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17347849 No.17347849 [Reply] [Original]

granny edition
This thread is for discussing teas, tissanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

Previous thread:

>> No.17347861

can't wait till spring so i got some cheap sencha (produced in brazil) for afternoon tea time, yamamotoyama loose leaf

>> No.17347901

Do any of you like watching videos of potters making teaware? I was watching some online earlier, and the craftwork involved is rather entrancing to me. It makes me further appreciate the details in the works I see online, and only furthers my desire to invest into nicer gong fu cups and new gaiwan. Any anons have some pictures of teaware they own they would like to share?

>> No.17347946

Never heard of it before, what's the Brazilian tea market like? Is it popular or do people mostly drink matte?

>> No.17347980

Anyone else ever have coca tea? Had it backpacking once, it was pretty good though I didn't "get" anything from it.

>> No.17347989

From coca leaves? Can't get them here.

>> No.17348027

it mean it's japanese style sencha and sold in western markets so i would assume it's not representative of SA markets. just sold to hit the target of western tea fans/asian tea drinkers who buy tea domestically. tastes okay, better than ito en teabags (which would be decent if they weren't so salty) but definitely lacking in quality and freshness

>> No.17348058

My bud got them from Mexico + some Greek backpacker dad gave our group some.

>> No.17348069
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My dehydrated lemon peel (for guapi/chenpi) experiment seems to be going well. I gave the peels about a week more to further dehydrate in the open air. Everything is dry and mold-free. Not sure how or if I should go ahead with storing them, but they seem good to go from here. If you anons can peel citrus skins without hitting liquid, and have open air space for them to dry, this should be easy enough to try at home.

>> No.17348117

Nice, i might just put em in ziploc bags so they aren't too air tight. Depends on your humidity levels where you live. They are starting to look like old peels

>> No.17348146

Ever tried in a dehydrator? I have a few pounds of lemon sitting on the tree and i hate tossing all the peels into the compost and torpedoing the ph

>> No.17348220

I will probably just try a ziploc as you suggested. I am unsure about whether they're "old" or just well-dehydrated though, as some are somewhat reddish, and others are still fairly light on the inside. Not sure how long these will endure for, but they seem fine. I tried two still-fresh pieces a week ago in my gaiwan, and found no issues beyond needing high temps and low infusion times for a fully potent extraction.
I haven't; this is my first time making dried citrus peels, and I don't own a dehydrator. I did use a toaster oven on all the peels briefly at a very low temperature to kickstart the process some weeks ago, but that's it. Otherwise, just shaded storage in an open, dry area. Whatever will keep them free of excess moisture, as I see it. Take care when removing the peels.

>> No.17348740
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lads I got druk yesterday. I don't really need more tea or teaware. it's 7am and I'm drinking a beer for the shakes. it tastes very crisp and refreshing. I'll probably go for another one and then another. question to the schizos itt, what medicine helps with an addiction?

>> No.17348746

I'll report back with dehydrator results possibly tomorrow if I get to it, thanks for the idea.

>> No.17348804


>> No.17348826

haha, well memed
wait, it's real
>One preclinical study on monkeys showed that memantine was capable of inducing a PCP-like intoxication.
yeah, I don't think so, it's straight to recreational doses for me. but thanks anyway anon.

>> No.17348858

same here (ex pcp/dissociative addict) but i've heard good things about its use for addiction. only reason i'm not getting high on the shit is because i'm poor as fuck even for my drugs of choice (pcp and meth, both are under 80/g and need less than 20mg to get started), just getting high on medications i get for free (gabapentin, weed, benzos, adderall) and alcohol and cough syrup i steal

>> No.17348945

>what medicine helps with an addiction
I quit weed with chamomile and peppermint. I still use it, but only because I can. I no longer dread the day I need to get a real job and stop smoking as per the law, because I know there are several fine herbs waiting for me and my awful mental health when I get there.

>> No.17348951

how do you get your meds for free? I'm assuming you're from usa. don't you need some kind of "retard card" to get them in the pharmacy?
also how are the costs of pcp and meth "on the street"?
I've never tried pcp, from what I did i think GHB would be kinda similar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma-Hydroxybutyric_acid
meth i've got two times here in EU, but simple amphetamine (speed, pep) is more readily available. you need to stuff your nose full, but I really like it.
speed is like 30 eur for 5 grams
weed 50eur for 5g
coke is like 80 eur for a gram
I'm talking small grammage price, not wholesale. street price for shmucks.
5.0 Grams (g) = 0.17637 Ounces (oz)
how are your prices?
>I appreciate your input
bloodhound gang - bad touch about 30 sec. in

>> No.17348958

I could not serve tea during a tea ceremony to my grandparents back in southeast asia after I got married. Could not attend their funerals when they died in the last few years because of lockdowns and travel restrictions. So my wife and I had some tea and a local chinese garden/tea house and served tea in honor of my grandparents there instead. Just a basic ginseng oolong. It felt good.

>> No.17349031
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bye bye tea homos

>> No.17349114

>tfw enjoying morning pu er while listening to the new Jonathan Fitoussi/Clemenz Hourrières album
I don't know how it compares to doing L-theanin supplements in bed but I'm comfy as it gets.

>> No.17349495

there's a shumaggedon blind tasting going on on teadb, good stuff.

>> No.17349617
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can anybody tell me what type of green tea this is?
or did they sell me rodent droppings?

>> No.17349642

I get you were drunk, but why do you think you wanted those things if you had so much? I'm still debating on a Chawangshop order myself, and the idea of casually splurging with $120-$150 in a single order weirds me out. I don't think I'd do it without preparation, even if intoxicated. Though, I have been obsessed about a specific dull cup on there for over four months now, so my intrigue may take over. I don't buy nice things for myself often anyway.
>Tfw no Chawangshop coupon codes because they hardly seem to post online at all.
Nice, I'm sure yours will turn out better if you are careful. Try to avoid stabbing into the juice-filled cores, and check for pools of hydration at the bases of your peels. Avoid stacking them unless very dry, or you might get mold like I did. I was lucky to reclaim a measly 72g from that erroneous preparation.
L-theanine powder is inexpensive. I like to dose it and noopept sublingually for various use cases, and tea sessions are one of them. If you take those things and sip your tea, you may find a more soothing body-mind balance, and a more entrancing engagement with that music. I think one factor many people neglect when having a session is the mindset they bring to it. It's like a runner going on a morning jog, but failing to tie his shoelaces.

>> No.17349645

it's chinese green gunpowder tea, whole leaf but shitty. about a dollar for 100g. sandniggers use it to make moroccan mint tea. google.

also there is 15% off at farmer leaf right now, some of you were considering buying from fl, now it's the time.
of course the shipping from china takes about a month or little longer with standard epacket. thank god yeeontea and teaswelike and other reputable vendors use express. ktm sadly not and still charging like for express shipping.
in other news the shakes are gone, the beer slides constantly to my belleh, I might need a nap later. cherio!

>> No.17349649

My first guess would be gunpowder (Zhu cha), but it's not like tea leaves rolled into ball is unique to it.

>> No.17349675

>why do you think you wanted those things
its dayi lao cha tou, creme de la creme of shou nuggerz and still reasonably priced and xg cake with the tea mistletoe, I've had it with a cake from puerh.sk and love the taste it gives to the first brews, curious what big boy xiaguan does with it. also reasonably priced.

the gaiwan ant assorted teaware just to spite 2dogs shop :)

>> No.17349712

>Tea mistletoe

All that aside, is this order on KTM? I looked up the Dayi shou brick, and goodness, those may just be the fattest tea nuggies I have ever seen. Seems promising.
How many are you running now, exactly? Wonder how these selections would fare with a clay gaiwan or cup over porcelain, since they're probably decently smooth anyway. I'm still running plain porcelain and glass for everything myself, but I want to try drinking some whites and various pu'er (maybe a Haiwan shou) with a glazed clay gaiwan and cup combo.

>> No.17349746

https://sennyong.blogspot.com/2010/01/pang-xie-jiao-from-ancient-old-tea-tree.html this plant, take the writings with a grain of salt.

>How many are you running now, exactly?
I have fourporcelain gaiwans, use two of them regularly, 7g and 5g of tea ones. I really don't need this new one, I dun goofed but the porcelain teapot is a candidate for casual shou pot.
Also some yixings and ceramic pots but it gets too personal for my taste so I'll stop here.

>> No.17349810
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taking tea without milk is just wrong

>> No.17349894

If your tea is not good enough to be worth it on its own, i guess trying to make it palatable by milk is only logical thing to do.

>> No.17349903

do you guys wash your porcelain/glass teasets with soap and water or just hot water? i wanna drink more tea everyday but i hate cleaning up after

>> No.17349905

If you only drink Indian-style black teas, sure. Try a decent Yunnan or Fujian black and tell me it needs milkies.

>> No.17349912

I generally just rinse with hot water and scrub the tea buildup every once in a while.
I generally don't use soap for tea-ware, but i don't think there is anything wrong with it for glass and porcelain.

