.17366887

How is snus

>> No.17366901

Real talk, what's the stereotype behind black folks and menthol cigs?

>> No.17366936

UNFILTERED luckies are good.
The newly released, filtered luckies are just newport reds in a different box. They're a marketing ploy.

>> No.17366939

Buglers, same blue color as American spirits. Just start rolling.

>> No.17366942

How is snus

>> No.17366949

What what watts should I set my vape to for 5% salt nic

>> No.17366963
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also, smoking caused me to start coughing up stomach acid. strong recommend to not start (lol u will anyway gl)

>> No.17366983

>or if you're a fag
or black

>> No.17368038


>> No.17368048

if you've made it to adulthood without developing a smoking habit you'd have to be absolutely retarded to pick it up now

>> No.17368054

Way more delicious than cigs, way better buzz than cigs, way more convenient than cigs, way less harmful than cigarettes, way less socially ostracized than cigs.

Pic related is my favorite flavor

>> No.17368062
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>> No.17368229


>> No.17368236

>less harmful than cigs
keep coping lol

>> No.17368284

I liked the livestream where he just started dropping sam hyde quotes 5 minutes in.

>> No.17368322


>Today’s action further authorizes the manufacturer to market these specific products with the claim “Using General Snus instead of cigarettes puts you at a lower risk of mouth cancer, heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.”
> I The FDA made this authorization after reviewing scientific evidence submitted by the company that supports this claim

>> No.17368330

Smoking is stupid, don't start. Fuck off.

>> No.17368353

>one or two cigarettes a day
That's still a lot. Fuck smokers.

>> No.17368356
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>"lower" risk
>submitted by the company

>> No.17368894
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For me it's blue L&Ms

>> No.17369773


>> No.17369852

Snus: a compelling harm reduction alternative to cigarettes, Harm Reduction Journal (2019)
>The available scientific data, including long-term population studies conducted by independent bodies, demonstrates that the health risks associated with snus are considerably lower than those associated with cigarette smoking.

Snus isn't perfectly safe, but it's stupid to think the risks of having some steam-pasteurized low-tsna tobacco in your lip are the same risks as smoking some fermented high-tsna tobacco leaf mixed with whatever shit cig companies do

>> No.17369866

Not him but how is the buzz from snus

>> No.17369918

I intend to be like Harry Dean Stanton, smoke heavily for 75+ years and die at 90

>> No.17369946

Good, it's way longer and more drawn out.

I mean it's still nicotine, at some point you get a tolerance just like cigarettes. I usually use 4mg tobacco-free snus (On, Zyn, etc), but occasionally I'll buy some 20mg tobacco snus and get a huge buzz. Just have to make sure to not use that one too often."

The best part is the morning snus poop

>> No.17369955

these always make me need to shit

>> No.17369968

I smoked 3 years, almost daily few cigarettes when i was a teenager. Now i smoke only once or twice a year 2-3 cigarettes at events when we party... and sometimes, like once a year, I relax alone with a book, half a glass of wine with water and a fine cigar.
If you want to get out of the monotony and taste some smoke with a drink, once a month or every few months, I recommend cigars

>> No.17370020

If I were you I'd smoke American Spirits because they won't be as addictive as anything else. You can just smoke those whenever you drink. They also last longer than all the others. It's the only brand I'll smoke because they last me the longest. Plus the fact that they are better than just about every other cigarette. I do also enjoy Lucky Strikes and maybe the occasional Camel or Marlboro, smoked those a lot when I was younger and Spirits were only at certain smoke shops. Smokers today don't realize how good they got it, now you can find Spirits almost everywhere.

>> No.17370063

My tastebuds are so shot from constant heavy smoking that I can't even taste the difference between shit cigs and good cigs. The upside is that I'm nowhere near of a picky eater now than I used to be.

>> No.17370078

Inhale it, Chachi. Inhale...

>> No.17370153

you must be an unironic jew

>> No.17370154

I just roll my own with a top-o-matic. way cheaper

>> No.17370199

That's a lot of word to not even attempt to answer the question the person you were responding to actually answered

>> No.17370250

You're not actually inhaling it into your lungs.

Take one long breath in and put the cigarette to your lip in the middle, so you get a little fresh air, then smoke, then continue inhaling fresh air until your lungs are full, then exhale slowly. Same way you smoke weed.

>> No.17370254

Go to gas station

>> No.17370361

Why does nicotine make me feel sleepy?

