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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 706 KB, 1242x826, 6B2BDEEB-98FE-473C-B88F-80AD11C97D10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17344262 No.17344262 [Reply] [Original]

It always amazes me when I go out to eat and see so many people holding knives and forks like they learned table etiquette growing up in a beat up old trailer in the back woods of Tennessee. I’m not even talking about cutting and eating steak in the Continental vs European style either. I’m talking about inbred morons holding a knife and fork like they’re holding teets on a cow ready to be milked. This ain’t the farm anymore Cletus, this is a restaurant where you need to learn how to use a knife and fork properly. If you hold a knife and fork in any way that doesn’t resemble pic related, I WILL judge you for being a low class, low status, cheap looking unwashed rube.

>> No.17344270


>> No.17344279

Sorry cuckboy, you're gonna get cucked only after Tyrone is done with his meal. Just as you watch people eat, you will watch him fuck your crush.

>> No.17344338 [DELETED] 

Why do you care you piece of shit

>> No.17344341


>> No.17344344

How else can you hold them? Never seen anything else.

>> No.17344349

a thread died for this

>> No.17344364

Well I did grow up in a trailer and nobody teaches you afterwards, so that's where we're at.

>> No.17344406

Table manners have long been a way for old money to quickly identify the classless, but on the other hand learning table manners is a relatively cheap thing for the aspirational poor to learn about. It's all very interesting.

>> No.17344409
File: 12 KB, 256x188, 11C0D833-A7BA-4101-BBD2-4C1D999D325F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad did picrel on his first date with my mom he was so nervous

>> No.17344415

the best thing about being left handed is you don't switch hands when using a knife like some dumb piece of shit rightie

>> No.17344416

>be poor white trash
>grandma used to smack me upside the head if I didn't hold my eating utensils like this
thanks grandma

>> No.17344420

I still do this sometimes without thinking and my wife calls me a caveman when it happens. She thought it was hilarious the first time we ate out together and I did it. Also, fuck you op, i'm from backwoods ass Tn.

>> No.17344424

Damn. Guess that's why chopsticks got so popular with the pretend rich.

>> No.17344432
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>American style, the knife is in the right hand and the fork is in the left. After the knife is used to cut the food while the food is held in the fork, the knife is placed near the top of the plate, blade facing in.
>The fork is then switched to the right hand (this is based on right hand being your dominant hand) and used to pick up the food tines up.
>The Continental style of eating, the fork (tines down) is held in the left hand (for eating) and the knife in the right (for cutting)
Well? Which is your choice?
The thing that always struck me as odd is switching the fork/knife and setting the knife down in American style.
Personally, tines up or down depends on what I’m eating. I keep my fork in my left hand always, since I’m left handed, but still use the knife in my right hand.

>> No.17344434

american style is fucking retarded

>> No.17344436

Chopsticks are more dextrous than a fork, and are just a different tool that applies a different method of food retrieval. It’s pretty hard to eat a steak with chopsticks. They’re really handy though for random things, and are pretty useful for cooking.
I think they’re “popular” because foods traditionally eaten with chopsticks are becoming more popular.

>> No.17344448

True, but it’s my understanding that both styles use the knife in the dominant hand, which is a mistake in my opinion. Off-handing the knife streamlines switching from single fork operation to fork and knife operation.

>> No.17344479

Any retard can use chopsticks. It takes any retard ten minutes to adeptly pick up food with them, even if their technique doesn't look "proper" to native slopes.

>> No.17344481

this, if you know how to correctly hold a pen, you know how to use a chopstick

>> No.17344484

Cool story bro.

>> No.17344525
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Nope. If you don’t have proper technique and dexterity, you will never get full use out of chopsticks like being able to pick up extra big pieces of food. You’ll forever just look like that retard who can only move your chopsticks a quarter inch apart and try insipidity to scoop up something while failing 10 times in a row and then finally in a desperate show of retard rage, stab at the piece of food like a lowbrow caveman and shove it in your mouth while everyone else secretly looks at you in disdain.