>> No.17349914

I lifhtly rinse off the remaining leaf and residue. That's it. It is very low-effort and requires almost no liquid or a xloth to handle if just a gaiwan, cup, gong dao bei, etc. Even a typical porcelain teapot can just be lightly rinsed.

>> No.17349936

I have two sets of cup+mesh filter, one for greenish teas and one for blackish teas, I hardly ever wash. I rinse them between sessions tho.

>> No.17349968

Only tea I drink is Lipton's, iced, with sugar. Anything else is just a Chinese conspiracy.

>> No.17350280 [DELETED] 

Any anons ever feel like their sheng, but not so much shou or heicha disturbs their biological rhythm or stability? Maybe it is the age or something else, bit nothing hits like some sharp sheng. I can have tons of a deep shou of heicha otherwise, and I may stay up later but not feel stressed or uneasy. Yet, I drink my sheng, and I can get stressed or uneasy, even nauseous if I am not careful with my infusions. It's not only one that does this to me either; I have found various sheng to lead to this, though they often also seem more vegetal and maybe sour or bitter. Maybe it's a mental thing associated with preference of taste?

>> No.17350297

Any anons ever feel like their sheng, but not so much shou or heicha disturbs their biological rhythm or stability? Maybe it is the age or something else, but nothing hits like some sharp sheng. I can have tons of a deep shou or heicha, and I may stay up later or have an increase in my heart rate, but I won't feel too stressed or uneasy. Yet, I drink my sheng, and I can get stressed or uneasy, even nauseous if I am not careful with my infusions. It's not only one that does this to me either; I have found various sheng to lead to this, though they often also seem more vegetal and maybe sour or bitter. Maybe it's a mental thing associated with preference of taste?

>> No.17350338
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i wipe out my gaiwan with a cloth but i leave my cup unless it starts to look like pic

>> No.17350710

are you a woman or teenager?

>> No.17351097

Oh god he went for the crab foot
Fair warning you probably don't want to drink that every day for multiple days in a row, it's not a particularly well understood herb in the west so if it gives you gout or something no doctor will have any clue what to do about it.
Should be fine to drink occasionally

>> No.17351117

Is it young sheng? I love sheng but i mostly won't touch it if it's less than 10-15 years old with at least somewhat humid storage. Young sheng just feels wrong to me, though i do enjoy it when i occasionally indulge.

>> No.17351216

Got a 2011 xiaguan bulang iron cake in from fullchea today.
I know 2011-2012 xiaguan can have some turds so hopefully this one is nice.

>> No.17351227
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Forgot pic

>> No.17351305

If I Drink 100ml of young sheng on an empty stomach I will get seriously nauseous and light headed until I eat something.
Shou, dark heicha, white teas, blacks and most oolongs don't bother my stomach at all.
Some extremely bitter/astringent oolongs don't settle well either.

>> No.17351445

my mom pays for all of my meds. never bought pcp on the street but common analogues go for 40-70 a gram, making a common dose about $0.25. meth is 50-150 from what i've seen/heard, never tried more than a hit but i used to do vyvanse all the time which is similar to lower doses. ghb isn't really similar to pcp, it's a gabaergic drug like alcohol and benzos whereas pcp is a nmda antagonist like ketamine, dxm, nos, etc.

>> No.17351493
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Snowy day hojicha. My wife is trying it for the first time. We've never really sat down and had tea together because she can't tolerate caffeine, so we're seeing how this goes.

>> No.17351616

Penis helmet turtle

>> No.17351638

Or clitoris turtle
Please excuse us we have gfs

>> No.17351652
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We had some kukicha and she was actually able to tolerate that as well. Maybe we'll try some old shou next time.

I've moved on to this sample I have from Teasider. Never had this kind of Shou before. From babelcarp, "Nuo4 Mi3 Xiang1 (Nuo4 Mi3 Xiang1) = (糯米香) literally Smells Like Sticky Rice: (1) a tropical herb, Semnostachya menglaensis H. P. Tsui; (2) a mixture of Yunnan Daye tea leaves with leaves of that herb". Very medicinal with a definitive sticky rice scent and aftertaste.

>> No.17351666
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Either way he's at his limit.

>> No.17351772
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>> No.17351785

This particular one I had last night is not too young, being one from around 2005 or so (so comfortably over 15 years). Though, it is quite the blaster regardless. I've had various ages of sheng, notably in the 2005 - 2009 range, but I've always found most sheng to be more striking and vegetal note-focused in general.

>> No.17351869

Swimming turtle

>> No.17351886
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we have this at every one of my local stores. Not the flavor, the brand, although I did buy this specific flavor and it's pretty good. I take all my tea with honey but I stopped using milk because I don't like how milk and water mix.

>> No.17351895

Celestial seasonings is pretty good, for grocery store herbal teabags with flavoring added. I usually have a couple boxes on hand for nighttime tea.
The Bengal spice is top tier, ginger lemon is also pretty good

>> No.17351946

Personally I respond really well to chamomile, I drink it all day and it has helped me out a lot with recovering from alcoholism since I refused to take any of the alkie pills pushed on me. I always drink it chilled, it's a lot more flavorful. Good luck and stay healthy

>> No.17352040

puerh bros, what sheng cake are you drinking currently
just finished mine and need some recs

>> No.17352093

Current is
Pretty good but i know it's hard to commit to a kilo.
Some 2009 xiaguan jia ji tuos would be a nice pick.
I just got this in today but haven't tried it yet, only if you like bitter
My two off the cuff recommendations are these, with the caveat that i haven't tried them and these are "just trust me bro" suggestions
If you want something younger but with nice pretty leaves and a good clean taste
Or if you want something young and single village
Finally if you want something semi aged and like that rough and ready factory roughness

>> No.17352580

anyone have experience with oolongs from vahdam teas?

>> No.17352642

Usually just rinse but one day I accidentally brewed a cinnamon blend in a teapot without thinking too much on it, had to use vinegar to get the pot to stop making my other teas taste like cinnamon

>> No.17352761

>can smell tea through container
>put plastic wrap between lid and container
>better but can still smell it
Should I be worried about this obviously not being 100% airtight? Harney containers suck

>> No.17352767

A cheap bag of loose leaf from teegeschwender. I have wondered about cakes but they seem more expensive than I'm willing to pay per cup

>> No.17352772

I don't but i would probably look elsewhere, india isn't really known for their oolongs.

>> No.17352780

I have about 10 different teas I make with a French press and just rinse it with water a couple times after pouring the tea, using the water in the cup to knock the leaves off the plunger. Lingering smells hasn't been a problem

I also wonder why presses aren't more popular gaiwan fags aside but I digress

>> No.17353126

I want to buy a teapot.
What are the pros and cons between porcelain, cast iron, and clay?

>> No.17353177
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I love drinking a nice mug of yerba mate. I just brew 1 liter at a time in my eletric kettle, and i use some random brand of loose leaf from amazon. Am I commiting any sins by making it this way?

>> No.17353199

It's kind of weird but it's fine if you want to drink it that way. Try looking at some videos of the traditional preparation and get one of those straws with mesh on the end. There is also a USA vendor in the pastebin that has a massive selection of mate and good prices if you want to try some of the more popular south American varietys, they have good descriptions of the taste too so you aren't just buying it blind.

>> No.17353200

Pros: Impermeable so you can use it with any tea, good heat retention, durable (aside from being breakable)
Cons: Breakable, hard to get in small sizes
>Cast iron
Pros: Also impermeable, practically unbreakable, maybe better heat retention than porcelain if it's heavier
Cons: Can rust, and I've never seen one in a size suitable for gongfu
Pros: Better heat retention than porcelain, usually more practical for gongfu, tends to have better pour and better fitting lid, has potential clay effects and seasoning if you're into that
Cons: Probably best to dedicate each teapot to a certain type of tea, a pot may not suit every tea, expensive, has caveats like how you should store it with the lid off after use to let it dry and shouldn't use soap

>> No.17353210

Cast iron is a meme, it's clunky, has to be preheated, then half the time it too hot.
Porcelain is easy to use, easy to keep clean and affordable, absolutely what i would recommend.
Clay is a very expensive meme, don't bother unless you are willing to spend at least $140 on a teapot. There is some info in the pastebin about clay and some safe vendors to order from.

>> No.17353225

you probably should use an alibaba electrode heater.

>> No.17353237

Could you tell me which vendor it is? I'll buy some from them once i run out of my current pound of loose leaf

haha nice refrence, but i'll pass. If anybody else wants one, the magic worlds are "water heater travel" or "immersion water heater" ;)

>> No.17353239
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I got some of this in a sampler and just bought a big bag of it. Shits so good. Perfect winter tea. Who here /genmaicha/ ?

>> No.17353272

>Could you tell me which vendor it is?
When you look at their categories sort teas by popularity, so you get a good idea of what people buy often.
I if you get overwhelmed this is a good starting point
Rosamonte is also really popular
Suave type is less bitter and less strong
Barbacoa type is smoked
No stems means more leaf = stronger mate
More fine ground dust = stronger more bitter infusions

>> No.17353280
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Just brewed this. So fucking perfect. All the stress from this week just melt away.

