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17349448 No.17349448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bros...I just started HRT a couple months back and my hair is thinning significantly. What do I need to supplement my shitty diet of pasta and energy drinks to reduce it? I’m desperate. I’m on the verge of ending it all. It’s not fair

>> No.17349458

Finasteride grows hair though?
You're on anti-androgens right?

You're not one of those gross FtM transsexuals, r-right?

>> No.17349461

Emu oil mixed with something else. I'm to lazy to look it up for you. >>17349458
You don't have to be transexual to be on HRT

>> No.17349467

Nah...mtf. I might go for finasteride but it’s so costly on top of hormones. I got my jab in October and it started to go downhill from then too. Really not sure what to think about it all but the science is settled. Thinking I need more protein in my diet, going to go grab a pack of tvp later on.

>> No.17349474

Shut up retard

>> No.17349476

Balding manlet projecting

>> No.17349484

Lack of protein definitely leads to hair loss. Hair loss is very common in the vegan and fasting communities. Start eating meat if you aren't doing so already

>> No.17349491

Thanks for the advice, once more I’m being accused of being retard vegan tranny. I have low test and need more. I am missing meat in my diet. I eat it rarely and mostly it’s cured meats or in a can due to how expensive it is. I’ve found ground chicken in stores which seems like a good option.

>> No.17349565

It doesn't matter what you do, you cannot fight reality. You are who you are and you need to accept yourself and love yourself for who you are right now, not who you dream of becoming. You are not your mental image of yourself.

>> No.17349599

>Bros...I just started HRT
>I’m on the verge of ending it all.

cant say Im suprised tranny

>> No.17349614
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It's almost as if being a mentally ill degenerate has consequences

>> No.17349637
File: 26 KB, 240x240, 6D799F54-78CA-4654-9789-C5F7B470660D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this board so mean?

>> No.17349660

Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.17349668
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Shitty bait thread, jannies please do the job we pay you for

>> No.17349771
File: 13 KB, 483x461, liccccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like a caucasoid thing. I am 25, I eat tons of carbs (pasta is my favorite food) and I have a head full of hair. Hairline isn't even receding. I know Asian trannies in a similar position in that no matter what they eat, their hair is there. You sound like you're coping with your genetic destiny.

>> No.17349842

Are you short or tall? Do you eat a lot of tofu?

>> No.17349858

finasteride isn't costly. you don't need to see a doctor in person to get it prescribed. you can find a legit online pharmacy in any western country to prescribe it for under $1 a day.