>> No.17344528

This nigger doesnt understand diminishing returns.

>> No.17344589

I've never seen anyone who wasn't like, 2 years old, fistgrip the knife and fork, but what I can't stand is people not using the knife to push food that is difficult to pierce onto their fork, and instead using their fucking fingers. Eugh.

>> No.17344925

I do this at home if i dont otherwise need a knife for the meal but never in front of people.

>> No.17344961

>”corrects” his correctly spelled name into an incorrect spelling for some reason that probably boils down to being retarded
>calls others Cletus/“Cleetus”
Fucking pottery. Make up a story, and just make yourself look like a retard.

>> No.17344966

Mutt's law kicked in early in this thread.

>> No.17344996

Will you accept cutting food and then eating it off of the knife?

>> No.17345094

I'm American and this can't be real. I've never seen someone put the knife down between bites and switch the fork to the other hand. That sounds like something someone with cerebral palsy would have to do.

>> No.17345125

I do this, I was never taught to do this, just made sense to me as a kid. I cant comprehend not using left hand(non-dominant) to hold the knife.

After college I started training myself in american style, for work dinners and such. I noticed that upper level managers and execs use proper american style at business functions, but normal employees and mid level managers tend not to.

>> No.17345134

guarantee you’re one of those fags that uses his right hand to hold the knife

>> No.17345141

I have a friend who holds pencils that way. His handwriting is as awful as you think

>> No.17345143

I use non-dominant(left) hand to hold a knife. I am a rightie. It feels clumsy when I use my dominant hand to use a knife. Why would you use your non-dominant hand to hold the fork, the utensil that gets far more usage than a knife?

>> No.17345157

>fork left, knife right
>cut everything up
>drop knife, switch to fork and eat
This is my lazy niggerslob way of eating for when I'm alone.
t. proper yuro

>> No.17345189

Epic troll thread.

>> No.17345201

this is the most common style for americans in my experience. especially women. I think like 80% of women I meet like to fully cut their meal up before eating.

true patricians are fork dominant, knife non-dominant. I cut each bite before eating, preserving the integrity of the meal as I eat, without the time wasting maneuver of changing utensils between hands.

>> No.17345204

forgot to add, i eat with fork tine down when serving my meal with wine, to LARP as a european.

>> No.17345296
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>> No.17345310

Anybody who has a fork in their right hand is a fucking peasant. Top pleb tier.
Why dont you uncivilized cunts actually learn the proper way and stop being lazy

>> No.17345312

>hating efficiency
You’re fucking retarded

>> No.17345316

That's just you, dude

>> No.17345330

Why must the tines be prone?

>> No.17345374

Formerly Sneedus

>> No.17345569

But OP... Continental style /is/ European style. Wtf do you think "Continental" means?

>> No.17345612

To pierce the food downwards without having to twist your arm as far, and to enter the mouth horizontally without having to twist your arm as far.

>> No.17345617

I don't care about your etiquette, cuckboy

>> No.17345629

I don't give a single fuck who are are, what your "class" or "status" is or what the fuck you think of me. I will hold my knife and fork however I see comfortable. I am not making a mess or disturbing anybody so mind your own fucking business.

>> No.17345630

>in the back woods of Tennessee.
is one of the only places in the country that actually still teaches table manners.

>> No.17345640

I remember talking to several yankee carpetbaggers about manners and none of them even knew what table manners were beyond
>What, like don't talk with your mouth full?
and it has strengthened my hatred of yankoid faggots immensely every time.

>> No.17345644

Left hand for cutting and fork on the right hand

Never a need to put down my utensil like a noisy fuck and no need to cut up the entire piece of meat like I'm serving a child

Couple of slices with the left hand and a single bite off the fork at my leisurely pace is patrician choice and anyone who tells me otherwise is just flat out wrong

>> No.17345649

Who the fuck cares? They clearly have a concept of common decency e.g. they don't talk with their mouthful, and that's all that matters. It's a class signifier nothing else, they are working class, they know it, and they don't care if you know it.