>> No.17353290

>cream fantasy bouquet
Sounds like a jpop album

>> No.17353486

tastes like one too!

>> No.17353527

Genmaicha best tea gang

>> No.17353531

It's great, i love the flavor that the toasted rice adds.

>> No.17354075

why are some teapots flat? does it serve a purpose?

>> No.17354472

Twist in the Great Anecdotal Race from China to France between CLT and YS : though CLT appeared to have been internationally shipped more than a week sooner according to the tracking system, without notice I've been asked the custom fees for YS.

>> No.17354558

To anons using clay teaware, how does a glaze impact the extraction of minerals within the clay? Do most glazes crack over time, or only some? I don't see a lot of info about this online, so I'm curious.

>> No.17354585

Not every teapot develops at the same rate anon she’ll get her curves someday don’t make her feel more self conscious about it than she already does.

>> No.17354608

>how does a glaze impact the extraction of minerals within the clay?
Isn’t the point of unglazed teaware to absorb things over time, not impart things?
Anyway, a properly applied glaze won’t (at least shouldn’t) magically crack purely do to age, it’s more of a use-thing.
Years and years of constant use can lead to micro cracks in glazes. It does depend on the glaze itself, how it was applied, how thick the coat is, etc.
This can occur more quickly depending on the level of thermal shock it receives.
As in, if you haven’t warmed the glazed up/pot at all, and it’s sitting at “cold” ambient temp, and you suddenly pour something boiling into it.
It isn’t necessary bad/dangerous/unhealthy/whatever though. Often the cracks are so tiny it doesn’t affect the function of the item, and rather gives it a neat look of decades of use.
When I’m home later I can take a pic of an old English coffee cup I have exhibiting this on the inside bottom.

>> No.17354725
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Brewed up some of this 2011 xiaguan Bulang iron cake from fullchea this morning. It's about what i was hoping for, bitter bulang character but tamed enough to be drinkable, respectable endurance. The flavor lasts respectably long on the pallet as well. Not the most dynamic or punchy tea ever but very nice for the price, would recommend. Anyone who likes Bulang character or is a fan of xiaguan should be happy with this tea. The date on the wrapper is 6/2011 so a second or third harvest tea (probably)

>> No.17354751

>Isn’t the point of unglazed teaware to absorb things over time, not impart things?
I initially thought that clay imparted minerals into the water/tea due to the porous nature, with mutual absorption of tea as a secondary process (being why people would dedicate specific teaware to specific tea types). Though, I was unsure if or how much glazing may affect this. I've heard even yixing doesn't affect the flavour/minerality too much. I am still learning about this subject though.
>When I’m home later I can take a pic of an old English coffee cup I have exhibiting this on the inside bottom.
I would like to see this. I have seen it a few times, though the way it affects different kinds of finishes seems equally different. I imagine some pretty jianzhan cups will develop some radical changes in their finishes after some months of frequent use.
How did you infuse this one? I suck at infusing sheng, but the quality of the leaves seems nice from the pics.

>> No.17354788

>How did you infuse this one?
Grandpa style, 7.5 grams in a 14-16 oz mug
I have a limited sensitivity to bitter flavors so this may not work for you but i also have a weak stomach so i can say this tea works grampa style without causing me issues like younger shengs can.

>> No.17354805

Typically the glazed teaware that you see that exhibits lots of crazing/cracks is a glaze formula and application style that is designed to create that effect. This is most common with Chinese ryu kiln / ice crack glazes and less frequently with ceylon glazes.

My experience is that bare clay teapots do make some difference in flavor, i find that it mostly mutes some aspects of flavor (the most muting types of clay are commonly used with ripes or wet storage teas that have some basement storage funk)
The clay teapot i have might also add some mineral aspects to the flavor but not anything that makes a huge difference.
I found my pot was more strongly muting when brand new and became less so with the first month of use presumably as a layer of tea residue built up on the inside clay.

>> No.17354809

This tea surprisingly got a tiny bit green tasting in the last few infusions before the flavor died. Nothing too young tasting but i didn't expect it because that taste was absent in the first 5 or so brews.

>> No.17354909


I found this interesting. They literally put wrong brewing instructions on the box when in reality the dustyass tea bags brew extremely quickly

>> No.17354921

why cant supermarkets just sell decent tea

>> No.17354926

Yeah, I don't know if I can ever infuse a sheng so strongly without getting blasted either by the potency of the caffeine/tannins or concentrated, sharp bitterness. No real issue with shou, though I don't usually do super strong infusions of that either. Maybe I'm just a shenglet? I find so many shengs to lean vegetal, and I'm not a strong fan of potent vegetal notes. I have much better luck with other heicha/shou.
It makes me question the benefit of buying anything but basic porcelain/glass teaware if the main appeal of the flavour/texture alteration would falter so soon through use, especially if you should dedicate specific tea types to each piece of teaware. Maybe that is why some people like silver teaware?

I mostly wanted some pretty teaware to drink out of and enhance the visual ambience of my sessions, but the flavour was another appeal. I'm not so sure now, but if nothing else, I can continue to appreciate the stuff from afar. The craftsmanship involved is personally appealing to me, and is part of why I've been obsessing over them for several months now.

>> No.17354976

>especially if you should dedicate specific tea types to each piece of teaware
The need to do this is overstated by teapot merchants. You need one teapot for stinky nasty stuff and then you can use another teapot for everything else. I brew oolong sheng and clean hei cha in the same pot without issue.

>> No.17355022
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>> No.17355099

I'm Brazilian, so I can tell you a bit. Tea and coffee are both high altitude crops. Brazil is the premier producer of high grade coffee, with the best Arabica since the 1910s and it was, along with chocolate, the country's premium commodity exports. Our culture is centered around coffee, the snack drink of choice is the cafezinho (tiny coffee) basically a slightly weaker espresso shot. It's drunk with any small non meal, like the German tradition of coffee and cake, but we also routinely drink it after major meals.

Tea never had a chance to grow here as a habitual drink. It was more used as herbal medicine like chamomile or lavender or Angelica tea.

Brazil is home of the biggest colony of Japanese people outside of Japan. With them they brought tea culture, and since the immigrants were primarily here to farm, as decided by both countries, they farmed some tea.
Nowadays, Brazil has some medium quality green teas and one premium grade black tea, called obaa-cha or granny tea, as it is grown by a grandma that wanted to do it in her spare time, her grandchildren help her.
IIRC what-cha carried it some time ago, idk now. Having bought some in Liberdade, a sort of little Japan in the city of São Paulo, and the only place with a physical store that has it, it was a very pleasant, bold and palatable black tea. No frills, reminded me of some Indian assamica but bolder. Went beautifully with honey. Honestly one of the best black teas to have with other flavorings I've had.

Our herbal infusions are much more plentiful, we make medicinal infusions out of things the whole world hasn't ever heard of, but I believe we will come to grow a lot of very good tea here, the soil and humidity can be very close to Chinese Tea climates, like Yunnan.

>> No.17355119

Fascinating, thanks anon
I had forgotten about the large Japanese presence in Brazil

>> No.17355731
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My tea doesn't really taste like anything until I add honey. Is it possible I'm not brewing it correctly?
Here's the stuff I bought, also.

>> No.17355736

Use more tea, try brewing it longer, do you have really hard water?

>> No.17355789

>Our herbal infusions are much more plentiful, we make medicinal infusions out of things the whole world hasn't ever heard of
It is amazing that latin places sell loose leaf herbal tea like it is nothing. I just got some whole linden flowers in great condition and there were dozens of other herbs there I do not know.

In Brazil, would it be considered weird to drink chamomile all day every day? Because people in America certainly think I'm strange for it.
>Why can't WHITE PEOPLE just sell decent tea
FTFY. Go into a latin supermarket and at least the tea won't have been ground into dust

>> No.17356106

>first linden infusion is yellow
>third linden infusion turns pink/red
This makes me wonder about how some linden tea bags make red tea and others make yellow tea. I've only ever seen a tea get paler, not truly change colors. Very cool

>> No.17356223
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greetings /tea/ drinkers. i have recently started enjoying warm black teas (been drinking a lot of iced te in place of soda for a long time). the varieties i have enjoyed so far are twinnings earl grey, lady grey, english breakfast, irish breakfast multipack, and chai. i like them all.
im also thinking about getting https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Black-Tea-Bags-8-oz-100-count/10315396 and experimenting with spices on the spice rack to see what i like with them.

>> No.17356244

Sounds like an awful idea on all counts. You should try some quality unadulterated black tea instead. Read the pastebin.
>that infographic
This is really missing something.

>> No.17356411

I don't think so? I'd have to test it.

