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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 100 KB, 1200x800, CornSyrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17343223 No.17343223 [Reply] [Original]

High Fructose Corn Syrup is bad for you because...Because it just is, OK??

>> No.17343228

Yes it actually is.

>> No.17343236

He fell for big corn propaganda, paid scientists, and astroturfing shills. LMAFO! What a dinky-doo little pissant!

>> No.17343240

a calorie is a calorie, sciencelet
when will retards finally acknowledge the laws of thermodynamics?

>> No.17343241
File: 16 KB, 246x238, 1638254192631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if hfcs was like lead I'd say it's bad for you. but nope, it's not and it's just busybodies finding ways to blame peoples lack of self control on witchcraft

>> No.17343242

It's actually much healthier than cane sugar. Fructose tastes much sweeter than glucose, and sucrose is just a 50/50 mix of the two. If you increase the ratio of fructose to glucose, you can use less sweetener overall for the same sweet taste. Therefore you should use HFCS if you want a food to taste sweet but with lower calories than cane sugar.

>> No.17343248

Yeah this one actually isn't a meme
It's the literal definition of empty calories and has been linked to fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, It's been linked to rising obesity and diabetes rates in america, it increases inflammation. Sugar in general in the amounts we have access to today is not remotely healthy and no one would think otherwise unless you are in deep denial and shame over your fatness

>> No.17343256

Fructose in general is horrible for you, the redeeming part to the whole fruit or cane is the addition of fiber. We've gone beyond the jungle stage of our development and fruit isn't and shouldn't be a primary part of our diet. Can we eat it? yeah of course, does it provide any benefits? Yes absolutely but saying that fructose is a healthier alternative to anything is insanity

>> No.17343264

>It's been linked to (common ailments found in fatasses) therefore it is the cause of this
brainlet take.

>> No.17343272

>70/30 fructose/glucose is worse than 50/50 sucrose

>> No.17343279

Daily reminder that lab mice aren't humans and are not a valid comparison :)

>> No.17343286

you are an idiot if you think there hasn't been research into the causation just because their is a correlation. Just because you are a retard that obviously thinks that doesn't mean the people that actually know what they are doing do that. I could link you the dozens of studies with data to back up those claims but I know the big words would be too hard for you.

>> No.17343289

t. mass media consumer

>> No.17343294

Remember when they had those clearly big HFCS lobby propaganda commercials in like 08?
Some woman was eating a popsicle and offered it to a guy who said he couldn't have it because it had HFCS to which she (of course) SCHOOLED him on why HFCS was actually GOOD and definitely NOT BAD FOR YOU AT ALL.

>> No.17343298

>I could post dozens of studies where they overpump fat lazy mice with excessive amounts of sugar to force a point

>> No.17343313

Yes I do remember seeing those commercials.

Understanding how hfcs is made should turn any sane person away from it.

>> No.17343318

>noooo you can't use enzymes also found in human saliva to convert glucose to fructose so the syrup tastes sweeter! It's unnatural, it makes Jesus cry!

>> No.17343325

no there are plenty of human studies now tard

>> No.17343334

I love how chemlet zoomers screech about muh evil hfcs.
You understand “real” sugar is 50% fructose, yeah?
You understand the most common form of HFCS is 55% fructose, yeah?
Lol no, of course you fucking don’t. Because your chemistry classes were replaced with pronoun vocabulary studies.
Same as how zoomlet education is why you think the “high fructose” bit means like it’s some poisonous concentrated form of muh evil fructose, instead of knowing the basic fact that “corn syrup” has 0 fructose, so when it’s made to have any at all, it becomes “high fructose”.
But the important thing is that I’m a shill for pointing out how retarded you are. Don’t ever forget that the sugar industry is wholesome and cares about your health.

>> No.17343335


>> No.17343339

The acid-enzyme process is only 1 step you obese dingle. Ever notice how it doesnt taste like corn? Why is that?

>> No.17343352

>have you ever noticed the glucose turned into fructose by the aforementioned enzyme no longer tastes like glucose?
Yes. Holy shit. It’s almost like actual chemistry is a thing and YouTube isn’t the best source of education.

>> No.17343357

long term human testing is happening outside right now, retard. what's the concensus on why most people have health problems? they're fat.

>> No.17343367

Well buddy, if you actually! understood chemistry you would recognize that it's almost impossible to perfectly purify something. Any TOXINS or POISONS used in the EVIL process will remain in trace amounts. Lrn2chem,bro.

>> No.17343376

i like to think the molecule is simply fucked and won't break down properly with organic molecules

if someone said my dessert had 50% corn syrup added to cut costs i wouldn't be upset It's really the fact that it's slopped in with no thought 100% often in huge quantities because it's cheap. It's borderline poison in high enough quantities, just like you can get water poisoning from drinking too much water.