>> No.17345653

Kill all yankees, starting with you, tony.

>> No.17345663

Neither. You can literally cut just fine with your left hand. You use your fork far more than your knife, and requires just as much precision to pierce and bring food to your mouth as it does to cut with a serrated blade. This is the natural and easiest way and the only reason people traditionally use the fork in the left hand is a shit test for poorfags.

>> No.17345677

*snaps fingers*
>Oui, m'sieur. 'e will be remóved at once, m'sieur.
*tip Jean-Luc another fresh $20*

>> No.17345694

>insecure cuck has to pretend he is "high class" to make himself feel better
>confident chad who eats how he wants and doesnt even consider what others think

>> No.17345743

Big dick chad move

>> No.17345748
File: 132 KB, 680x1000, A9377435-58F7-4D85-AEAB-AA0B03D2113D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American style is for goddamn retards, continental is the only right way.

>> No.17345762

>gets owned
>completely disregards his statement
>unable to counter
>"Uh bro, mutt l-law !"

>> No.17345764

Knife in the right hand, fork in the left, otherwise it’s fork or spoon in the right for soup and salad or anything where you don’t need to cut

>> No.17345769

Go ahead and try to eat beans, rice, softer foods that can't be forked, etc. with the tines down. Tines up or down is simply a matter of what you're eating.

Dunno man, every richfag I know (Amerilard or otherwise) doesn't really give a shit about which fork you're supposed to use for salad and stuff like that. Seems like autism to me.

>> No.17345773

unless you cooked a turkey or deer in whole, you don't need utensils

>> No.17345782

Why can't you retards just eat the food on the fork with your left hand? Are you seriously so clumsy that if the fork is in the left you will stab your eyeball with it?

>> No.17345811

Why switch hands for no reason? I’m ambidextrous, either hand works, switching sides for literally no reason is retarded. Even handedfags should be able to do it both ways.

>> No.17345841
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Usually you have curry or whatever too to glue more stuff to the fork.

>> No.17346116

You're supposed to hold it tines down when cutting. Then you set your knife down, switch the fork to your right hand and hold it drummer style to trans it from plate to mouth.

>> No.17346157

Well sheeiit call me Phil Collins.

>> No.17346163

Why the heck would you need your dominant hand for your knife? Are you trying to cut through well-done steak or something?

>> No.17346165

i prefer the indian school of thought and eat everything with my hands off the floor. love doing this at Logan’s

>> No.17346199

do americans really?

>> No.17346218

>caring this much about how other people hold / use utensils

>> No.17346224

You don't even excrete on it to use as a sauce? You my friend have never experienced real Indian cooking.

>> No.17346227

My technique is nowhere close to being even considered good, but I can still pick up big ass russet potatoes with it.

>> No.17346231

sorry i thought it was implied

>> No.17346263

I was raised a judgemental piece of shit. My family are farmers, but specifically land owning, business owning, equipment leasing, property owning ones. There are a lot of large houses, fancy cars, swimming pools etc and it has been like this for several generations. They don't live in little new build houses, they have massive places in the countryside. They don't go to the pub for a drink, they take brandy and scotch in the smoking room. They don't watch football, they go shooting or play golf etc. I have always found them pretty unnecessary in all fairness though things have changed a lot over the years, but back in the early 90's when the heads of the households were all in their working prime it was extremely serious business. So I know all this shit, but the world I live in now contains no opportunity to use it. My wife and kids don't understand any of it, but I am always extremely judgemental about it though I don't always want to be. Using the wrong glass, using the wrong spoon, basically pathetic, how are you even supposed to understand whether you are enjoying the process if you don't understand it?