>> No.17356708

I bought some globe amaranth tea. It's extremely pretty but also extremely bland. Is this just how it's meant to be or have I purchased a bum batch or brewed it poorly or something?
Also, where to find 500ml (or so) teacups? I had four but I was washing them recently and dropped one on another, breaking both. No mugs. Teacups. Preferably glass or heavy porcelain/ceramic cuz these were bone china and I don't wanna get another set of something so delicate since I will invariably drop those, too.
Matching saucers would also be nice. Any help?

>> No.17356726

>Also, where to find 500ml (or so) teacups?
Ebay, there are 500 Million used cup and saucer sets on ebay, just pick one that suit's your fancy

>> No.17356767
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>I would like to see this.
Took longer than I expected but here ya go.

>> No.17356790

Sweet crazing

>> No.17356837

I am retarded and forgot ebay existed.
Hopefully I'll find full sets. Even if I'm a bit apprehensive about buying used, it never hurts to look. Danke, freunde.

>> No.17356855

Use the term Limoges if you want to search for french porcelain.
Don't worry about buying used teacups, nobody ever uses theirs so they are usually brand new.

>> No.17356888


>> No.17356889

>if the main appeal of the flavour/texture alteration would falter so soon through use
I believe the appeal of “the pot enhancing the flavor of the tea” isn’t about the pot itself lending flavor.
Of course it will do to to some extent to begin with, simply due to it being an “unsealed” surface.
I believe the actual desired flavor-enhancement from using the pot is what results after a ton of regular use, and gets better as the years go by, due to the clay absorbing oils from the tea over this time.
It can be thought of as the pot giving back to you as thanks for the use and care, and giving you more as time passes, as the absorbed “essences” of the tea combine and slowly become an inseparable part of the pot.
It makes the pot more and more valuable to you with age, and makes them near-priceless treasures to inherit; it effectively allows someone to share a pot of tea with their father or grandfather years after they have passed, as the tea they brewed years ago is imparting a bit of itself into the tea he is brewing now.
This is enhanced by the act of pouring a bit of the tea, or the water used to rinse the tea, on the exterior of the pot.
It will give a visual patina that grows deeper with time.

>> No.17356912

Despite being from the next country over, I know nothing of French porcelain. Is it sturdy or fine? I would guess fine, but again: I know nothing.

>> No.17356913

>I believe the actual desired flavor-enhancement from using the pot is what results after a ton of regular use, and gets better as the years go by, due to the clay absorbing oils from the tea over this time.
Nah this is gross, i don't want old tea scum in my new cuppa
Clay pots are very simple but vendors have turned them into this mystical magical meme because it sells pots.
I don't thinkg the Chinese are out there talking about how they haven't washed a pot in 50 years, it's just more weird western romanticism of eastern stuff that again vendors are happy to push because they would love you to buy 8 different teapots from them.

>> No.17356916

>random brand of loose leaf from amazon.
Try Canarias

>> No.17356925

It depends, they make thicker more heavy pieces especially with mugs, but from my brief look at teacups they seem to generally be on the more delicate side.
I guess you are looking for something more along the lines of stonewear or ceramic
I do know ebay is less popular in Europe but hopefully you will fond it helpful

>> No.17356946

THAT is the word I needed. Being ESL is hell. Stonewear. I'll look up stonewear teacups. Maybe that'll turn something up.
>ebay less popular in europe
True, but I don't live there anymore, though I guess the reason I didn't think of ebay in the first place is due to that lack is popularity back home.
Thanks and thanks again. You've been a big help.

>> No.17356979


>> No.17356990

What's your favorite matcha?

>> No.17356999

Well if he searches stonewear he will get all the listings from retard sellers, might be some good deals. Ebay will probably autocorrect it anyway

>> No.17357193

Sorry for not explaining a bit more clearly, friend.
>vendors have turned them into this mystical magical meme because it sells pots
But we’re specifically talking about unglazed clay. It absorbs things. There’s nothing “mystical” about a porous surface doing what porous surfaces do. Of course marketing fluff will try to make it sound that way, but that’s usually so they can overcharge. Find a place which doesn’t.
>I don't thinkg the Chinese are out there talking about how they haven't washed a pot in 50 years
Of course not. The process I described isn’t a result of “not washing”. Pots are definitely rinsed properly.
That’s why the absorption process takes so long; it isn’t some built-up layer of surface residue leftover from a lack of cleaning, it’s clay itself basically becoming infused after tons of use.
And it definitely *is* Chinese (at least those with money) who will spend insane amounts on such pots which have been frequently used and cared for over decades.
It’s that use, not the age, which increases the value (assuming it’s a “regular” pot and not something from a famous craftsman or such)
>western romanticism of eastern stuff that again vendors are happy to push
Chinese vendors don’t really have to “push” this to Chinese customers because it’s common knowledge for them. But sure, a lot of western importers gonna market and try to raise prices, so you should look elsewhere.
>because they would love you to buy 8 different teapots from them
That’s really not a marketing meme so much as a purist tick.
Sorry, let me rephrase.
It *is* a marketing meme insofar as western vendors who make it sound like this is the best/correct method of use and anything less means your experience “inauthentic” and somehow bad for the pot.
Owning many is not common unless you own a tea house or, are an obsessed purist like someone who has 15 different styles of wine glass at home.

>> No.17357272

Derp. I misspelled not once but twice. But cut me some slack, though. I speak five languages and of them, English has by far the strangest spelling rules.

So about that amaranth tea I mentioned earlier: have any of you tried it?

>> No.17357293

I got my fullchea order in 10 days, is that lucky? I got a shou mushroom tuo and a 100g sheng tuo, both Nanjian brand. Got mini tuos for free, should I bother with those?
That's about right. Clay pots give a little and take a little flavor.
>I don't thinkg the Chinese are out there talking about how they haven't washed a pot in 50 years
Nigga it's they who originated all this stuff about clay in the first place, they're also the ones who exaggerate it like the story of a guy making tea with no tea.

>> No.17357444

>Got mini tuos for free, should I bother with those?
Why not? Trying tea you haven’t tried before is fun.
It might be good, and you’ll find something new to like.
Or it might be a god-forsaken disgusting curse in tea-form, which makes you want to swish with salted rubbing alcohol to remove the flavor and the outermost surface cells in your mouth which were infected with it, in which case you’ll have a great story to come here and tell.

>> No.17357451

>Got mini tuos for free, should I bother with those?
I give them to my cat to bat around on the floor

>> No.17357472
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making hojicha

>> No.17357494
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>> No.17357509

Love hojicha.
Love mugicha.
Fiancée hates mugicha.
More mugicha for me.

>> No.17357527

Bucket size

>> No.17357546
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steamed for 5minuted

>> No.17357612
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and toasted over stovetop on medium heat for 7ish minutes. smells good, once it cools i'll try some out

>> No.17357619


>> No.17357706

would anyone confirm that lavender tea puts them to sleep?

debating between lavender and chamomile .

>> No.17357721

tastes kind of like toast with slight floral notes. 'deep' quality reminiscent of well made hojicha without much aftertaste or a pronounced direction, still good quality for fannings

>> No.17357967

They are both somewhat relaxing, neither of them put you to sleep

>> No.17358032

Best sleep I ever had from tea was from some server at a place which I later learned added a bit of opium to it.

>> No.17358074

We don't think it's weird at all, you'd be pegged as a bit of health nut for it, and most people would tell you they prefer Angelica, which BTW is wonderful to blend with chamomile and very much potentialities its effects in anxiety and sleep.

We infuse anything, orchids, catleyas, hibiscus, lemongrass and those are just for taste, the real medicinal ones have no English name, some don't even have a name in Latin. We enjoy using obscure ingredients from the northern portion of Brazil, the Amazon and especially its neighboring biomes have gigantic biodiversity and those areas especialize in herbal medicine. Natura, a cosmetic and skincare product, focuses exclusively on ingredients that can't be found elsewhere, their ucuuba hand cream is amazing.

That said you can find packets of anything to brew as tea. Something that is available to you right now is pomegranate tea, but not the fruit, you boil the peel. It's godawful but gargling it will fix up and sore throat.

>> No.17358200

>the real medicinal ones have no English name, some don't even have a name in Latin. We enjoy using obscure ingredients from the northern portion of Brazil, the Amazon and especially its neighboring biomes have gigantic biodiversity and those areas especialize in herbal medicine
I always wondered where the hell indigenous medicine went... Told friends that every plant in the ground in that region of the world was likely cultivated for hundreds of years for reasons we don't know and would be fun to find out. But I guess in Brazil you have indeed found out.

I have never heard of Angelica, but it sounds really nice. Pomegranate peel tea is also a really good idea. People cry about pesticides on citrus peels here, but I enjoy eating them sometimes regardless.
It might not put you to sleep, but the lavender changes the relaxing effect of the chamomile to be more sleepy. Also, lavender made me grow breasts. I read the warnings but still drank it and it only took a couple of weeks for cones of fat to appear over my pecks. Once you really get going with the herbal teas, none of them will put you to sleep. Melatonin is a better bet if you need to be asleep by x hour, herbs do not care about your schedule at all

>> No.17358341

>be el1te hax0r
>hack electric kettle to stay on steep setting forever
Best recommendations for overnight tea? I am tanninmaxxing

>> No.17358470
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It soothes the nerves and is conductive to sleep, also reduces anxiety and symptoms of ADHD (my sister is formally diagnosed and it has helped her a lot)
Goes very well with honey or chamomile. Lavender too.