>> No.17343396

It's bad because it is so fucking cheap and readily accessible.
Poor people buy cheap food that gives them pleasure and sugar is more addictive than cocaine.
Greater profits for the cheap mass produced sugar laden food producers at the expense of an obese population.

>> No.17343402

>t. Graduate of YouTube University

>> No.17343409

> t. Graduate of big cram corn academy

>> No.17343413

Tell that to your pancreas.

>> No.17343646

>the AHA has deposited 50 cents into your account
>a month's supply of EVOO is on its way to your doorstep!

>> No.17343665

damn bro nice you really proved him wrong

>> No.17343673


>> No.17343722

talk to my anus

>> No.17343725


>> No.17343730

Ever since giving up High fructose corn syrup, I've not only lost close to 100 pounds, but I no longer suffer from heart problems, high cholesterol, high sodium, and a myriad of other issues. It may not have been the cause for all of that, but it wasn't helping any. Just completely going clean has turned my entire life around.

Also, I hate the antichrist.

>> No.17343737

High Fructose Corn Syrup is... LE BAD?

>> No.17343743

nah it's cool, have yourself a splash right now

>> No.17343782

Drink motor oil then faggot.

>> No.17343791

thank you for your service animal

>> No.17344102
File: 866 KB, 1242x1204, 1635050427553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17344127

AHA ad post

>> No.17344134

quality thread

>> No.17344146

Sorry to disappoint you, but they're close enough to be valid.

>> No.17344153

>thinking olive oil is bad
Thank you for outing yourself as a retard.

>> No.17344160

AHA ad post

>> No.17344162

I take that back.
You're not just a retard, but a schizo too.

>> No.17344164

the major obstacle for me is the taste

>> No.17344167

It's bad

>> No.17344172

How about you make arguments for why it's good.
Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.17344181

These are AHA ad posts

>> No.17344186

not an argument.

>> No.17344196

Never was intended to be an "argument" you retarded AHA intern

>> No.17344216

The laws of thermodynamics have zero to do with food calories. Saying that instantly establishes you as not understanding what's being talked about

>> No.17344226

>food is not restricted by the laws of thermodynamics
I knew americans were stupid but I didn't realize they were THIS uneducated. Is this what americans learn when getting "food science" degrees?

>> No.17344234

So you just admitted that you have zero arguments.

>> No.17344241

Do you unironically think every exchange on the internet is an "argument" to be won?

>> No.17344254

That's what every under 30 under 4chan thinks

They don't understand the concept of having a conversation

>> No.17344257

Saccharin > Honey > Maple Syrup > every other shitty sweeter

>> No.17344269

All you've done is schizophrenically screech that anybody who disagrees with you is a shill.
This post is a waste of space, and you are a literal waste of oxygen.

>> No.17344275

Calories in calories out.

>> No.17344285

I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.17344302

Saying the same retarded thing over and over isn't a conversation.

>> No.17344311

not eating it. simple as.

>> No.17344345

You americans disgust me.

>> No.17344347

>Concession of defeat

Ways you sound stupid that you don't realize sound stupid

>> No.17344517

>Ways you sound stupid that you don't realize sound stupid
You've just described all of your posts.

>> No.17344723

it's corny.

>> No.17344752

chug a gallon of it and post results

>> No.17344842

>no u
Gottem brah!

>> No.17344850

every interaction in life is a power battle

>> No.17345038

You don't know what thermodynamics is, mate

>> No.17345149
File: 41 KB, 612x500, gettyimages-1224303205-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silly man, it's just fruit, it can't be bad for you.

>> No.17345207

>couldn't take two seconds to search "why is hfcs bad?"
This OP brought to you by Coca-Cola. Real Magic.

>> No.17345327
File: 34 KB, 368x437, sugarsgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googled how much people eat and holy shit that's like two pounds of sugar a week. Also I had to convert this from a .bmp, when was the last time you saw one of those in the wild?

>> No.17345393
File: 553 KB, 2252x1689, 5628bbed9dd7cc1a008c3bb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-compliant persons detected. Commence monitoring.

>> No.17345604

The trolls are really coming out for this thread.
Someone actually linked to studies proving the negative effects of HFCS and all they can do is ad hominem and memes. Reevaluate your life if you think this is a good use of your time.

>> No.17345639

Half of those say it's fine and the other half say it's bad. And one's an erratum? This has not cleared things up for me.

>> No.17345691

nice try antichrist, but i'm still not drinking it

>> No.17345917

>ITT Big Sugar shills on why their direct competitor is le bad

>> No.17346077

guarantee a huge majority of that is coming from soda.

>> No.17346088

or juice
most fruit juice has disgusting amounts of sugar in it on par with soda.

>> No.17346090

shit literally eats concrete. amhik