>> No.17346894

Guess you just can't afford to eat better. I'll continue sitting next to you holding my fork however I want.

>> No.17346913

Had a classmate who used his utensils gorilla style and would shovel food into his mouth during lunch. Kinda pissed me off.

>> No.17347057
File: 135 KB, 500x541, if only you knew how ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire dichotomy is based around the assumption of being right-handed
I'm a lefty and I hold the fork in my left hand because it's my dominant fucking hand. I put the knife down when I eat because I'm not a child who needs to hang on to items in order to make sure they don't disappear. How do righties not have an analog for this?

>> No.17347071

>food slips off your fork
nothin personnel kid

>> No.17347144

>Chopsticks are more dextrous than a fork
Do you mean dextrose? Oh haha you meant dexterous. I couldn't tell because you write like a retard.

>> No.17347152

How is picking up and putting down your knife with each bite efficient?

Americans can't actually really do this.

>> No.17347406

>Needing a fucking technique to eat
So much for muh high IQ Asians

>> No.17347424

Why do you care so much? You sound like a gigantic homosexual. If you ever saw someone eating with terrible manners you wouldn't do shit, pussy. You would just bitch about it on an anime forum.

>> No.17348340

When you're chopping vegetables and you're right handed you would have the knife in your right hand. Why would this switch at the table

>> No.17348581

my parents told me that if I didn't learn table manners I would embarrass myself when I became an adult and went out to eat with other people. so far I've only ever eaten with the kind of people who put their elbows on the table and make fart jokes while eating so I think I'll be ok even if I hold my fork wrong.

>> No.17348605
File: 31 KB, 600x600, I-came-here-to-laugh-at-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in all my life, I have never heard of using my fork and knife in any specific way other than efficiently. no wonder richboys are all fags

>> No.17348636

the elbow on table thing never made sense to me

>> No.17348691

it's one of the only ones that makes sense. elbows on the table can bump stuff off or pull on the tablecloth. I can understand not chewing with your mouth open because that's disgusting, but who the fuck cares how you hold your fork?

>> No.17348711

Dude, in a world where twerking is allowed on TV, I cant be bothered to give half of a fuck about holding utensils the "proper" way.

>> No.17348766
File: 124 KB, 653x523, 1621460344255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i literally do the "american style" fork-knife switcheroo thing all the time and never realize it until invariably im browsing /ck/ in the early morning and the knife-and-fork thread pops up
and to top it off im not even a burger, but in the UK

>> No.17348779

this is so goddamn stupid but it made me burst out laughing

>> No.17348808

unironically this, i genuinely lose respect for people when i see them using cutlery in a troglodyte manner. im not a stickler for etiquette and table setting in general but if you cannot hold a knife and fork correctly i will assume your parents are retarded and youre not worth knowing.

>> No.17349064

stop forcing this meme. I'm a redneck and my name is Ian

>> No.17349065

This is how a man holds a fork. If you done dainty faggot shit like OP, just put on a skirt and thigh highs cuz you're a woman.

>> No.17349258
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I really don't fucking care. I'm right handed, so I'll be sure to hold my fork in my left while holding the silverware like a neanderthal just to make it more excrutiating to get through a meal, and by extension to watch.

>> No.17349293

>I will judge you
You will post on 4chan and never insult a single one of these people to their face. The absolute state of this reddit shithole.

>> No.17349368

Weird. People here keep telling me I'll never be one.

>> No.17349375


>> No.17349429

To defend yourself at dinner time, anon.

>> No.17350160
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>> No.17350179

you cut everything first, idiot

>> No.17350190

I always preferred Continental style because I'm left-handed

>> No.17350240


>> No.17350261

And your existence proves he was correct

>> No.17350269

Yes I'm sure the nobility that pulled these rules out of their ass was eating curry

>> No.17351088


>> No.17351261

As an American I had no ide I was correct with the continental style. Thought I was a slob.