Biodiversity in the amazon and environs is still in the process of being discovered. Picrel is the biggest treasure trove of medicinal herbs and is being zealously studied by universities. The garrafada (bottled or a bottling, like the verb) is a "potion" of several herbs, roots and woods, usually boiled and steeped then bottled. They sometimes edge on the mexican santeria, as some salesmen attribute to them magic properties and effects, like Luck In Love, or Money Bringer. The biggest place for them is Para, the large state neighboring the amazon to the east. It's IIRC the size of texas or a little smaller. The amazon itself doesn't have much categorized medicine because some tribes have literally never been found, others you have no communication let alone cooperation with. I once helped a teacher in university in compiling the first grammar for one such tribe. I will never step in the amazon again.

>> No.17358479

Great post anon, very informative.

>> No.17358631

I refuse to believe that people drink tea bags without 2 sugars
tried it a number of times and it just tastes like sludge

>> No.17358657

Try shorter steeping times or better teabags.
Or just drink loose leaf.

>> No.17358778

Thanks for sharing. It is somewhat odd to me how such crazing appears almost rounded; it isn't exactly like a typical glass "lightning shatter". I've seen it in a few gaiwans or other cups, but not that often.
Interesting info; I appreciate the thorough run-down. Do you own much porous teaware, or do you mostly stick non-porous stuff? I know some anons here have some very nice custom-make gaiwans/cups.
>I got my fullchea order in 10 days, is that lucky?
Yeah, that is pretty good time. The mini tuos they toss in are not especially good, but you could hold onto them for a rainy day. Any pics of the mushroom one? I'd be interested in hearing how it tastes.

>> No.17358866

I refuse to believe that people drink tea bags

>> No.17358912

that part is believable considering how widespread bags are
people who say they don't don't take sugar with bags are liars THOUGH

>> No.17359062

It's always the people who have sipped the infusions bagged teas that say they "don't like tea" or that they need some sort of additive because itbis too bland, bitter, or upsetting to tbe stomach. Everyone who has accepted my novice advice on basic tea practices has found a significant jump in the experience. I get mild, probably autistic frustration when I go to a store and see only dull teabags and tisanes because that is what so many people think 'tea' is. I can only imagine that is how coffee enthusiasts feel too when people say they "don't like coffee" and need it with sugar and other contaminants.

There are so many budget options for whole leaf that aren't even expensive and are miles more enjoyable plain. I'm sipping on a cheap as dirt shou mei right now that I got 340g of for $9.23 on Fullchea last year, and it easily beats anything I've sipped from a teabag. If I wasn't uncomfortable in front of a camera, I'd have asked to join Nannuoshan's ambassador program by now. I just want to have a meditative tea experience every day, and for others to have that opportunity to ease up and release their grief and stresses too. It can be difficult to capture that in the bustling pace of our modern society.

>> No.17359199

That's exactly what I'm saying you need 2 sugars to even make tea bags tolerable

>> No.17359609

>it isn't exactly like a typical glass "lightning shatter"
That’s because it happened slowly over time rather than mostly at once from a sudden shock.
Like how if you break a pane of glass it will be mostly jagged-but-straight-line shards, where if a window has a tiny crack that grows over time due to temperature fluctuations, it can form curves.
>Do you own much porous teaware, or do you mostly stick non-porous stuff?
I personally stick to a small cast iron pot because I travel so much with work. I know there are clay/ceramic “travel sets”, but they’ll break anyway. I think by “travel” they mean road/train trip, not airports where baggage handlers play rugby with your luggage.
I do enjoy a lot of tea from the porous stuff though, at tea shops or chinese colleagues’ houses as I’m usually stuck in my employer’s Shanghai office for at least a few months yearly.

>> No.17359648

tea pet

>> No.17359658
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The only acceptable kind is a fat kid pissing into an animal’s mouth.

>> No.17359759

barry's tea is great with just some milk

>> No.17359776

Bagged doesn’t automatically mean “shit”, and it serves a few purposes.
And I don’t take sugar with any tea other than some British ones.

>> No.17360242

I had really good tie Guan yin lightly roasted oolong, but I can't seem to find the exact tea anymore. My guess is that it really does depend on the manufacturer on how the tea tastes. Any suggestions where I could buy it? Or any suggestions for other oolong teas?

>> No.17360416

Having some 2017 Taetea V93 shou right now. Got it over a year ago from Fullchea, and let most of it rest until now since I thought just a pinch more of time and infusion experience would do it well. Seems to sit between a milk and dark cacao in flavour notes depending on infusion strength parameters, but both ways are nice. Infused liquid smells kind of "very light café milky" if that makes sense. It's more difficult to place than the leaf itself, which still smells kind of like a toasted caramel/biscuit as it did a year ago, but perhaps more clearly than I remember.

Either way, it's smooth, and has a sort of sweet malty aftertaste that slowly creeps up after each sip. I'm pleased with how it turned out after just a year. Not bad at all, and makes me want to look for more shou or heicha if I decide to succumb to my interest in stuff from Chawangshop soon.

Here's the link to the one I got if anyone is interested:
They also have a 2015 one I haven't tried for not much more I imagine is pretty good:

>> No.17360490
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A casual picture of the 2017 V93 infusion.

>> No.17360563

Based boy pissing tea pet, the delight of Chinese gramas everywhere

>> No.17360593

Less cheap
Getting into pricey
The usual suspects like yunnan sourcing also have it but reviews are mixed
King tea mall has a few but none are specifically roasted

>> No.17360606

Nice, thanks for the review anon
I will say i have heard the quality of the v97 was a bit lax from 2013 to 2017 or so i would probably avoid the 2015 offering
I think 2017 was the first good batches they had had in a while, this is according to some Russians on one of the Russian language chans so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.17360618
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I got a hype feeling from Pu'Erh tea by reading it's wikipedia page. Found pic rel at a chinese grocery store. What am I in for teabros?

>> No.17360651

>it's chinese green gunpowder tea, whole leaf but shitty. about a dollar for 100g. sandniggers use it to make moroccan mint tea.
if true, why do they even plant, grow, harvest, package, and distribute such a shit product? There's gotta be something superior for a similar cost for sandbugs, no?

>> No.17360663

>golden sail brand
I'm guessing they are teabags of ripe puer, i have had surprising luck with random teabags like that being drinkable, if a bit bland and woody. If it's weak use 2 tea bags, if the first cup you make tases a little off, or you don't like the smell they do this.
Put 2 teabags in mug, cover them with an inch or two of boiling water.and dunk them so they sink, then count out 10-15 seconds. Dump out that water, then leave the teabags in and fill with boiling water like normal.
Puer is my favorite tea, so if you have a bad experience with asian market puer don't let it ruin it for you, just grab one of these.
And enjoy delicious tea

>> No.17360896
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thank you for your reply, puerh-lover.

It's actually loose leaf, but I also bought some packets too. I was super curious what fermented tea would be like.

>>bit bland and woody
this was my experience with it as well as
>surprisingly not bitter after steeping for 5 minutes (as instructed on the package)
>smelled a bit like barn or an agricultural trade show with livestock.
>looked like coffee, I was expecting a more transparent red colour.

overall 4/10. Nothing wrong with it per-se but the smell through me off. And the thought of some chinese peasant hairs/poo/sweat/rodents being in there made it that much more unpleasant. Probably cus I read this on wiki.

>Twigs and the fruits of the tea plant should not be found in the spent tea leaves; however, animal (and human) hair, strings, rice grains and chaff may occasionally be included in the tea.
big turn off.

>> No.17360901

also, what's the deal with this phrase? it is common for teabros to buy tea, not like it, toss it, and label it as, non-drinkable?
I've seen it on r*ddit too

>> No.17360909

Looks good!
like somethin…gaiwanna try.

>> No.17360935

The more fancy puers tned to have more caramel, chocolate, baked good kind of notes and less wood, though i do love a nice root celler loamy tasting puer sometimes
>smelled a bit like barn or an agricultural trade show with livestock.
Yeah cheap puer can do that, try the rinse, soaking the looseleaf in boiling water for 20 seconds and then brewing it. That helps rinse out some off the off flavors.
>animal (and human) hair, strings, rice grains and chaff may occasionally be included in the tea
It's kind of a joke that if you buy enough puer you will eventually get something like that, but it's just a fact of life when buying completely hand harvested and hand processed goods for pennies per gram.
The one i liked should be super clean as it's actually made in a modern factory with everyone handling it in clean suits, far from the more traditional stuff and the old ways of production.
It just means tea that isn't amazing but isn't gross shite. Ive bought some really sketchy puer before that reeks like a fishing dock and i would never actually drink that swill. Where i have peur teabags from the Chinese market and i wouldn't mind bringing them with me to drink at a friends how or on a trip.