>> No.17370424
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The vast majority of black smokers (in America at least) smoke menthols, it isn't a stereotype. Cig companies realized blacks slightly preffered menthols vs regular cigs in the mid 20th century, so they all started pumping a fuckton of money towards marketing menthols as cigarettes for blacks basically, and sales skyrocketed. It stuck around and here we are with most blacks still smoking menthols

>> No.17370429

players or rolies

>> No.17370436

dont smoke snuff

>> No.17370443

What if I smoke stuff?

>> No.17370457
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i really wouldn't know i should have put a comma in there whoops.

>> No.17370467

mom is looking for u peter where the fuck are you

>> No.17370922
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>filtered by pre Rick and Morty adult swim content

>> No.17371053

Is there a more useless addiction than nicotine?
It offers nothing but to satisfy the craving.
No high, no low, no fun.

>> No.17371060

The buzz though

>> No.17371126

It relaxes, it's a shelter for some.
In any case, any kind of addiction means you're a failed human being.

>> No.17371173

I'll tell you how you get into it OP, just listen up.
You might've had a couple of cigs before, maybe even at a party were you were piss drunk. It's nice but it doesn't really do anything. Then you start to do it a little more until whenever you're at a party and see someone smoke you ask them for it. A "social smoker" you might call yourself. Then you stop going to parties, maybe even temporarily, but nevertheless you start to think to yourself: maybe I should get a pack of smokes, I don't really want it but I can have some and try at least."
So you buy a pack and smoke one sober and it's disgusting but you smoke it up. Then after a while you smoke one more, just because you're bored. Then you start to do it a couple of times a week, it doesn't even taste good but it's a stimulant. Then one day it just clicks. You start to properly inhale and feel the nicotine enter your lungs. You breathe out and feel great. Then you start to smoke whenever you go for a walk, walking to the store or to your job. Then you realize you can easily smoke a pack a day. That's how you get into cigarettes.

>> No.17371449

I’m on probation so it’s been my vice to a nice relaxing release

>> No.17371473
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remember to not exhale mate or you're a fakin pussy

>> No.17371614
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What did you do?

>> No.17371618

DWI but it shouldn’t have been anything with expired breathalyzer

>> No.17371641

My condolences.

>> No.17371661

I’m just two months away from finishing so I’m glad I’m close

>> No.17372332

Fuckin dead set cunt

>> No.17372352

>smoking every day
you’re fucked

>> No.17372604

How much weight have you gained? I put on a good 50 lbs since I quit about 6 months ago.

>> No.17372612

Fuck southern cuts. I used to smoke 27s and dumbass clerks would always grab the southern cuts

>> No.17372655

>Anime poster encouraging you to do bad things
Every time

>> No.17372660

Seriously, why did you let it come to that? How do you put on 50 lbs in 6 months without asking yourself, after 2 months max maybe, "hell, maybe I should do something?" At that rate you could start smoking again and it would probably be better for your overall health.

>> No.17372669

As others have already said, unfiltered luckies are fantastic. I've smoked them for years.

>> No.17372702

>waaaahh smokings hard to quit
>don’t talk to me I haven’t had a cig in 2 days!!!
I’ve withdrawn from cigs, meth, coke, alcohol and heroin and nicotine withdrawal is literally nothing. It’s literally just cravings. The rest is psychosomatic from those cravings. I could put down cigs and not smoke for a year if I wanted to (and have done so a couple times). Doing that was no struggle and I went from a pack a day or more to nothing with no issue. People exaggerate because they want people to notice them.

>> No.17372805
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>I’ve withdrawn from cigs, meth, coke, alcohol and heroin
Pic related is you only with withdrawals

>> No.17372815

This. Food and obesity fuck you up and in more ways than smoking.

>> No.17373066

Wouldn't really give a crap about people smoking if it didn't cause every room or car they're in to smell like shit

>> No.17373101

Hemp cigarettes>regular cigarettes

>> No.17373153

You know I tried a few American Spirits but you really have to drag on them hard to get some release, I've had light blue, yellow and orange.
The rolling tobacco is fine but what the fuck are they doing with their pre rolled cigarettes?

>> No.17373236

it's the filter

>> No.17373273

I don't think they even do filterless here anymore. Guess it does explain why their rolling tobacco is good.

>> No.17373605

this guy gets it

>> No.17373997
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I'm hardcore I'm quitting and cutting.