>> No.17360942

>The one i liked
*The one i linked

>> No.17361070

thank you so much. you're great for typing all this out. tea must make people more patient to take on lengthy endeavors (Britain, China)

>> No.17361154

>if you buy enough puer you will eventually get something like that, but it's just a fact of life when buying completely hand harvested
I believe a previous thread established that it’s a good thing, as finding a long hair in your puerh means that the farmer girl it belongs to is now destined by the cosmos to be your wife. Or something.

>> No.17361163

got myself my first pair of pressed cakes from yunnan sourcing, a ripe and a 2019 raw. thanks for the comfy thread guys, I'll be here to stay

>> No.17361184

>splurge and treat yourself to a 20g chunk of a 1980 pu-erh cake
>find hair of rural tea farm girl.. who was already almost 20 when harvesting that tea
>now inescapably fated to marry some 62yo Chinese lady
c-can I just put it back and resell the tea to someone else?

>> No.17361237

I found a tiny chunk of concrete in a cheap cake.
I've kept it for good luck.

>> No.17362159

pls respon

>> No.17362170

Eh it's not ideal but it's not the end of the world, you could put the tea in a few ziploc bags and stick thrm in the harney tin if it makes you feel better. Or don't worry about it and just drink the tea within the next year or so. Or get some mason jars

>> No.17362193

generic black teabags are so bland that they tricked me into thinking that I didn't like tea until recently

>> No.17362317

Cheap teabags are actively evil

>> No.17362398

I ziplock some but I believe there's size issues with smaller tins, though I still might. I have tea up to four years old so I'm getting overly worried about what I replaced a couple of them with

>> No.17362636

Thoughts on Mao Jian?

>> No.17362720

Ive had a similar style of Chinese green tea, it was pretty good. Make sure you buy fresh tea, at this point you might just want to wait 2 months for the spring 2022 harvest but otherwise make sure it's tea from 2021

>> No.17363893

dust is dust

>> No.17363958

I already had this I think, but the roasting and aroma was a bit too much for me

>> No.17364241

I have three. A carp, a toad dragon with a chipped claw, and a booba lady in a bath

>> No.17364248

So CLT won. Half of it at least. But it has nothing to do with the Chinese fucking with Scott's company: french mail lost trace of my parcel last week, no update since. Hopefully they will find out where it is and send it to me.

>> No.17364548

Steeping chamomile and linden for 8 hours overnight leads to some pretty savory tea in the morning. The day just flies by with this elixir.

>> No.17364739
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>Sell something as a “set”
>Doesn’t actually include all the items pictured
I hate misleading bullshit product images.

>> No.17364788

bros, barley tisane is "ok" but it isn't quite enough. is there anything that's more bold and flavorful and caffeine free?

also, can't wait for spring 2022.

>> No.17364798

what a cringey description, desu.

>> No.17364817

Yeah I really hate it when someone tries to be humorous.

>> No.17364967

i'm not against humour, but this is a bit rubbish and cliche.

>> No.17365055

Normally I’d agree if it were a “professional” site with product descriptions written by someone whose job it is to manage that content.
But in this case it’s all done by a middle-aged Chinese lady who owns a tiny shop, so I find her attempt at humor in a language she’s fairly poor with to be more endearing than cringey.
But without that context, the screenshot does indeed come across as cliche rubbish.

>> No.17365095

ok. fair enough.

>> No.17365297

Indian tea is ok, but for some reason it loses its flavor really fast when you make it gongfu style.

>> No.17365415
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I passed up buying pix related this weekend.
Nearly froze my ass off one day. Went to concession stand for a cuppa. All they had was Earl Gray teabags. And by the time it was done brewing we were thru the line for the next ride and I had to dump the whole cup before it was cooled down enough to drink.

>> No.17365472

This is too much, makes me think of the fat girl from highschool that loved Tinkerbell

>> No.17365666

The shitty thing about steeping overnight is that the second infusion is pretty much unsalvageable, no matter how long you steep it for. I'm probably just going to bottle this and drink it in place of water, because that is what it tastes like.

>> No.17365676

Isn’t the cup supposed to have a chip in it?
Like wasn’t that literally a defining characteristic?

>> No.17365687

Satanic tisane brewing
You can do that yourself...

>> No.17365699

Hell no. If I were to pay a Disney price, I want an official Disney chip in the cup.

>> No.17365885

Yes. But what would happen is (((someone))) would cut themselves on the “chip”, then sue Disney for product liability. Just make the cup as normal and avoid product liability lawsuits.

>> No.17365975

Local tea store gave me an insanely good deal ($20/250g on a pretty good quality tea) and I ended up buying more than I can probably drink.
Are there are secrets for preserving/refreshing Green tea?

>> No.17366049

Oh that’s easy to avoid, friend. Simple corporate legal-department-approved disclaimer printed on the bottom of the item, along with something implying “but you can if you want to, just don’t blame us”
>Intended for display purposes only; not for use with food/drink
>Made with food-safe materials

>> No.17366078

I use Fellow Atmos Containers. They seem to work. Otherwise generic aluminium tins with whatever anodizing makes them gold colored seems to work well. I use to use generic plastic "air-tight" containers but tea seems to lose its natural fragrance in those containers; I have no clue why.

>> No.17366350

The obvious solution is to make more tea.
I go through a lot of green tea because I’ll make it by the pitcher so I’ll always have refreshing cold green tea in the fridge.

>> No.17366686
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 1630431857565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red alert - chink holidays, heads up for serious autists

yeeontea runs 15% off discount till 9th
farmer leaf 15% till tomorrow
kingteamall 10%
yunnan sourcing also has some discounts right now, but who the fuck buys from them lmao. jk scott, you aight
teaswelike runs some maintenance on site

friendly reminder that the orders made today will start shipping probably by the end of february. so buy, forget, get surprised.

(I do it for free, post some OC)

>> No.17366864

No man it's only a couple months until the fresh spring harvest is available, that tea is past it's prime already, still drinkable but they pawned that shit off on you. Maybe good sign though because I'm surprised a local tea shop would do that instead of just selling years-old green tea that's overpriced anyways.

>> No.17367266

Thanks anon

>> No.17367278

Your image triggers me greatly.

>> No.17367383

unfortunately, their shipping has gone up since November.

>> No.17367485

Any idea if Chawangshop will do anything?

>> No.17367513

I was thinking about buying that 2004 cake from farmerleaf, it's free shipping and I'd save ~20 bucks but my brain is conditioned to want to buy tea all at once, and spring is about to sproing.

>> No.17367551

Should I buy the “cough herbs” at the bodega? Comes in the same brand as peppers and chamomile.

>> No.17367680

hi am american
where does i puchase the tea and influser?> too many fking websites

>> No.17367725

Look in the pastebin
Get a finum infuser basket (pic related) on ebay or Amazon.
Get tea from yunnansourcing.us if you want Chinese tea or uptontea.com if you want English breakfast style typical black tea or indian teas.

>> No.17367730

I can't remember if he did sales last year, i guess you can keep an eye on his website the next few days.

>> No.17367752

Thank you, that is exactly what I looking for. Google is a mess for these kinds of searches and I wasn't sure if pastebin sites were defunct hipster shops from 2013.

>> No.17367876

The pastebin is kept up to date and is pretty good, don't worry about using it.

>> No.17368887

Nope, chawang doesn't do sales

>> No.17369056

I finally got puerh dragon balls and brewed one and it has solidified my opinion on them, mainly I don't get why people think they're hard. The tea I brewed today was a 2021 bulang sheng puerh from Bitterleaf. I gave mine a quick rinse and then left it alone, I intended to let it sit for 20 minutes or so since I heard that helps but I ended up waiting only 5 minutes. I then gave it a long first brew, again intending to go for longer but it was clearly unfurling and steeping a lot so I poured it out at 35 seconds. It was already overbrewed. The rest of the session, it performed just like any other puerh. This is not my first choice for puerh forms, but it's surely a convenient way to do samples and my experience was far off from what vendors recommend you do. Also as for the tea in question, I didn't write a detailed tasting note but it was alright. Real grassy and bitter at first then it randomly became sweet towards the end. I think the tea might be dry from time in transit though.

>> No.17369060

Thoughts on Yunnan Sourcing?

>> No.17369136

Sincerely overpriced, not white2tea levels of overpriced, but still overpriced. That said a US warehouse is tempting for quick shipping

>> No.17369137

Very entry-level tea shop but not a bad one. They have good prices and service and aren't really cancer as a brand. As far as the tea itself they're a department-style store so it's a mixed bag, you have to look into it to know what's good. Like from my experience, their house brand puerhs are consistently good. Puerhs are like their main thing. An area that I have found to be way more hit or miss is their yancha, it's mostly low quality stuff and I got some dud teas that were overroasted and bland. I've had a much better experience with a yancha specialist.

>> No.17369327

drinking chinese tea is feminine

>> No.17369348

Who... cares?

>> No.17369399

I'm a masculine guy with a big penis

>> No.17369482

ok, then what is masculine, dicklet?

>> No.17369502

We're all here forever anyway

>> No.17369625

Is that you, pissboy?

>> No.17369641

When I googled the site I found out that the owner makes anonymous accounts on Reddit to shill his site and talk down other tea sites. He probably does the same thing here. Not sure to trust.

>> No.17369682

I don't know shit about anything so hopefully this helps:

The first site I bought tea from was Yunnan Sourcing. The tea tastes good and the prices seemed inline with expectations. DHL gets my shit from YS to my house in about a week. It just works.

I don't drink poopoo-ers though, so my opinion might not mean anything to you.

>> No.17369688

the only other site I bougt tea from was Teabox which also "just worked" and pajeet tea tastes fine and depending what you buy it's even cheaper than YS.

again, just for context.

>> No.17369759

I can taste some sheng in that shou after 1L@90°C@7.5g/100mL. Strange.

>> No.17369776

Why does super strong herbal tea actually have less flavor than a more delicate infusion?

>> No.17369825

Drinking a mix of 4 oolongs and a White tea.

Good flavor and Seemingly high quality.

A tad bit expensive though, Seems to last awhile so can't complain.

>> No.17370373

Man this Ginseng Oolong smells fucking good.

>> No.17370514

That would be liquidproust buddy.

>> No.17371137
File: 810 KB, 2400x2400, Lapsang_Souchong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the verdict on Lapsang Souchong?

>> No.17371206

Mine is: I don't like flavoured teas

>> No.17371318

It's good when it's made well, some of the super cheap heavily smoked stuff is a bit rough
But it's also annoying that many of the more premium versions basically aren't smoked at all.

>> No.17371381

I was only watching videos of Japanese tea factories. Now Youtube thinks I want to watch Japanese mukbangs and a video of a woman masturbating on a train(??)

>> No.17371465

Based YouTube

>> No.17371538

its a good all round shop with something for just about everyone.
huge selection of Chinese teas at a wide range of price points.
has a US warehouse for faster shipping (though it has a smaller selection).
not the most tightly curated, its up to you to find what you want.
shipping from their Chinese warehouse is expensive (though they are not alone in this right now)
prices can be a bit inconsistent for aged tea (some of it is overpriced due to how they mark it up each year).

if you order from their Chinese warehouse right now i would recommend shelling out for DHL express or "YS express" shipping it you are not prepared to potentially wait months for your package. Covid's done a real number on international shipping.

>> No.17371556

I like it, not enough to drink all the time though

>> No.17371559

has anyone here tried Hu-Kwa brand Lapsang Souchong? i thought someone here ordered some a while back but i never saw them post notes on it.

>> No.17371568

it's convenient and well polished compared to the alternatives

>> No.17371633

>Covid's done a real number on international shipping.
I just got a single cake from fullchea in about a week and a half from china to the US.
Obviously boxes take longer but my kilo sized order from KTM also only took about 2 weeks or so. YS shipping is cursed

>> No.17371662

I'm interested to, i might just grab some tonight

>> No.17371706

both my recent yeeontea and farmer leaf orders both took over a month via airmail. i guess it just depends on if you are lucky and it gets on a plane in a timely manner.

>> No.17371848

Yeah it's a crapshoot i guess. It seems like the specific airport in china your tea ends up at on it's way over makes a huge difference

>> No.17371946
File: 19 KB, 757x96, 1615268218529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tea really meant to taste like all of this?

I'm drinking 'Big Snow Mountain of Mengku Black". I brought my kettle to boil, slowly poured it over about 2.5 tablespoons of tea (in an infuser, of course) from a high altitude, and it tastes...good, but not like all of this. I've got about two cups of water over those 2.5 tablespoons, by the way. It tastes like wood. And has a sort of apple-y aftertaste.

>> No.17371982

>Is tea really meant to taste like all of this?
Lol, that guy takes some liberties with his tea descriptions. If you get into tasting and identifying different flavors I'm sure you could notice some of those notes and nuances but having a huge list of tastes like that in a listing is kind of silly.

>> No.17371988

When having a cup of tea i might look for mineralty, sweetness, smokeyness, the sort of lasting flavors on your palette after you taste it, but it still usually tastes like tea, maybe some fruit nuances, maby some chocolate or woody notes etc but i could never come up with a huge list of shit like that.

>> No.17371995

i bought this from harney and it smells like gasoline. Waste of money.

>> No.17372023


2 cups of water may be diluting the flavor, I usually use about 1 cup of water per 2g of tea.

>> No.17372027

>What's the verdict on Lapsang Souchong?
Nice every once in a while for novelty.

>> No.17372143

Why does Yunnan Sourcing ask you to tip? If I don't tip, will my order never ship? Wtf?

>> No.17372503

if you do get some be sure to tell us how it is. if you don't i will still get around to getting it myself and posting notes eventually. i have not had any Lapsang Souchong in ages. years before i was on /tea/ i used to drink a lot of the cheap really smokey stuff that was so strong that you could smell the dry leaves even though multiple layers of zip lock bags. the funny thing was the tea itself was mild in bitterness and nearly impossible to over brew which was a big part of why i liked it so much. never was a big fan of breakfast style teas that seem like they need milk and sugar to make them palatable.

>> No.17372539

just don't tip or pay like a $1 as far as i know it doesn't matter. i have no idea why Scott Wilson thought that was a reasonable idea. it thew me for a loop when he added it. do note that if you are ordering from the Chinese site they are on vacation right for Chinese new years right now so its not going to ship until after February 15th anyways. i think the US site should still be shipping normally though.

>> No.17372565
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Medicalfag here

If you're serious about kicking hardcore addictions, then I would recommend a combination of 3 things: Kratom, CBD (thc free) weed, and regular exercise.

blacktiecbd is the site I'd recommend for the cbd weed

>> No.17372605

That's just how tasting notes work. Its more the essence of something rather than it actually tasting like that thing.

>> No.17372650
File: 335 KB, 582x336, FireShot Capture 001 - Celestial Seasonings Caffeine Free Herbal Tea Sampler Caffeine Free H_ - www.instacart.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of herbal teas, but my prefered flavors are Earl Grey and Vanilla Chai, usually prefer Vanilla Chai alone with no additives, Earl Grey with lemon juice & honey.

also anyone try Mormon tea? is it any good?

>> No.17372691

what's a good mint tea? i like vanilla, and mint. anything good involving vanilla and mint? peppermint?

>> No.17372904
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Got my Chaozhou teapot from Bitterleaf. It is quite pleasing.

>> No.17373098
File: 79 KB, 598x600, Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 11.54.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In today's over-regulated and literally suffocating world I do my best to honor my roots and behave like a third worlder whenever and wherever I can. I pour hot herbal brews out of it into a disposable (but reusable) coffee cup during lecture. It gives me an excuse to lower the fucking stupid faggot ass mask and the tea is strong enough to btfo my adhd by slowing my stream of thought to a crawl.

>> No.17373378

Yeah ive found that smoking a tea not only adds a smokey flavor but also seems to smooth out the flavor of the tea itself and make it milder.

>> No.17373385

Nice, i like your setup there, I'm also partial to putting teapots in bowls

>> No.17373390


>> No.17373420

>the tea is strong enough to btfo my adhd
sounds like some good-good. what are we drinking? i'm rotating between green tea, peppermint and pu-erh

>> No.17373546

good stuff is max comfy, bad stuff is worse than bad general unflavoured tea. vahdam's smoked assam is amazing, smokes and malty, meileaf's logan wood is also great as its far less acrid than pine smoked. Russian caravan is a blend thats less smoked than usual Lapsang Souchong if you're worried about the smoke taste

>> No.17374120

lots of shitty lapsang out there, even from well respected vendors. I thought I didn't like it untli I tried this one https://www.wuyiorigin.com/collections/black-tea/products/smoked-lapsang-souchong-%E7%83%9F%E7%86%8F%E5%B0%8F%E7%A7%8D-2021?variant=39714776350808
it's heavenly good

>> No.17374194

The nicer unsmoked ones can be tasty, but they don't really offer anything other blacks can't do better. Smoked lapsang is kind of gross. Overall I am not a fan, though I love other styles from the region.

>> No.17374310

>what are we drinking?
Chamomile and peppermint most days, Rooibos on others

>> No.17374476

Where can I find some high-quality, simple, bone tea cups? I just want something that is either white, or has a subtle pattern. I cannot stand cups covered in flowers or gold.

>> No.17375392

god help me i just bought more puerh.

>> No.17375418

did you add water to the pot to steam it? what was your methodology?

>> No.17375455

Just got done shoveling snow. Having a pot of Japanese black right now.

>> No.17375537

heat up saucepan on med-high for 45 seconds or so and add tea, stirring to keep the tea at the bottom from burning. should be cooking all the tea by steaming/smoking the mix by the time it's ready to sit (usually i put it back on and make sure it's ready to cook for 3-6 minutes just with the top on). after that i might add a sprinkle of water after steaming process is done

>> No.17375684

Started the day with some Yorkshire Gold I got for Christmas from the senpai. But after two infusions of that, I switched to a Darjeeling autumn ruby flush. And I poured myself a jogger of rum in the bottom to make the snow day a little nicer.
I got a small bit of Darjeeling Autumn Gold left, which I don’t think I can ever replace. I can get Autumn Ruby from Vahdam, no problem, but I’ve never seen the Gold come back up.

>> No.17375819

Maybe try some of the other Darjeeling dealers, upton tea usually has a big selection and there are a few other Indian shops in the pastebin. Autum darj should be relatively affordable

>> No.17376056

Spent the afternoon digging out a path from my garage to the road, so I'm having some black tea. What's everyone doing and drinking today? I'm going to get out my prayer beads in a little bit. :-)

>> No.17376075

Drinking cheap puer, digging through obscure chinese westabo clothing companies.

>> No.17376302

>What's everyone doing and drinking today?
some Moonlight White tea.

>> No.17376445


>> No.17376822

What spring teas are you looking forward too?
Planning on putting in a big order for sencha?

>> No.17376827

>accidentally bought 2x the quantity of two teas that I meant
Is sealing half in a zip lock bag and throwing them in a cabinet going to protect the quality? I have a ton of teas and it'll take me a while to get through those two

>> No.17376917

Jar is better if you can, you can get cases of mason jars dirt cheapnat most hardware stores. Wash them out thoroughly and store the jared tea in a dark place.
Or buy Turkey bags at the grocery store. They are in the plastic bag section, they are supposed to be for roasting Turkey in a plastic bag for some fucking reason but they are also impermeable airtight bags that will keep the tea much fresher than ziplocs

>> No.17377021

Was actually about to ask if i should just ziplock everything in their containers but I'm gonna look into those bags regardless, anyway thanks

>> No.17377082

Yeah that works too, the turkey bags are pretty big so as long as you don't have anything flavored in the same bags you can put a bunch of different teas in packages or smaller ziplocs in a single Turkey bag

>> No.17377126

Only tea I drink is Lipton's, iced, with 5 cups of sugar per pitcher. Anything else is a communist plot to turn me into a fag.

>> No.17377148

At least only drinking Lipton sweet tea is a respectable stance

>> No.17377383
File: 377 KB, 2121x1414, 67AB7648-82E1-461C-8F38-DD540532741D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else put salt in your tea so you won't have to pee as much?

>> No.17377396

yeah unlike the fags here larping as chinamen

>> No.17377439

Hello, microplastics, you're getting a ton of those from the plastic in the bag, who knows what that'll do, probably make you a fag.
>5 cups of sugar
Not as bad but that's a plot for you to get insulin resistance and diabetes.
No but I crave crackers or chips after drinking a lot of tea.

>> No.17377538

Been drinking more tea recently (and thus urinating more), and I've been thinking about salt/electrolyte balance, bearing the obvious impacts of stimulants like caffeine in mind. I have asthma, and when I am stressed, it can become aggravated. Being a diuretic, caffeine consumption may eventually lead to lower minerals held in the body over time (likely not simply replenished by drinking more water), which can cause an assortment of stressful health issues on its own. I made some warm broth with consommé salts and paprika this morning, and my heart rate/tension eased off. I've read about the use of sodium and other minerals/electrolytes in maintaining heart rate, bodily stress, and so on. I am starting to think it may have some merit, with how I've been feeling since having the broth today. That said, I wouldn't put salt in my tea unless it was a green tea powder shake or something.

>> No.17377548

>durr microplastics
anyone pathetic enough to larp as chinese and stupid enough to consume anything that comes out of that shithole should kys

>> No.17377672
File: 390 KB, 1125x1125, 1614974302663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some tea.

>> No.17377713

Nice, i hope you enjoy it

>> No.17377746
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1619178593994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked some random stuff from Yunnan Sourcing with appealing descriptions. I don't really know what I'm doing or looking for and was too embarrassed to ask for recommendations. It's a journey I suppose.

>> No.17377772

>I just picked some random stuff from Yunnan Sourcing with appealing descriptions.
That's not a terrible idea, when you are just starting out you just need to drink tea to find out what you like, when you have some types of tea you want to try more of it's easier for people to recommend teas to you

>> No.17377838
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In that case I will keep you posted.

>> No.17378260
File: 144 KB, 750x1334, 34988086-8324-4683-AD34-D354E8FF6370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got harney lapsang souchong earlier this week, pic related ordered and arriving in a few days

>> No.17378400

Nice, that should last you for a while

>> No.17378615

Wow, it's refreshing to see that kind of initiative. Most noobs will try to micromanage their purchases and even some of the regulars here will go on how they NEED to try particular tea but nothing comes out of it.
Happy for you anon, hope the parcel will get to you quickly. Keep us posted.

>> No.17378617

nobody needs any of this chinese shit. you're all pathetic faggots larping as chinese pretending to like chinese twig water

>> No.17378729

As opposed to what other kind of twig water

>> No.17378746

>and even some of the regulars here...
I think you're right; I'm guilty of doing thjs too at times, including recently. Perhaps not so much the "specific tea" thing, so much as micromanaging potential orders. I've been looking at my cart on one site for something like a week just because I keep debating getting a specific cup there, or buying another specific piece elsewhere. Obviously, shopping is a notable part of the discussion in this general, but we should no doubt remember to actually try and discuss new teas and preparations thereof from time to time. When I sort my order out, hopefully today or tomorrow, I'll share about it.

>> No.17379070

>t. wears a green hat.

>> No.17379101

Thoughts on Mei Leaf?

>> No.17379236

generally good tea, but expensive, and a generally overly sleek personality.
has lied about tree age in the past

>> No.17379303

>Tfw probably about to spend $160 - $180 or so total on some 1/1 teaware and tea from two separate shops I've been eyeing obsessively for several weeks.
Am I autistic, or is this just what it's like to buy from anywhere but Fullchea? Both? I've already messaged both merchants; it's going down lads, probably today for both.

>> No.17379321

Hello pissboy:)

>> No.17379346

Dude that’s half the fun.
>#17 chinglinggong tea
>Happy Dragon 17 Gold Virtues Mountain Spirit Lucky Blessings Buddha Pimpslap 2012
Clearly the 2nd tea is going to be better and you need to order at least a sample.

>> No.17379439

Just tried twinings english breakfast loose leaf. It's not as good as the teabag version.

>> No.17379588

the smell didn't match the flavor for me. It's ok. It has a gimmicky campfire smell, but like I said, what I drank was just sort of weak.

>> No.17379604

>What's everyone doing and drinking today?
YS "Black Gold" biluochun (still don't get why it's called biluochun)

>> No.17379616

how is that even possible? do they just reserve the good shit for their god awful tea bag processes?

>> No.17379627

probably more variance in the taste? assuming its easier to create consistent tasting blends with dust. dont know if that would make it worse but different which probably isnt what a twinings drinker wants.

>> No.17379643

>Am I autistic
well this is 4chan...
>probably about to spend $160 - $180 or so total on some 1/1 teaware and tea from two separate shop
what are you planning on getting? sounds fun.
>I've been eyeing obsessively for several weeks.
sounds like how i shop as well. i was pissed the other day to find out that a cake i had been holding off ordering went out of stock permanently.

>> No.17379712

new thread:

>> No.17379722

is tehre a difference brewing at 100C vs 99C?

>> No.17379758

not realy.

>> No.17379770

>what are you planning on getting? sounds fun.
I bought a somewhat pricey tenmoku-type 1/1 cup with a bit of rabbit's fur finish on it from an artist in the US just some minutes ago. I was going to buy a cup I've been obsessing about on Chawangshop for several months (and it would cost less too), but I decided against it after seeing this one. Said passed cup in question is this one:
I like it, and I'm not sure why. I've been thinking about it since perhaps Sept/Oct of last year. It kind of gives me an "eggy cafe" feeling. I won't lie, I'm still tempted to get it, but I just bought the other cup, so perhaps it is for the best that I refrain. However, I do intend to still pick up one of their shiboridashi-like Huaning gaiwans:
Besides that, just several different teas from Chawangshop. I have most of them in order now, though I will probably just pick whatever intrigues me and stays within a general budget so I have as many opportunities to try new teas as I can. An anon posted before about taking the initiative with these things, and that inspired me to just go for it already.
In a practical sense, not really anything especially noticeable. I'd personally argue it depends more on how long you infuse, and with how much leaf than minute temperature differences alone.

>> No.17379838

>tenmoku-type 1/1 cup with a bit of rabbit's fur finish on it from an artist in the US
got a link to their shop?

>> No.17379888

Yeah, it's this one:
Many of her designs are a bit too wild for me personally, but a fair number of them have some unique, perhaps unusual finishes that stand out nicely. They seem comfortable to use too. I spoke to her earlier before deciding to buy it, and she already boxed the cup to send out for me. I can post pics whenever it arrives if you're interested.

>> No.17380479

Never would I think there would be somebody SEETHING in a tea thread, Oh. What a beautiful place the internet is.